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Messages - Pete_Fett

Pages: 1 ... 158 159 160 161 162 [163] 164 165 166 167 168 ... 249
The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: July 31, 2009, 12:35 PM »
Scored the following this morning:
2x Turbo Tank
2x Imperial ARC-170
2x Turbo Tank Support Squad (Deluxe)
2x Jet Pack Clones (Deluxe)
1x ARF Trooper
1x Gree
2x Yularen
1x Jawa 2-pack

The Legacy Collection / Re: Funeral Pyre Vader w/ Luke
« on: July 29, 2009, 08:02 AM »
Well, I'm one of those rare collectors who would buy this regardless of price, so while I hope it's in the $30 - $35 price range, I'm excited to see this and would gladly add it to my collection.

I am aware that I'm not a typical collector so I definitely see everyone's point.

I just hope that this piece does well since a failure on a piece like this would prevent a Funeral Procession Padme from ever being made - which is something else I would one day like to add to my collection.

A lot of people are pointing at the Lars homestead set as a great example of an Epic Fail on the part of Hasbro. I would tend to agree. But ask yourself this: If the Owen and Beru figures were brand new, sculpted and articulated by today's standards, does the set still suck? Perhaps, but to me a change like that would have made the set a million times better.

I think Hasbro needs to realize that sets fail sometimes because of price, but they also fail because of decisions made during the development process. I'm sure the idea of new Owen and Beru figures was bounced around during the development of the Lars Homestead set, just as I'm sure they were nixed so as to maximize the profit margin on the set. But we all see how far that got them...

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 7
« on: July 29, 2009, 06:41 AM »
I agree, as someone who DID buy the Wave 7 revision case, it doesn't have the beardless Hoth Rebel in it.  It's the bearded one.  It's not in there.  Hasbro may be in error here, because as the proud owner of this case-- and others have it too-- I can assure you there's no clean-shaven troopers out there in it.

As someone who both both the regular AOTC Wave 7 case AND the Wave 7 Revision case just to ensure that I would get all of the remaining numbered Legacy Collection Blue/White figures to add to my MOC collection - this news out of Comic Con REALLY pisses me off.

My local WalMarts have already gotten this wave in - the one nearest me got in four cases of the Wave 7 Revision 1 mix - they aren't going to get any more of this wave. Our local TRUs gave up on the Legacy Collection with the ANH wave and our local Targets gave up on the Legacy Collection with the ROTS wave.

So until I see one of these clean shaven HRS show up on eBay in the Blue/White packaging, I'm going to hope that Darryl DeRetard (sorry, I'm sure he's a "great" guy, but moves like this show how he DOESN'T get or care about the collectors of the line) was just talking out of his ass when he gave Nick this info.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart Droid Factory Sets
« on: July 29, 2009, 06:16 AM »
I think I'm going to have to cut back from three sets of these (1 to keep MIB and two to open) to just two sets (1 to keep MIB and 1 to open). If each set had been $50 plus tax as opposed to $85 plux tax, picking up three sets to me would have been no big deal, but since the price is almost double that, it's just not worth it since Hasbro has shown us time and again that items do indeed get re-released.

So I'm going to be happy with my lone Dark Trooper and one day, I'm sure this sculpt will see the light of day when Hasbro re-releases it in a B-A-D box set or a Comic 2-pack or whatever...

I would like to apologize to everyone for falling for these fakes and starting this thread...

Well of the Souls / Re: Ticket to Adventure Mail-Away Offers
« on: July 28, 2009, 09:23 PM »
I got all 12 of the Crystal Skeletons I've been waiting for today!!!   ;D

I'm very happy to finally have this figure!!

Not that SW is lacking in those too, of course, but the Indy hobby seemed to have this "out of the woodwork" group of truly dickish people suddenly into toys.

Ain't that the truth! I've been following the discussion of this over on the forum for and it appears that people there seem to get their rocks-off just pretending to be "know it alls" with "insider information". Kinda sad really.

Well, it's not just over on the RS boards, it's on a couple of Indy collector/fan site boards as well...

These are custom figures, nothing more.

Oh well....

I believe, according to my clock being 3 pm, that it's just starting.

Sorry - I thought when he said 12:00 "today" on July 25th, he meant 12 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, not Sunday.

Either way, it's now four hours after an hour-long panel would have ended - has any news poppped up?

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: July 26, 2009, 12:49 PM »
A mere cost savings tactic. We'll get OWK, Anakin and Rex in Cold Weather Gear on individual cards.

Yeah - except that those Obi-Wan and Anakin figures won't fit in the speeder!

Any word on what happened during this panel?

Last year didn't Hasbro add things to their displays as the weekend went on? I am a tad bit confused that they didn't have an Indy slide or two at the end of the Star Wars slide deck, but perhaps they wanted to keep it Star Wars-only?

Does anyone have the certificate for this mail-away? The Hasbro website says the file can't be found....   >:(

I'm definitely going to be getting multiples of the Dark Trooper and the Spacetrooper! I'm also happy that we're getting Jaina and Jacen finally.

I'll gladly add the Shaak Ti figure to my Force Unleashed shelf.

Kinda weird how they didn't use this as an opportunity to give us Proxy by way of the B-A-D.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: July 24, 2009, 08:17 PM »
I've been hoping for a Master Tholme for a while, so I'm glad to see that set.

The WalMart sets look great as well, another trio of good looking sets. I hope these are as easy to score as the WM wave from earlier this year.

I'm looking forward to Darth Nihl and Jareal as well...

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