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Messages - Jedi Idej

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Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC SW Miniatures (RPG/CMG/Clix)
« on: September 13, 2004, 11:30 PM »
Finally got my case + 4 after only 10 days of cross-country travel.  ::)

This line is bittersweet. Nice detail and paint job; gonna be a bitch to polish off the missing 12 rare/very rare.  :'(

Time to hit the shops and test the midichlorian count.  :P

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Magic Bullet
« on: September 7, 2004, 08:37 PM »
What does it do?

It's a blender and the bullet-shaped containers are small, essentially single-serve. The blade is screwed onto the container and the capsule flipped over and onto the base. I believe there's only two settings -- on/off. Drink straight from the container immediately or pop on the lid and put it in the refrigerator for later.

A hundred dollars seems really high, especially if you're just gonna de-value it by opening and using it.  :P

But Idej, are there really no Bay Area folks that are fans of both the Giants and the A's?

Oh, there are. And I'm not singling you out. Fans of the As/Giants, Cubs/White Sox, Yankees/Mets, Angels/Dodgers... you're all equally confused.  :-*

For the record, the 1988 WS proved quite the dilemma for me -- As or Dodgers, which team was I going to boo more?

Clearly you are a Giants fan and a Bonds fan

It took a few years after he became a Giant for me to become a Bonds fan. Those who read my posts here will be surprised that I occasionally rip on him and the Giants. And my friends locally would be surprised I put up a defense for Bonds on the forums.  I know he's not flawless, nor do I believe he's the oozing puss of pure evil that he's made out to be on 30-sec sound bites run ad nauseam on SportsCenter.

The only people I have ever heard defend the guy are guys who play for him or Giants fans.

I've read modern day pyscho-analysts (ie, sports journalists) describe his act as erecting barriers. (The best line I came across went something like: "I've never met anyone try so hard at being unliked.")  Whatever the reason, it's logical to conclude that he eventually lets teammates see a side of him those of us outside the clubhouse aren't privy to, which explains why guys he played with, more often than not, defend him.

When I interned on "Best Damn"

How was Lisa Guerrero in person.  :P  She sounded like she knew what she was talking about in interviews. How the heck did she bomb on MNF?

Personally, I've always rooted for athletes that are team players

Hey. Yo. Even though I'm a big senior leaguer, 2 of the guys I rooted for were Mattingly and... Puckett. >:(   Fortunately, cynicism had replaced idealism well before the allegations hit. Stunned, sure, but not disillusioned.

We'll have to agree to disagree. At least we have in common a dislike for fair weather fans, regional two-team fans, and hatered for the Dodgers.

Speaking of...

JediMac, should be an interesting conclusion. SF and LA play 6 times. SF and SD, 6 times. SD and LA, 7 times.

McGwire really started to dislike the media after '98, and who could blame him?  He was hounded by them everyday and each day it was the same set of questions.  Personally, I think I'd get tired of the media as well.  You see SO many pro athletes just get so sick and tired of the bs that is the sports media. 

McGwire started to act like that to reporters early in his career, maybe around his 3rd or 4th year, and continued until part way through his run for the record in '98 when he took notice of how Sosa was relishing the attention.  He reverted when injuries took a toll on his numbers.

Bonds attitude, however, extends to both fans, media, teammates and everyone in general.  The guy is a prick.

I've listened to enough talk radio since Bonds has been a Giant -- can't comment on his Pirates days -- to classify a majority of the gripes as being some 20+ y.o. bitching because Bonds blew off his request for an autograph or hearsay of the way Bonds blew off that same 20+ year old's request. I've heard way more callers relaying how nicely Bonds treated their 10-y.o., or of Bonds going to his car, getting out a ball and beaning the father in the head signing it for the caller's son. My then-12-y.o. niece and her friends bumped into Bonds, his wife, and their toddler at TRU. He was nice enough to snap pictures with them. (They had a camera because they just came from a birthday party from across the parking lot.)

Moral: if you're over 17, stay out of his face.

As far as teammates... like who? Van Slyke? Jeff Kent? Why don't the national media ask Shawon Dunstan, JT Snow, Nen, Aurilia, Grissom? In a short period, Bonds and Dustin Mohr have become real close. Ricky Ledee came from the Phillies thinking the worst of Bonds, met him, and says he was wrong. Rick Reilly's hitpiece using Kent got a lot of attention. Nothing was made of Dan Patrick's interview with Matt Williams prior to that year's WS with the D-backs. To all of the talk of Bonds' being disingenuous, Williams countered that not many people knew the real Bonds like he did... that they are good friends.

******* ******* is more like it. Back when the Red Sox played the Giants in interleague play (in SF, no less) he went off on how much he hates Boston, it's racist, blah, blah, blah. When the reporter asked him where he got his info, figuring it was based on first hand experience, Bonds told him he heard "stories". Turns out the dickhead has never actually been to Boston.

His comment was stupid and he was rightly skewered for it. He has a good knowledge of baseball history but he ignorantly projected those conditions of racism in the Boston Redsox organization then to the Boston of today.

Actually Mac only hit 70.  That piece of **** Bonds hit 72.   :'(

Actually, that jackass Bonds hit 73.   :P

I was wary of the Giants signing the ego maniac back in '93. On the other hand, this jackass was one of the game's best players.

Over the course of 11 years, my attitude about the guy has softened a bit. I hear these stories callers tell on the radio. The way the local media now covers him -- the very same media that used to magnify every little mistake he made. My own semi-encounter and my niece's separate experience with him. He has his good and bad points. He's no different than a lot of other big name athletes.

Paraphrasing a local radio personality, "When Bonds doesn't want to talk to reporters, he'll just ignore them. When McGwire didn't want to talk, he let them know in his surly fashion."

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Time for some new flip-flops.
« on: August 24, 2004, 01:52 AM »
About 10 years ago I picked up a pair of $9 rubber sandals from Target. I was going camping and wanted open footwear that was durable enough for the trip and inexpensive enough that I wouldn't feel like an idiot for having to throw it away after a 3-day trashing. Lo and behold, the sandals survived not only the weekend, but  another surprising 8 years. (The last trip I used them in was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back).

I finally got around to getting another pair this summer; figured I'd dip into the well again and go to Target. Can't lose with $10.

The new ones have a soft rubber liner glued onto the sandals, I suppose, for added comfort. The problem is, it's more porous than the rubber used for the main part of the sandal and lets in stinky-feet germs more readily. After a few days of sweaty use, I'm stepping around in toxic material. And because the liner is softer, it won't  last as long. And the more frequent washings will only shorten the sandals' lifespan.

D*** them for their innovation and styling.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What are the worst sequels?
« on: August 15, 2004, 12:51 AM »
Godfather III: Puzo Needs More Money
Indiana Jones, Temple of Doom -- Didn't Spielberg apologize for this one?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Selling Collections
« on: August 3, 2004, 07:30 PM »
Over the past 4 years I've gotten rid of maybe 80%-90% of the non-SW toys I had. (The percentage depends on my recollection.) The only regrets I have are: 1) buying them in the first place.  2) getting rid of half of those before my nephews were old enough to rummage through and pick out what they wanted.

I also got rid of most of the micromachine and action fleet playsets (I kept the ships and figurines, though). There was initial separation anxiety and bouts of longing, but the meds have helped ease me out of the funk.  ;)

The 3-3/4" are another matter. Even though I'm not spasmatic about the line anymore, I don't foresee letting go even the most dog-ugly figures. Most are in ziplock baggies in boxes, anyway, so space isn't an issue.

For me it comes down to the "cost" of storing these -- minimal space in a closet -- versus the effort of scratching out minimal sales. Even if I gave away the unchosen to save myself from the hassle of selling them, there's always the spectre of nostalgia hitting me between the eyes a few years from now.

Brad Penny and his 3.15 ERA and 1.25 WHIP isn't such a bad thing.  This is a guy who beat the Yankees twice in the World Series last year, winning a championship.  He is the 15th to 20th best pitcher in baseball, somewhere in there.  While Lo Duca may be a fan favorite in LA, he was a tad overrated on the left coast.  He averages just 125 games per year over his career.  At the same time, while LoDuca was just a little better than average offensively most of his career, Steve Finley's bat that was also added with Penny more than makes up for Lo Duca leaving.  And remember, pitching wins.  I think the Dodgers are a much better team adding Brad Penny and Steve Finley.  And those changes are magnified in a weak division.

I can't stress enough the chemistry aspect for this team. Perhaps it was only during Giants/Dodgers games and the rivalry had something to do with it, but in those games, Lo Duca was always amped up and was usually involved in a key play. And it seemed like Roberts was always getting on base and scoring or making a nice defensive play. On a team that was finally coming into their own, losing a fifth of the roster -- and two of those being their "spark plugs" -- and having to integrate their 5 replacements with under 60 games left... And let's not forget, they dealt Mota.

For Giants fans worldwide, let's hope I'm right.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Irony
« on: August 1, 2004, 04:18 PM »
Saw this bit of irony on the local news but couldn't find an article to link.

A brand new, $63,000 car (Lexus?) was stolen while parked in front of the owner's house. The owner? The police chief of a sizeable city around here.

I've been pleasantly quiet of late in this thread, but I just wanted to make sure that everyone here was aware that my Dodgers are officially KICKING ALL YOUR ASSES right now.

So they are. So they are. One thing certain about the Dodgers from the last dozen years, they'll find a way to screw up.  :-*

****Breaking News****
GM DePodesta sucks lifeforce from Dodgers.

LoDuca? Dave Roberts? These two (along with Gagne and to a lesser extent, Green) were the backbone of the Dodgers. What was DePodesta thinking?

Not that I'm complaining.  ;D

Rumor has it that Johnson asked "acquaintances" about playing in SF and for the Giants. The likelihood of landing him is virtually zip, but oh, I can dream.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: We Need More Cantina Figures!
« on: July 21, 2004, 11:09 PM »
What a piece of ****. Yet another good idea executed badly.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Daily Comics
« on: July 20, 2004, 07:55 PM »
The Boondocks has been a pretty good read the past year. Foxtrot is endearing. Get Fuzzy is a decent read. Dilbert is a regular for me.

The local paper picked up Pearls before Swine about a month ago. Though the latest arc has been fluffy, there was a stretch where it made fun of some other strips.

Garfield is being done by an automaton, but I gotta give Davis his due for a recent strip that took a veiled knock at the current events... or more precisely, what lead to it.

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