Recently your thread has caught attention. For feedback on your forum, Hasbroke, see our "my favorite thread" thread located in the JD Site feedback forum
I have just viewed this thread, and I have passed your feedback along to our
Board of Directors and I am sure they will be very pleased to see that this Q&A thread has become so succesful.
First, You seem to like Neimodian Gunners a lot.
We are only giving the consumers what they want. As stated earlier, retailers consistently call and ask for more Neimoidian Warriors, and this is why we keep shipping them out. Just the other day, I walked into a Wal-Mart and overheard a young man say, "Neimoidian Warriors, AGAIN!" so I rushed back to the Ivory Tower and told our board of directors that we needed to do more of these fast. This gentleman obviously wanted to build an army and the 100 on the pegs at this particular WM were just not enough.
We will continue to ship Neimoidian Warriors and/or Commanders until the demand has been sated, like the demand for the Clone Troopers has leveled off considerably.
Are you ever going to rerelease them as a 3-pack for a EE exclusive that will go for $217.47?
We think that the Neimoidians are really a wide appeal item that would sell better through normal retail channels than it would through a small internet retailer. An item like the Neimoidian Warrior appeals to us on so many levels, and even non-SW fans will pass by and say, "What the hell is that?", and be tempted to pick it up and buy it. Limiting such an item with such obvious appeal to a broad audience would be a bad move, in my opinion. It is better to leave the exclusive items, like Clone Troopers, to items that nobody really wants more than one of anyway. So, no, there are no plans to make the Neimoidians exclusive to any retailer at this time, although Wal-Mart and Target seem to be the most popular place to find them.
And second, in the Saga2, will you rerelease the POTF2 EU DarkTrooper or Spacetrooper?
There are no plans to do so at this time. Roy ate the mold for the Darktrooper and we don't know what happened to the Spacetrooper mold, although I'm sure retail stole it from us.
Who is Hasbro's favorite JD Staff Member?
I honestly can't say. This is where GNT is, isn't it? If so, it's him.
Which JD Staff member causes Hasbro the most grief?
As stated earlier, JediMAC. How are we to convince others of our genius when he points out our "mistakes?" Half of our yearly budget goes toward figuring out ways to avoid him at conventions so we can sell our products without pesky tales of "overproduction" or "reshipping pegwarmers" or "poor character choices" or "constant blame of everyone but us."
Which JD Staff member does Hasbro think is the sexiest?
As we have no balls, we are technically eunuchs and are unable to fulfill this request at this time. Please accept our apologies and we hope that you continue to enjoy our products for many years to come.