Author Topic: Marvel Legends  (Read 439962 times)

Offline Morgbug

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2340 on: January 12, 2007, 10:19 AM »
Oooooh, I hate movie projects with a passion.  The only line that ever sells well on its own is Spiderman and even at that there is just so much stuff around it's crazy.  Other than Spidey movie stuff, it's universally a bane of the action figure aisle.  I've no doubt a ton of stuff sells, even when movies do relatively poorly (Hulk) or not so poorly (Superman) but there's just so much garbage produced.  I saw a huge bin of Thing on bike yesterday at Walmart for $2 and they weren't moving.  Never mind the omnipresent Thing and Hulk feet and the glut of craptastic Superman toys.  It eats up space and diminishes the retailers perception of the sales of action figures.  They never seem to realize they've sold 2000 units, rather they remember the 800 that were left over.  Grrr. 

One of the figures I still am amazed has not been made is Tombstone from the Spidey comics.  I'd have thought of him as iconic enough to be made.  I remember him being primarily a thorn in Robbie Robertson's side, but still a decent villain from the Spiderman series.  Chameleon would be another good fit.  I think there's ample room in the Spidey line and can think of more figures I'd like to see here than in the regular Marvel Universe. 

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Offline Brian

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« Reply #2341 on: January 12, 2007, 10:31 AM »
Those are the two I was forgetting - Tombstone and Chameleon.  At this point, probably the most well-known Spidey villains that haven't already been done, and I hope we see them eventually.  I've seen some indication on the Fwoosh forums that Jesse Falcon has sounded like this Origins lineup out right now might be the majority of the non-movie Spidey stuff we see this year - I guess we'll see how that turns out.

I've also seen a thread on Fwoosh discussing which characters need re-dos in the line, which I think also shows how little there is left to do - besides getting to C-list characters.  I'll admit, there are a few I wouldn't mind seeing (Doom, just because I missed him, and maybe the F4 - because aside from Thing, I display the movie versions since the other ones aren't that great), but I know people will complaing once we get "re-dos".  The problem is, many of the big guns have pretty nice versions at this point.  There are a number of Spideys, plenty of Wolverines/Iron Men, and the recent Face Off figures of Captain America, Daredevil, and the Hulk are pretty darn good (if not perfect).  Like I said, I wonder what we'll see next.  It seems like (from rumors) we might get into more modern stuff (Astonishing X-Men as one example), so maybe that's where things are headed.  We might see more characters like the Winter Soldier, Ronin, etc.

I'm often confused by the whole movie figures issue as well.  I'll admit, I often like to pick up the "best" version of many of the movie figures (just from characters/movies I actually care about though), and I know I'll be picking up some of the Spidey 3 movie stuff unless it is incredibly crappy - but like you mentioned Brent, I've never seen a superhero movie line that hasn't been clogging the pegs later on.  They must sell a lot of units though, because we keep seeing them.  But, there are still Superman Returns figures (tons of them) at Wal-Mart, Target cleared them out (now stocked with the "Man of Steel" continuation line), and I can still find Spidey 2 and Fantastic Four movie figures at TRU.  I think there has been some nice figures out of the movie lines (I like the Spidey stuff, and the main Fantastic Four aside from Thing), but it does seem like retailers really go crazy with the stuff.  Wal-Mart in particular really seems to like the movie lines, and often dedicate entire aisles to them in our area.

Offline Morgbug

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2342 on: January 12, 2007, 10:56 AM »
I'm wondering if we'll see a Gwen Stacy figure from the movie line for S3?  They did the MJ in the first line so maybe they'll up this one at the same ratio as MJ was slotted at.  I'd be fine with that and I do regret not picking up the MJ and JJJ figures from the first movie.  I do grab usually a single villain and the 'best' Spidey figure from the movie lines as well, but seldom grab anything from the other movies.  The Invisible Woman would be an exception because she was only otherwise available in box sets that were cost prohibitive to me at the time.  They've since shown up at cheap prices and I may yet have to spring for one as I still don't have a Reed Richards figure.  The only thing that stops me still is the presence of a Thing figure in the box as I don't have a need for four of him from the ML line.  If the boxes are still around, I'll probably finally break down and get one though, as they cost $20 and single figures retail regularly for $13, so why not? 

I'm still pining for the box set, online retailer exclusive Spiderman set that includes:

super articulated Spiderman
classic comic version Mary Jane Watson
classic comic version J. Jonah Jameson
classic comic version Robbie Robertson
classic comic version May Parker
classic comic version Betty Brant

But I don't see it ever happening sadly. 

On the bright side, they've done some pretty neat figures of late, action features not withstanding.  The Shocker and Hobgoblin figures were great (not so much for stealth Venom and Hydroman, the latter I still can't bring myself to buy) and for the bulk of folks the Electro figure is pure bonus.  Finally getting Kingpin was the biggest hole out there, literally and figuratively. 
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Offline Brian

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2343 on: January 12, 2007, 11:14 AM »
I'm still pining for the box set, online retailer exclusive Spiderman set that includes:

super articulated Spiderman
classic comic version Mary Jane Watson
classic comic version J. Jonah Jameson
classic comic version Robbie Robertson
classic comic version May Parker
classic comic version Betty Brant

I would be all over that Brent, great idea.  I'm with you, I still regret not picking up Jameson and MJ from the first movie line.  I hope to maybe get them via ebay eventually, or holding out hope (not likely) that they are included in this year's movie line.  I agree too, the Kingpin was the biggest hole in my Spidey villains - and I'm glad we got a nice one now.  I was in much the same boat as you mentioned, where I couldn't afford box sets, so that's why I have "other" versions of many characters.  I got the latest Electro, but the arms/action feature do kind of crap it up.  I was so worried it would be tough to find, but the last time I was at Target they still had one hanging there for $1.84 I believe.  Who knows how much longer that will last though, being that cheap.  I'm just curious how much attention Marvel Legends will get this year with Hasbro already juggling the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars, the Ghost Rider, Spidey, and F4 movies, as well as the Transformers movie.  But, like I said, its not like I need more to buy anyways ;).

Offline Brian

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« Reply #2344 on: January 12, 2007, 03:18 PM »
If anyone is interested, HasbroToyShop has both the Iron Spidey and Spidey 2099 figures (as well as other Origins figures) in stock for $7.99 each.

Offline Morgbug

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2345 on: January 13, 2007, 10:33 PM »
If anyone is interested, HasbroToyShop has both the Iron Spidey and Spidey 2099 figures (as well as other Origins figures) in stock for $7.99 each.

Thanks Brian,
I snagged one of each and a pile of SW titanium vehicles as well.
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Offline knashdx

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2346 on: January 14, 2007, 08:54 PM »
Brent - No more ToyBiz Marvel Legends and no Psylocke variant to be found...

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Offline Morgbug

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2347 on: January 14, 2007, 10:57 PM »
BTW, the conspiracy theorist in me says there is not nor will there be a variant of Psylocke.  I still cannot find anything on ebay outside of some pictureless "promise" auctions.  I'm wondering if the same can be said of the blue Wasp figure.  Same deal, no real auctions, though one guy is selling the scanning code for the case it supposedly comes in ::)


I guess I'm not surprised.  It shouldn't be too hard of a custom either but I feel for those folks that bought one off ebay on the promise that it existed.  Weird sort of end to the ToyBiz side of things.

Does the no more ToyBiz bit mean they're done shipping now?
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Offline MetalJedi

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2348 on: January 15, 2007, 02:38 AM »
2 cases of the Hasbro MLs at a local Walmart. Was able to get my X-3 Beast. Weird how they're shipping 6 figures per case instead of the 12 figure case. They were still 10 bucks though.  :-\
« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 02:40 AM by MetalJedi »
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Offline knashdx

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2349 on: January 15, 2007, 07:14 AM »
BTW, the conspiracy theorist in me says there is not nor will there be a variant of Psylocke.  I still cannot find anything on ebay outside of some pictureless "promise" auctions.  I'm wondering if the same can be said of the blue Wasp figure.  Same deal, no real auctions, though one guy is selling the scanning code for the case it supposedly comes in ::)


I guess I'm not surprised.  It shouldn't be too hard of a custom either but I feel for those folks that bought one off ebay on the promise that it existed.  Weird sort of end to the ToyBiz side of things.

Does the no more ToyBiz bit mean they're done shipping now?

I seen some places like Toys R Us still getting some of the Wave 15 (MODOK) wave, but that is about it.
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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2350 on: January 15, 2007, 11:30 AM »
TOtaly disappointment on the new pieces. What have they done !

Offline knashdx

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« Reply #2351 on: January 15, 2007, 12:49 PM »

Why is Banshee's head so fat?  Based on this picture, the only figures that look horrid are the two figures I most wanted from this series: Banshee and Emma Frost.  I'd much prefer the Select version of Frost now, but rots 'o ruck finding her anywhere.  Damn fanboys :-X 

From that picture Planet Hulk, Hercules, Beast and IM don't look so horrible.  Annhilus is down right tiny for a BAF though. 

I don't read Avengers or FF to know what Annhilus size should be but it appears that they have shrunk the BAF down to be in scale with the regular figures. MOJO was understandable, but Sentinel, Apocalypse, & Galactus were done right. Annhilus looks punny for a BAF. My hope is that if they are keeping the scale in line with the regular figures that Blob is just a BAF for the 6-7" size so he is to scale with the others.
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Offline Morgbug

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« Reply #2352 on: January 15, 2007, 01:16 PM »
If Blob is in that size range (6-7") I'd be ok with it, he doesn't have to really be that huge to fit my recollections of the character.  I'd like him to be in the size range of Juggernaut, but much fatter obviously.

I did see series one this weekend at the comic shop and though I didn't have the option to buy them (they only ordered enough for those that pre-ordered), I don't think I would have anyway.  The Beast figure looked very well done, but I generally stay away from movie related figures so I didn't buy it.  Hercules and the Planet Hulk figures were also quite nice as well.  I didn't think they'd look at all out of place beside other Marvel Legends (read ToyBiz) figures.  The Iron Man was a bit odd looking to me but it might just be a lack of familiarity with the armor as much as anything else.  It certainly didn't look any worse than the Iron Man figures from the face off two packs and probably looked cleaner with respect to paint applications.

The real disappointments were the Banshee and Emma Frost figures, naturally the two I really wanted.  Emma Frost is just off the head it too tiny and the sculpt is actually quite brutal.  I realize the ML female sculpt isn't quite the same as the DC versions, but this one struck me as far worse than the recent Psylocke or Wasp figures.  The diaper-ized lower part really sort of annoyed me too, just not my particular fetish I suppose.  Of course the price of the non-clear Marvel Select Emma Frost is now climbing on ebay as my disappointment in this figure doesn't seem to be alone. 

Banshee on the other hand has a head that is just too large for the neck and body.  I just can't imagine why that head is so much larger than Beast's for example. 

Having seen these in person now I guess I'm a bit more optimistic for series two.  Those figures that looked mostly ok in pictures of series one looked ok in person.  Those that left me with that annoying little worry about the finished product lived down to expectations.  So basically for me my interpretation going forward is that if the picture looks ok, the figure should be too.  If it looks like crap, well, a picture paints a thousand words.
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Offline Morgbug

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« Reply #2353 on: January 15, 2007, 01:24 PM »
I'm officially starting my there is no blue Wasp conspiracy theory now btw.  Given it hasn't shipped to retail yet and the Hasbro stuff is, my guess is no matter what Toyfare tells us, it ain't happening. 

Just reviewing Hasbro series 2 stuff, I think I want Blob bad enough to buy the set of figures, so if anyone isn't keen on a Blob and wants the X3 stuff, I'll happily part with it.  Conversely if there's an X-freak out there than doesn't want those Blob parts, I'd happily buy them from you and stick to the regular, non-movie figures.

Waiting to see confirmation of the Series 3 Hasbro ML list, because the rumoured list (again X-movie heavy) holds no interest for me. 
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Offline knashdx

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2354 on: January 15, 2007, 02:52 PM »
If Blob is in that size range (6-7") I'd be ok with it, he doesn't have to really be that huge to fit my recollections of the character.  I'd like him to be in the size range of Juggernaut, but much fatter obviously.

It would be nice if they did a Juggernaught piece that stood taller than the rest of the figures. He is suppose to be bigger than them (rought same height as Sasquatch/Wendigo) and they didn't make him taller.
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