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Messages - Pete_Fett

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Which Q&A said that?

I wondered the same thing when I saw that post on these boards and I poured through the Q&A answers last night and I believe this is the question and answer he's referring to:

QUESTION:  I'm wondering if you could give us an idea of how you will be handling future EU figure releases. As you have indicated, the comic pack line is not selling as well as it once was and may not continue beyond 2010. Would all EU characters need to find their way into a coveted slot in an EU wave in the basic line, or are there other possibilities that you could see working to keep a steady flow of all new EU figures in the mix? As you know, there are still many prominent characters out there that have not been honored with a figure, like Zayne Carrick & Marn "Gryph" Hierogryph (KOTOR), Finn Galfridian and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (Invasion), Dass Jennir (Dark Times), and Celeste Morne (Vector). Most of these are still at the height of their popularity. Without comic packs, would these characters become long shots to ever be included in the basic line, or do you think you could find a way to fit them in somewhere else?

ANSWER:  We can confirm that the Comic Pack, as a mainline SKU, will not continue past Spring 2010 at this point. There are select Comic Packs slated for exclusives, though, so the format is not completely dead. Beyond the Comic Packs, occasional exclusives are the only hope for EU figures until they find their way back into the mainline. After the last wave of Legacy/Droid Factory, set for approximately February, there are no more EU figures slotted for the mainline basic figure wave until Fall 2011, at the earliest. It will be a bit of dry spell while we focus on the films for a while, but there will be some excellent exclusives coming out (like the Toys 'R Us The Force Unleashed packs) that should held cover the gap. Some of the characters you mention, like Zayne, do stand a chance of coming out someday. Others, like Celeste Mourne, are unlikely ever to get made without a comic book to go with them. Hopefully Finn (and the rest of the new Jedi Order) are around for when we do get a chance to either relaunch Comic Packs or add more focus to the EU.

So this phrase: After the last wave of Legacy/Droid Factory, set for approximately February, there are no more EU figures slotted for the mainline basic figure wave until Fall 2011

Seems to indicate that the last Legacy Collection Wave will be the EU one. Perhaps it was a poor choice of wording, but I'm thinking that it will indeed be the last wave of the Legacy Collection/Build-A-Droid.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: November 18, 2009, 01:01 PM »
News that this line is getting cancelled is really disappointing to me.

I really like what they've been able to do with some of the comic packs so far.

However, I can't help but notice (and now comment on) the fact that there have been FAR TOO MANY reissues in this line!

The clunker Marvel sets that Hasbro trotted out as the first mass-release wave of this format, all received a "repaint" variation in the same packaging and then recently with the Red/White packaging, they brought back out the Vader/Rebel and Han/Chewie sets. Why? Were the previous two releases of these sets not enough?

Why did the first EIGHT Red/White packs need to be primarily repacks? I'm sorry, but there is no excuse why the latest wave of Comic 2-packs couldn't have just been 2x each of the three new ones (numbered 1, 2 and 3) and then 1 of the Luke/Deena and 1 of the Mundi/Hett sets STILL in the Blue/White packaging - the packaging is the SAME SIZE, they could have cross packed Blue/White and Red/White in the same case.

Heck if that's a problem put 3x each of the Katarn/Vong set and 3x each of the Krayt/Dare set and then just 2x each of the Luke/Lumiya set.

All I see in stores around here are Red/White packs #1, #2, #4, #5 and #6 - and they are in abundance. What made them think that the Wedge/Borssk set was so great it needed to ship again? In most instances there are still Blue/White comic packs left and almost always it's the Wedge/Borssk set!

Maybe what they need to do is send their reps around and pull all of the Blue/White Comic packs AND all five of the Red/White repacks and fire the idiot who created the mess in the first place.

If they had shipped a case like I suggest above and those sets were what was clogging the pegs, then sure I would concede and say "huh, I guess the comic 2-packs aren't selling so well" - however, when a "new" case of the comic packs comes in and the three new sets fly out the door leaving the refuse behind, I blame the peg clogging on ineptitude, not on poor sales.

I've said it on various different threads dedicated to this sub-line before - the assortments should ALWAYS just be four new comic 2-packs, packaged 2x per case. That allows for the cases to easily be marketed where they would most like do the best - with adult collectors who may choose to buy them online. If I didn't always end up with junk I didn't want more of, I would gladly buy cases of comic packs that were 100% new sets with each wave.

Has this wave (the ESB wave) hit anywhere yet? I'm just trying to figure out if I've got a breather with regards to Legacy figures or if I'm still playing catch-up.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart Droid Factory Sets
« on: November 17, 2009, 11:46 PM »
If these had been $60 a set instead of $85 a set, I would have been more inclined to pick up a third set of these to open. $180 for three sets is a much better pill to swallow then $170 for two sets.

The other contributing factor for me was that even though they have yet to re-release a BAD figure, I feel that one day, they will either start making the BAD figures easier to obtain either via gift sets, or as a fully-assembled carded figures or perhaps even as a mail-away figure offers and out of all of the BADs so far, the most prime candidate for that kind of "second chance" is the Dark Trooper - even if it's a Dark Trooper silver repaint like the original POTF2 EU release version.

I never thought they would have re-released the McQuarrie figures back in 2007, and even though the sets are missing accessories, they are easily available in 2009.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2009: Worst Distribution Year Ever?
« on: November 17, 2009, 09:27 PM »
I'm not going to claim to be 100% responsible for the change of things at my local WM - but at that WM where I had the conversation with the Hasbro reps and the WM employee claimed to "order more" over the past week, they have gotten in at least four cases of the ROTS wave and two cases of the ANH wave.

This after NEVER getting the TPM or ROTJ waves at this store at all.

Clearly, laziness and/or a clogged pipeline had something to do with this store not getting in new Legacy product.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: November 17, 2009, 09:18 PM »
Expensive day - in addition to picking up some CW stuff, I also grabbed:

1x Gelagrub Patrol BP
1x New Endor BP

and a bunch of Legacy Collection figures I wanted extras of:
Gungan Warrior, Jawa w/Security Droid, Utai, SA Commander Bacarra, Imperial Scanning Trooper

I also picked up the last figure I needed to be all caught up with Legacy Figures through the ROTS wave - Concept Ki-Adi Mundi (yeah!)

Looks like I'm going to need to turn my attention to the Target Exclusive CW battle packs next while still keeping an eye out for more regular issue BPs in the new Red/White packaging...

It would be great for a break, but that's probably not going to come until around Christmas!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: November 17, 2009, 09:12 PM »
Picked up the Padme/Matchstick/Tank Gunner/Ziro Assassain Droid wave this evening at a K-Mart of all places.

I was there looking for battle packs on sale... found the CW figures in addition to the two Legacy Collection BPs....

I also picked up MIP Obi-Wan w/Freeco Speeder and Dooku w/Speeder Bike to add to my packaged collection.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Star Trek
« on: November 15, 2009, 07:08 PM »
Shared exclusive?  That's interesting.  I wonder if the line then will get a reboot for the TV show next year, in some capacity?

There's going to be a new Star Trek TV series next year?

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Battle Packs
« on: November 15, 2009, 06:54 PM »
It's partly the TAC Jedi Knight version with the TSC accessories, but he also has a new removable tunic and belt.

Cool - thanks for the reply.

I took a look at the pictures on the link above and I gotta say - I may have to pick up another Legacy Jedi Luke and swap that figure in to make an "ultimate" Endor Gear Luke.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Battle Packs
« on: November 15, 2009, 02:53 AM »
Can anyone who has the new Endor BP - is the Jedi Luke the new Legacy Collection Luke with a Poncho and Helmet or is it an older base-sculpt figure?

I'm hoping it's the new Jedi Luke with the extra Endor gear, but I don't think that will be the case...

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: November 15, 2009, 02:33 AM »
Found the ANH wave at Target. 

That's good to hear - I still need a MOC Boba Fett repack from this wave along with an opener of the Concept Ki-Adi-Mundi so I can finish off the wave. My WMs are getting the ROTS wave more than the ANH wave, so I hope that I'm able to score both figures soon.

I picked up an opener set of this wave this morning and I just opened it now.

I gotta say this wave is really nice and with the exception of the ANH continues a pretty good trend of new figures in the 2009 Black/White Legacy Collection.

The Commander Cody figure is a nice upgrade, the ball jointed hips are a nice touch. I can't get the lightsaber to plug into the hole in my Cody's belt, which is okay since as others have pointed out, the belt was put in upside down.

The Jeremoch Colton figure is nice, I think I like it because now we have a third "behind the scenes" cameo figure - for everyone out there who likes to get figures signed, you now have something to get Jeremy Bulloch to sign that is actually a representation of him.

The Utai is a nice sculpt and well articulated.

Plo Koon and Agen Kolar are nice upgrades/updates of the previous releases - now if Hasbro would just stop putting the older version of Plo Koon in their Legends line, we'll be all set.

The Concept IG-88 fits in nicely with the McQuarrie figures from 2007. I'm sorta confused as to why the Concept Ki-Adi-Mundi wasn't in this wave and the IG-88 wasn't in with the ANH wave, but oh well.

At first when I saw photos of the YVH-1 I was like "what is the Terminator endo-skeleton doing in the SW line?" but once I learned the story behind these droids, I was cool with it being offered. It's definitely a nice addition to the BAD sub-set of figures.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 10 - A New Hope (Fall 2009)
« on: November 15, 2009, 02:23 AM »
I have been able to score all of the waves up to and including the ROTS wave and I have to say that I think the ANH wave is the weakest out of the first six waves planned for the 2009/2010 Legacy Collection.

The Han, Chewie and R2 figures should have been dropped in favor of updated versions of Tarkin, Uncle Owen, Ponda Baba, Dr. Evazan, Aunt Beru or heck throw in Fixer and Cammie - ANY of these would have been preferrable to the three figures we did get.

The cantina patrons are nice, can't say I was ever like "damn, I really hope they make Leesub Sirln" - but she fits nicely in my cantina diorama so I'm okay with getting her as a figure. Would have personally preferred Bom Vimdin, but oh well, maybe one day.

The BADs are okay - the clear dome on this R3 (as opposed to the more cloudy dome of the R3 from the ROTJ wave) is nice, but the R4 is nothing special.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:31 PM »
Came across the ROTS wave at a couple WMs this morning. Scored a complete set of six to open and a Concept IG-88 for a friend.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:29 PM »
Picked up the Red Repacked versions of Ashoka, Dooku, Cody & R2 today. I wish there had been the Destroyer Droid there too just so I could fill in all those numbers in my carded collection...

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