Terrible, terrible experience. And it isn't even over yet.
I'm spending the week with my girlfriend in her appartment - she shares the place with 2 other girls... 3 girls, 1 guy, and only one shower and bathroom... Already a problem existed before I was stricken with the 'squirts'... Ah yes, my sweet girlfriend thought it'd be nice to get me a coffee or something, but the side effects of that creamy drink and my milk-intolerance have been rather bad. I break this story down into parts...
First :
My girlfriend and one of the roomies had been out to take exams, meanwhile me and another roomie were minding our own business doing our own thing in our own rooms. I go to take a shower, and as I step out fresh-fully-clean I realize that the puffy soap thingy I used is identical to the another one that was beside it. One of them doesn't belong to me, but instead it belongs to one of the roomies. Have I just used one of the roomies soap thingies? What do I do?
Second :
Here's what I did - Absolutely nothing, as I then realize I've forgotten my towel and have to make a run for the bedroom while I've still got the chance.
Third :
As I dry off in the bedroom and take a breath while getting dressed, I realize my tummy doesn't feel good. I then make a mad dash to the restroom... For about 5 minutes, I had quite a time trying to keep the noise down. Did it work? Of course not, I'm sure everyone in the world heard my 'situation'... so I just let go and tried to finish quick.
Fourth :
I'm done for the time being, so I flush and make a mad dash to the bedroom... Moments later I hear the roomie head out of her bedroom and into the shower... She passes the bathroom... I hold my breath, "I didn't make a stink, I hope!", she enters the shower, "Oh god, I bet I used her soapy-thingy..." But nothing happened. No yells, no giggles... Nothing.
So now we wait.
I have to go potty again, very soon... and another roomie has arrived... "I'm doomed!" I murmer to myself, "I better go to JediDefender.com and make my humiliation a tad more public."