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Messages - Nicklab

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Try again on that general NYC area statement.  I picked up the Deleted Scene Mon Cal A-Wing Pilot yesterday.

However, when I stopped by a 24 hr WalMart store last night I got the sense that word has gotten around the WalMart chain about the price discrepancies.  Every TVC figure I saw on the pegs (which didn't include any Deleted Scene figures) had price tags on the cards.  Each one of those read $8.96.

I found the Mon Cal A-Wing pilot earlier today.  It wouldn't scan at the register, but the Naboo Royal Guard I did get scanned at full price.  So much for $4 figures.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:50 PM »
Didn't see those.  But I have been noticing a new trend of ads for sites and items I browse popping up in top and side banners recently.  Perhaps your wife has been using your laptop for some browsing on sites you might not otherwise be checking out?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:14 PM »
Do you mean "Her Universe"?

Isn't that the chick that plays Asoka on CW?

Those have been running on RS for months.  Ashley's pretty nice.  I met her at SDCC a few years back, and again at NYCC this past fall.  She's trying to make a go of things with her own business.  And funny enough, when she was at NYCC her husband, former MLB player David Eckstein, was helping run the booth with her.

I wasn't sure what ad you were referring to at first.  When I went over there I was surprised to find a Consumer Reports ad on the site.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Defender Wishlists 2012 Discussion
« on: February 23, 2012, 06:27 PM »
The choices for TPM are really starting to dwindle outside of Mos Espa and the Pod Race.  But seeing how we've been living with TPM for 13 years now you had to expect that Hasbro would exhaust a lot of the character choices.  I really had to search for some interesting choices for my own list.

Still there are some characters that I think would be good honorable mentions:
-Ebe Endicott
-Ark "Bumpy" Roose
-Eeth Koth resculpt
-Depa Billaba resculpt

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« on: February 23, 2012, 06:07 PM »
This seems like some kind of Dark Side battle royal:  Dooku VS the Night Sisters VS Maul & Savage....

And throw in Darth Maul seeking revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Hmmm.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« on: February 22, 2012, 05:21 PM »
Darth Maul's return in Clone Wars is going to be a significant storyline, no doubt.  Some of the art that's been going around has prominently featured Anakin dueling with Savage Opress.  This has left me wondering if there's going to be a rematch between Maul and Obi-Wan.  Especially considering some of the dialogue from the bts video.  But a duel between Maul and Anakin would have some really interesting implications, too.  Hmmm....

Excellent point.  Ben Burtt was so in love with that sonic mine sound that the absence of the score does make the Geonosis space battle does suffer.  If you look at the asteroid field chase in TESB in comparison, the score really makes that sequence pop.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Avengers (and sequels)
« on: February 22, 2012, 11:44 AM »
I wasn't a fan of the new Cap uniform as much, too.  I thought the original uni was actually pretty awesome.  But seeing it in context now, it seems to work.

Very good points on the score.  And it's funny that you mention Ben Burtt and the music editing.  I explicitly recall some behind the scenes video as they were putting the sound mix together for one of the PT films, and in on the mix is the guy who had done the score mixes for the OT films.  George still has him in on this part of the process.  But IIRC he was arguing with Ben Burtt about score mix issues.

From a political standpoint there's a lot more going on in the PT.  But that kind of intrigue isn't really what put the OT over back in '77 - '83.  There were pretty clearly drawn lines of who was good and who was bad in the OT, to the point where the look of the Imperials was deliberately done in order to made them look like space Nazis.  So in that respect the story of the PT is more sophisticated, but the dialogue (like in the OT) wasn't all that strong in order to convey all of that.

NICE!  Thanks Jeff!

Otherwise I'm stoked for these guys. That Mon Cal pilot is damn cool, and Colonel Cracken is a bad ass mutha!

Those two figures really are the stars of this wave for me.  The Luke is kind of interesting, but the Sandstorm figures are a little boring IMO.  That is, unless Lando comes with his Skiff Guard helmet, too.

The Bullpen / Re: The Avengers: The Toys
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:30 PM »
I won't shop at Toy Wiz because they routinely raid the Targets, WalMarts and TRU's immediately around the store & their warehouse.  And they're very brazen about it, too.

The place I'm referring to is in New Jersey and has a direct account with Hasbro.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Life's too short
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:43 PM »
Liam Neeson's scene was amazingly funny.  Glad that HBO picked this up.

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