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Messages - Pete_Fett

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The Legacy Collection / Re: Ralph McQuarrie Concept Figure Box Sets
« on: October 27, 2009, 04:38 PM »
Just out of curiosity - is this based on someone just looking in the package or someone actually opening a set?

Is there a chance that the remaining accessories were put in a baggie off to the side where they can't be seen instead of them taking the time to have the accessories fit into slots in the tray with all of the figures?

I really don't care either way, but I know that there are folks who were looking forward to these as a way of scoring these hard to get figures from 2007 - kinda stinks that they put them altogether but then leave out some of the accessories.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Beginning of the End?
« on: October 11, 2009, 10:17 AM »
Get rid of Saga Legends - Hasbro has 19 reissues in the 55 "new" figures this year. That's almost the same amount as the Saga Legends line - that means they could have put those Legends reissues in with the Legacy Collection.

Stop numbering figures - while this is probably more of a personal issue to collectors like me, but carded reissues could be skipped if they weren't numbered.

Stop changing the packaging - during a recession was NOT the time to change the look-and-feel of the line and then compell Hasbro to reissue so many Legacy and Clone Wars figures just because the packaging had changed. If the Blue/White line was still going, many of the re-releases that are coming out would have been un-necessary.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Y-Wing Starfighter
« on: October 10, 2009, 10:15 AM »
Yeah, I'm just waiting to see a CGI-inserted Ahsoka somewhere in the next ROTS re-release.

This is most certainly coming at some point. I have always felt that we will probably never see the "fate" of Ashoka and Rex in the Cartoon - sure they kill off the Jedi-of-the-week every once and a while, but they are usually introduced and killed in the same episode or within the same episode arc. The new Jedi you've never seen before are the Red Shirts of the Animated Clone Wars series.

My current thinking on this is that the show will end with Ashoka no longer being a Padawan and going off with her own troops. They are NEVER going to show her dying on the show. Captain Rex will offer to keep an eye on her for Anakin and ask to transfer to Ashoka's squad as their commander. Then when GL finally releases ROTS on BR, we'll get a new Order 66 scene where Ashoka is taken out by Captain Rex wearing the ROTS style armor - which after the cartoon being on for three or four seasons would make that scene incredibly powerful.

So if that is what's in the cards, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get the movies on BR for at least another three years.

I would be great if GL added some other vehicles to the mix in that opening battle - specifically the Y-Wings and the V-19s.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: October 9, 2009, 02:50 PM »
They restock over night, every day if they are high volume and some stores skip a couple days if they are low volume, and then the system pulls backstocked stuff all day as it sells (if they have any in back, that is). So they had plenty of chances to get new stuff between Sunday and Thursday.

I'm pretty sure when the economy tanked there was a financial release re: Target stores that indicated that in most markets they stopped overnight stocking to cut down on salary costs. While I don't remember the specifics, I know that they definitely did that in my area.

The Legacy Collection / Re: TRU Legacy Collection TIE Interceptor
« on: October 9, 2009, 02:48 PM »
I've seen the Crumb Bomber here in NJ - but not this - odd that they both didn't hit around the same time...

What size is the box it comes in? Larger like the Gunship, ARC-170, Y-Wing? or something in between the $20 vehicles and the $70 ones?

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: October 9, 2009, 02:39 PM »
Picked up two sets of the Geonosis Arena 2-packs last night.

I also picked up the Re-issue of the Han/Chewie Marvel Comic 2-pack to finish off my MOC set of sets #1 - #8.

Picked up a MIB Crumb Bomber this morning too.

It's turning into an expensive week...

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Y-Wing Starfighter
« on: October 9, 2009, 09:51 AM »
Got my opener and MIB Y-Wings yesterday.

So I opened the Y-Wing and I like it. Wish it had been a bit cheaper - $55 instead of $65 would have been more in-line on this I think.

I know it's an EU vehicle, but until I can score a repack of Ashoka, Anakin and R2 from the CW line, two of my spare Clone Pilots from the Gunship Pod Battlepacks and one of the Yellow/White R5 B-A-Ds are currently sitting in the ship - it's got a very "White & Yellow" vibe going on right now.

Thankfully they made the landing gear on this Y-Wing very sturdy so there will not be any rear-landing-gear sag like there is on the re-releases of the Vintage vehicle.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: October 9, 2009, 09:47 AM »
Picked up some stuff to open up...

1x Captain Argyus
1x Luminara
2x AAT Driver Battle Droid
1x Commander Thire

And I also scored a Y-Wing - the box is beat-up, so I'll probably open it, but not until I find one that in mint condition.

Found a MIB Y-Wing on my way home so I picked that up too.

Opened up the beat-up Y-Wing, nice vehicle, wish the price on this range was at least $10 less.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: October 8, 2009, 12:44 PM »
Picked up some stuff to open up...

1x Captain Argyus
1x Luminara
2x AAT Driver Battle Droid
1x Commander Thire

And I also scored a Y-Wing - the box is beat-up, so I'll probably open it, but not until I find one that in mint condition.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 30, 2009, 07:50 PM »
Scored a bunch of things this morning - all for the MIB/MIP/MOC collection...

1x Ashoka's JSF
1x Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
1x Captain Argyus
1x Luminara
1x AAT Driver Battle Droid
1x Commander Thire

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: September 17, 2009, 07:51 AM »
Wow - I am totally not surprised that a POTF2 deluxe figure "vehicle" has found its way into this assortment.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Jetpack from Han Solo, Boba Fett or the "Crowd Control" Stormtrooper show up either. Especially with the onslaught of Mandos that's coming this seaon - I could definitely see them getting reused for some "deluxe" Mandalorians.

If Anakin appears like that in the series at some point, you really can't have an issue with this set. It would be amusing if the CW writers and animators put the sport skiff vehicle (or something the looks like it) in as a nod to the longevity of the modern Star Wars line.

I have always thought the old vintage mini-rigs should have been brought back in the modern line - so I'd welcome those too - some of the non Imperial/Rebel ones could easily be used with the animated bounty hunters to give them their own mini vehicles.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:19 PM »
Yeah, I hope these are delayed. Evo packs and Comic packs, both with Army builders, in just one month is just killer.

I hear yeah - but then that just backs them up against the Geonosis Arena sets over at Target. Some people might be army-building some of those sets for the Battle Droids....

The Legacy Collection / Re: Exclusives, exclusives, exclusives...
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:16 PM »
I could see following the numbering thing if they were putting more than one of new figs in a case so there were two repacked/renumbered figs. But this crap where they have six new figs at one per case and then six repack/renumber figs would (if I ever was) stop me from even thinking about it.

I totally see what you're saying. For the Legacy Collection to START with BD #1 - #5 being repacks and then BD #12 also being a repack is really inexcusable.

Hasbro complains that the Legacy line just sits, but then they pull this stuff. So far I've found an almost complete set of the TPM wave to open (missing Rum Sleg) and I still need to get the first twelve MOC. I keep missing the wave though - the tell-tale sign is the Red/White packaged Han and Luke in Stormtrooper Armor and/or the Spacetrooper. The Darth Maul seems to sell as do the Jawa and the Biker Scout.

Perhaps that was Hasbro's plan all along - give you a sign that you "just" missed the latest wave 'cause the re-packaged crap is still hanging around!


The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Y-Wing Starfighter
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:12 PM »
I'm really not waiting for a price drop, afterall the one I saw was at a WM which is the best price there is around.

I do normally grab when I see it and for my MIB collection, exchange it out if I find one in better shape (if necessary).

I guess for me, it was more of an issue of budgeting at the moment. I'd much rather have the money right now to spend on things that aren't going to be continually shipping - such as the WM Exclusive Comic packs (if they start to hit) or those new Target CW Battlepacks or buying the Target Geonosis Arena 2-packs from, etc...

As of late, there hasn't been anything that was "rare" as long as you go hunting often enough...

I was freaked out that the Ambush on the Vulture's Claw BP was going to be hard to find, now I'm finding it EVERYWHERE.

The same will be true with the Y-Wing, by November.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Y-Wing Starfighter
« on: September 15, 2009, 08:51 PM »
I saw one for the first time the other day. While I normally pick things up when I see them - this time I chose to leave it.

I do want to get two of these eventually, but I'm in no rush. These will be easy to find by the holiday shopping season.

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