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Messages - Fritzkrieg

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Here are a couple more Rebels I made for the UGP. You might recognize the guy with the Goatee. LMK what you think.

UGP Rebels

Okay I've added some more greeblies and stuck an Antenae in the big hole in the top. LMK what you think.

Imp Structure

Star Wars Action Figures / UGP Space Jockey
« on: April 10, 2007, 10:48 PM »
Here is another UGP custom. I've always thought Luke's Cerimonial outfit resembled the uniforms worn by the pilots in the Classic "Battlestar Galactica" series. I tried to capture that same look in this custom. LMK what you think.

Space Jockey

Here is another UGP custom. I've always thought Luke's Cerimonial outfit resembled the uniforms worn by the pilots in the Classic "Battlestar Galactica" series. I tried to capture that same look in this custom. LMK what you think.

Space Jockey

I think news paper might be a little Low Tech for Star Wars. How about some hollow screens on some of the buldings. We could have them running wanted posters of some of our Rebel customs.

Here's my Buildong all weathered up. I can't figure out what to put in the hole where I was going to mount the cannon. Any ideas?

Wow Roron your good. I thought Chewie would have guessed the parts pretty quickly because he used one for his Imp Tank.

I have it assemble now and the 1st wash is drying. The dish can be removed if you guys don't want to use it. I just have to figure out what to put in it's place.


Here is the structure I was going to use as a base
What do you think

The Structure behind it its from a Flat Screen Monitor Box. I just painted it but It's not looking so hot. I'm goint to put another coat on and see if it works out. I also goofed on the glue I used. So it looks like some of the structure is crumbling ama around the doors and windows. I could use some typ of puddy to fill the gaps. We'll see

Not sure if this could be used.

I call it a PDC (Planetary Defense Cannon)

LMK what you guys think

Another Question? I have somthing that looks akin to some sort of planetary defense cannon. I'll post a pick tonight, but is this something I should even consider when we already have an Imp Turbo laser from Owen?  Also the color of the buildings, should they all be gray or are tans and white options?

Sorry for all the questions but I have not spent much time reading this thread. I did not think I was going to contribute any buildings until I was hit with some inspiration last night.

Hey Guys I put toghether a building last night. I made it from Styrofoam. What should I suse to paint it?

I think fodder might be an issue There is just not enough kid fodder out there right now. I personall never invested too much in kid fodder so my bin is pretty much devoid of younglings.

I think you guys may have been a little missled about the size of my Rebel Speeder. Here is a pic that puts the scale into perspective. If you still feel that its too big to use or too high tech I won't send it. Please get me a final answer tonight because I want to make another shippment in the morning.

I think you guys may have been a little missled about the size of my Rebel Speeder. Here is a pic that puts the scale into perspective. If you still feel that its too big to use or too high tech I won't send it. Please get me a final answer tonight because I want to make another shippment in the morning.

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