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Topics - Jeff

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Please use this thread for discussion on the 2016 Black Series 6" fan choice poll and/or the voting so we can keep the other thread nice and tidy (to make it easier to count votes) - thanks!

For the last few years we have run an informal poll with your 10 most wanted characters from the current Star Wars Films. Here's how it works: You submit your Wish List for your top ten Black Series 6" figures by posting them here, be it new figures, resculpts or even re-releases and we'll tally the votes.   Have fun and thanks for sending in your lists (remember to limit it to ten)!

PLEASE NOTE: All STAR WARS characters are eligible for the poll, EXCEPT characters from ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY.  If you have any questions about whether a character would or would not be eligible, please let us know and we'll do our best to get you an answer.

Also note: Any characters from the STAR WARS REBELS or STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS animated series would be sculpted in the realistic style of the STAR WARS: THE BLACK SERIES line.

Final note: Votes only accepted from forum users registered before June 30, 2016 (sorry, ballot stuffers!)

Lists are due to Hasbro on Monday, July 11th (1pm ET), so get cracking as the voting will close that morning to give us time to compile the JediDefender Top Six, which will help determine the finalist for Round 2 voting at (date TBD).

edit:  please post only your top ten lists here - to discuss the poll, your votes, or other people's votes please use this thread. Thanks! :)

The Black Series 6" Figures / 2016 SDCC Deluxe ANH Ben Kenobi
« on: July 1, 2016, 10:36 AM »

$44.99 at the Hasbro booth at SDCC.  Includes table, mini-Leia hologram, Anakin's hilt. 


$35 at Celebration Europe - Deluxe Unmasked Kylo Ren with melty Vader helmet and more -

Rogue One / Rogue One Product Packaging Revealed
« on: April 8, 2016, 04:35 PM »
Putting this here until we start up the Rogue One Toy Board/forum...

Should not be a surprise that this Fall will bring a new line look...  Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Product Packaging Revealed

Other Toy Lines / Bif Bang Pow's Pin Mates
« on: February 12, 2016, 01:14 PM »
Bif Bang Pow! Launches Peg Pals™ - A Brand-New Collectible Line of Wooden Figures.

Once again, a nostalgia themed line aimed at kids of the 60s/70s.   We had a ton of the old fisher price little people wooden figure sets when I was a youngster - Sesame Street, farm, castle, mall, airport, etc.  These could be really cool if they take off.

Press release says they are starting with KISS, but have plans for DC and Marvel, and more.  I probably won't be able to resist a Batman figure when they get around to one, especially if that $5 price holds up.

Other Toy Lines / Funko's 6" Pop Culture Playmobil Figures
« on: February 12, 2016, 01:09 PM »
Funko officially announces the news that was first leaked in January - New Figures from Funko and PLAYMOBIL!

I'll be honest that I'm a little bit bummed to see they are 200% (6-inch) sized figures and $15 each.  As a kid, I loved Playmobil stuff and still have a bunch of it.  My kids have a bunch of the figures and sets now.  Would have been fun to toss some pop culture figures into the mix, but with the 6-inch size, you can't really do that.  Oh well.

The Bullpen / 12" Jumbo Marvel Legends Figures
« on: February 12, 2016, 10:16 AM »
There's 3.75" Marvel Legends.  And 6" Marvel Legends.  Up next - 12" Marvel Legends figures!

$50 each, but they include multiple heads, hands, and accessories.  Makes you wonder if there will be 12" Star Wars figures coming too...?

The Bullpen / Marvel Legends Role Play
« on: February 12, 2016, 10:11 AM »
Looks like Hasbro is taking the "Black Series Role Play for Grown-Ups" idea into Marvel Universe with the new Marvel Legends Role Play Items

Not sure I want to dress up like Cap or IM, but those replica items are pretty cool and way cheaper than the fancy prop replica company prices for sure.  Removable Face Plate on the IM Helmet is pretty cool too.

The Force Awakens / TFA Takodana Encounter Battle Pack
« on: February 11, 2016, 01:05 PM »
$19.99 Takodana Battle Pack revealed @ EW

Set includes new 5POA Maz Kanata and repacks of 5POA Finn, Rey, and BB8.  Text in the article says Maz will not be available singly, just in this set.  Set also includes the Anakin Saber and Maz's trunk.

Maz looks great... but sticking her in a $20 box set with repacks is pretty lame.  Pic from EW:

The Force Awakens / Toy Fair 2016
« on: February 1, 2016, 10:50 AM »
Just a little under two weeks to go so it's time for a thread, I guess.

Hasbro's "2016 Entertainment Brand Press Preview" is set to begin at 1:30pm ET on Saturday, February 13th.   The usual slide show (Transformers, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Marvel), then booth visit.  No word yet if any phones will be allowed, but if so I'm sure news will be flowing on Twitter and social media.

The Black Series 3.75" / Walmart Black Series 3.75" Wave 4
« on: January 4, 2016, 01:25 PM »
So, Wave 3 is becoming a bit more common.  Time to start thinking about Wave 4 again.  Here were the rumored figures, with (now dead) Walmart links:


Really hoping one of the bottom two is a TFA 3.75" SA Han Solo.

Watto's Junk Yard / Hasbro Tries to Create Their Own Movie Universe
« on: December 15, 2015, 10:52 AM »
Under a new deal between the studio [Paramount] and Hasbro's Allspark Pictures, G.I. Joe will join up with characters from the Micronauts, Visionairies, M.A.S.K. and ROM brands

This sounds interesting.... but at the same time, it could be pretty lame based on some of the other Hasbro movies we've seen.

I have no idea who is going to be in wave 5, but you can pre-order it now at EE. :P

Not sure if this will be more TFA stuff or if this is when we start seeing the Ahsoka/Jango/Luke/Kanan that were shown at SDCC?

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