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Messages - Diddly

Pages: 1 ... 333 334 335 336 337 [338] 339 340 341 342 343 ... 421
Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Figure Sales (or price hikes)!
« on: August 4, 2005, 11:00 PM »
Agreed about the sales. There are sooooooo many pegwarmers I want to get on clearance.

Also, I've noticed that the cheapest online figure prices have gone up to about $8 a figure. :o

Photonovels and Movies / Re: TSR: Voyage to Trideeno - NOW UP!
« on: August 4, 2005, 10:25 PM »
Woohoo, praise! :P

Vator: Thanks!

CHEWIE: I'm glad to see you're still enjoying everything! The buildings weren't intentionally made to look like LEGOs, I was aiming for something like in the SW LEGO video game, where ships and people are LEGOs, but everything else (buildings, nature, etc.) is "real." I do believe I will be changing my ways though!

Also, I was a bit hesitant about putting that line in, but I'm glad I kept it. I think the droids are hard characters to use in a story like this. They're not a big part of the story, but you have to remind people that they're still there. Don't worry, I have more (hopefully) funny 3PO lines coming! :)

Quazar: Glad to see I have another fan! Thanks for the praise too. I'm blushing!

I REALLY want to buy a lot of sets, but I spend a majority of my money on the Hasbro stuff and I'm currently waiting for some ROTS sets to go on clearance. Also, about 90-95% of my LEGO collection is SW, and since I don't army build with LEGO, I just have one of each set, so it's hard for me to make customs. However, I can make smaller customs with old non SW sets that I never use. The Trideeno Starfighter is a custom, and the original Falcon is now the Star Destroyer bridge I use.

However, I am planning to build a large diorama for the inside of Dralco's mansion in Part 4. MS Paint can't create what I want to make, so it's time to put in a little bit of elbow grease. Diorama builders, expect me to be asking some questions about materials/paint in the upcoming weeks. ;)

Once again, thanks to everyone for reading! :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Mikey D is now Daddy D
« on: August 4, 2005, 09:38 PM »
Congrats!  :)

As I tell all the new dads around here, now you have a good reason to be in the SW isle. :P

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Return of the Beast Assortments
« on: August 4, 2005, 09:31 PM »
Damn, that Bantha looks awesome. Anyone remember the prices of the larger beasts like that? I remember seeing a bunch of the Banthas and Rancors once, but passed due to either price or size.

Site Feedback, Suggestions, and Help / Re: Photo Novel section.
« on: August 4, 2005, 01:57 AM »
Sounds good, Matt. I really like that idea.

I know this isn't a PM, but I nominate CHEWIE's Rykrof Enloe #11 to be the first one plugged on the main page. CHEWIE is pretty much responsible for bringing customizers and photonovels over here, so I say he gets the honor of first mention.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: August 4, 2005, 01:45 AM »

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS DVD Nov 1st
« on: August 3, 2005, 12:59 AM »
I see you can now order the Revenge of the Sith DVD at, for the "special" price of $29.98 ::).  Yeah, I think I'll wait for Wal-Mart, Target, or BestBuy.  For some reason, I think they'll beat that price ;).

Notice also that it SHIPS on 11/1, meaning that you'll have to wait a few days for it to arrive.

Plus, I think WM, Target, and Best Buy will all have the $10 price match war they had when AOTC was released. :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: August 3, 2005, 12:16 AM »
I too will be seeing Dukes, but on Saturday. My dad was a big DoH fan, and he likes Jessica Simpson. So I'll be dragged along.

I want to stay and see a bunch of movies though (like Batman... sorry Kev  :-[)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Great 2005 Collector's Challenge
« on: August 2, 2005, 09:40 PM »
I'm just the opposite of you guys, I'm interested to see what I spend and will continue my updates. Of course, I dropped out last year, so maybe that's my motivation.  :P

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS in engrish.
« on: August 2, 2005, 02:30 PM »
HA! Hilarious! ;D

My favorite had to be the opening scrawl.

"Long time ago in faraway galaxy.... BACKSTROKE OF THE WEST!"


Revenge of the Sith / Re: NEW TIE Fighter
« on: August 2, 2005, 02:05 PM »
Looks good, I'll pick one up as I enjoy scaled vehicles. The paint isn't really a big deal to me; it seems to me that every TIE Fighter made by a toy company has the wrong colors.

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Battlefront II!!!!
« on: August 2, 2005, 01:36 AM »
Okay, the Beta began today, but kits won't arrive until 8/22. It ends on 9/10. I'll keep you guys posted.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: TSR: Voyage to Trideeno - NOW UP!
« on: August 2, 2005, 01:09 AM »
Well here's the third installment of TSR. Hope you enjoy. Special thanks to Vator for creating the planet and mansion! :)


The Millennium Falcon exits hyperspace near the planet Trideeno, the home of Robilus Dralco. Trideeno, once a small, peaceful Outer Rim planet similar to Naboo, has lost half of its land to large cities since the trillionaire made Trideeno his home. Trideeno is now known as the Coruscant of the Outer Rim.

The Falcon glides through the city, with Dralco's mansion as it's destination. Before they can fly any farther, Han and Chewbacca recieve a transmission from Trideenian officials.

OFFICER: Corellian YT-1300, welcome to the lovely planet Trideeno. Unfortunately you are an unidentified craft. Pilots, please tell us the number of people in your ship, your cargo, and your business here on Trideeno.
HAN: Our only cargo is the five passengers and two droids this ship is carrying. We’re here to speak with Robilus Dralco, we have an old friend of his son’s with us.
OFFICER: Our laws require a short search of your ship. We are sending an escort fighter to guide you to a landing pad. Your vessel will be recorded in our archives to avoid this on future visits.

The transmission ends. A Trideeno starfighter flies in front of the Falcon.
CHEWIE: Rwarror!
HAN: They aren’t crazy, Chewie. Searches like this are typical here. I just hope they don’t secretly install anything. We’ll have to do a search when we get back to Coruscant.
CHEWIE: Raaaar!
HAN: Well those giant planet wide sensor scanners were an invention of Dralco. Lots of planets installed them, that’s why he’s so rich.

The Trideeno starfighter lands on a large platform, with the Falcon landing right next to it. Han, Chewie, Luke, Leia, Lando, C-3PO, R2-D2, Admiral Elick, and Trideeno Senator Tridia Forgs exit the Falcon as Sivart Dralco, the pilot of the starfighter, greets them.

SIVART: Welcome to Trideeno. I’m sorry to have to put you through this, but it’s required by our laws. I promise this will be quick and painless. These men will search your ship for any illegal goods, and register it with our database. That way –
Sivart stops and stares at Luke for a second.
SIVART: … Luke?
LUKE: Sivart? Wow, it’s been years!

SIVART: I know! Look at you, a Jedi! I bet that beats the bantha fodder out of your dream of being a pilot in the Academy!
LUKE: Well I bet being the son of a trillionaire does too!
SIVART: Hey, I’m not a trillionaire, I’m just the son of one. I’m working my way up though, right now I’m head of Trideeno security. Anyway, I heard you wanted to speak with my dad?
LUKE: It would be nice if we could.
SIVART: I’ll arrange it immediately. Hey guys, call off the search! These guys are harmless!
Sivart and the mechanics walk off as the Republic leaders huddle together.

THREEPIO: Oh, he seems very friendly! I think I’m going to like it here. It won’t be like all of those horrid locations Artoo likes to visit.
ARTOO: Beep bwap boop.
THREEPIO: But the Kobarrans tried to take me apart and sell me for money!
HAN: So you know this guy well?
LUKE: Well I grew up with him. His dad was one of Palpatine’s top advisors and was traveling back and forth a lot, so he always stayed at my place. Robilus moved the family here to Trideeno a few years before Yavin. He made his fortune after he was fired by the Emperor.
LANDO: I remember Robilus stayed at Cloud City once. He could afford everything we had there. Guy plays a mean game of sabaac. I’d love to take him on sometime.
Sivart approaches the group.

SIVART: I’ve just contacted my father. He’ll be awaiting us at his place. Follow me, you can leave your ship in our hangar.
HAN: Wonderful.
LUKE: Thanks, Siv. We’ll see you there.

Sivart guides the Falcon to the Dralco's mansion, a large impressive palace. It overlooks a large lake, along with mountains and forests. The ships land as the Republic leaders prepare to meet with Robilus.

Meanwhile, aboard the Star Destroyer Imperius, Baron Samedi awaits a transmission from the Remnant leader, the Sith Lord Darth Sinis.

SAMEDI: Lord Sinis, I’m happy to report that everything is going well. Almost all of the ships are prepared to meet at Hoth. However, the assassination of Mon Mothma once again failed.
SINIS: That’s good news.
SAMEDI: It is?

SINIS: Yes. Finally, the Republic officials have wised up. Skywalker is a smart one, his curiosity has led him to Trideeno. He is meeting with Robilus Dralco to discuss the assassination attempts.
SAMEDI: Then it is only a matter of time before Dralco finds our whereabouts and gives them to Skywalker.
SINIS: That is why there will be a change of plans. Inform the fleet to meet at Trideeno instead of Hoth. And tell each ship to arrange an invasion force to capture these leaders.
SAMEDI: It will be done, my Lord.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday JediMAC!!!
« on: August 1, 2005, 01:46 PM »
Happy birthday!  :D

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Return of the Beast Assortments
« on: August 1, 2005, 01:40 PM »
I'm going to agree with Jeff, I really wouldn't like to pay for another beast just to get a new figure. I'd much rather have the beasts released seperately, with SA counterparts in the themed waves. I think that would make everyone here happy.

And out of Chewie's list, I really only want a Sarlacc. if they did it right, it would own ass on so many levels. :)

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