Author Topic: Everything Rebelscum  (Read 619922 times)

Offline Lady Jaye

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #945 on: December 15, 2004, 02:03 AM »
You go ahead and vent JediMac, let it all out!!! ;D

Oh and that was funny Jesse James!!!
"I off one fat Angelino and you throw a hissy fit."

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Re: Are the RS forums down?
« Reply #946 on: December 15, 2004, 02:04 AM »
A C.O.N. Spiracy!!! I tell youse!!!
"I off one fat Angelino and you throw a hissy fit."

Offline JediMAC

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #947 on: December 15, 2004, 02:12 AM »
Since we've already got an RS thread going here, I'm merging the "Are their forums down?" thread in here.

Yes, they were down for a bit.  But now they're back up.

Scratch that.  They're still down.  They just got their main page back up, was all.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 02:12 AM by JediMAC »

Offline Cory Chaos

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #948 on: December 15, 2004, 02:12 AM »
ok, nice work, mr. semantics. my point was in asking WHY anyone should have to "CLEAN UP" anything. i wasn't accusing you of anything directly, it was a general question in reference to your statement that "SOMETHING" had to be "CLEANED UP." i wondered why a cleaning was necessary. that's it.

Ask Matt. He felt compelled to apologize. The smart thing would to have not "conducted" this little experiment to begin with. Did you, or anyone else for that matter, current Scummers included, really need a "test" to show that the moderators are lax at times?

And which Rebelscum administrator/moderator are you?

I'm not any moderator, just someone who's looking out for this sites best interests, and feels as if that piece of advice is worth heeding, if you want to keep your squeaky clean image.

Is that so wrong? I don't have a hidden agenda.

So Cory, pray tell, who besides Andrew are you guys having an issue with?  We've already been accused of unleashing "Durge" on you, which is obviously ridiculous, since he's an RS member, and has been banned here each and every time he's signed up.

Just Andrew. I didn't pin any other potential saboteurs to this site. Why nobody is fessing up to "Zack Attack" from either here or Rebelscum is beyond me. Anonymity is a great cloak for cowards.

* While Josh claims that Redhawk's possible orientation here was irrelevant, it isn't, especially in the wake of Vator's actions, and the "Darth_Darth"/"Zack Attack" conundrum.

Cory, for the last time, Darth_Darth has nothing to do with JD, so shut the **** up about that ********.  Seriously.  YOU ARE WRONG.  Now let it go.

Had I ever claimed that "Darth Darth" originated from Jedi Defender, we'd have something worth discussing. That said, "Zack Attack", bearing an avatar that A) was modified from KBZ's JD avatar, B) Had Gregg's face superimposed on it, and C) was conveniently hosted on a untraceable image server just all kind of leans towards someone from this site.  Maybe it was a Rebelscum user out to sabotage Jedi Defender! I don't know? Nobody has bothered going into it, much less acknowledging the situation aside from me.

Am I so wrong? Have you guys not superimposed Gregg's face on photos numerous times? Does' KBZ's avatar not feature Wilson Cruz from "Party Monster". I wish I would have saved the avatar, but, it dissappearing as soon as it was posted just adds to the mystique of "Zack Attack".

WHAT?!  Since when are there rules about how we're to address people in threads?  So I should've just been saying "you" in that whole thread, so no one knew who the hell I was talking about?!  Yeah, that makes a lot of sense...

Also, you keep throwing KBZ's name around.  Is Rob not also a member of RS?  Why does something to do with Rob equate to having something to do with JD?  You don't think there's people at RS who are unhappy with RS?  ****.  Get real, man.

Use the quotes to address me directly. You came off as if you were fingering me out of some flippin' police line-up, as if *I* did something wrong, and *I* was the one who's suspect.

I use Rob's name, again, because it was his avatar that was modified and used by "Zack Attack", bearing GNT's likeness.

I could raise a stink about a post about a user in the Rebelscum DVD Thread that attack my movie tastes about 3 weeks ago by the name of NEXT_SEASON, which just so happens to be Rob's AOL E-Mail address, save a few X's. I'm not going to, because I know him better than that for one, and two, it's not plausible, just coincidental.

You people need to stop and listen to what I have to say. It's ludicrous that I have to go through every post calling me out to clarify what is incredibly apparent. It's nothing new. It's as if were back at RS. Nobody bothered to try and understand me then, either.

Just..STOP! Don't make stupid decisions.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 02:18 AM by Cine »

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #949 on: December 15, 2004, 02:24 AM »
Man, there's enough drama now in this thread for an entire sorority meeting.

I;d like to fuel the conspiracy/argument/bitchfest/witch hunting fire by confessing that tonight I created 14 fake accounts on JD. Over the next several weeks, I plan to unleash a "Rebelscum" test of the moderation here, by posting such wonderful topics as:

Spa or Hot Tub: What do YOU call it?

Best ways to get rid of dandruff?

I found a nickel on the ground today!

Who was the Hottest "Facts of Life" girl?

I farted at my office holiday party. Suggestions for Monday?

What should I buy the "Will work for food" guy at the end of my freeway on-ramp for Christmas?

Cheerios are Good

Which Ninja Turtles movie did you like best?

And of course:

Visit my new website about Starr Wars figurs.

Of course, that would be an incredibly lame idea (on any site) so I'll probably refrain from doing any of what I just said.  ;D
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 02:31 AM by JoshEEE »
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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #950 on: December 15, 2004, 02:34 AM »
Sounds like you should just have a discussion with Rob then, Cory.  Can I say your name like that?  You've got me all confused now on how I'm supposed to address you.  Sir?  Does that work better?  Whatever the hell you want to be called, just LMK.  All this grammatical, quotes, second person bull**** is way over my head, man.

As for photoshopping Gregg's noggin anywhere, the JD staff here absolutely SUCKS at that stuff.  We can't photoshop **** to save our ass.  Seriously.  So that bull**** has nothing to do with us either.  Scott painted a mustache, very primatively, on GNT's face once - that much I remember.

* While Josh claims that Redhawk's possible orientation here was irrelevant, it isn't, especially in the wake of Vator's actions, and the "Darth_Darth"/"Zack Attack" conundrum.

To me, this very much suggests you're affiliating Darth Darth with us.  I don't even know who the **** Zack Attack is, but that's not a JD thing either, Mr. Detective.  Sir.  And I "can't go into something" that I know nothing about.  So if you're expecting some kind of admission from someone here that they're Darth, or Zack, or Kanos, or YodaBoi, or Killer, or Windu, or Redhawk, or any other number of stupid ***** over there, I highly doubt you're gonna get it.

As for someone attacking you in the DVD thread, well ****, something like that is an absolute no-brainer really.  EVERYONE attacks your movie tastes.  Openly.  RS members, JD members, etc.  If someone says some **** to you there about your movie tastes, that very well could be an RS member, so get over yourself, Sir.

Or are you now suggesting there's a JD/Cory conspiracy in addition to the supposed JD/RS one?!  ****.  Please.

- Sorority President out.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 02:41 AM by JediMAC »

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #951 on: December 15, 2004, 02:50 AM »
The only one who would've lead anything remotely close to that is sadly gone...  Like jjks said though, he'd probably be having the most fun in this thead right now.

The short of it is (and I'm keeping my comments much more brief than I'd originally planned on, for many of you), there's no conspiracy that has anything REMOTELY to do with as an entity.

If it's members from here, the site and its staff don't have a clue about it...  If they do, I say they need to just come here and be constructive than go there and jerk off RS's staff or generally piss you off Cory, but that's me...  They either A) Don't like you, or B) don't like Rebelscum, or C) don't like either of you...  I'd say that doesn't equate to JACK **** with Jedi Defender as far as responsibility goes though...  Our name shouldn't be uttered then.

There's no brilliant revelations coming from this thread, other than there's a LOT of people here who left (or were forced away) from Rebelscum...  Some want payback maybe?  I don't know, and honestly I don't care, but it's got nothing to do with this site since we'd not allow it or condone it.

My parting words are that if it's that big a deal, handle your business at your site (This is addressed to any Scum Mods who ARE here) and not out in OUR public forum.  And if it's a personal beef at another site, then take it up with their staff at their site...

We've got nothing to do with it, so drop it.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 02:50 AM by Jesse James »
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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #952 on: December 15, 2004, 04:07 AM »
I like how you can only be associated with one site, regardless of how many you may belong to and are active at. I guess it's kind of like racial profiling, only star wars board profiling. "This guy's a dick that said mean things about me, so he's gotta be from JD".

Where do I fit in Cory? I'm as old school as they come, does that mean I'm really a Scum guy visiting JD, or am I a JD guy that stops in at Scum to view the trainwreck and learn what movies to avoid. Or wait, I post at GH too, and used to be big at SSG, what the hell am I???

 I'm still confused with where to group you in at: first you were on the 'Scum, then there was some suspension, then you were putting out the Jargon here, then you left here, then you went back to 'Scum, then I think you left again, somewhere in there you sold all your ****, then you came back with a renewed love for cinema, then you left again because you were "misunderstood", then you dropped a bunch of lbs and came back again (but only in the DVD thread), now you're totally back and playing moderator.

I'm so confused....should we not question your commitment to 'Scum? Seems like you bail on them a whole lot  :'(

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #953 on: December 15, 2004, 04:19 AM »
Exactly Jamie, and that's exactly part of the point I was trying to make (though you said it better).  How are all these "suspicious members" becoming the sole, exclusive property of JD, when in actuality, they're members of ALL the different SW collecting boards.  I keep seeing Rob's name thrown around, since Cory's obsessed with some avatar he saw, or something.  Wasn't Rob just up for a mod job at RS?  Since he didn't get it, does that mean he's been banished from over there, so there's gotta be an unscrupulous JD connection with him now, of some sort?

What if Rob DID get the mod job over there last month?  Then how would these accusations be going?  Still directed at JD?  And I'm not laying any blame on Rob for anything of course, just using him as an example since he's a member at both sites, and apparently had some brief avatar similarity with some Zack dude.

Jamie, I think if you piss anyone off at RS, then you'd qualify as a JD insurgent.  Otherwise, you're just another regular disgruntled member over there, I guess...
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 04:21 AM by JediMAC »

Offline CorranHorn

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #954 on: December 15, 2004, 04:38 AM »
the thing I don't get Matt, which I mentioned in my last post, but probably didn't get notice, is how can anyone believe this kind of stuff is all new to scum? this kind of stuff has been happening for a long long time, yet because some JD members happen to overtly exclaim their distaste for the scum, it must be some damn conspiracy of epic proportions.

it would behoove the people at scum to look into ways to improve their forums, especially coming into the time of Episode 3 when they will surely be getting an influx of new members (good and bad), so the problems they do have disappear and that may lead to less occurrences of the situation(s) that occurred in the last couple of days. if they did that instead of worrying about what is being said at JD, they would surely be better off. then again there's always some idiot out there just waiting to waste away time on spamming and causing ****.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 04:39 AM by CorranHorn »
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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #955 on: December 15, 2004, 04:42 AM »
Where do I fit?  I go to Scum still to stay active in threads that aren't cluttered with severe internet retardation...  They're few and far between, but I try seeking them out.


I know, I know...  I work here...  I gotta be a JD Terrorist.

Nonetheless though, I think the point's been made, as solid as my last bowel movement, that there's just a LOT of folks who've been PO'd at Scum for one reason or another...  Many of them wind up here, and I'd like to point out that they behave here too mostly (so as not to tarnish them like they're uncontrollable little kids like Lady Jaye seemed to imply with her "send them here" remark)...  This isn't the castaways or something.  Vator's a good, active participant here...

Was he at Scum?  They felt not, but he is here...  He just hates it over there I guess.  They gotta go somewhere though, and that doesn't mean that this site's supporting an "assault" on Scum...  It's a place they can vent if they want since it's likely their venting that got them banned there.  

If they wanna do stuff to Scum, as I said, that's Scum's problem to deal with at THEIR site, not here...  No conspiracy, no great investigation.  

This thread, when I got to read it after being out this evening, truly is one of the dumbest things I've read in ages...  What it's degenerated into is a level of nerdiness unsurpassed in the history of dorkdome.

Be proud folks.
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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #956 on: December 15, 2004, 04:47 AM »
...if they did that instead of worrying about what is being said at JD, they would surely be better off.

Hell, if they just read the stuff that was being said about them here at JD, they'd probably be able to fix the problems that are happening over there.  We give them all kinds of tips on it all the time.  It's instand feedback, but they tend to ignore us as much as Hasbro does!   ::)

then again there's always some idiot out there just waiting to waste away time on spamming and causing ****.

Don't call Cory an idiot, Jason.  He's just highly inquisitive, that's all.   :P

As for your original point there, yeah, I agree with that as well.  Just fealt that was even more obvious than what Jamie was getting at.  Odd that they don't seem to notice it though, until Andrew announces he just ran over there to goof around a bit with their mods...  There's been all kinds of goofs jumping on their boards this year, and in years past.  Nothing new in the slightest...   :-\
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 04:50 AM by JediMAC »

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #957 on: December 15, 2004, 04:47 AM »
how can anyone believe this kind of stuff is all new to scum? this kind of stuff has been happening for a long long time, yet because some JD members happen to overtly exclaim their distaste for the scum, it must be some damn conspiracy of epic proportions.


And it's not like there aren't means to deal with it.  But this isn't the harbor with which these ideas are launched.  Like I said, Vator's a good member here, so that's all that is to be said.

If he's got a beef, he's got a beef...  Like it or hate it, it has nothing to do with here.  And I'm sure he's one of only many who feel they were treated like crap at Scum while there's tons of "problems" there wandering around, posting freely every day...

To me, I go there and ignore them...  I've made a crack now and then, but nothing anyone even reacts to, and nothing insulting.  Otherwise I go watch/participate in what I want, just as I do over here at JD.
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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #958 on: December 15, 2004, 08:55 AM »
This thread...  a level of nerdiness unsurpassed in the history of dorkdome.

Be proud folks.

I know, and I can't stop reading!

I will say that I've been around long enough to know that none of this is new.  There's always been a rash of spam over there, and usually it's been a lot worse than the most recent case.  Crazy threads popping up for no reason.  Only it used to seem like people had more of a sense of humor about it.  They could laugh and roll their eyes at some, and then ignore them. Some were locked. Ignore the trolls and they go away.  There was a less fierce outcry and exaggerated consternation and more of a realization that trolls will be trolls.

The way all this is handled is what separates the two sites.  I'm glad here everyone can actually talk, and provide much entertainment.

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Re: Did Dante predict Rebelscum (Wuhers)?
« Reply #959 on: December 15, 2004, 10:14 AM »
3 mouse clicks and anyone who wants to can save my avatar.

Beyond that, in some thread around here is the entire image, which I repost here because it is a masterpiece:

In any event.  It had nothing to do with me beyond my original photoshop job - and that's the absolute frickin' end of it.