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Messages - Darth Delicious

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Sith Lord Darth Sion (KOTOR II)
« on: February 2, 2006, 09:41 PM »
His chest does look a little bulky...almost as if he's wearing chest armor. But the sculpting on this is amazing, and you've really captured the look of this character.  The paint detail and sculpting is very well done...this may be one of my favorite works that you have done.

And I second aeseven...I would LOVE to see you tackle Revan or Malak.


H honestly think you couldm get away with a clone trooper lower leg swap, as although a BIT bulkier, the lower leg armor on the Commando's isn't fundamentally that different.

Or you could go the Chewie Von Frankenstein route and just add the clone ball joint to the existing leg, like he's done on some of his customs. I think that's the route I'm going to try.


The anti-armor attachment unfortunately does not come off, but there's a definitive line where you could cut the grenade attachment off and modify it easily into the regular deece.

Judging by the removable accessories, I'm wagering Hasbro will be releasing Sev with the sniper rifle, and Boss or Fixer with the regular deece and flamethrower, so each commando has one of the weapons in the game. Too bad we know the big "H" won't think to include any extras like the Trandoshan chaingun.

Still, even though I know Hasbro is likely to release the other three, I can't wait to start customizing. And yeah, it's gonna be tough because I'm going to wan't to make the Deltas, the Omegas from the novels, and at least one fan-fic unit before I'm done. *Sigh.*

Oh, and the game. It's a LOT of fun.  ;D


I get that same reaction from people all the time. Mostly it's people who really don't have a clue about the hobby, and have just heard from someone that toys are "worth something."

The people that ask "Are those worth anything?" get a variation of the  response I gave a kid years ago when I ran a comic book store. He held up an issue of "Youngblood" and asked "How much is this worth?" To which I responded, "It's worth cover price to me, but if you read it and enjoy it, then it's priceless." He went away very confused.

There's not a purchase that goes by where I don't get either "Are you a collector?" or "You must like Star Wars!" I just smile at this point and humor them. Sometimes I tell them I'm a customizer and explain what that is, but if I don't have time I just make something up to satisfy them.

"I work for 'Troopers for Tots' and these are all going to a children's hospital in Lima, Peru."

Or something equally ridiculous off the top of my head.

Oh, and for the record, I wasn't trying to slam either JesseVader or Jokabofe in my responses, and I didn't take offense to anything they said. Still friends, guys?  :P


Star Wars Action Figures / Republic Commando
« on: February 2, 2006, 04:27 AM »
Hey Hemble! Great to see you back, we've missed you! Thanks for the kind words as well.

Fritz- If you have trouble finding the bust-ups, hit up red5sixx and he'll hook you up.

Anyway, I promised Commando here you go.

One of the first thing I'll do to customize each commando I do is articulate the knees and possibly the ankles. Hasbro dropped the ball there, but they did give him a ball jointed waist, which gives him a decent range of motion for firing positions.

Another nice feature is that the explosives on his leg are removable...not only does that add play value for the kids and give customizers some options for weaponry, but also indicated he was designed so that his parts could easily be replaced so Hasbro came equip Sev, Boss and Fixer utilizing the basic sculpt with a repaint and retooled accessories.



No, but by your own definition, the mere act of selling your custom meant the buyer (who may or may not have had any interest on where the proceeds went) was being taken advantage of by you, simply because he did not posess the skill to make the custom himself.

Your argument impunes the entire act of anyone selling anything, despite what caveats you might add. The supermarket takes advantage of me because I can't grow and harvest my own vegetables. Clothing stores take advantage of people who have no skill with the loom.

And JesseVader...nowhere did I say I support scalping or like it in the least. As a matter of fact, I made it clear I don't support scalping because I get out there off my ass and find what I want at retail. I just don't have the same crybaby mentality about it that most collectors seem to. You know why you should get up at 7 a.m. and get to the store to beat the scalpers? BECAUSE you want it at a fair price. If you choose not to do that, then you take your chances that you might not get what you want. You've made the choice that sleeping in is more important than you getting a figure you seek. The "scalper" made the opposite decision. Early bird gets the worm. Or do you feel that the world owes you plentiful figures on the hooks to be purchased at your leisure?

That would be nice, but so would having a little leprechaun that lives on our knee that occasionally reached up and patted us on the ass, making money magically come out of our mouth. It's just not reality.  ;)

You say scalping "takes figures out of the hands of people who simply want to pay a retail price for the figures they like." Only if the scalper grabs it out of your hands after you found it on the shelf. If he got there first, he's entitled to buy whatever he wishes and you have no claim on it. Obviously, this doesn't include guys who pay employees to hold stuff for them so it never sees the shelf, and underhanded practices like that. But if it is on the shelf, it's fair game.

I find it funny collectors dare to take the high and mighty moral ground, when it could just as easily be said that children should not have to go without finding their favorite characters because men in their twenties and thirties feel the need to collect children's playthings. How many children have you deprived of even being able to get one clone because you were building an army?

You may not like it, (I don't like it much myself) but that's life and it doesn't owe any of us anything. You want something? Then be willing to work for it.

The funny thing is, I don't sell customs on E-Bay myself (except for the charity auction we did) mostly because I am far too attached to what I make. I do commissions for people, but I try to do it in trade for figures to increase my collection/fodder box because although I see nothing wrong with it, I'm personally uncomfortable setting a dollar amount on my work.

And I'm not slamming you guys too hard for feeling differently (well, not MUCH anyway  ;D ) because I really do understand where you're coming from. Awhile back I thought Kryart was a jerk because my perception of him was that he just posted his admittedly amazing work to get more people to check out his auctions. However, I have since not only revised my opinion of him as he has become a more active member of our community, but also because it's none of my damn business, and I realized I was sitting in judgement not because of anything he did, but because I was acting holier than thou.

Bottom line, have the right to make whatver you want and get whatever the market will bear. Just be prepared for the holier than thou hobby nazis to pass judgement on you for it for not being as pure as they.  ;D


Personally, I am against the selling of customs on ebay as a way to fund your hobby. It's the same as scalping, if that's why you're going it. You're basically taking advantage of people who can't sculpt/paint/etc - the same way scalpers take advantage of people who can't find new toys.

I like you, jokabofe, but that's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. If I paint a custom and I put it on E-Bay starting at a reasonable price, and the bidding goes crazy, I not only deserve every penny of what I get for it, but I have in no way "taken advantage of people who can't sculpt, paint etc." I have created a piece of art...and if someone wants to pay me $100 for it, I've taken advantage of no one... I didn't force anyone to buy anything. Someone decided it was worth the price paid to have it. The market has decided the value of the item.

Furthermore, when it comes to "scalping..." while I think it's sleazy, I don't think anyone is being taken advantage of. It's not like someone buying all the food in a starving town and charging people ungodly prices for the basic survival necessities. It's a hunk of plastic, for god's sake...and you don't NEED it, and you're certainly not entitled to it just because you like it. You don't want to pay more than retail for a Commander Cody? Then get out there and find one at retail. Trade someone who has it. Get it from a friend on the boards who has two. But is John Q. Scalper gets to the store and all five are on the hook and he buys them, well, that's his right. You should have beaten him to them.

By your definition everyone who sold customs on Ebay a few months back for charity "took advantage of someone" even though it was for a good cause.


I'm a major fan of Ostander's writing and Jan's art, so I'll be first in line for that new series. (And I'm sure I'll have lots of new customs to create from it as well!)


I am SO going to make that one! Where's the image from?



This is great stuff. You have to let me in on this with you DD.


You can share in the figure hijinks...but if I hooked up with Amy Allen, I ain't sharing.   ;D


Phruby's in So. Cal too...but I'm sure we all have different places we can take him in our grand, socialist California paradise.  ;)

Besides, I really want to take him to con and try to get him a little Amy Allen lovin'.

Or me. Either one of us, really.  ;D


That came out really nice! Thanks, InRem!

Oh, and as for Commando pics...I'll post some this week, although I bet mrmforcex and Dan Curto over at 'scum beat me to it.


Get the figure to me in July and I will take it to Comic-Con.  :P


Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Customs Giveaways
« on: January 29, 2006, 10:33 PM »
Hey're only off the hook because your avatar makes me happy.  ;)


Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Customs Giveaways
« on: January 29, 2006, 09:44 PM »
Wait...who won the first?  ???


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