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Messages - Spectre

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Modern Trading / Re: Spectre's High End Swap Shop
« on: February 19, 2006, 09:26 PM »
As stated above:

Due to lack of time to update inventory all over the net (trust me, it takes forever to update this thread on 10 different boards :( ), most branches of the "Swap Shop" have been closed. The last 3 branches are still open at the following locations:

I still have alot of great items, including a ton of Clones and Clone parts just added this evening, so stop by one of the 3 remaining branches and have a look around :D

Modern Trading / Spectre's High End Swap Shop
« on: February 19, 2006, 09:24 PM »
Due to lack of time to update inventory all over the net (trust me, it takes forever to update this thread on 10 different boards :( ), most branches of the "Swap Shop" have been closed. The last 3 branches are still open at the following locations:

I still have alot of great items, including a ton of Clones and Clone parts just added this evening, so stop by one of the 3 remaining branches and have a look around :D

Field Report from Galactic Intelligence: Joint Operations Elite Field Commander, codenamed Stalker:

"When the Brotherhood Of The Serpent first reared their ugly heads, they were using Clone Wars-era battledroids as cannon fodder alongside their human Vipers. They presumably aquired them by finding one of the "lost" weapons caches the Seperatists seeded all across the outer and mid rims. The Brotherhood barely bothered to change their programming at all, just painted them blue, slapped one of their stupid snakehead symbol flimstiks on their chests and pointed them in our direction. Their thirty-plus year old processors were not sufficiently fast enough to adapt to the ever changing conditions on a modern battlefield. Nor was their armor up to the standards of modern Blastech firearms. Their only advantage was sheer numbers- the fact that even with their lousy targeting systems, with so many of them firing on you at once, one was bound to hit you.

In recent years, the older battledroids have pretty much disappeared from the Brotherhood's infantry, but you will still occasionally see them on routine patrols of low priority Brotherhood bases. In their place, we have begun seeing a new model of battledroid being utilized. These new models are larger, faster, better armored and better armed. Worse yet, they are smarter, capable of changing their tactics much more quickly to adapt to the changing tide of battle.

We have reason to believe that M.A.R.S. (Munitions Armor Robotics Systems) is manufacturing them for the Brotherhood, but we can not leagally prove anything. None of the deactivated or destroyed specimens we have captured have any form of manufacturing stamp nor serial numbers that we can trace to any possible manufacturer. And of course, Destro won't admit to anything.

While on an undercover mission inside the Brotherhood when these new models first appeared, Chuckles brought back the first technical readouts for our Intel team to study. These new droids are impresivly armored and very well armed. They carry a stripped-down heavy repeating blaster rifle with an underslung proton grenade launcher in place of a right arm. The power feed for the blaster comes strait from the droids on-board fusion reactor so as long as the droid has power, it can keep firing on it's targets. The proton grenade launcher has an internal twelve round magazine. There's even a heavy weapons variant that carries a full-sized proton torpedo in a shoulder-mounted launcher, which thankfully, does not show up on the battlefield in any kind of great numbers. Chuckles also brought back word that the human troops in the Brotherhood refer to them as "Copperheads" due to the high number of wires and circuits packed into their cranial cavities.

As dangerous as these Sithspawned droids are, we have received reports of an even deadlier model just now showing up leading squads of Copperheads in a Brotherhood raid on a colony in the outer rim. It seems that these droids are capable of predicting their enemies' tactics and adapting their strategy on the fly. It just never gets any easier...

Typical Copperhead:

Body- VvV Wave 7 Overkill
Head- B.A.T. MK 4 modded w/ Wave 7 Overkill neck peg
Powerpack- Hi-Tech backpack

Heavy Weapons Variant:

Body- DTC B.A.T. Attack Overkill
Head- B.A.T. MK 4 head modded w/ Overkill neck peg
powerpack- Hi-Tech backpack
Proton Torpedo Launcher- DTC B.A.T. Attack Overkill missile arm (heavily modded)

As you may have noticed, these droids are not nearly as heavily weathered as my usual customs. I did this purposely, not to be lazy, but to fit into my view of how Cobra likes to keep his property. I see Cobra as being incredibly arrogant and would want his troopers, droids, vehicles, etc. to appear in the best condition possible as a show of power to those he would try to subjugate.

These guys are a labor of love that I started over 6 months ago and just now had all of the necessary parts to complete :)

I made 6 of these guys:

There's a little detail that I'm very proud of, that unfortunately does not photograph very well due to the small size- these droids have an Aurebesch (the Star Wars written language) numerical designation on the upper right side of their powerpacks. I was only able to get one clear pic:

Here's droid #015

(As a little in-joke, the droids are numbered 004, 008, 015, 016, 023, and 042 :) )

For anyone interested, here's a look at the Aurebesch number key:

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Magnifing glass?
« on: February 19, 2006, 01:27 AM »
I have one of those but I almost never use it :(

Maybe it'll get more use after I set up my workstation in my Hobby Room next month...

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Fodder Alert!
« on: February 16, 2006, 11:44 PM »
It's way underscaled. 

But there's no reason it couldn't be a "dwarf" Tank Droid....

We have already seen Dwarf Spider Droids ;)

Other Toy Lines / Re: Marauder Inc.
« on: February 16, 2006, 11:21 PM »
Just got an e-mail from Marauderjohn concerning the status of Wave 2:

"Hey Dan!
Greetings!  Just wanted to give you a quick update on the 2nd series.  The production tool is complete & tested. Actual production should begin within a week and product should still be available by mid March.  So far, so good..."

There you have it! With any luck, we'll all be swimming in P-90s and Pulse Rifles (as well as all of the other great new weapons) by the middle of next month! I, personally, cannot wait to get these in my hands and into the hands of my action figures :D

As I get more info, I'll pass it on :)

Feedback / Re: Jeff's (pka Nataku) feedback
« on: February 16, 2006, 06:38 PM »
Just completed my first (and certainly not last ;) ) trade with Jeff. He got me my ASP-7 droid really fast and well packed :)

Thanks again, Jeff!

Modern Trading / Re: SAGA Holo Trading for all Members?
« on: February 14, 2006, 10:01 PM »

Obiwan Kenobi


Just about any cool weapons or other accessories listed in my Swap Shop Wants List as I have no interest in these pack-ins :)

Jesse James hit the nail on the head- I'm just so burnt out on Clones that it gets frustrating seeing them all of the time, it gets to the point that I don't even want to visit the various customizing boards because I already know what I'm going to see when I get there. I never meant any offense to anyone here and you'll see that no one in articular was pointed out in my post, just a general sense of disappointment.  I just want to see something different and original every now and again. Seeing the same exact thing over and over again gets old after the first 50 times or so. If it wasn't for guys like Chewie (just to name an individual who's work that I really admire) still doing cstms from all walks of life in the Star Wars Universe, I would have stopped visiting long ago.

It's funny that you mention the Astromech explosion of 95/96 as I never really found them that annoying as most of the custom Astromechs at least looked different from each other. Sure, just about everyone tried their hand at the yellow R5 from Mos Eisley and the black Imperial Droids, but I also saw alot of diversity in the ranks as people went hog wild developing unique markings for their fan-fic droids. And then a year later, they all moved onto Mandalorians ;)

Hopefully, the Clones will eventually die down to a level that will be more tolerable and we'll see some of the newer customizers who cut their teeth on Clones move onto more diverse projects, which will be good for the longevity and health of the hobby :D

This weekend (most likely Saturday night/Sunday morning) look for an update to my "Brotherhood Of The Serpent" line (6 figures in a single update!) and (hopefully) weekly updates from now on as I am finally getting my Hobby Room set up in the new apartment :D

Other Toy Lines / Re: Chap Mei
« on: February 14, 2006, 09:18 PM »
I hit TRU again on the way home from work today looking for more new Chap Mei sets (they did not put out any new stock since last week yet :( ) and snapped pics of the Razor Sharkie repack and the "Knights" set of dragons.

Razor Sharkie repack:

"Knights" dragon 2pk:

Modern Trading / Re: Spectre's Swap Shop
« on: February 13, 2006, 09:42 PM »
Talk about FAST!

I put up a desperate call for help aquiring a pistol for my McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper and in less than a day I've got one on my way from a great guy over at FFURG!

It's always great when customizers come together to help each other out :D

Modern Trading / Re: Spectre's Swap Shop
« on: February 12, 2006, 11:40 PM »
Updated with a desperate request!

I REALLY NEED A McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper pistol!- I just discovered that I lost mine in the move :(  I never owned this figure until I got one in a trade this summer and now I've lost his gun :(

If anyone out there has one to spare, please shoot me a line :)

Updated the Yutja entry with some new pics of the Clan Elder and his lightsaber trophy :D

Watto's Junk Yard / 2006 Blizzard Pics
« on: February 12, 2006, 03:14 PM »
The snow had slowed down now (2:45PM) so I decided to go outside and snap a few pics of the snowstorm for posterity. From what I have seen outside, here in Montclair, NJ we have already received 16" of snow and it's still coming down slowly.

Here's a few pics:

Out the front door:

The snow is too thick to walk through as it has not been shovelled by the landlord yet :(

Across the front courtyard:

The last 2 are actually from the window of my Hobby Room looking down 2 stories.

My dog Jack's favorite tree in the front courtyard to pee on:

The back courtyard/parking lot (which has been plowed twice already):

Gina's car completely snowbound:

A closer look at the amount of snow as seen atop one of the trash receptical covers:

I was going to walk around to the oter sides of the complex to get shots of the streets, but there is nowhere that has been cleared enough to pass through easily :( The lot was only plowed because the live-in superintendant has a plow on the fron of his truck.

Anyone else got some cool pics of the storm?

In the new Ice Age 2 line from Disney, there's a pack of the main charachters and two prehistoric sea creatures packed in, that could add to this project.


I saw them a few weeks ago, and unfortunately they are not usable as-is due to their goofy smiling faces :(  When they hit clearance, however, I may snag a set and re-work their faces to look a bit more menacing ;)

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