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Messages - Jeff

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I find it hilarious they are going to shamelessly double dip on Baylan & Shin by releasing them first again without their cloaks, just like in the Black Series.  ::)

Yeah, you have to wonder it that is going to be the case here too.  Super annoying if so...

Overall, the figures look good I thought.  Not sure I need an Ahsoka-flavored repaint of the Mauldalorian Trooper sculpt but with the slightly different paint deco and different rifle included, I'll probably pick one up.

I am happy to see that 501st sculpt get his own carded release.  Glad I can skip getting more of the 4-pack and having a bunch of unneeded white Phase 2 Clones just to get more 501st.

And happy to see the B1 droid sculpt get an upgrade to the legs.  Feels like I'm constantly adjusting those old VC78 droid trying to get them to stay standing on the shelves.


TVC Reveals - pre-orders for the revealed figures 1/23 at 1pm ET

- Look at the early production samples of the 5 HasLab Cantina pack-in figures
- VC355 Baylan Skoll (Ahsoka)
- VC356 Shin Hati (Ahsoka)
- VC353 Mandalorian Super Commando (Ahsoka)
- VC240 Clone Trooper (501st Legion) **new cardback from OWK flashback scene, figure is repack of the 501st trooper from the 4-pack
- TVC Trooper Builder 4-Pack: B1 Battle Droids (have new upgraded leg sculpt) - OOM-9 plus three basic

Kubricks / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: January 21, 2025, 04:54 PM »
Jealous.  I still have 2 slots to fill but I never seem to have the cash to toss at them when the auctions come along.  Ah well, eventually.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 Hasbro Pulse Fan Stream Reveals
« on: January 21, 2025, 01:01 PM »
My guess is 1-2 more figures from the Yord/Obi-Wan wave (I think there are 4 in that wave yet to be revealed).

Not sure if the reveals will be from the pipeline list (Baylan, Shin, Obi-Wan, Han, Chewbacca, Ahsoka Mauldalorian) or something new. 

Maybe they will give us a look at the pipeline DLX Hammerhead/Momaw.

The Vintage Collection / 2025 Hasbro Pulse Fan Stream Reveals
« on: January 21, 2025, 10:48 AM »
New live stream = tomorrow, 11am ET.  Should be Black Series 6" and TVC 3.75" reveals.

$7.86 on Amazon right now.  I might buy a 4th at this price just for the accessories...
#sponsored #thanksforyoursupport

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (SPOILERS possible)
« on: January 15, 2025, 10:33 AM »
I really enjoyed the show as well.  Certainly not the greatest TV show ever made, but still a very fun watch over the past few weeks.

Maybe Wim grows up to be one of the ST era X-Wing pilots in the X-Wing Rogue Squadron movie. :P 

Next wave...  of course this line would get SM-33 before BS6" or TVC did.   ::)  Not sure what is going on with the lightsabers there either... interesting design choice.

Not vehicles, but looks like the Epic 4" line is getting... mech force suits?

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 HasLab - TVC The Ghost
« on: January 14, 2025, 09:45 AM »
Nice to see the "sorry, you have to wait until January" folks are starting to get their Ghosts...  any news on yours yet, Rob?

I have to wonder how much our community is tapped into the TVC Zeitgeist

I've seen some of the picks for the FB TVC group and it seems there's a lot of calls for animated/EU figures, or figures that haven't been done on vintage card, or because the previous figures need updated, etc.

As we enter 30 years of the modern Hasbro line (1995-2025) and the sheer amount of SW content that has been generated in that time, I doubt we'll ever be able to get everyone to agree on anything.  The winners of these polls will never represent a true majority of fans.  There is just too much Star Wars to pick from and too wide an interest span in the audience these days.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 1 (New TVC Wave 40)
« on: January 10, 2025, 04:45 PM »
Not to rub it in Rob's face, but I just got a shipping notice for Indara and Dedra now too - they will be here Friday 1/10 according to Amazon.

All five arrived today from Amazon... 

Yeah, some nice deals out there today on Amazon...

16% off Shriek Hawk 4-pack ($54) ->

15% off Blurrg ($34) ->

7% off Ahsoka Order 66 4-pack ($65) ->

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 1 (New TVC Wave 40)
« on: January 5, 2025, 09:51 PM »
Not to rub it in Rob's face, but I just got a shipping notice for Indara and Dedra now too - they will be here Friday 1/10 according to Amazon.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 1 (New TVC Wave 40)
« on: January 5, 2025, 07:34 PM »
Had an $18.39 Amazon charge on the credit card today... seems to match up to my Clone LT pre-order from this wave. 

Not sure if that means he's about to ship or if its just a ping to see if the card is still valid...

I've now got another $18 charge today but all my Amazon pre-orders still say expected 2/18.

And now today I've got two credits back to my card for $18.39 and $18.41.  I guess whatever they thought they were going to ship me isn't happening...  so weird.

And now today, I get an Amazon shipping notice for Clone Lt., Anakin, and Luke. 

Should be here 1/13 (shipped USPS).

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