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Messages - Pete_Fett

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The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: July 24, 2009, 04:50 PM »
Too bad the Obi-Wan w/the Freeco Speeder is wrong. Weren't he and Anakin wearing cold-weather gear in this episode?

Great chance to make worth-while entry in this line wasted.

I think it's shipping with the Geonosis Assault Gunship BP. I'm not sure of the other case mates though.

But from that report a week or so back, Hasbro is saying that this set is ONLY coming out in the blue/white packaging. The Gunship pods BP is coming out in the Red/White packaging....

The Legacy Collection / Re: San Diego Comic-Con 2009
« on: July 24, 2009, 04:46 PM »
Well, I just looked through them - lots of stuff - almost TOO MUCH, but oh well...

I'm surprised that so much stuff is hitting between now and the end of September!

Well according to the sign at SDCC this battle pack is "Available: NOW" - I've been noticing a reappearance of the Jedi vs. Darth Sidious and the Jedi Training on Dagobah battle packs - are these sets shipping with the Vulture's Claw pack and that set is selling out first?

Well of the Souls / SDCC'09 Toht, Dietrich, Ark Ghost = HOAX
« on: July 22, 2009, 09:03 AM »
I just saw a story on Yakface that apparently there are some new Indiana Jones figures on display at SDCC. Here's a link to the photobucket gallery:

The thing is, if you look at the close-up of the accessories that come with the Toht in the Toht/Dietrich 2-pack, you'll see on the next level down there looks to be a guy with his arm "on fire" - based on what I can see of the outfit it looks like he's from the scene in Marion's bar at the beginning of the movie.

If these are indeed coming, I am not surprised at all that they're using the fact that they have two Toht head sculpts to anchor two of the two-packs.

I'm not 100% convinced that those rumors of the Ark Ghost were indeed legit, since I highly doubt that ANY of these products have been worked on "new" since the line went on "hiatus".

My guess is that there are more of these since there isn't a single Indy figure pictured and with the exception of Toht, none of the lost RoTLA figures figures are shown (Indy in German Uniform, Saphito, Marion in White Dress, German Mechanic)

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Wave 8 (aka 2009 Wave 5)
« on: July 19, 2009, 10:02 AM »
Speaking from my many horrible years of working at Target. Unless Hasbro had the packaging for each line totally different, you can't have different price points on each line because as we all know the stuff mixes together, people would question prices, and it would be a giant pain. Too bad for Target maybe, but that's why they'd never do it in my opinion.

I totally understand Nick - I worked retail too. I could only imagine the questions and complaints when a figure on a $6.99 peg rings up as $7.99.

I think that if CW and Saga Legends are both selling "so well" then Hasbro should be able to use the fact that the Saga Legends gives them enough profit to keep the overall cost of the figures down.

The figures should still be $6.99 each, not increased to $7.99 each.

The Legacy Collection / Re: The Return of Saga Legends
« on: July 19, 2009, 09:52 AM »
Hey David - did you happen to notice if the Shocktrooper and/or Plo Koon on the pegs when you found these?

Also - what numbers are these two? Are they SL#15 & SL#16?

I think this is a legit figure.

It's from the new scenes that Lucas is adding to A New Hope for the Blu-Ray release.

When Luke and Leia are trying to escape the Death Star - in that scene where they're trying to get across the chasm, the ghost of Padme is going to appear disguised as a Stormtrooper and help Leia shoot the Stormtroopers on the next level up. After the Stormtroopers are dispatched, Luke and Leia are going to be digitally altered to say "Thanks Mom!" and then swing across the chasm. Unfortunately, Leia's line of "Good Luck" has been removed.

Later on Padme reappears in the same disguise and meets up with Obi-Wan who is about to disable the tractor beam. They exchange pleasantries and then Padme gives Obi-Wan a kick in the balls for stowing away on her ship when she went to Mustafar.


I can't wait to add Ghost Padme in Stormtrooper Disguise to my collection!!!!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: July 17, 2009, 01:19 PM »
Got my Jedi Training Academy sets the other day. My wife's oldest son and his girlfriend were down in Orlando for the past week and he brought me back two of them, not overly thrilled with the set, but glad that I have it in the collection...

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Wave 8 (aka 2009 Wave 5)
« on: July 16, 2009, 10:29 PM »
Smaller than Legacy, no pack ins, crap for articulation, and the same price as the Legacy assortment?!

I smell greed.


Supposedly the reason is that they include spring-loaded weapons. That's the justification for the CW figures having the same price-point as the Legacy and Legends figures. I think Legends being the same price as Legacy is a rip-off too.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: July 13, 2009, 08:32 PM »
Looks like he's missing knee joints. DAMN!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Ambush on the Vulture's Claw BP
« on: July 13, 2009, 04:11 PM »
Did I miss this battle pack? I saw the news over on GH that it's only coming out in the Blue/White packaging, if that's the case, is it coming soon or have I missed this set entirely?

Can I use UPCs from the Blue/White packaged Clone Wars, Legacy or Legends figures?

If so, I'm going to get my redemption request in ASAP.

Well of the Souls / Re: Ticket to Adventure Mail-Away Offers
« on: July 7, 2009, 08:39 PM »
I got an answer from Hasbro Customer Service As Well...

In response to this update of my previous question:

Hello again - I received a post card that indicated the Crystal Skeletons would be mailed on June 10th.

It is now July 4th and I have yet to receive any of them.

Can someone please let me know an updated status on these?


To which they replied:

Thank you for your email.

Please be assured you are still on the list to receive the twelve figures. Unfortunately, the fulfillment house has not received inventory yet.

As soon as the figures are available to send, they will be sent.

We are very sorry for the delay and appreciate your understanding.

So I guess the reason for the delay is that the fulfillment house still hasn't received them...

Oh well, I guess we wait...

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: July 7, 2009, 05:24 AM »
Ok - so the Clone Wars line is aimed at kids. That's fine. But the Saga Legends line is for kids too?

I was in a TRU on Monday night and this mom came into the Star Wars aisle with her two young sons.

One of the boys was trying to look through the figures, but since he was small, he couldn't see much, so I asked him what he was looking for and offered to help him look. He told me he wanted to get two figures - one good guy and one bad guy.

The "good guy" he wanted to get was the 501st Clonetrooper. So now he's on a quest to find a "bad guy" - based on what was on the pegs here was his options:

Darth Vader (Legends) - nope already had a couple of him
Darth Maul (Legends) - nope already had a Darth Maul figure
Super Battle Droid (Legends) - nope already had a bunch of those
Battle Droid (Clone Wars) - nope, same as the SBD
IG Assassain Droid (Clone Wars) - nope, already had one of him
Destroyer Droid (Clone Wars) - nope, already had a pair of them
Asajj Ventress - ABSOLUTELY NO "I don't get the girl figures!"

The kid ended up putting back the 501st Clone and saving his money for another day.

Ok so whatever play pattern, scheme, concept, idea Hasbro thinks they are serving with the Saga Legends line having Darth Vader, Darth Maul and the Super Battle Droid constantly in circulation - they lost a potential sale because they DO NOT provide enough variety through the Saga Legends line.

And what are they doing with the first wave of the Red/White Saga Legends - bringing out the EXACT SAME "bad guys" that this kid already had. Now I'm sure this kid is more of an exception than the norm, but the kid who buys or gets more than one Star Wars figure should be the core audience, not the kid who gets one figure and throws it in the closet. Hasbro should want kids to make repeat purchases (or nag their parents to make repeat purchases for them).

I think if Hasbro would consider packing in a better variety of figures as the Legends line progresses instead of the same core 12 figures over and over again, even when aiming the line at kids, they will end up being much better served. Making a blanket statement like the Yavin Rebel doesn't fit is just being ignorant of the market or lazy, I can't figure out which. Afterall, if there had been a generic Stormtrooper and a Yavin Rebel on the pegs, I could have shown him both of those and offered them as his potential mix of "good" and "bad" guy figures.

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