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Messages - Muftak

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TV-9D9 / Re: Ahsoka (SPOILERS possible)
« on: October 5, 2023, 05:04 PM »
After the first 2 episodes, it was clear to me that Ahsoka was not going to be a weekly episodic story kind of show, but rather an extended single story broken up into chunks ki d of show, so I waited to give an opinion until the end of the season.

Alas, the end of the season did not wrap anything up, the Monopoly game is still I full swing even if the pieces have all been moved to other spots on the board. I was holding out hope it was in fact going somewhere, but I find it the heart of arrogance on Filoni and Lucasfilm's part to feel so assured they will have the opportunity to continue this into another season, or show, or film in the future.

In the end I wasn't very satisfied with what this season did, and will probably sit the next one out, as I did the later seasons of Clone Wars and Rebels, and all of Resistance and Bad Batch. Just not my kind of storytelling going on here unfortunately.

TV-9D9 / Re: Ahsoka (SPOILERS possible)
« on: October 5, 2023, 04:55 PM »

Thrawn picked up the Ysalimiri because he knew (or at least had a strong suspicion) that Emperor Palpatine had left a dark side force user to protect Wayland.  Thrawn used the cloning cylinders to clone his best troops so he could crew the dark fleet quickly.  He made a bargin with Joruus C' Bayoth to use battle meditation to help coordinate his troops and offered up Luke Skywalker as a psooible apprentice for him.

As far as the caskets, I'm wondering if they are more night sisters.  Thrawn mentioned waking up the three mothers shortly after his arrival on Peridia.

You are not wrong. Thrawn wore a ysalamir down to Wayland to protect himself from whatever Guardian was there. He did promise to deliver Luke, Leia, and the twins as apprentices too.

Nevertheless, Thrawn's ultimate plan for the ysalamiri was to negate the Force around the cloning cylinders to allow accelerated Clone production. At the climax of The Last Command, C'Baoth kills all the ysalamiri in the Wayland Clone chamber while our heroes are in there trying to blow it up, and they are specifically attached to the cloning tanks.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: October 3, 2023, 11:48 AM »
Agreed as well. Stan Solo > Pro Customs > Next 17. Chris Smith almost looks like he is starting his sculpts with Kenner figures and building off of that, if that makes sense.

This last week has seen a bounty of 3D print files for 5POA style figures based on the Ahsoka series. Not professionally produced of course, but it seems a sea change has occurred. Not only are fans jumping in to do it, but it happens fast and seems obvious. This whole new wing of action figure collecting is really threatening to become a large part of the hobby in multiple ways.

TV-9D9 / Re: Ahsoka (SPOILERS possible)
« on: October 3, 2023, 09:46 AM »
Which books?  In Heir to the Empire the ysalimiri evolved to negate the Force around them to hide from the vorksnyrs who used the Force to hunt.  Thrawn used them as protection against Joruus C'Baoth and Luke Skywalker.

Yeah, I am referring to the Heir to the Empire Trilogy. Thrawn's master plan is to grow a Clone Army, and once he finds Wayland's location with its cloning facility he starts harvesting ysalimiri. He didn't know he would find C'baoth there, but had contingency plans if he ever discovered a Dark Jedi to team up with.

And I don't think he ever worried enough about Luke as the last Jedi to make a formal plan against him. The ysalamiri he carried around on Fleet ships were protection for the crew from crazy C'baoth as he learned to coordinate individual Imperial minds.

(In the end, I don't think the crates on Ahsoka have ysalamiri in them...that would have needed set up or referenced by Ezra in some way to work...)

TV-9D9 / Re: Ahsoka (SPOILERS possible)
« on: October 2, 2023, 09:20 PM »
The mystery remains about what is in those caskets that are being loaded on the Chimaera.  Dead Night Sisters?  Ysalamiri?  Or something more sinister?

At first I thought it was Ysalamiri, but why would they need hundreds of crates of them when there are only a handful of Jedi?

The primary use of the ysalamiri in the books was to allow extremely fast Clone growth. Apparently the Force warped their minds if grown too fast. Battling Luke and C'Baoth was just a fringe benefit.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: October 1, 2023, 10:33 PM »
I don't know why other than Kenner Greedo is Greedo to me, but I have had no interest in the Stan Solo version at all. I even tried to psyche myself up as it could be Beedo from Jabba's Palace instead since it looks more modern than 79 Greedo, but to no avail.

Last year I felt the same way about his updated Fetts, but I eventually did get the ROTJ version by justifying it as a POTF figure. The ESB version I just could not justify.

Weird the philosophical avenues this hobby can take you down.

Probably accidentally made a bunch of these when they started the line back up to do the ROTJ 40th version. >:D


Regarding these pipeline reveals...

Hasbro announced a total of 5 figures from A NEW HOPE.  Granted, the versions of Luke Skywalker, R2-D2 and the Stormtrooper are all reissues.  But a new Darth Vader is in the mix, plus the biggest reveal - a new Princess Leia - which has been called for in the whole "Make The Mains" campaign that's been circulating around social media.  But I'm struck by what looks like it might be a wave of A NEW HOPE figures.  Is anyone else surprised by this development?  And could it be an indication that Hasbro might be moving back towards building waves of figures based on a common theme?

The thought that immediately crossed my mind was that Disney told Hasbro that the movie is going to be in theaters again in 24 or 25 to help fill the schedule vacancies created by the strikes.

Next I thought they could be gearing up that Haslab Death Star.

Cynical me thought they were getting into some new ANH tooling so they had figures ready to rerelease for the 50th anniversary that is 4 years away.

It looks a lot like the Jabba's Goons repack wave coupled with Han/Vader/Piett wave honestly.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Pulse 2023 TBOBF Throne Room Playset
« on: September 11, 2023, 01:16 PM »
I wonder what the Bib Fortuna's will sell for... if I wanted to do two, I could also sell just the second Bib.

I presold mine to a guy who messaged me about buying it for $100 about a week ago. We will see how that goes, but I knew I wasn't keeping it from the beginning,  I don't like opening limited edition carded figures and I don't like collecting carded figures. But I will take the discount on the playset as such.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Pulse 2023 TBOBF Throne Room Playset
« on: September 11, 2023, 12:08 PM »
I received notice of the Throne Room shipping soon, too!

I still don't understand why this didn't pre-charge. It seems a lot riskier of a sale and a lot lower of demand than the Ghost was.

In a way I am glad to have that charge finally landing and no longer hanging over my head. Oh, and excited about the playset too.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: September 3, 2023, 10:23 AM »
After the Ghost, I'd really like Hasbro to have mini-Haslabs that focus on never-before-made figures multipacks that wouldn't sell well at retail.  Have a focus on Jabba's Skiff/Barge guards, Cantina denizens, characters that interacted with the Razor Crest, characters that interacted with The Ghost, Jedi, Ewoks, Partisans... the possibilities are endless.  Make the packs on cards (like the 3 packs we've been getting) but put them in the $100-150 range (for 4-5 figures).  They could do this a couple times a year, once during a big Haslab campaign, and I think collectors would be for that.  But I know I'm only dreaming.

I’m 1000% behind this.

Haslab doesn’t have to be $500 items.  It could be things that they wouldn’t put in a store, to test out sales before hand.  Let’s see if an Imperial Dignitaries 5-Pack would sell or not!

You say you are 1000% behind the idea, but at what pricepoint does your enthusiasm wane? 5 figures for $150 is premium for sure, but really not that far off from the World Building pack prices, so i am kind of skeptical that it would land there as a low-run, all new tool figure pricepoint. Would $50 or $60 apiece figures still be appealing if they are doing 5,000-10,000 figure runs?

And fanboys love stretch goals, how would that even be approached on such a set?


Target had to find ways to get stuff into the online buyers hands faster in order to stop losing business to Amazon Prime 2-day shipping.  The Store-as-hub model apparently saves them tons in that regard.  Filling the orders closer to where the customer lives is apparently driving a lot of those savings.  I am sure there is probably savings in the fact that the retail store workers ($13-15/hr average) are usually getting less than the warehouse workers ($18-20/hr average).

In the case of little plastic Star Wars figures, it may not be saving them very much at all. I'm sure there probably is a better, cheaper way to service the niche "old men buying little plastic men" community, but not cheaper enough to any degree that it makes sense upsetting their giant store-as-hub strategy and $110b in sales operation.

Thanks, that really does add a lot of context outside of the action figure niche, which of course is their focus as a company, and may at long last help to satisfy my curiosity about Hasbro's switch to solid case packs (vs assortments)  in the TVC World-Building boxed figures, the Retro ROTJ wave, and the TVC exclusive figures.

I appreciate the education!

  And it's not a theory - I got this direct from a Hasbro retail store rep (when they still had those) during a conversation with him during the spring.

I didn't mean to suggest it was an unsourced idea, just questioning the logic behind the practice of opening cases at the DC to send to stores while opening cases as the stores to send to online customers. I don't see where the savings is there.

The "only Lando shows up on pegs" point further proves my point. Especially when we all know Hasbro offers full cases of specific figures in an attempt to facilitate fulfilling online orders so that the assortment cases can be used for in store stocking.

Nicklab, the theory makes sense, but how does it jibe with the stories of Target stores not even receiving full cases of some of the products at times? I understand stuff like the nonassortment packed Boba Fetts and Indiana Jones figures arriving in stores and being shipped out to fulfill online orders, but when the regular TVC and Retro figures show up in batches of 3s from the repack box it doesn't add up.

Especially considering their has to be a warehouse/DC somewhere putting together those repack boxes to ship out to the Target stores.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Disney+ Streaming Service
« on: August 17, 2023, 02:22 PM »
From what I understand it is a bit of a slippery slope that are on. On the one hand they are writing off the project as unreleasable to get the write off. On the other they filmed in the UK to take advantage of UK tax credits to reduce the budget...but those tax credits get cancelled if the product is deemed unreleasable, leaving them with a new tax bill to pay. Hope the one covers the other.

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