Author Topic: Harry Potter  (Read 121679 times)

Offline EdSolo

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #435 on: November 22, 2010, 09:40 AM »
If you hadn't noticed that Bill hadn't been in the previous films then I take it you haven't seen any of them?  I think he was mentioned, as was Charlie, but we didn't actually seel Bill till this film and I don't think Charlie is ever going to be in the films.


If we're lucky, we would see Charlie at the Battle of Hogwarts, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #436 on: November 22, 2010, 11:11 AM »
The series hurt itself by making the "battle" at the end of The Half Blood Prince so short.  They missed the opportunity there to introduce Bill and his encounter with Greyback.  So instead they just quickly pass this information along in the first 15 minutes of the movie.

The movies will never (ever ever) be able to live up to the books.  However, I'll stand by initial impression of Part 1 - its as close to the books as we'll probably ever get.  Even then, they really minimize a lot of the "history" of Dumbledore and the Hallows.  We'll see if they go back to this in Part 2 but I expect not so much. 

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #437 on: November 22, 2010, 11:21 AM »
I think the excuse for HPB is that there was going to be a huge battle in the last movie, so they didn't want to do it twice.  A major plot hole for the current movie is the mirror given to Harry in OoTP from Sirius.  It was completely left out of the fifth movie, but is used in this one.  It seems they have tried to use explanations in the past for stuff like this, but not this time.

As for the closeness of the books to the movies, I would say the first is probably the closest.  The only major changes that I can think of off hand is the omission of the Charlie's friends coming to pick up Norbert, the change in who was in detention in the Forest w/ Hagrid, and the omission of the potion challenge at the end.  Otherwise it followed the book pretty closely.

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #438 on: November 22, 2010, 11:23 AM »
I reread the book before seeing the movie...

Of note, 2/3 of the book is in Part 1 of the movie.  I thought it was great and was pissed that the movie ended wanting more.  I agree that the movie is pretty much true to the source.  I loved all of the cameos and bringing back of the old characters.

One thing they should have done...had a preview for Part 2 right before the credits of Part 1.  The Battle of Hogwarts will definitely take up most of the time allowed in the movie, and I can't wait!

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #439 on: November 22, 2010, 11:31 AM »
I think the excuse for HPB is that there was going to be a huge battle in the last movie, so they didn't want to do it twice. 
I agree with you on that... however, in a vacuum of a stand alone movie, what was the purpose of Draco fixing the vanishing cabinet??  If all they were going to do was show up and watch Draco kill Dumbledore.  Think about, they didn't do anything else in the movie. 

A major plot hole for the current movie is the mirror given to Harry in OoTP from Sirius.  It was completely left out of the fifth movie, but is used in this one.  It seems they have tried to use explanations in the past for stuff like this, but not this time.
Totally agreed.  Along those same lines, I read that when they put the script together for Order of Phoenix, Kreacher wasn't even going to be included and JKR basically told them that they were omiting a character that was going to have a vital role in the last book. 

As for the closeness of the books to the movies, I would say the first is probably the closest.  The only major changes that I can think of off hand is the omission of the Charlie's friends coming to pick up Norbert, the change in who was in detention in the Forest w/ Hagrid, and the omission of the potion challenge at the end.  Otherwise it followed the book pretty closely.

I'd have to go back and re-read and watch Sorcerer's Stone again.  However, I think you are right that one was pretty close as well.  Of course, the source material was about 280 pages and the movie was the same length (around 2.5 hours) as the other movies that were much longer books.

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #440 on: November 22, 2010, 11:38 AM »
A long time ago I decided against reading the books for no reason other than I wanted to enjoy the movies.  We have all the books in the house and my wife has read them all.  My intent is to read them after the last movie is released and I've seen it.  It seems movies never stand up to the books, regardless of the author so in this rare instance I was able to avoid the books and I'm happy with that decision.  I'm quite certain the books will prove entirely fascinating in another year or so. 
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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #441 on: November 22, 2010, 11:48 AM »
We caught the movie Sunday afternoon, and I really enjoyed it as well.  It is certainly a different movie because of the lack of Hogwarts, and such a tight focus on the "big three" of the Potter kids.  That being said, I still thought it was a great movie.  I also thought it was very accurate to the book, at least so far, and I can understand why they cut it the way they did.  Also, it is quite sad (as expected if you've read the books), but still a strong movie.  Can't wait for Part 2 next July.

Offline efranks

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #442 on: November 22, 2010, 02:14 PM »
A long time ago I decided against reading the books for no reason other than I wanted to enjoy the movies.  We have all the books in the house and my wife has read them all.  My intent is to read them after the last movie is released and I've seen it.  It seems movies never stand up to the books, regardless of the author so in this rare instance I was able to avoid the books and I'm happy with that decision.  I'm quite certain the books will prove entirely fascinating in another year or so. 

I'd seen the films but hadn't read the books till Deathly Hallows was released.  I wanted to be able to read the final book without waiting years to see the film, so a couple of weeks before it dropped I started picking up and reading the first 6 books in the series.  I was a big fan of the films but after reading the series I was even more in love with the story.

I actually, for whatever reason, hadn't seen any of the Potter films in the theater until Order of the Phoenix.  I'd seen the rest all on DVD and even though I liked them, for some reason I never made them a priority to see on the big screen.  Now I almost feel that I missed out a little, twice; I didn't read the novels as they were released and I didn't enjoy the films in the theater until the 5th.

Anyway, after reading the series in 2007 I read it again at the beginning of this year and I'll probably read it again next year just prior to part 2 being released.  Of course, I did a two weekend marathon of the films on DVD, wrapping up OotP and HBP Saturday night and then going to see Hallows last night.

Having seen the first 4 films prior to reading the books, and vice versa on OotP, HBP and DH, I can honestly say that I enjoy both equally.  That's a very rare occurrence and I think that Lord of the Rings is the only other book/film franchise that I can say the same about.

Even though I was an adult when this franchise came about, I really enjoy it and can only imagine how attached to it kids are that literally grew up along with Harry.  It doesn't hurt that I think the cast of the films completely own the roles and, for the most part, the directors have nailed the translation from book/script to screen.  I was sad when I finished reading the books and I'm sure I'm going to be sad when the final film is over, but I still can't wait to see it.

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Offline Brian

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #443 on: November 22, 2010, 02:24 PM »
I'm in much the same boat as you E.  I got into both the books, and movies, a little later than most.  We didn't see the first movie in theaters, and I think I started reading the books right after Goblet of Fire was released in theaters.  Like you mentioned, I saw them all on DVD - and really enjoyed them - but for some reason just didn't get to them in the theater.  I often feel like I missed out as well, both on the movies and book side.  I'm sure the hype for both was a lot of fun to take part in.

Since then, I've read the whole series a couple of times and I'm actually going through them again right now for the first time in awhile (currently on Prisoner of Azkaban).  I also enjoy the movies and books nearly equally, and think all of them are very well done.  I think the books are probably my favorite reads of all time, and the movies are up there among my favorites as well.  I've said before, this universe often reminds me a lot of Star Wars when I was a kid.  The least for the most part (as they've gotten darker)....are something the entire family can enjoy together, with a heroic trio (and supporting characters), a central villain, cool creatures/effects/etc., and a great good vs. evil story.  Like you already mentioned, I got into this series as an adult as well, but I bet it is a lot of fun for those kids who truly grew up with this series.

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #444 on: November 22, 2010, 02:51 PM »
I picked up on Potter a few months before The Order of the Phoenix was released.   I read through the first four at break neck pace and then settled into the long wait for Half Blood Price and Deathly Hallows.  I've read all the books twice now and have also listened to them on audiobook format.  In fact (and I know I've said this before) but my favorite way to experience the books is the audiobook.  The US verison is read by Jim Dale and he just does a fabulous job "acting" out the voices of the characters.  I've noticed a few discrepancies in the pronouncations (Voldemor vs VoldemorT, silent vs not silent T) over the course of the series but otherwise, they seem flawless!

As far as the family experience, my wife hasn't ready any of the stories, I keep telling her too but she gets wrapped up in something else (Twilight for example) so she's just watched the movies and she's enjoyed them all.  Over the last two years each of my kids has been slowly reading them.  They both just finished Deathly Hallows this summer/fall.  Its been great watching them experience the books and movies.  This weekend was the first time, we were all excited to go to a family movie together.  My daughter is already planning her 9th birthday party for next summer and Part 2!

I'm going to try to re-read all the books leading up to Part 2 and I think we'll probably do a 1-2week marathon of all the movies again.  ;D

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #445 on: November 22, 2010, 04:42 PM »
If you hadn't noticed that Bill hadn't been in the previous films then I take it you haven't seen any of them?  I think he was mentioned, as was Charlie, but we didn't actually seel Bill till this film and I don't think Charlie is ever going to be in the films.


I have seen a few actually.

The first one was great because, as others have mentioned, it follows the book very faithfully. After that is kind of started to go downhill for me. I much, much preferred Richard Harris over Gambon. Harris was the PERFECT Dumbledore. I know they had no choice but it just lost something after that.

By the third or fourth movie I was so irritated about all the stuff they were leaving out that it became an annoying distraction and I really did not enjoy the experience anymore. That said, I do feel a curiosity to see some of the scenes from the later books, so I'm sure I'll get through the rest of the films eventually.

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Offline BrentS

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #446 on: November 22, 2010, 04:49 PM »

The first one was great because, as others have mentioned, it follows the book very faithfully. After that is kind of started to go downhill for me. I much, much preferred Richard Harris over Gambon. Harris was the PERFECT Dumbledore. I know they had no choice but it just lost something after that.

By the third or fourth movie I was so irritated about all the stuff they were leaving out that it became an annoying distraction and I really did not enjoy the experience anymore. That said, I do feel a curiosity to see some of the scenes from the later books, so I'm sure I'll get through the rest of the films eventually.

Four, Five, and Six are by far the most annoying for leaving things out/changing them.    I'd say I' was most disappointed in the Goblet of Fire and the Half Blood Prince because of how much got changed/omitted.  I know the same things happened with the Order of Phoenix but that one didn't irritate me nearly as much.

I still enjoy watching all three of those movies but as I've told my wife, the books are SOOOOO much better, especially for those three.

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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #447 on: November 22, 2010, 10:54 PM »
One thing I've done is listened to all seven HP books on audio CDs. Jim Dale does a fantastic job of the read. He has completely different voices for every character. It's a great alternative to the movies because it is all there and extremely well read. It's definately worth the time to check the audio books out at the library.
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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #448 on: November 23, 2010, 11:29 PM »
We saw it today in Imax and I thought it was great.  Looking forward to the finale in July!
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Re: Harry Potter
« Reply #449 on: November 29, 2010, 01:30 PM »
Went on Friday to see this with my wife who had read the book before we went.  I did not read any of the books but had seen all the movies and really enjoyed them.  She had warned me going into the movie that it would be different than the others but didn't want to influence me one way or another before I saw it.  I have to say that I was disappointed in the movie only because it didn't take place at Hogwarts.  That for me was always the best part of the movies (the students, the teachers, the secrets that they continually uncover).  This was a much slower movie than I was expecting from the standpoint of the action, etc.

So Friday night I picked up the book and started reading it beacuse I couldn't wait until next year to find out how it ended.  After reading the content of the book that was part of the first movie, I have to agree with everyone else that it followed the book about as well as it could have.  There's no way that they were going to be able to compress the several 'months' of the timeline into a few hours of movie.  I now appreciate the movie a little more having read the source text.  I still haven't finished the book, but I'm close.  After reading what will be happening in the second movie, I can't wait to see it on screen.

So knowing that people have been talking about the changes and omissions from the other movies, I plan to go back and start reading the books from the beginning.  It will be very interesting to me to see which I end up liking more, the books or the movies.  I have a feeling that the purest in me will end up liking the book a lot more...
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