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Messages - Glassman6

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Better pics of my jango head.

Here is the wax sculpt and the plastic cast comparison.

I aslo wanted to do a jango fett with the most articulation. So i thought of the most articulated figure...
Agrueable Han Solo votc.... So I started to work with that...

I dremeled off all protruding details, and then sculpted on a flightsuit.

I also went back to the Jango fet head, I hollowed this  to fit a ball joint. I cast pieces of the Deluxe jango and
used one of the imprefect casts from when i was selling Mandalore helmets. A littlle bubble filling and its a perfect helmet ready to paint.

I just need to sculpt the armor, holster  and belts.  Hoping to keep them removable.

Thanks MBA, good luck with that helmet.

I've been working on my Ultimate Jango so i have some new heads.

Here is the wax sculpt and the plastic cast comparison.

I aslo finally got brave enough to open my George lucas stormie, as well as the new tank gunner.
So instantly i made casts.

I still like my removable hemlet from the VOTC stomie better... seen here first.

Then i hollowed out the head to make it fit on a ball joint.

I also went back to my imperial commandos... I gave them all different heads.
I will paint the bodies soon...

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Help with Vos face/head !
« on: August 9, 2006, 04:49 PM »
Agreed. Very nice choice of part.  Sculpting the hair over the forhead, and mking it bigger on top than it its now, and flowing strands,  That would really make this work.

Also, if you really want to do some work, thin the jawline a bit... Its really square right now.

I made little 3d models  in a program i use for work. Same as i did with the overall concept.
They are really simple forms shot  captured at some (hopefully) dramatic angles..

I found some bridge, forest, and mountain images to use as backdrops, to ground the buildings.
Then, i just added a photoshop filter to them. Makes a nice effect...


Great stuff brentS, Thanks for getting us started.

Here is my idea for a less fancy city dwelling or maybe on the outskirts of the city.

These are more in the city, multiple story buildings

We were thinking the same thing with the huts. I was thinking more mud covered though.

I was also thinking if they were more organic looking buildings in the forrest/woods/clearings

These could go either way.  In the city or out.  Single function buildings.

These are the more upscale buildings. Multiple uses. Maybe a meeting office or  crimelords dwelling

I just ploped these onrandom images and filtered them in photoshop so we get more focus(initially) on the forms and less on the actual components.

Hopefully we will get some more ideas from
Clone Commander 1 , Darth Ennis , Joerhyno & Ryan.

If you think they still will look good in black and white, you can fax it to me and i can put them up.
PM me enis if that will work.

The one on the left looks like he has no neck. The other one looks perfect.
Sculpt something around the neck to make it look like its as thick as its supposed to be.

Other than that Cool concelpts. Keep em comming.

Very good point Ryan.

Clone Commander 1
Darth Ennis

We should all submit  4 sketches by monday of  various types of buildings.  Lets say one more peasant oriented( less lavish, run down, dwelling in the forrest?) and one more regal. ( crime lord, imperials, barons/established places)
Space port concepts. Imperial tower concepts.  Lets start  drawing this thing up bit by bit. We post them get developmental feed back and narrow down the choices.

Lets go concept team on break.... " LETS GO CONCEPT TEAM!!!!!!"

Oh believe me they arent perfect everytime... I wish.  This one came out great.
When i rush,  or try to do too may pieces at once, is when i get  air bubbles.

Well no miracles visted my house last night...
I did get more work on the figure done, I will get him done soon.

This is really great work Staxus.  Really great!
I really like your clone engeneer.  Cool colors on the bacaras also.
You should give wax sculpting a shot. You get alot of finer details with wax and you look like
you have the tallent.  Kepp up the good work.

Dang it brentS... I was going for the removable armor jango.... you stole my thunder!!  :P
Great work, he does look like he's got a thermal detonator in his cheeks.  I guess thats from hollowing?
Great concept. Beautiful paint colors. great work.

I barely had time to work on this, but i started... We will see if any miracles happen tonight.

I chose to try my hand at the Pilot jango head sculpt without the headgear.
I made a wax cast , then sculpted the rest of his head.

It surprised me how much i thought this ended up looking just like the EVO epIII clone head, when i didnt think
the evo head looked like jango at all.
I then  hollowed  it to fit onto a ball joint.
Here is the first cast.

Sorry for the blurry pics, i was rushing. He's the head cast.
and the armor i was going after...

Beautiful AE77, Just beautiful. 
Did you sculpt over the legs of VOTC fett? 
I'm still deciding how i tackle the legs.

As always, stunning work.

Chewie, Jango looks alot better the second time around.
Very nice work.

I agree with JoeRhyno that green is cliche'( which is probably why it was the first color i thought of)  and blue = chiss  in the SW world. So lets go with a light purple.

Light Purple  anybody? Anyone? Buller?

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