Preview Figure -
Clone Wars Preview Figure CW Captain Rex [v1 - Clean]
The Clone Wars -
Wave 1 CW #1 Anakin Skywalker
CW #2 Obi-Wan Kenobi
CW #3 Yoda
CW #4 Captain Rex [v2 - Dirty/Battle Damage]
CW #5 Clone Trooper
CW #6 General Grievous
CW #7 Battle Droid
CW #8 R2-D2
The Clone Wars -
Wave 2 CW #9 Ahsoka Tano
CW #10 Clone Commander Cody
CW #11 Clone Pilot Oddball
CW #12 Super Battle Droid
The Clone Wars -
Wave 3 CW #13 Count Dooku
CW #14 Plo Koon
CW #15 Asajj Ventress
CW #16 C-3PO
CW #17 Destroyer Droid
CW #18 IG-86 Assassin Droid
The Clone Wars -
Wave 4 (aka 2009 Wave 1)
CW #19 Clone Trooper (212th Attack Battalion)
CW #20 Padme Amidala
CW #21 Clone Trooper (with Space Gear)
CW #22 Magnaguard
CW #23 R3-S6 (Goldie)
The Clone Wars -
Wave 5 (aka 2009 Wave 2)
CW #24 Jar Jar Binks
CW #25 Rocket Battle Droid
CW #26 Clone Trooper (41st Elite Corps)
CW #27 Kit Fisto
The Clone Wars -
Wave 6 (aka 2009 Wave 3)
'09 CW01 General Grievous
[repack] '09 CW02 Clone Trooper (with Space Gear)
[repack] '09 CW03 Rocket Battle Droid
[repack] '09 CW04 Clone Trooper (41st Elite Corps)
[repack] '09 CW05 Kit Fisto
[repack] '09 CW06 Mace Windu
'09 CW07 Admiral Yularen
'09 CW08 Jawas
'09 CW09 Commander Gree
'09 CW10 ARF Trooper
'09 CW11 Heavy Assault Super Battle Droid
The Clone Wars -
Wave 7 (aka 2009 Wave 4)
'09 CW12 Obi-Wan Kenobi
'09 CW13 4-A7
'09 CW14 Yoda
'09 CW15 Whorm Loathsom
'09 CW16 Commando Droid
'09 CW17 Clone Trooper Echo
The Clone Wars -
Wave 8 (aka 2009 Wave 5)
'09 CW18 Anakin Skywalker
[repack] '09 CW19 Obi-Wan Kenobi
[repack] '09 CW20 Clone Trooper Denal
'09 CW21 Anakin Skywalker (with Space Gear)
'09 CW22 Cad Bane
'09 CW23 Ahsoka Tano (with Space Gear)
The Clone Wars -
Wave 8.5 (aka 2009 Wave 5.5)
'09 CW24 Captain Rex
[repack] '09 CW25 R2-D2
[repack] '09 CW26 Ashoka Tano
[repack] '09 CW27 Count Dooku
[repack] '09 CW28 Clone Commander Cody
[repack] '09 CW29 Destoyer Droid
[repack]The Clone Wars -
Wave 9 (aka 2009 Wave 6)
'09 CW30 Luminara Unduli
'09 CW31 Captain Argyus
'09 CW32 Clone Commander Thire
'09 CW33 Battle Droid (AAT Driver)
The Clone Wars -
Wave 10 (aka 2009 Wave 7)
'09 CW34 Matchstick
'09 CW35 Padme Amidala (Malevolence Outfit)
'09 CW36 Clone Tank Gunner
'09 CW37 Ziro's Assassin Droid
The Clone Wars -
Wave 11 (aka 2010 Spring Wave 1)
'09 CW38 Clone Trooper Jek
'09 CW39 Commander Bly
'09 CW40 Aayla Secura
'09 CW41 Hondo Ohnaka
The Clone Wars -
Wave 12 (aka 2010 Spring Wave 2)
'09 CW42 Anakin Skywalker (Snow Gear)
'09 CW43 Thi-Sen
'09 CW44 Clone Commander Stone
'09 CW45 Darth Sidious
'09 CW46 Commander TX-20 (Tactical Droid)
The Clone Wars -
Wave 13 (aka 2010 Spring Wave 3)
'09 CW47 Firefighter Droid
'09 CW48 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Snow Gear)
'09 CW49 Magnaguard
'09 CW50 Captain Rex (Snow Gear)
The Clone Wars -
Wave 14 (aka 2010 Fall Wave 1)
'10 CW01 Captain Rex
[repack] '10 CW02 Obi-Wan Kenobi
[repack] '10 CW03 Commander Cody
[repack] '10 CW04 Destroyer Droid
[repack] '10 CW05 Yoda
[repack] '10 CW06 Count Dooku
[repack] '10 CW07 Anakin Skywalker (Space Suit)
[repack] '10 CW08 Pre Vizsla
'10 CW09 Mandalorian Guard
'10 CW10 General Grievous (with cape)
'10 CW11 Aurra Sing
The Clone Wars -
Wave 15 (aka 2010 Fall Wave 1.5)
'10 CW12 Captain Rex (Cold Weather Gear)
[repack] '10 CW13 Cad Bane
[repack] '10 CW14 Clone Pilot Odd Ball
[repack] '10 CW15 Asajj Ventress
[repack] '10 CW16 Super Battle Droid
[repack] '10 CW17 Ahsoka Tano
[repack] '10 CW18 ARF Trooper
[repack] '10 CW19 Battle Droid
[repack]The Clone Wars -
Wave 16 (aka 2010 Fall Wave 2)
'10 CW20 Mace Windu
'10 CW21 Commander Gree
[repack] '10 CW22 Battle Droid Commander
'10 CW23 Kit Fisto
'10 CW24 ARF Trooper (Teth Camo)
The Clone Wars -
Wave 17 (aka 2010 Fall Wave 3)
'10 CW25 Ki-Adi Mundi
'10 CW26 Flame Thrower Clone
'10 CW27 R2-D2
[repack] '10 CW28 Clone Pilot Goji
The Clone Wars -
Wave 18 (aka 2010 Fall Wave 4)
'10 CW29 Mandolorian Warrior
'10 CW30 R4-P17
'10 CW31 Shaak Ti
'10 CW32 Boba Fett
'10 CW33 Embo
The Clone Wars -
Wave 19 (aka 2010 Fall Wave 5)
'10 CW34 Undead Geonosian
'10 CW35 Clone Trooper Draa
'10 CW36 Quinlan Vos
'10 CW37 Cato Parasiti
The Clone Wars -
Wave 20 (aka 2011 Spring Wave 1)
'11 CW40 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Season 3)
'11 CW41 Clone Trooper Hevy (Training Armor)
'11 CW42 Cad Bane w/TODO-360
'11 CW43 R7-A7
The Clone Wars -
Wave 21 (aka 2011 Spring Wave 2)
'11 CW44 Ahsoka (Season 3)
'11 CW45 Anakin Skywalker (Season 3)
'11 CW46 Aqua Droid
'11 CW47 El-Les
'11 CW48 Clone Commander Wolffe
The Clone Wars -
Wave 22 (aka 2011 Spring Wave 3)
'11 CW49 Riot Control Clone Trooper
'11 CW50 Barriss Offee
'11 CW51 Eeth Koth
'11 CW52 Clone Commander Colt
The Clone Wars -
Wave 23 (aka 2011 Fall Wave 1)
'11 CW38 Clone Commander Jet
'11 CW39 Hondo Onaka
[repack] '11 CW53 Plo Koon (Cold Weather Gear)
'11 CW55 Savage Opress (Shirtless)
'11 CW56 ARF Trooper (Kamino)
The Clone Wars -
Wave 24 (aka 2011 Fall Wave 2)
'11 CW54 Saesee Tiin
'11 CW57 Stealth Ops Clone
'11 CW60 Kit Fisto (Cold Weather Gear)
'11 CW61 Seripas
'11 CW62 Captain Rex (Jet Pack)
The Clone Wars -
Wave 25 (aka 2011 Fall Wave 3)
'11 CW58 Even Piell
'11 CW59 Savage Opress (Armored)
'11 CW63 Kashyyyk Warrior
'11 CW64 R7-D4 (Plo Koon's Astromech)
'11 CW65 Jar Jar Binks
[repack]The Clone Wars -
Wave 26 (aka 2012 Wave 1)
'12 CW01 Anakin Skywalker
'12 CW02 Clone Trooper (Phase II)
'12 CW03 Savage Opress
[repack] '12 CW04 Cad Bane
[repack] '12 CW05 Yoda
[repack] '12 CW06 Plo Koon
[repack] '12 CW07 Clone Commander Cody (Phase II)
'12 CW08 Mace Windu
[repack] '12 CW09 Chewbacca
[repack] '12 CW10 Aqua Droid
[repack]The Clone Wars -
Wave 27 (aka 2012 Wave 2)
'12 CW11 Republic Commando Boss
'12 CW12 Obi-Wan Kenobi
'12 CW13 Captain Rex (Phase II)
'12 CW14 Aayla Secura
[repack]The Clone Wars -
Wave 28 (aka 2012 Wave 3)
'12 CW15 Ahsoka (Scuba Gear)
'12 CW16 Super Battle Droid (Training Droid)
'12 CW17 Clone Commander Wolffe
The Clone Wars -
Wave 29 (aka 2012 Wave 4)
'12 CW18 Clone Commander Fox
The Clone Wars -
Wave 30 (aka 2013 Wave 1)
'13 CWxx Anakin
'13 CWxx Obi-Wan
'13 CWxx Maul
'13 CWxx Savage
'13 CWxx 501st Jetpack Trooper
'13 CWxx Rex
'13 CWxx R2-D2
'13 CWxx Battle Droid
'13 CWxx Cody
more to come...