Author Topic: Everything Rebelscum  (Read 619805 times)

Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #720 on: October 23, 2004, 08:28 PM »
Also, there's guys there that simply aren't respectable...  The kind that fight just to fight, argue a point when they're wrong (Some even being proven they were arguing the opposite way in other threads), and won't back down at all...  These are people that simply like hearing themselves talk, and making sure everyone else has eyes on them.  Little attention from their parents, so they crave it on internet forums.

Jesse, I think I know who you might be talking about. Hmmm. Anyway.

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #721 on: October 23, 2004, 09:09 PM »

I'd go there and sign up again, get as much info about nazi's as I could, and then when they try and hit me with how I don't know what a nazi is, BLAST THEM with my knowledge.

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #722 on: October 24, 2004, 02:34 AM »
Also, there's guys there that simply aren't respectable...  The kind that fight just to fight, argue a point when they're wrong (Some even being proven they were arguing the opposite way in other threads), and won't back down at all...  These are people that simply like hearing themselves talk, and making sure everyone else has eyes on them.  Little attention from their parents, so they crave it on internet forums.

Jesse, I think I know who you might be talking about. Hmmm. Anyway.

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Carpeteria: As a response to your last post, I think why most people here are complaining about scum has to do with how those board for the most part have been raped and pillaged from what we knew when it was the BHC. The diluted, watered down, annoying bull**** that goes on there is bothersome. It's hard to find decent conversations there that does not end with some assclown either making a spectacle of themselves or bitching out someone else for disagreeing with them. Plus it's all not about complaining here, we're also entertained by the hypocrisy that goes down there. People who are the worst of the worst, being welcomed back with open arms and literally treated like gods, people claiming they 're "smart" and when proven wrong, huddle in their little corner only to pop back up later on espousing their superior knowledge as if nothing happened. It's some funny stuff there sometimes.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2004, 02:38 AM by CorranHorn »
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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #723 on: October 24, 2004, 01:31 PM »
Carpeteria: As a response to your last post, I think why most people here are complaining about scum has to do with how those board for the most part have been raped and pillaged from what we knew when it was the BHC. The diluted, watered down, annoying bull**** that goes on there is bothersome. It's hard to find decent conversations there that does not end with some assclown either making a spectacle of themselves or bitching out someone else for disagreeing with them. Plus it's all not about complaining here, we're also entertained by the hypocrisy that goes down there. People who are the worst of the worst, being welcomed back with open arms and literally treated like gods, people claiming they 're "smart" and when proven wrong, huddle in their little corner only to pop back up later on espousing their superior knowledge as if nothing happened. It's some funny stuff there sometimes.

no, i totally understand. i see it just as much as everyone else here. i just think that coming here and even discussing blatant hypocrisy seems a little odd. it seems obvious that even those who don't post over there still lurk and read up on all the drama. i just think it's better to choose from either trying to make an effort over there to change things (which i weakly did myself for awhile), just leaving it behind, or just coming to terms with whatever bull**** is going on there and participating when wanted. that's about where i am - i'll throw in the occasional sarcasm where i think it might be needed, but otherwise, i'll just be there to be there. otherwise it seems redundant to come here and say "RS is falling apart as we speak" - of course it is. isn't that why most people here are posting at JD instead? it's like going to a metallica is the best band ever forum and starting a thread called "metallica is the best band ever."

at least to me.

i'm cool with everyone here, but it seems like there is a lot of unchecked bitterness about RS sifting around.


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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #724 on: October 25, 2004, 02:05 PM »
A bunch of us were pissed when they shut down the political thread. I really thought that was unnecessary.

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #725 on: October 25, 2004, 02:21 PM »
I think the reason bitch about RS here is because they can do so without fear of godlike people zapping them into the great beyond.  I think RS bashing is old though, I quit posting there because its not worth the effort, most of the people I like post here and I want to make an effort to make JD the premier site on the web.

The fact they ban people left and right and there are more kids than adults there is enough for me to turn my back and not look back.  I still read when I can and I cruise the trade boards but to me the BHC died a long time ago and while I still love GH it still pales in comparison to what was.  An large group of adults with a common interest.  When Mike combined with RS and then left again it fractured the community too much and its still sorting itself out.   Why people stayed with RS is a head scratcher, they were helped by the April 23rd surge of 2002 but I would think the lack of community would have driven people away

The most ironic thing of the whole situation to me is that Phil Wise thinks he built the RS boards from the ground up and the traffic and the membership is all his doing.  He seems to forget what he had before Mike gave him the BHC.  I give them credit for keeping interest high, but I also know for a FACT that membership and posting has eroded severely over the last year (swirl baby swirl!)

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #726 on: October 28, 2004, 11:21 AM »
I thibk you're very rigt about that Scott. I too miss the days of BHC.

Things have actually become better in the vintage section resently, and people trade newcommers more friendly. Sure there are stll some jackasses thre, but also friendly  and helpfull people such as eg. Chris Georgoulias and Michael Mensinger to mention a few.

The vintage trading and vintage clasified sectors are also great and free of hostility.

So all in all RS isn't so bad as some of you guys make it, well exept for Wuhers that is. I don't post in Wuhers anymore exept for the Wrestling and Wrestling  Trivia threads, now that they are sending WWE on tv here in Denmark again.
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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #727 on: October 28, 2004, 03:27 PM »
Why people stayed with RS is a head scratcher, they were helped by the April 23rd surge of 2002 but I would think the lack of community would have driven people away

A community aspect is definitely nice. I do like dropping by here where there's only a handful of active posters and everyone knows everyone else. It's definitely the model for what a community SHOULD be in a perfect world. But it's also probably only a tenth of the size of RS or the bigger sites, and that's why it doesn't have the problems they have.

If someone shows up here and being a jackass....there are like 8 active mods to that one guy who will pounce on him and squelch the problem before it becomes one.  If RS had the same level of moderation, they'd be in the same boat. But the moderators aren't as plentiful, and the decisions about who to ban and who to let continue to wreak havoc are not always their own.

For me, it's the collecting aspect of Rebelscum and the traffic it gets that helps to make it the best collecting site on the web. Find me another site where I can get more responses to a classifed ad, get more local collectors from my area doing store reports and find more answers to my questions faster and I'll gladly go there instead. The local collectors in my area all hang out there or at GH....and that's how I get in touch with them. And none of them are affected by the Wuher's drama or any site policies. Most of them ONLY post to let others know what's at the local Target.

GH is kind of close as far as that whole thing goes, but it's the only one that's even a contender as far as Star Wars collecting is concerned. I find it to be a mirror of RS, so I just stick with RS.

Why go there for chat? reason. The chat stuff is just an offshoot of me being there all the time. I'll see (and reply to) a topic in Wuher's because I'm over there checking out my local "Look what I found" thread.

Sure, there are a lot of kids there....and a lot of bickering back and forth, but that's because it's one of the first places people check for Star Wars stuff. TFN refers people there.....and as a Star Wars newbie, that's where you head.

Scum isn't in a "Downward spiral" as this thread title might imply. It's just business as usual in a non-movie year. They could use more moderators. They should empower those moderators to take care of the people that drag the site down, but ultimately, there's still not another collecting site on the web that can touch it as far as what it offers, so that's why I keep going back.

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #728 on: October 28, 2004, 03:40 PM »
Again Josh, I have hard core numbers to say that posting at Rebelscum is down big time over the last year (30-40%).  A similar drop off has not occurred at any other site, in fact most show gains.

As far as their news...what was the last major story they broke?  I see their news page as nothing more than posting what other sites have already posted as well as promoting things that are internal to the site such as the Image Archive or sponsor issues

As far as TFN...Phil owns both of them and so the cross promotion is intentional.

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #729 on: October 28, 2004, 03:59 PM »
Eh, who cares.  Just go where you enjoy it.

I hang out in the forums to have fun with my online buddies, and gain a little insight on all things SW.  I've just never gotten any kind of "personal" vibe from RS at all, so it never really "took" with me, and I rarely stop in there anymore.  Most all of my buddies are here.

Yeah, RS is still more active (though declining dramatically) and they've got a lot more members, but that doesn't necessarily equate to better quality.  Some good store reports for some areas though, so that's understandable.

And yeah, Philip got those forums handed to him on a silver platter by Mike.  There'd probably still be a completely empty "Rebel Lounge" over at RS if Mike never made the mistake of (briefly) merging with them.

Lotsa kids at RS.  Lotsa spamming.  Lotsa drama.  Lotsa meaningless drivle.  A few trolls.  But whatever.  It can be entertaining still.  And there's obviously still a few sections there that are helpful.  But whatever.  To each their own.

Maybe this thread's title should've just been "The former BHC continues it's downward spiral", 'cause that spiral really started shortly after the merge a few years ago, and was pretty much cemented after the "un-merge".  A shame really.

But unless you're one of the "old-timers" who was around back in the CSW days (or earlier), you likely won't even notice the decline...
« Last Edit: October 28, 2004, 04:25 PM by JediMAC »

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #730 on: October 28, 2004, 04:28 PM »
I should add, that as for the trading and classifieds sections go, you don't necessarily always get "safety in numbers".  Yeah, you may get quicker and more responses, but you're also gonna get a lot more deadbeats, scam artists, and dumbasses over there.  I've seen a lot of crap happening in those sections over the past year or two, so I don't venture in there nearly as often as I used to.  I love swapping loot with the JD'ers (and I think most others here would agree with this sentiment), simply because I KNOW them all.

I have no fear whatsoever of having any of my buddies or even just casual acquaintances here not coming through with an arranged transaction.  In fact, being the guy who regularly updates the feedback here, I don't think we've ever even had any BAD feedback posted here for a JD member, just warnings on people who have scammed folks at other sites.  So I'm more than happy to rely on the gang here for my occasional needs.  Never had a problem not being able to find something that I was looking for either, despite the "more limited" resources we have over here.  Just a more personal and safer buying/selling/trading environment here, I think...

Works for me, I know that much.   8)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2004, 04:28 PM by JediMAC »

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #731 on: October 28, 2004, 04:28 PM »

But unless you're one of the "old-timers" who was around back in the CSW days (or earlier), you likely won't even notice the decline...

Dark times. But at least he left and made a better site. As far as Rebelscum having more members... most fo them are jsut a number statistic who don't post. Or remmnant statistics of people like me, who used to post, and have found better places.

Generally I'm not a forum or site basher, But Ihave a pretty big distaste for RS

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #732 on: October 28, 2004, 04:30 PM »
Sheesh, your avatar is totally messing with my head Andy!  I'm sitting here reviewing the post I just made, and looking at the last one above and thinking, WTF?!?  I didn't just write that!  I was completely confused as to how that go in there...

Duh.  Thought I was going crazy there for a second...  Phew!   :P

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #733 on: October 28, 2004, 04:34 PM »
It was the coolest one I could pick. For some reason, I couldn't put up my own...

and to keep this on topic...

Rebelscum = yesterdays news

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Re: The Scum continues it's downward spiral
« Reply #734 on: October 28, 2004, 04:52 PM »
I think you may have hit the nail on the head there, Matt. I think maybe you have to be someone who was part of the BHC, or even RS 3 or 4 years ago to understand that it's gotten worse.

I joined up 2 or 3 years RS is what it was then.  I've never really seen a "decline". I've seen ups and downs, but it's always had it's merits that balance it out.

And I've never been screwed (or screwed anyone else) via the classifieds. You just have to be very careful who you deal with and enforce your trading rules.

It also helps if you take about a year to do deals like we did with those Star Tours figures and blasters.   BTW Matt, KBZ and I are about to break our record for the longest trade ever. I've had a couple of clone 3 packs for him for over a year now that we STILL haven't made the deal on.  ;D
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