« on: August 27, 2019, 10:53 PM »
I think if there were any lines I'd like to see done they'd be small runs, not big, epic properties like SW, LOTR or GoT. And I'd like lines that had vehicles or animals, like horses and such. Fun accessories. Something like a better Indy line would be good, or Pirates of the Caribbean. Battlestar Galactica (the SyFy series), Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, Firefly, maybe Archer. And I'd love a line that we could have 1-off characters from video games, movies or TV shows, like Lara Croft, that could fit in with other lines.
Having said that about the big properties, I'd take a Harry Potter line also. BTW, this would be all in 3.75" scale.
There are some things I'd like to see in 12" scale too but that would be more individual characters rather than full lines. And I'm thinking more in the $20-$50 priced toy range than the $200 HT or Sideshow stuff. I miss the Hasbro 12" G.I. Joe stuff from the mid-2000s.