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Messages - Mister Skeezler

Pages: 1 ... 125 126 127 128 129 [130] 131 132 133 134 135 ... 179
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum Spam Mail? WTF???
« on: April 13, 2005, 10:59 AM »
I just emailed the link from the RS spam to be removed from the list. Am I banned now? Its pretty ******* low to be banned for not wanting their spam. What a steaming ****-sandwich Rebelscum is.

The Original Trilogy / Re: Thoughts?
« on: April 13, 2005, 10:29 AM »
I agree that the Sith lightning probably damaged Vader's systems beyond repair, but I think the larger issue is that Vader was no longer channelling the dark side to artificially prolong his life. That's the impression I've always had.

I mean, if there was a medical station nearby, and Vader was still deeply rooted in the dark side, he could probably have been repaired or given new life support systems. The fact that he was no longer keeping himself alive (essentially a walking hate-filled corpse) is what—I believe—truly led to his demise.

CHEWIE, that Mace is awesome! Looks like I've got to pick up an extra Kolar and get myself a Mace Windu head...that custom is too good not to duplicate!  :o :o

The Prequel Trilogy / Spoilers—ROTS cutting room floor scenes
« on: April 11, 2005, 04:44 PM »
Some of these seem like they'd be cool to keep in...

The just released "The Making of Star Wars, Episide III" features an interesting list of deleted scenes that will not appear in the 'Revenge of the Sith' movie. Here's the list courtesy of The Force.Net. Be warned, it contains spoilers galore:

6, 7, 8-14, 25, 30, 32, 37-41: Federation Cruiser scenes cut (Grievous killing Shaak Ti, the Jedi using their lightsabers to escape Grievous, underwater swim, climb through shaft, many of R2's hangar gags, many Palpatine cliffhangers)

48: Mace greets Palpatine and the Jedi right after the crash-landing

56: Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace discuss the Dark Side in Yoda's quarters

60: Bail and fellow Senators speak about the Senate

68-69: Obi-Wan tells Padme of his worries about Anakin and that he nows they're in love

71: Meeting with Organa, Mon Mothma and Padme

73: Anakin informs Palpatine that Obi-Wan soon will have Grievous' head

74: Jar Jar greets Anakin at Senate

75: Anakin confronts Padme

76-77: Republic cruiser arrives at Utapau

83: Obi-Wan chooses his lizard, Boga

86: Mace talks to Yoda on Kashyyyk, telling him of his plans to arrest Palpatine

88-89: Padme presents to Palpatine the Senators' petition

93: Utapau windmill

121: "crazy" Yoda and Chewbacca ambush an AT-ST

176: Yoda lands on Dagobah.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A JediDefender Thanks
« on: April 11, 2005, 03:58 PM »
Thanks for a bull****-free place to talk about SW! This has been the best site I've posted on since I got online, seriously. And I really do appreciate the way you let us talk SW, but do it in an adult manner.

Thanks!  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Update...
« on: April 8, 2005, 10:18 AM »
An email from Philip Wise...


Please be advised it's an impolite use of our resources to promote other sites in your posts such as the one quoted below. Please do not do it again.

Please edit your sig to remove the link to

"If I could make a couple suggestions...

Why you slimy, doublecrossin', no-good swindler.... "

He must have gotten me mixed up with this "LandoftheScoundrel character.  ::)

Watto's Junk Yard / Interesting RS PM...
« on: April 7, 2005, 05:26 PM »
From Phillip Wise, or probably an automated message...

Your request has been denied for the display name LandotheScoundre'. looks funny

I have no idea what the hell he's talking about here. Did they try to ban me and **** it up?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum Spam Mail? WTF???
« on: April 7, 2005, 02:41 PM »
I just saw this in Wuher's.

Basically, someone asked why the Jedidefender link was removed from rebelscum. Here's Dr ******bag's answer...

The link was removed today, as well as all Jedi Defender staff were advised they could no longer use the Rebelscum forum.
This was done after constant and repeated use of our forum by some of their staff to bash Rebelscum.
Which isn't very nice, nor acceptable.
They have their own forum to do this on if they see fit.
I consider Rebelscum to be a place where friends of ours can communicate. Some of these people have abused this consideration in a manner we can no longer allow.
This is all that will be said on the subject because it doesn't deserve conversation.

Maybe it doesn't deserve conversation, because its far more important to discuss, Dr ******bag, why you sat around—like Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burned—as perfectly good forums went to ****. When people who care about a community see it being destroyed, and then all helpful criticism is met with censorship, what is left but frustration? **** this...I'm done with rebelscum.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum Spam Mail? WTF???
« on: April 7, 2005, 02:23 PM »
Done and done. Its now 2:11 pm, EST. Lets see if it works.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum Spam Mail? WTF???
« on: April 7, 2005, 02:08 PM »
What do I have to do to get banned from RS?

I mean, I haven't even gone to those forums (besides about ten minutes ago when I checked to see if I was banned) in about 6-8 months. And I can't even remember the last time I ever posted anything in there. On one hand, this is total bull****, and it proves what a gigantic ******bag Phillip Wise is. On the other hand, **** that place. Who needs to post in a place where your opinions are censored by an effeminate Australian with a god complex?

I'm over here now. No need to go back to that mental dung-heap.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: How big is your army?
« on: April 7, 2005, 01:32 PM »
What's up with the Clone Commanders? Are they supposed to be coming out in greater numbers or is this it?

I haven't seen a trace of that ******* guy, and he was my most anticipated figure at Midnight Madness.  >:(

Celebration III: Indianapolis / Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« on: April 5, 2005, 05:30 PM »
So what's the list for JDers going to C3? I guess I'll see you guys Friday night.

Celebration III: Indianapolis / Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« on: April 5, 2005, 04:21 PM »
Mmmmm...Hooters....  :P

Celebration III: Indianapolis / Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« on: April 5, 2005, 02:28 PM »
Well, me and my girlie are flying in on Friday and heading back on Sunday, so I guess we won't be at Hooters. Doesn't the convention start on Thursday?

Anyways, are there any other plans for the week(end)?

Celebration III: Indianapolis / Celebration 3, ya bastards!
« on: April 5, 2005, 01:53 PM »
I'm going. Who else is going from here, and where are you staying? I think we're going to be in the Omni.

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