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Messages - Darth Delicious

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Kick ass! Another Chewie update!

I actually liked the height on the ROTS figure, but thought he was a bit too thin, and his legs were especially close together. This version is a great Veers/Bail combo and really does the character justice. Sometimes the simpler customs turn out the best, and this looks great. Did you have to paint any part of it, or do Veers and Bail's outfits match up pretty well?

I'm not sure if it's the Boshek head's goofy expression, or the fact that this guy is kind of a tool in the photonovels, but man, is that a face meant for slapping or what? Great custom though, I especially like the articulated knees. I wish Hasbro has done that for their AT-ST drivers. Now that I see what a great job you did on this one though, maybe I'll articulate them myself.

My favorite of the bunch. Not only is this a great take on Rykrof, but a great trooper design in general. Your creativity in matching parts, while still maintaining a total Star Wars feel, is second only to your painting skills. I really, REALLY like this one, and I am so going to copy it. Definitely in my top five favorite Rykrof's. (Which I'll post a list of if you're interested.)  :P


"The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead." -Darth Sion

This custom is one I've wanted to do ever since KOTOR II came out, and I kept putting it off, and putting it off...but finally, I had all the parts I needed, for the most part, with the right mix of being somewhat true to the source material, and yet with a little more flair and artistic license. I also wanted to make sure this figure had some poseability to him. So first, here's the reference shot:

A twisted wreck, Darth Sion is a Sith Lord held together only by sheer force of will. Every bone in his body has been shattered and rebuilt, turning his skeleton and his flesh into a patchwork mass of bruises and scraping bone. He is in constant pain, and only his hatred and the power of the Dark Side keeps him alive.

And here's my take on him:

And vs. Master Vandar:

And a close-up of the facial detail:

A few things about this custom...the flash is washing out a lot of detail. I took about a million pics of him tonight, and it just can't be helped. So the version you're seeing is missing some of the subtle coloration through his cracked and pitted skin. There's also a few details I still want to add, like the little flap hanging from his waistline in the reference shot, and the buckles along his gloved arm...but I wanted to get a pic up tonight since I promised I'd show what I had been working on.

Also, I apologize for the small size of the pics...for some reason Photobucket keeps resizing the images, and I can't seem to adjust it.

Anyway, here's the recipe:

Head and neck post: ROTS Mace Windu (with Epoxy)
Torso and arms: GI JOE Major Barrage, dremeled and epoxy added)
Left Hand: Evolutions Dooku (Can be swapped with Sith lightning hands as well)
Legs and crotch: Clone Wars Saesee Tinn

It's a shame I can't get a pic that really shows the detail, because as of right now, this is probably my favorite custom that I've ever done. I'll try to get some better ones when I update again this weekend.


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Next Exclusive...
« on: February 23, 2006, 05:26 AM »
lotsa folks got Astromech sets at cheaper prices from other etailers, then paid the shipping ::)

I wonder if it will be a 'strictly EE' exclusive this time. If so folks won't be able to buy it at the other etailers then.

Well....I couldn't see other etailers buying the exclusives off EE then selling them for cheaper still, hence losing money.

Well, like I said...I got the set for $10 cheaper, and got flat rate shipping that cost less than it would have cost me in EE shipping or in gas to drive there, so yeah, there's other E-tailers that are cheaper than EE, even on their own exclusive.


sells for fun because he's basically a fan himself. Not quite the same as those guys hanging out at Wal-Mart looking to scoop regular shoppers.


Sells for fun?? How is that a fan?

Because having a large selection of stuff allows you to basically hang out, hook people up with stuff they want, and BS about Star Wars figures. A lot of the customs I've made wouldn't be possible without Red5sixx sourcing them for me. And I've gotten some great deals from him, as have a lot of customizers on this board.

Oh, and Slothus...I'm sorry you're apparently a socialist who hates the idea of anyone making a little cash. I didn't realize making a little money doing something you like was a crime in your magical gumdrop fairlyland.   :P


In Napolean Dynamite voice: "I like Rykrof's sleeves...they're really big."   ;D

Ran Ceyh: I like the new version of him, and it's nice to see you reaching back into photonovels past and giving new life to characters we'd forgotten. I also like how well you did in ramoving this figures facial can't even tell. I would like to see the colors of his outfit's just too recognizable as Bespin Han. I think painting his pants a hunter grren or something would lessen the effect.

Finis Valorum: Love the parts choise, and the hood makes a lot of sense. What's going on with his eyes, though? He looks kind of spooky and intense. A haunted man, constantly having to look over his shoulder. If that's what you were going for, you nailed it! Nicely done.

Rykrof: I like this outfit. Not his most complicated, but kind of pimp. Rykrof is a fairly important man now, and this look gives him a nice balance between commoner and someone who's stature in the Republic has been increasing, but he's still clearly not extravagant or even rich. Great job.


Well, Disneyland was fun but exhausting, so I've postponed my update until tomorrow night. I have a little touch up to do on my big custom figure (maybe the best I've ever done!) but I'm too lazy tonight, preferring to post over-the-top, obnoxious messages on the RS boards to get the crybabies all stirred up.  ;)

Chewie: I did indeed pick up a few Star Tours droids, but I haven't decided if they'll get customized yet.  ;)

Phruby: No Scorch, don't worry. Oh, and REX said hi. Then he crashed a shuttle into Small World.  :P


That's right Jesse. We are not like them. However, I do know some SW collectors who are like the HW guys though.  >:( One of them is a huge sandtrooper guy.
LOL- does his JD ID start with RED?

RED has a REAL job. But in addition to that, he imports his stuff early, buys direct, and sells for fun because he's basically a fan himself. Not quite the same as those guys hanging out at Wal-Mart looking to scoop regular shoppers.


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Next Exclusive...
« on: February 22, 2006, 08:24 PM »

Still, if you live near EE then it makes sense...but you'd still probably need to call first and order them, as EE is pretty much a stickler for orders going through the proper channels.


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Next Exclusive...
« on: February 22, 2006, 07:05 PM »
I wonder if one can walk into EE to make a purchase? I'm also wondering if their network will be able to handle all the traffic they are going to get?

I'd order it from another online retailer, as they always have it cheaper than EE.


Well, I'm glad everybody likes the Trandos, despite my frustration. I've since touched them up and will have new pics up this week, along with a surprise or two. Here's a hint: I like KOTOR and KOTOR II a WHOLE lot...  ;)

JJ: Thanks for the in-depth feedback. The A'Sharad is pretty accurate to his appearance in later issues of Republic, particularly when mentoring Anakin. I'd say the fact that I haven't yet given him his custom lightsabers is the only thing that keeps him from being dead-on. I like your thoughts on some survival gear for the Kashyyk grunt (although now I hear these guys being referred to as "Sky Corps." I can't keep up.) The ARC's were cobbled together from EE clones, as I ordered HEAVY on those and have almost as many "enlisted" as grunts... hence all the ARC building I do.

Gregorbian: Glad you like the "real world" scale patterns on the The Trandos. I think it gives them more personality, and I like differentiating them as much as possible from Bossk.

Fritzkrieg: Although I've been known to throw Final Fantasy armor on a Trando now and again, the first one's tordo is from a Jurassic PArk Chaos Effect Roland Tembo figure. Too bad Dimetrodon doesn't stop in much anymore...I bet he would have guessed it right off the bat.  :P

Look for an update soon, probably tomorrow night once I get back from Disneyland. See ya!


I guess I'm in the minority here, but I really like the "Jaarton" Trandoshan custom. I think the posture works...not everyone in the universe stands perfectly straight and practices good posture. I think his odd pose makes him look older, stooped and worn down, as if he's a Merc that has seen a lot of action, has retired, and now wants nothing more than to nurse his drink at the local cantina. I also like the choice of clors...the maroon really sets it off.

The clone pilot is well done, I like it a lot. I do think he's a little too weathered...but maybe that's me, I just don't imagine these guys getting very dirty in the cockpits of their fighters...but the werathering is beautifully done, so I wouldn't change a thing. Chewie, your attention to details is getting better with every new custom you do, and that's really saying something!

Tame Heem and Malom Shaar look awesome. It's always good to see another Tame Heem, as I like seeing the Rykrof cast in new outfits...but Shaar really takes the cake. The Orn Free Ta body works well (Thank goodness someone found a use for my most hated figure, at least until Chi Eekway comes out) and the detailing, especially on the robe, looks amazing! The way you work these outdated sculpts and make them look perfectly natural standing next to the newer stuff really makes me excited to see what you'll do with the newer Momaw Nadon coming soon.

On another note, I'm sorry you're having money problems. I am glad though, that I'll have a shot at owning some Chewie originals. I encourage everyone to help Chewie out and bid early and often.


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Next Exclusive...
« on: February 20, 2006, 11:56 PM »
So maybe it's Kir Kanos AND Carnor Jax.

And just for the record, Pawlus plays it very smug and clever in his posts, but if you've ever met the guy, he is a personality vacuum. I'd wager that in High School, he was on the receiving end of MANY wedgies, atomic wedgies, and the dreaded rear admiral.   ;D


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Next Exclusive...
« on: February 20, 2006, 03:21 AM »
I'd say that the REAL mystery isn't what the exclusive will be...the REAL mystery is who the "unnamed editor" leaking the news could be!  Whoever it is, I'm sure he's credible...both as an EE source and a totally, unbiased "reporter" for another fansite.  ::)

It's transparent shilling at it's finest, but I like to speculate, so I'll play the game.

On the figure front, we know it's not going to be a figure that requires tooling...that's far too expensive, and EE is not a company with pockets that deep. So that leaves us with a repaint, which makes a clone or commando a possibility. I can't really see the big "H" giving EE a member of Delta Squad...too much money to be made on the retail front with those, I think. An all-white commando though...that would be cool. Kir Kanos seems possible, but unlikely. Most Star Wars fans have never even heard of him.

Whoever it is, I'm sure most of the ideas we come up with here will be better than what we actually get.


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Next Exclusive...
« on: February 19, 2006, 04:17 PM »
I'd rather see these released to retail on single cards than as an EE exclusive, but it would be nice to get the rest of the squad.


I just can't keep up with you, Chewie! Everytime I turn around you've got another great update! Not to mantion I'm running out of adjectives to describe this stuff!

Freelo: I had to look at this figure a few times before deciding whether I liked it or not...something about the colors really played with my mind a bit. But now that I've taken a good long look at it, I think it works well. The parts choice is good, and look very natural and proportionate to Freelo's head and hands. I can also see Mon Cal's liking shades of blue as it probably reminds them a bit of home. And of course, your paint job is stellar as usual.

Surveillance Port: I always loved this toy as a kid, and leave it to you to put a great, SW spin on it. That's not easy to do...I agree with Phruby about some military customs looking more Socom than Star Wars, but that's not the case here. The paint job looks fantastic...I can see Rykrof and friends having to storm this post very soon.

As for the Rykrof timeline discussion, I would say take your time. I'm enjoying the unfolding of the clone wars and don't want to see it rushed. I'd also like to see some of what Rykrof did immediately following the events of Episode III. I suppose from there you could jump to ANH and maybe tell some of what happened to Rykrof during the missing twenty years in flashback, but I think you should trust your instincts and tell the story as it feels right to you.

That's my two cents!


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