Author Topic: More from TFU - Rumors/Speculation  (Read 63233 times)

Offline Desfiy

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #60 on: November 29, 2007, 01:07 PM »
Actually to be honest I rather like the yellow markings on the Strormtrooper, I dont if its beacuase there more subtle and not screaming at me.

Or if its the fact that he looks to be in charge and the other Stormtroopers are plain White, now if this is the case then I can get away with that, it will be similair to rank insignia.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2007, 01:10 PM by Captain J Sparrow »

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #61 on: November 29, 2007, 06:14 PM »
I'd buy a couple to have diversity in my Imperial army.
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Offline Desfiy

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #62 on: November 29, 2007, 08:10 PM »
I wonder if these colored Stormtroopers represent the Clone Commanders that are out now.

For Instance - Red Stormtrooper could be Clone Commander Deviss in Stormtrooper Outfit and so on.

Offline JesseVader08

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #63 on: November 29, 2007, 10:01 PM »
It just seems sacriledge to paint the Stormies other than what we've seen on film.

That pretty much sums up my thoughts.  They've been white for 30 years, it's just too much to see them desecrated with graffiti.  :'( 

Offline Nicklab

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #64 on: November 30, 2007, 10:02 AM »
I think if you look at things from a timeline standpoint, it *KIND OF* makes sense that the armor would have some markings.  I couldn't see the troops from the REVENGE OF THE SITH era making the transition from unit oriented markings to the all white armor of the Stormtroopers in one shot.  A more probable scenario would have them transition over from one armor type to the other gradually, and with the unit or rank markings diminishing slowly.  Plus, rank markings on Imperial troops are not unheard of, since the Sandtroopers wear pauldrons that denote rank, and there will be officer markings on other sets of armor, like we saw with the Snowtrooper officer in the AT-AT in THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #65 on: November 30, 2007, 11:31 AM »
That totally makes sense to me Nicklab. 

I also think that the officers/commanders shouldn't stand out very much from the grunts because that would make them easy targets... for that reason, I thought the few colored clones in AOTC was a bit silly.  I mean, if you're in a battle and you see one guy out of 50 in blue stripes, you snipe him first because he's the one in charge of the unit.

I liked seeing entire squads/legions or what have you in ROTS with similar markings - I thought that made more sense.  Like you see the Elite Corps (or whatever they're called) getting ready to depart Coruscant and they have gray markings for their battallion.  Then when they land on Kashyyyk they are in green camo gear, that makes sense to me.  Yeah Gree was in different gear than them but he sort of blended in.  Of course Bacara with his Galactic Marines sticks out like a sore thumb though.

But anyways, regarding that red Stormtrooper, I'd rather see a squad of them in that scheme.  If they have a squad leader, then maybe he has a slightly different helmet, or a pauldron, or something.  I dunno.

Regardless, I still do like the looks of the red Stormie.  But I don't want to ever see them appear in the OT films of course, unless they added an extra shot on Coruscant and you see one of them... but don't replace any of our beloved white Stormies with red ones. 

Offline Morgbug

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #66 on: November 30, 2007, 11:46 AM »
Which only feeds into my point of there being no point to colors other than marketing, with respect to AOTC and ROTS.  There was no need to designate the clones by color at all.  We went through the OT with stormtroopers seemingly able to function as a military unit without color designations to signify rank.  There is no reason the same couldn't have happend with the PT.  The evolution of the armor from more Mandalorian to Imperial should have been sufficient but they saw how easily people would snap up different pauldron colors for sandtroopers (of which there were all of 4-5 colors) and someone said hey...

Now we end up with some twisted-ass reconciliation of how they go from the skittles troopers to all white.   ::)  My only issue is I really believe it's going to end up in them re-releasing the OT and some (probably not all) stormtroopers and other troops will suddenly be colorized in grand Ted Turner style. I don't really care what they do with the toys, I can simply choose to not put them in my collection.  

(FWIW, I wrote that in response to Nick's post, not Chewie's)

adding: I guess what bugs me most is that the whole process wasn't really thought out too well.  We have a well established pattern of things in the OT.  Then along comes the PT and there are some very serious disconnects in how the PT should be relating to the OT.  So Lucas sets out revising the movies that are already established so they "fit" what he's doing now for the PT.  That just strikes me as illogical and silly.  Now we're seeing the same thing happening with the Imperial troopers so that the OT meshes better with the PT. WTF?  I know chronologically the PT happened first, but jeez, can't you work it out so that the PT actually fits with the OT?  BAh.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 11:54 AM by Morgbug »
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #67 on: November 30, 2007, 11:53 AM »
My point is I'm trying REALLY HARD to find some logic or methodology in this.  Preferably, I wish that the PT and OT were distinct periods.  Introducing a bridge between the two as far as troopers go is a little tough to deal with from a consumer/collector standpoint.  But I think the EU enthusiast might find some kind of enjoyment in the whole deal.  But the bottom line for collectors is this:  vote with your dollars.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #68 on: November 30, 2007, 01:24 PM »
Actually, I don't think it's silly at all that the PT troops had color schemes, especially ROTS.

Look at it this way... Phase One trooper armor was dominantly plain white, as one large unit was created for the Republic war machine. 

Once the war broke out, the Republic sent different legions to different planets to engage the Separatists.  Many  legions were given distinct color patterns often to blend in somewhat with their environment - for example if a unit were deployed to a jungle planet, they're issued green armor.  If they go to a differnet planet, then they may be issued a different set of armor for that campaign.  Other units, such as Palpatine's elite shock troopers were given distinct color markings as a symbol of their status. 

Once the Clone Wars ended, the newly formed Empire ruled by an iron fist.  They were no longer in a fill scale war, though pockets of rebellion began to emerge.  Still, even until the Battle of Endor, they basically dominated the galaxy.  Garrisons became more standard than siege batallions.  And as a symbol of unity and domination, color markings were abandoned as a cohesive design became standard for the Imperial's main ground forces throughout the galaxy.

That's the way I look at it at least, and it works for me. 

Offline Rob

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #69 on: November 30, 2007, 02:43 PM »
Well I'm not going to rationalize it.  I'm done with that angle.

I'm going to buy one to open, one to keep carded, if I feel like it when I see it, and forget the 12-24 that I'd have bought if it was something legitimate.

Offline jedi_master_sal

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #70 on: November 30, 2007, 04:23 PM »
Well I'm not going to rationalize it.  I'm done with that angle.

I'm going to buy one to open, one to keep carded, if I feel like it when I see it, and forget the 12-24 that I'd have bought if it was something legitimate.

Agreed.  Other than the corrected Kashyyyk clone and SA 501st, I'm done with huge army building.

There may have been a time that I would have built up the Force Unleashed line, but no more. Heck up until last week I would have even bought a squads worth (5) of troopers from TFU. Now Hasbro will be lucky to get me to buy more than one of each. I might just do a carded collection for this subset and be done with it.

I'll get a couple extra Junos for customs, but the troopers...I grow weary of these bad repaints. I might bend and still buy the squad, but they better be the shizznit, or come in a battlepack for cheap.

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Offline Pete_Fett

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #71 on: November 30, 2007, 08:00 PM »
I have scaled way back this year as far as army building goes.

I'm now down to two of each trooper open. I started the year at six of each trooper, by about June, I was saying I would do four of each and now I'm down to two. For stuff like the Legends Sandtrooper variants, I don't think I'll ever need more than six or so of these guys anyways, so I'm just enhancing my already plentiful ranks of these guys with one of each.

I originally thought I might go nuts on the SA 501st figures when they started shipping. I might get two of those to open, but that would be it. The rest of the 501st troopers I have can be the AT-TE gunner version I have an over-load of.

The one thing that this year and what I've see so far of the next has taught me is to over do it on troop building is completely pointless - just get one or two, the figure will be re-done at some point and you can get one or two more then. Case in point - Commander Gree from ROTS and the TSC Kashyyyk Elite Corps Troopers - I got two Grees and like eight of those Kashyyyk troopers. At the time of each figure's release, even though everyone was pointing out that they were inaccurate figures, it never occurred to me that Hasbro would EVER be bothered with making a corrected version either, let alone, make a corrected version each so soon!

I think Hasbro needs to stop listening to the army builders who want to gobble up each and every paint variation they can come up with for Clone/stormtroopers and actually visit some stores and take note of whats hanging on the pegs.

If I go into a store today, I can easily get: Airborne Troopers; Galactic Marines; AOTC White, Blue, Red, Yellow & Green Clones; ROTS White Clones; a variety of different Sandtroopers; and Stormtroopers w/o any problem. Not to mention the fact that I don't feel that finding the Shocktrooper or the VTAC Snowtrooper were particularly difficult either this year. The overall popularity of troopers is WAY down. Good job on letting the Wave 5 Saga Legends line be 80% clones!

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Offline Darth Broem

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #72 on: December 1, 2007, 01:51 PM »
Well the popularity is down because they came out with practically every freaking army builder imagineable this year and the end of last year.  Had they scaled it back to just 5-6 army builders or a few clonetroopers  I am sure the cry would be "Why doesn't Hasbro release MORE army builders...waaaaaa!!!!" 

I don't blame them for striking while the iron was hot.  Plus, the fans voted on a lot of these Saga Legends and the results were clones, clones, clones and even more damn clones.  Except for the Order 66 packs of course.  So, I can't really yell at bitch at Hasbro for doing what fans wanted. 

But I am sure if this video games came out and they did not release these colored up Stormtroopers you would here that cry from the crowd to "Please Hasbro make those red stormtroopers...waaaaaa!!!"  LOL!  Well maybe not but I but once they are on the pegs they will move okay.  They can't move any worse than everyone's sposedly favorite all white stormtrooper.  Granted it's not the VOTC version but it's not that bad either.  Way better than the commtech version IMO at least.

But yeah I am done rationalizing it myself.  It is what it is.  I am used to the EU stuff by now anyway.  If they want to release a batman like Vader from the comics then why not a red stormie from a video game?

Offline Rob

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #73 on: December 1, 2007, 02:43 PM »
There's more.   >:(

« Last Edit: December 1, 2007, 02:44 PM by Rob »

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Re: More from The Force Unleashed?
« Reply #74 on: December 1, 2007, 02:58 PM »
They look pretty good.  I don't know what it is, but the helmets of the VOTC stormtroopers when painted in these schemes, look WAY more accurate than the plain white.  By accuracy, I mean that the VOTC stormie helmet still does not look very close to what we saw in the OT.  Look at the difference:

Notice how the rebreather is more flared out on the sides at the bottom of the helmet, and notice the taller, more squared off portion of the top of the helmet in the cranium/calvarium area.

Now look at Hasbro's plain white VOTC sculpt:

See the difference?  Hasbro could have done a lot better.

I don't know what it is about the paintjobs, but when you add excessive dirt, or color, the problem with the sculpt becomes way less noticeable.  Look at the dirty helmet now:

I think it's the dirt in the crevices of the rebreather that makes it look more flared.

But, needless to say, the plain white stormies in the VOTC sculpt have been driving me nuts lately.  The Tantive IV pack helmet is way way better.
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