Author Topic: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - Not an update, but worth a look!  (Read 121064 times)

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 3/10
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2005, 10:26 AM »
Grab the blaster, set it on stun and point it at whoever walks out of the refresher.  You have the upper hand, so take advantage of it.


Offline Famine

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 3/10
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2005, 01:48 PM »
Grab the Blaster and Jam the door to the facilities. Then haul ass to the ship, and hope you don't pick up any straglers.

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 3/10
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2005, 01:58 PM »
This is definitely fun Lance - I look forward to it every day.   :)


Offline Quazar

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« Reply #18 on: April 1, 2005, 02:19 AM »
Hey, guys...

Sorry I have been remiss in keeping this thread current here at JD...

The story has moved forward a litttle, so I'll bring you all up to speed and you can feel free to jump in!

Here are some older scenes which have already been "played"

and we continue...

and one more...

And here's the current scene!

As always, I tried to use as much player input as possible, but there were a few suggestions that got left out, notably Ling_Ster and Famine's suggestions about the Rodian (mostly because the Rodian didn't do anything of note during the new scene).

Almost everyone who wrote suggested chatting with the bartender, including Chewie, Famine, and Ling_Ster.  Both Findswoman and Sith Lord Chaos suggested telling her about your missing uncle.

And actual dialogue was provided by Findswoman and TheMurderWeapon, with his brilliant opening line!  Well-done, you guys.

And speaking of dialogue, there were two prior encounters to the bartender which were both suggested by Chewie, the conversations with the Empire-discussing trio and "Violet".  Great job, Chewie.

For the sake of clarity, both those two conversations take place prior to the bartender encounter.  Basically, everything happens in the order laid out in the previous scene, as you move from person to person in the bar.   In this case, you guys collectively decided to talk with only three of the various people/groups. 

Well, except for the Aqualish...A few had expressed a desire to do something in that situation, but I held off, pending the bartender's input.  Now, that decision is again on the table at the conclusion of these new scenes.

Continuing your chat with the bartender is also an option, I'm sure you can come up with more to discuss if you want.  Feel free to revisit other characters in the bar if you like or to leave and do whatever else you want!

So, without further preamble, here we go...

You are at the bar in the Gateway Saloon, chatting with the bartender, distracted by the Aqualish creep...

hold-out blaster
backpack containing -
change of clothes
bottle of booze
dirty poncho
control pad for ship
data pad with technical schematics
comm link
73 credits
stormtrooper belt


Can of fizzy glug

« Last Edit: October 8, 2005, 07:23 PM by Quazar »
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 3/10
« Reply #19 on: April 1, 2005, 10:05 AM »
Lance, keep those updates coming here!  We need to get this customizing section booming with more action.  Your photonovel will definitely add to it!

I said the following earlier, but here it is here as well:

Great update Lance... very, very cool.

Ok, I don't think you have much to gain in helping out the Twi'lek... but it says a lot about your lack of character if you don't at least confront the Aqualish and ask the Twi'lek if everything is ok... I would say something like, "Ma'am, I could not help but notice that you are attracted to the lowly scum in this bar."

Then depending on how that goes, go back to the bartender. Tell her there is someone you need to speak with that may be able to help out in finding your uncle. But either way you will be back to thank her and may take her up on her offer, and besides; you owe her a drink.

Then go meet with Blondie.

I know most people would stay away from the Twi'lek... but I guess it's just me; always wanting to help people.  Plus if you do confront the Aqualish... you might be able to gain something in your inventory out of it, or at least show people you aren't one to be pushed around.


Offline Ryan

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 3/10
« Reply #20 on: April 1, 2005, 03:09 PM »
I said this at that other site, that I won't metion by name anymore....

Looking good!!!

First things first drink some of the Doctor Pepper....  But not all of it, since it was on the house it be a nice gesture but you do want your wits about you.

Ignore the Twi-lek, if that's who she hangs out with everyday and she doesn't want help that it's her fault.

As for the bartender's offer. I'd tell her I wasn't quite ready to move in with her yet, but thanks her for her generosity, and tell her you like to look for your Uncle so more. You could give her your comm link number and ask her for hers. (Do commlinks have numbers?  Maybe some are like cell phones and others are like 2 way radios) Tell her you'd like to get to know her better and that you'd appreciate it if she found out anything about your Uncle. Blow her a kiss goodbye (or at least just tell her. ) And tell her you'll be by some time soon.

Then head down to where the girl wanted to meet you 15 minutes early, wearing the poncho or a change of clothes, hide in some alley way or alcove and check your blaster and the belt and have them ready under your poncho in case anything goes South.  Wait a minunte or two once she gets there to make sure she wasn't followed or it isn't a trap, then go see what she has to say.

I'm loving it so far I can't wait to see the next chapter!   ;D
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 3/10
« Reply #21 on: April 1, 2005, 03:25 PM »
Make sure to keep your updates going here Lance!  It would be a shame if some of your fans were unable to read them due to what happened...


Offline Quazar

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« Reply #22 on: April 1, 2005, 07:03 PM »
Don't worry, gang, I'm definitely going to keep up with the updates at all the various sites now, so everyone can read and reply!

Thanks a lot team!  Keep the replies coming, I'm working on a new chapter this week-end!

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Offline CHEWIE

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« Reply #23 on: April 7, 2005, 05:28 PM »
Lance, I demand an update.   :)


Offline Quazar

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« Reply #24 on: April 9, 2005, 06:19 PM »

Okay, gang, wonderful work, as always.  (As always, responses pooled from various websites).

Unfortunately, this update comes to a somewhat anticlimactic stopping point and leaves you to re-consider a decision you already all made.

The only reason I did this is time.  I wanted to write the next bit, as well, when you guys actually do go to the planned meeting with "Blondie", but it took me forever just to get this section done and I don’t want to keep you guys waiting too long for an update.  As it is, it’s been more than a week!

So consider this more informational than interactive.  At the end, you are faced with the decision of whether or not to continue to your planned meeting.  Granted, some new developments may cause you to re-evaluate that decision (well, if you’re a wimp they will).

Otherwise, if you guys just want to keep the existing plan of going to the meeting a (and getting there early, as many of you suggested), then you don’t have to write detailed replies, just indicate that you’d like to "proceed" or "continue".

However, this isn’t to discourage you from coming up with new ideas, if you like, or talking to the bartender some more.  As usual, new and creative input is always welcome!

Now onto the new stuff!

First thing’s first!  Both Ling_Ster and Sith Lord Chaos were in favor of drinking the fizzy glug!  Don’t worry, Chaos, Dr. Pepper is non-alcoholic in the SW universe just as it is in our own!

There was complete unanimity in the decision to go make the meeting with "Blondie" (as she will be known until you learn otherwise).
Ling_Ster wanted to go 15 minutes early, scope the place out and await trouble, possibly in an alcove or concealed space.  Those sentiments were echoed by Sith Lord Chaos who also suggested putting the poncho on first to further disguise yourself.  MurderWeapon also suggested leaving early and putting on the poncho.  And Ling_Ster and Findswoman both suggested checking out the stormie belt once you are free from prying eyes.  If you all opt to go ahead with the plan, these existing suggestions will be implemented.

Now, with regards to the bartender, most people seemed to be suggesting a polite declination of her invitation.  Actual dialogue here was provided by Findswoman, with Sith Lord Chaos adding that you should definitely exchange contact numbers.

Both Chewie and MurderWeapon suggested a promise of returning to the bartender later, while CorranHorn and Darth Delicious seemed to suggest taking her up on her offer.

So I opted for an "open ended" approach, gently declining the offer of work for now, while promising to stay in touch, keeping the possibility of changing your mind later.

Findswoman also suggested more conversation with the bartender before leaving, asking specifically about the security chief she mentioned.  Chewie said you should mention your meeting to her and MurderWeapon suggested you ask her about Blondie’s friends.

I think Ling_Ster speaks for the whole group when he says ignore the prostitute.

And a gold star to CorranHorn for coming up with our character’s alias, "Deak Starkiller" and for also making sure to get for the bartender’s name, as well! 

Now, despite the overwhelming consensus in favor of ignoring the Twi’lek-in-distress (Findswoman, Sith Lord Chaos, MurderWeapon and CorranHorn all suggested leaving well enough alone), here is one instance where I am going to overrule the majority and go with…Chewie’s chivalrous suggestion to intervene!  It’s much more fun to do something than nothing, so, in this case, majority be damned!  You can all blame Chewie for what happens… ;)

You are at the bar in the Gateway Saloon, chatting with the bartender, pondering whether or not to proceed with your meeting in light of the Trooper's warning...

hold-out blaster
backpack containing -
change of clothes
bottle of booze
dirty poncho
control pad for ship
data pad with technical schematics
comm link
73 credits
stormtrooper belt


Adult beverage
seemingly forgotten credit stick (as noticed by Findswoman)

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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 4/9!!!!
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2005, 12:45 AM »
Great update Lance...

I don't want to get our character killed - but I do think that deep down that might have at least shown the bartender a bit of who you are - you won't back down in light of danger. And just maybe you'll run into the Twi'lek later and she will feel compelled to make it up to you. Better to face a confronation and get your face broken than not stand up to somebody.

And I love the bacta patch - that was cool and a bit funny at the same time. This whole story is so entertaining!

Anyways, the character has one heck of a decison now...

I would tell the bartender that you do have to meet with Blondie - because you feel you can't pass up the opportunity to bag another woman on this station. Nah, don't tell her that - tell her that you do need to see if she can help you and vice versa. You know the Empire will be keeping an eye out on you, but you won't allow something to happen to your uncle. And if something has happened, you need to find out who is responsible.

Tell the bartender that you owe her one - and you will be back right after meeting with Blondie. Thank her for what she's done for you - give her a wink and tell her she is more than welcome to come with you - you enjoy her company and don't want her to think you're turning your back on her.

Regardless of whether she goes with you or not - you need to change your appearance somewhat. Maybe she has a hat or helmet you can borrow for a bit - and definitely put the poncho on.

Go meet Blondie - see what she has to say. And make sure you keep this friendship strong with Callie. She's [censored] and cool. Almost tempted to take her up on her offer and just stick around with her...


Offline Quazar

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 4/9!!!!
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2005, 08:34 PM »
Thanks for the reply, Chewie.

I really hope that some of the great players who have retired from certain other websites will find the game here and continue with their terrific participation.

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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 4/9!!!!
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2005, 10:40 PM »
I wish they would too - c'mon guys - this photonovel experience is unlike any other - quit lurking and give some feedback!!!  :o


Offline Famine

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 4/9!!!!
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2005, 01:22 AM »
Oh man, what an update. Here's what I'd do:

Ask if she could point me to the refresher and let her know "You" arent going to be poking around, and change. Get a move on to meet blondie. Any trouble on the way, think fast, and talk faster.

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline Ryan

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 4/9!!!!
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2005, 04:12 PM »
Well after beind dead myself for a couple of days I'll pop in and give you a suggestion or two. ;)

Great update!

Like CHEWIE said thank the bartender for her compassion and care , but tell her that you really need to find your uncle, and you think meeting with Blondie may help. I think it would also be a good idea to find a place to stay for a while. Since Callie has offered you a place to stay, and based on what just happened I say it is fairly safe to trust her, I'd tell her you'll accept her offer and you'll be back in a little while and if you weren't back soon, you probably won't be. I'd go meet up with blondie the same way I said before and be extra careful now that you know the Empire is watching you.  And unless you see the Twi-lek alone I wouldn't go near her, don't let her see you if she recognizes you in your disguise, it could draw unwanted attention. She may try and thank you or may try and hurt you either way it wouldn't be good to be seen with her by the Imperials or the Aqualish.

Keep it up Lance!!!! :)
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