Author Topic: Jeff For Fan Club President!  (Read 129950 times)

Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #555 on: July 15, 2006, 10:12 AM »
Just so I understand this, RS gets the news first becasue that is where your read it first?  That math doesn't exactly compute.  If JD (or any other site) uncovers news first, even by 25 minutes, that makes them first.

Jeez. I just said RS generally gets the news first. 

A few people went "No way", so I then added to that by saying, generally that's how it seems....and when they don't, it's usually a very short amount of time before everyone has the news, so ultimately....who had it 30 minutes before the other site isn't that important to me.

If this is such a sticking point for some people, I retract my statement.  RS does not get the news first.  They get it last.'s where I, Josh, (with some noteable exceptions) personally, generally see the most new news.   Is that better?  ;D intent is to describe why I like that site, not impune this one....ok?
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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #556 on: July 15, 2006, 11:11 AM »
Just so I understand this, RS gets the news first becasue that is where your read it first?  That math doesn't exactly compute.  If JD (or any other site) uncovers news first, even by 25 minutes, that makes them first.

Jeez. I just said RS generally gets the news first. 

A few people went "No way", so I then added to that by saying, generally that's how it seems....and when they don't, it's usually a very short amount of time before everyone has the news, so ultimately....who had it 30 minutes before the other site isn't that important to me.

If this is such a sticking point for some people, I retract my statement.  RS does not get the news first.  They get it last.'s where I, Josh, (with some noteable exceptions) personally, generally see the most new news.   Is that better?  ;D intent is to describe why I like that site, not impune this one....ok?

And that is all fine, but it does not make them a better resource.

Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #557 on: July 15, 2006, 11:50 AM »
Not to gang up on you, Josh, but I'm sure you understand - we don't have many folks around here who are in many ways neutral regarding Rebelscum, Philip Wise, or even Dustin, so you're sort of on your own at the moment.

I often times see you say, "Well, they haven't done anything to me - so why should I be upset?" And that always bothers me. God damn, Josh - If you can remain totally passive about all that has gone on over there in the years we've been pals... I can't help but ask, at what point will you care? What is it going to take, man? I know it isn't true, or at least I hope not, but it just comes off as if you really don't care about anything or anyone else, so long as you've got what you want - these benefits, as you keep calling them, must be beyond my imagination, for you to be capable of remaining generally uncaring all this time...

The thing is, though, no matter how much of an apologist you may be for RS, no matter how passive or neutral you are about these things - and no matter how happy YOU are... by repeatedly defending us over there, and by being as open as you are with the fact that you're buddies with us, you're already that much more prone to being taken care of by Philip Wise... than any number of people who actually deserve to be.

You see, he has the same sort of attitude as you... He doesn't care, so long as he gets what he wants. It doesn't matter who you are, or what sort of person you are... You're either with him, or against him. Those are HIS words, not mine. When it comes down to it, in his eyes, you'll probably be with JediDefender. You're probably already on an excel sheet of people who are JD Sympathesers.

You've seen your pals go down, eventually it'll be you.

As far as the 'Who gets the news fastest?' issue... JediDefender has been consistantly kicking Rebelscum's ass for a very, very long time. Just because RS doesn't always credit people they're taking news from, doesn't mean they posted it first. You should set us as our homepage for a while, or make us your first stop. Just give it a shot. News Department, Image Database, Forums... etc.

And yes, Rebelscum has more ads than any other site. They also have the most obstructive ads. Any site that uses Google spyware can go to hell, in my opinion.

All of this is gradually getting off-topic, though...

Offline Matt Carroll

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #558 on: July 15, 2006, 12:02 PM »
A big point here is that as Star Wars fans and collectors, most/all of us want to have a Fan Club President who is a fan him/herself, who is someone we can look up to, who's a person who wants to be friends with and get to know many other Star Wars fans out there, a person who's fair and willing to speak up for us and listen to our ideas, someone you can approach and chat with at a convention or just say "Hi", someone who doesn't have an "agenda", someone who represents the entire community, and most of all, someone who's worthy and deserving of the position, even if it's just (supposedly) an honorary title for the most part.

Outside of the first point listed above, Dustin is none of those things, and neither is his "master" Phillip.  

Legal matters aside, I'm not so sure I agree with you here Matt. As you pointed out, Dustin surely fits the criteria of being a fan himself.  I've always felt that you help out with a fan/collecting site for one of two reasons: either you truly want to help out the community or you are looking for an ego boost. Dustin has been volunteering for what ... 7-8 years, maybe more, going back to his days at Yak? I don't know that anyone could volunteer for that long simply for an ego boost.

I know I've read a negative comment somewhere from someone about meeting Dustin at one of the cons, but I think you'll find a vast majority of people that have met him describe him in pleasant terms. Heck, I met him briefly at C2  (by that point, we'd had a couple of disagreements about the forums there after CSW and RS merged and both of us were admins, when both of us were used to being the only admin and in charge of our respective forums before the merge) and he was nothing but easily approachable, nice, and pleasant to talk to. Although I haven't been back to Ohio for one of the Cincy regional meetings of the OSWCC, I have heard many people mention how easily approachable Dustin is, along with a sense that he was truly interested in talking with them.

As far as being worthy, you may or may not like what sites he works with, but you have to admit, he has given quite a bit of time to the community - RS, tf.n, being in the leadership at OSWCC, etc. Anyone who has worked at one site can attest to the time that goes into being a volunteer is usually significant, especially when playing multiple roles on one site (news reporting, forum moderation, etc.). Unless there is some proof that he is doing all this while somehow being a major prick about it, he's more than worthy in my book.

I don't know that you could find someone who would fit the criteria you mentioned about "representing the entire community". Remember, toy collecting is just one piece of the SW universe - you have the fan who is only interested in the movies, people who enjoy the books and expanded universe, blah, blah, blah. How is one person going to adequately represent all those groups? Can anyone even adequately represent only the toy collecting portion of the community? I'm not so sure...

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to hear why the last unofficial tally and the final result seem to be so contradictory, but isn't it much more likely that USCwannabe was disqualified for some reason rather than Philip/Dustin pulled some major shenanigans?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2006, 12:04 PM by Matt Carroll »
Matt Carroll
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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #559 on: July 15, 2006, 12:10 PM »
I know I've read a negative comment somewhere from someone about meeting Dustin at one of the cons, but I think you'll find a vast majority of people that have met him describe him in pleasant terms.

Yeah, but he's a mean drunk... 

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Offline Matt Carroll

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #560 on: July 15, 2006, 12:41 PM »

Yeah, but he's a mean drunk... 


Ah, how many of us have dreamed about doing that after reading

 ;)    :P
Matt Carroll
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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #561 on: July 15, 2006, 04:51 PM »
Outside of the first point listed above, Dustin is none of those things, and neither is his "master" Phillip.  Why in the hell would anyone want a Fan Club President who from the get-go will automatically want to exclude anyone and everyone who may participate at another website, or some other entity who they'd take "competitive issue" with?  I wouldn't be surprised if when Dustin gets in there, he searches the Hyperspace subscription database, and starts cancelling all the subscriptions for anyone who's a member at JD, GH, SSG, Yak, etc.  Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to expel any members who may also be fans of other movie or Sci-Fi franchises, like Star Trek, LOTR, Battlestar Galactica, Pirates, etc.  These two guys are exactly that kind of petty.  That's not the type of Fan Club President we want to have - someone who immediately hates half the Star Wars community because they don't belong to Rebelscum...  That's total bull****.

Matt, I've read much of what you had to say on the general topic of Rebelscum and what not and have respected it, but I gotta say that the above quote makes absolutely no sense. Even if Dustin as the "Fan Club President" had that kind of power, which he doesn't based on the rules set forth for the sales drive that was this "presidential race", the Fan Club would never let him do what you just suggested. By singling out and removing such a vast group of subscribers to the Fan Club, they lose all of the money making potential from that group. As I hinted to in an earlier post, the Fan Club is all about making money and hasn't been fan friendly in years, there's no way they're going to allow anyone's ego to cost them thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in subscription renewals and merchandise purchases. Secondly, on the topic of Dustin being the "Fan Club president" he doesn't represent anyone but Rebelscum. No matter how nice and cool many people think he is, or how much of an ass others think he is, I do not believe he represents any of us. He won a sales drive nothing more, RS will likely use that as part of a marketing campaign down the road as something to set them apart from other sites, since as Chris and Josh have been talking about, not much seperates the various sites when it comes to presentation. Dustin's going to get a lot of freebies, a blurb in the Insider, maybe enquire on his opinions on a broad range of hobby-related topics, but nothing that he gets will have an impact on the hobby. If that were to occur, the problem wouldn't be with Dustin, but the boneheads at Lucasfilm (or whomever runs that piece of **** Fan Club), Hasbro, Lego, and whomever for taking the advice of one person over the broader community.

As for Phillip not having any power in the hobby, I find that absolutely laughable.  When we say "hobby", we're not just talking about going to the store and buying a figure, and then enjoying it when we get home.  We're talking about the much larger picture, including conventions and events, magazines, licensees, and generally "knowing" all the very top people in the Star Wars world.  Sure, Phillip may not have had anything to do with me finally getting a Hem Dazon figure, but he certainly has his fingers in a whole lot of Star Wars pies all over the place.  Do you think that some of the more Star Wars specific licensees like Gentle Giant, Master Replicas, Sideshow, Code 3, etc. don't pay him much mind, when he's their number one advertiser, revenue generator, and news reporter?  Do you honestly think that some of the polls that RS runs on it's main page don't carry any weight in the decisions these licensees make?  Please.  That's totally obtuse to suggest such a thing.

I said he certainly has influence on the hobby, but he definitely does not make the broad decisions that everyone implies. Sure he knows a lot of people on the hobby and that's been afforded of him due to the busines aspects he's taken upon, but he doesn't get to decide what does and doesn't happen. Sure his website is likely used as an indicator for what manufacturers think the fan base wants, but that has much to do with how the people who visit RS voice themselves, than what Phil tells the movers and shakers of the hobby. There are many people in this hobby who have had the opportunity to involve themselves with someone of importance at some level in the collecting genre, Mike at GH, Sir Steve, and a host of others who probably wouldn't want me to name them, hell even I've had the luxury of dropping suggestions to people I've known or met, so it isn't as if Phil is the only one capable or currently doing something like this, he's just the one who's most noticable. At the end of the day, toy manufacturers, convention organizers, the C-list actresses who sign up with Official Pix, and everyone in between will do what is best for them and to them that's going to be where the most money lies, as for them this is all a business. If that happens to lead them down a path that Phil has suggested well that's there choice, your choice is to answer back with your dollars by not spending it on the services they offer. (Oh damn did I just paraphrase Pawlus?!?!?  ;D)

My whole point of all of this is, don't let Philip Wise's actions ruin your enjoyment of the hobby or community. Hell every time Chris locks up the general RS thread he indicates that if you don't like them, don't patronize them - well the same advice applies to not letting them affect your fun in collecting Star Wars items. Phil has shown that when it comes to the hobby and community, he can be a lying, conceiving, narrow-minded ass and that's pretty pathetic when it comes to us talking about toys, but to let his actions determine what you will do in this very broad ranged hobby is just as sad.
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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #562 on: July 16, 2006, 06:15 AM »
I would agree with you if Dustin had actually just become the "fan club president".  He didn't.  He received an honorary title as a prize for selling magazines.

I guess I'm of the opinion that Phillip and Dustin have much greater plans for the Presidency than the few paltry freebies and honorary title that is all that is technically included.  Since Dustin would've likely been at SDCC anyway, and doesn't need the freebies at all, and could probably write an article in the Insider if he'd like, I don't see why they all went so agro on the campaign trail, if not for probably having some greater intentions for it beyond those specified (and beyond just the fact that RS/TFn could brag/advertise that it was the home of the Fan Club Pres).  Their insane efforts to win that "election" makes me think they'll be pushing for more power than just what's listed in the contest.  I guess time will tell...

Not to gang up on you, Josh, but I'm sure you understand - we don't have many folks around here who are in many ways neutral regarding Rebelscum, Philip Wise, or even Dustin, so you're sort of on your own at the moment.

I often times see you say, "Well, they haven't done anything to me - so why should I be upset?" And that always bothers me. God damn, Josh - If you can remain totally passive about all that has gone on over there in the years we've been pals... I can't help but ask, at what point will you care? What is it going to take, man? I know it isn't true, or at least I hope not, but it just comes off as if you really don't care about anything or anyone else, so long as you've got what you want

I have a feeling that Phillip could drop a nuclear bomb on Seattle, and Josh would be the first to jump out of the ashes and support Phillip's actions...   :P

Legal matters aside, I'm not so sure I agree with you here Matt. As you pointed out, Dustin surely fits the criteria of being a fan himself.  I've always felt that you help out with a fan/collecting site for one of two reasons: either you truly want to help out the community or you are looking for an ego boost. Dustin has been volunteering for what ... 7-8 years, maybe more, going back to his days at Yak? I don't know that anyone could volunteer for that long simply for an ego boost.

I pointed out a few pages ago that Dustin has certainly done a lot for the online collecting community over the years, and all of his work, time, and energy has gotten him to where he is today.  I certainly don't deny him that.  I'd even go so far as to say he was doing it for the love of the hobby and to help people out for the first three-fourths of that tenure.  I would say it's more of an ego-trip and about power over the last year or two though, as RS has shifted gears towards being more of a totalitarian regime, and giant corporation.  In the process, I think Dustin's boss has been wearing off on him quite a bit.  I thought he was a perfectly cool guy too, prior to that, actually...

I know I've read a negative comment somewhere from someone about meeting Dustin at one of the cons, but I think you'll find a vast majority of people that have met him describe him in pleasant terms.

I'm sure if Dustin was approached anonymously, or by a Rebelscum member, or by someone he's never had contact with, that'd surely be the case.  But for anyone who's been turned off from RS, or banned, alienated, demeaned, or admonished by any of the powers that be at RS, that'd likely not be the case.  I can assure you that no one from this site would be able to have a cordial (and not fake) conversation with him, and I'm pretty sure that'd apply to some other folks at other sites as well.  I've definitely heard of a number of situations like that just from the past couple of years.

Heck, I met him briefly at C2  (by that point, we'd had a couple of disagreements about the forums there after CSW and RS merged and both of us were admins, when both of us were used to being the only admin and in charge of our respective forums before the merge)

Please, you're not actually suggesting that the 19 or so members registered in the "Rebel Lounge" constituted a forum, are you Matt?!  :P

Unless there is some proof that he is doing all this while somehow being a major prick about it, he's more than worthy in my book.

Well, opinions definitely vary there, and yes, I'd say there's a ton of evidence that he's been a prick to a whole lot of people, both throughout the boards, in his local area, and in person.  Heck, JD owes much of it's success to the fact that Dustin was a prick to a lot of people here (and Phillip), and banned them for no reason, and/or just drove them away.  He didn't even give a number of us ANY reason for our bannings, other than "you should know".  Not to mention, he's so petty he went and locked up my completely inactive feedback thread at RS (at 100 posts), just because.  Odd that nobody else has had that happen to them.  Like has been mentioned numerous times earlier in this thread, Phillip's motta, and therefore Dustin's, is "You're either with us, or against us."  Phillip of course reiterated that the other day, and told anyone who didn't like Dustin, and/or didn't like Dustin winning, whether they said it aloud, or just thought it in their heads, to get the hell out of RS and never come back.  Very Orwellian motto to live by there, and certainly not something I'd ever be supportive of, thats for sure, which is why I've repeated over and over that these two jerks don't represent the whole community, and should have nothing to do with the Presidency of the Fan Club, whether it's as an honorary figurehead, or more. 

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to hear why the last unofficial tally and the final result seem to be so contradictory, but isn't it much more likely that USCwannabe was disqualified for some reason rather than Philip/Dustin pulled some major shenanigans?

I would hope so, but I honestly don't think that's the case.  Phillip wanted that title way too much to sit idly by while someone else apparently won it.  I think he was in the Fan Club's ear throughout the latter portion of the race, when Dustin started losing by a large amount.  Besides, Dustin shouldn't have been eligible anyway, so it's a moot point.  They should just give it to the fella from DC instead.

Outside of the first point listed above, Dustin is none of those things, and neither is his "master" Phillip. Why in the hell would anyone want a Fan Club President who from the get-go will automatically want to exclude anyone and everyone who may participate at another website, or some other entity who they'd take "competitive issue" with? I wouldn't be surprised if when Dustin gets in there, he searches the Hyperspace subscription database, and starts cancelling all the subscriptions for anyone who's a member at JD, GH, SSG, Yak, etc. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to expel any members who may also be fans of other movie or Sci-Fi franchises, like Star Trek, LOTR, Battlestar Galactica, Pirates, etc. These two guys are exactly that kind of petty. That's not the type of Fan Club President we want to have - someone who immediately hates half the Star Wars community because they don't belong to Rebelscum... That's total bull****.

Matt, I've read much of what you had to say on the general topic of Rebelscum and what not and have respected it, but I gotta say that the above quote makes absolutely no sense. Even if Dustin as the "Fan Club President" had that kind of power, which he doesn't based on the rules set forth for the sales drive that was this "presidential race", the Fan Club would never let him do what you just suggested. By singling out and removing such a vast group of subscribers to the Fan Club, they lose all of the money making potential from that group.

I think you're taking me a little too literally there, Jason.  I don't think that would/could ever happen, I'm just saying the "You're either with us, or against us" totalitarian, and even Orwellian now, attitudes of the RS higher-ups is just spiteful and vindictive enough to want to do something as stupid as cancelling people's subscriptions that they didn't like.  Obviously they don't have that kind of power, and IDG wouldn't allow it (beyond just for financial reasons).  I'm just saying those guys and their attitude are just that petty to want to do something like that, and that attitude unfortunately then extends out to other areas beyond just the Insider subscription, as I've mentioned above.  They're alienating many Star Wars fans (I'm not just talking about collecting here, as the TFn community has had major problems with Phillip as well) who should otherwise be embraced by someone at the head of their respective Fan Club and hobby.  That's all.

I obviously don't expect everyone to feel the same way, so it's not that big a deal.  Some folks are just fortunate enough to not have seen the "other side" of these guys, I guess...  Teaches us for allowing RS'ers to have freedom of speech over here to discuss what they can't discuss over there.  That's basically the root of some of the problelms for folks affiliated with this site anyway.

I think I'll just shut up now...  :-X

- M
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 06:23 AM by JediMAC »

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #563 on: July 16, 2006, 09:43 AM »

Yeah, but he's a mean drunk... 


Ah, how many of us have dreamed about doing that after reading

 ;)    :P

How many of us have dreamed about doing that after getting an email with "I need more stories <whipcrack>!" 

or "I'm out of headlines, write something witty <whipcrack>!"

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #564 on: July 16, 2006, 07:12 PM »
I think you're taking me a little too literally there, Jason.  I don't think that would/could ever happen, I'm just saying the "You're either with us, or against us" totalitarian, and even Orwellian now, attitudes of the RS higher-ups is just spiteful and vindictive enough to want to do something as stupid as cancelling people's subscriptions that they didn't like.  Obviously they don't have that kind of power, and IDG wouldn't allow it (beyond just for financial reasons).  I'm just saying those guys and their attitude are just that petty to want to do something like that, and that attitude unfortunately then extends out to other areas beyond just the Insider subscription, as I've mentioned above.  They're alienating many Star Wars fans (I'm not just talking about collecting here, as the TFn community has had major problems with Phillip as well) who should otherwise be embraced by someone at the head of their respective Fan Club and hobby.  That's all.

Matt, I'm glad to know I mistook your words, but from what I've seen posted around many others have said things similar and you begin to see a trend where people actually believe the ****'s going to fly over at the Fan Club once Dustin walks in through the proverbial doors. I do agree that their is a lot of alienating going on and that's downright sad and there is a lot of blame to be thrown around for that. From my point of view though, the head of the Fan Club is still whomever owns it and that Dustin is at best a figurehead to be paraded around when the FC needs "fan relations", somewhat in the way the Queen of England is used. In the end though, no sweat off my back, the FC has been **** for years which is what led me to discontinue my membership and their actions are not endearing themselves now.

Oh and don't let anyone who's disagreeing with you (including me) stop you from voicing your our thoughts. You're clearly passionate over the topic, just don't let the passion ruin the fun of the hobby for ya.

Jason F.

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #565 on: July 16, 2006, 10:59 PM »
You know what I wish?  I wish the Star Wars collecting community weren't a bunch of nerds at their computers, but that we were a bunch of street thugs packing gats and ****.  I could totally see this whole thing erupting into a huge turf war.

Or if nothing else, a sweet mafia type movie.  Here's how I'd cast it (please note, I haven't seen many of you guys in person, or even in pictures, so you're being cast according to personality):

JoshEEE: (he's going to be the main character; torn between two sites (and possibly, two men...) that he loves) Chris Kattan
JediMAC: Will Ferrell and/or CGI
Jeff: Dave Navarro
Phillip Wise: George Carlin
Chris Berry: Jake Lloyd
Rob: Justin Timberlake
jjks: Natalie Portman (you are a girl Jaime, right?)
Angry Ewok: Himself
Scott: Jean Reno Peter Billingsly
Morgbug: Steve Smith (the guy who plays "Red Green")
CorranHorn: Luke Wilson
Dressel Rebel: Jane Fonda
Jesse James: Jesse James (from the motorcycle show)
Deanpaul: Keanu Reeves
Mike Sullenger: Norm MacDonald
Dustin: Andy Richter
Greg(g)/GNT: DJ Qualls (duh)
Matkattykid/Mr.Kenobi: Whoever played the Kurt Cobain guy in Gus Van Sant's "Last Days"
MisterPL: The guy who played the Merovingian in the Matrix movies; he'd be the same character.
Famine: Robert Iler
Sprry75: Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt, obviously
Matt Carroll: Matt Dillon
Cory: Vin muthafucking Diesel
Matthew/Virex: Fred Willard (but Ben Affleck for the flashback scene)
Bertha/Lady Jaye: Horatio Sanz
Bill Cable: I dunno; probably gonna go with an unknown.

I know I missed a lot of essential characters.  Please feel free to chime in with your suggestions.  I will also use lots of extras.  Lots and lots of twenty-to-thirtiesh, overweight bald guys with facial hair.

Meanwhile, Deanpaul, loan me that bitching ass video camera you've got; I've got a fanfilm to start on....

« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 11:36 PM by Sprry75 »
"Really?  Sorry."

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #566 on: July 16, 2006, 11:02 PM »
Hey, wha' happened?
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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #567 on: July 16, 2006, 11:23 PM »
Hey, wha' happened?

Exactly.  Now you get a co-producer credit, too.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 11:26 PM by Sprry75 »
"Really?  Sorry."

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #568 on: July 16, 2006, 11:30 PM »
Hey Mr has already been established at these boards that any movie that is going to have me as a character needs to have Peter Billingsley cast as me, go it?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 11:34 PM by OCB »

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Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« Reply #569 on: July 16, 2006, 11:31 PM »
I hope I get killed off in the opening sequence...
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 11:33 PM by Angry Ewok »