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Messages - Jesse James

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Nicklab Said:
Now, as for my own credentials which you've seen fit to address, let's see if our creds match up here, okay Jesse?

Nick, wow, I'm sorry you were offended by my words, but I can't see where I called into question your "credentials".   If anything I simply was saying you're on-par with anyone in this thread...  That's the truth in my eyes, and I'm sorry if you feel you are different than the masses, really... 

I think you should maybe heed these words you yourself said:
Please make an effort to know who you're addressing before you start talking down to them.

Because it strikes me that you're implying the REST of us don't know as much as you do...  Kinda "talking down" to everyone and all that.  I'm sorry you maybe feel that way about some of us...

I didn't talk "down" to you, I simply addressed your tone because it wasn't appreciated on the boards is all.  I'll reiterate my words for clarity's sake...

As I said in my post:

I think being condescending in your reply isn't a necessity, as if you know this industry inside out and the rest of us are merely outside opinions...


You know as much as the rest of us, and I'm sure we all can see the point that Clones aren't on the pegs at the most pivotal moment for pushing a film, which is right now.

I'm not saying you are completely ignorant about toys in any way Nick.  You have certainly been to many conventions, shows, and the like, and that's fantastic.  I simply told you that the whole "I know more than you do, OBVIOUSLY" attitude was a bit much...  You know as MUCH as the rest of us in my view, whether you do or not...  Maybe you disagree, and as I said I'm sorry if you feel that way.

As far as the points you make...

I agree with the sociological POV on collectors (or U.S. culture as a whole) requiring instant gratification, that's a pretty popular mode of thought on modern society I think, and it's evident, but as marketing teaches students in the earliest classes, society and how to cater to them are keys to marketing products...  It's easy enough to argue then that lack of instant gratification is sales lost...  I personally see the lack of Clones as a mistake because of this, as they are popular among a broad audience...  It's just my opinion though, but when a 7 year old tells me what he did, I found that to be a profound thought as I was rifling through the pegs for more Clone figures in my collection...

There's no disputing MORE are shipping, there's time for MORE to come out, no doubt...  And I'll be here for them too, with open wallet arms.  My point still stands though, that (at least in my area, and many other areas I'm told) Clones aren't abundant...  I'm glad your neck of the woods has plenty for all though Nick, because that means things are maybe flowing better in the pipelines out there...  It could simply be that Pittsburgh has bad distribution itself and the rest of the country's doing well on these figures.  I know on another toy line I like that we have gotten the short end of the stick lately while others had plenty of whatever they wanted.

On the issue of Collection 1 doing better than COllection 2, I personally see them as faring rather evenly myself, for the most part, with the duller of the C2 figures sitting the most and the more abundant C1 figures sitting the most of their cases...  But, like you said,
Add in the fact that sometimes anecdotal evidence just doesn't carry that much weight since things can be regionally skewed by how collectors collect in a certain area.  One city or region does not necessarily reflect the rest of the country.
, so where NY sees Clones galore and Collection 2 sit like they're fertalizer to grow more C1 figures, in my neck of the woods the sales are fairly even...

Put at the front of a store even, I've found that EVERYTHING sells out.  My one Taret had its 4/2 overstock at a checkout aisle temporary endcap, and I've watched that thing go from overflowing with figures to nothing in a month...  Impressive considering how much was hanging there not long ago.

But that is the differences people see...  And everyone has their own experiences to share, that influence their opinions, and everyone has their own "credentials" too, and when I see a thread like this I see everyone as knowing as much as the next guy in my book.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Do You Have Pets?
« on: May 20, 2005, 02:20 AM »

So my cat, Tarkin (bottom photo) has taken to stealing money again.  He'd given this habit up a while ago, but he's back to it.  Loose change on the table is the victim, but he's smart and only takes quarters (or those new dollar coins).

Does anyone have a cat that does that?  He leaves it at my bedroom door at night too, or just strewn throughout the house, almost like a little path he has taken giving money away to...  well...  nobody in particular.

Very, very strange. 

I think I may be able to help some with a how-to...

I picked up the one with the long rifle (the GG mini-bust that is) off a buddy of mine just to see how these translated...  I actually swapped the hands out just because I had a VOTC Stormie with his hands off right on my desk here at home, and the Mini-Bust hands fit perfectly on...

The heads have a couple means to swap them, but if I were going to do it I'd go with hollowing the mini-bust head out so it popped straight onto the VOTC peg.  I think it would be a fairly easy custom to whip up if you wanted to, so long as you're careful with hollowing the GG Bust helmet out...  Simple enough, and while I can't recall who made the figure I'm sure if he's on he'll help you out with what to do as well.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Best Stormtrooper ????
« on: May 20, 2005, 02:01 AM »
Gregorbian...  I split your post off this one and am sending it over as a topic to Customs.  I'm 100% sure you're going to get every answer you seek there.  Not a hard swap, I can even help you when I'm done with this swap out. :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Playstation3 revealed.
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:59 PM »
Oh yeah, Nintendo just through a massive uppercut.  If that holds true I'm all about it.  I'm really torn since I generally only get one system to start and if I'm able to down the road, I'll buy another. 

Not sure what I'll likely do...  At least there's time.

TV-9D9 / Re: New Footage TRL Exclusive
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:50 AM »
GOD DAMMIT, another Tarzan scream!  >:(

If that was still in the film, it was so feint you couldn't even hear it.  I didn't notice that at all, but in that Letereman Clip it's incredibly obvious.  I'm wagering it was cut or I was just WAY too engrossed in the film.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Screening
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:48 AM »
Was good the 2nd time around...  I'm up for a 3rd even at this point but the gf's not going to go this week, maybe next.

I hold by my original assessment as well...  People complaining are stretching it I think...  The people bashing the film completely strike me as the kind who think it's just the vogue thing to do.

I got to go last night for an early screening and then again tonight for the premiere at Pittsburgh's Loew's Cineplex...  Fun going there since it's big, got the VIP seating and all that.

We had a big event made otu of it, and since the local PSWCS leader (Bobafett14) bought us all VIP tickets it made it extra special.

I just got home a short while ago...  I'm dead-ass tired at this point.  2 nights of this is killer.  I'd go see it again though, I liked it.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Gregorbian's Customs
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:41 AM »
Great customs overall Gregorbian...  But I have to say that the uniform design of your whole squad you did up was pretty great.  Looked store-bought actually.

I especially liked that you seemed to include a communications dude in there too.  A must!  Very nice... 

Clones are really the inspiration a lot have taken to get back into customizing or start up for the first time.  It's great seeing lots of them out there on all different skill levels.  Some really good paintjobs are popping up though that Hasbro couldn't rival even.

I'll leave the sculpting topics to others since I find my own skills here to be completely trial/error...

With Glues, I like to keep two or three types on-hand at all times...

-Basic superglue...  I like to get good stuff, but basically I have it on hand at all times.

-2-part "Plastic Welder", which my preferred brand is Devcon Plastic Welder (in a black 2-part tube), found at most any hardware store or even Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc.  Simple, but dries out incredibly fast so I try not to open it unless I have a lot of work to do...  It works well on pliable plastics such as the figure's legs/arms/heads (and now torso's even) are made of more often than not...  They're basically a PVC plastic rather than an ABS styrene, which the old torso's are made of (such as on original '95 figures and whatnot).  It's very good stuff.

-Traditional Modeling Plastic Welder...  I prefer Plasti-Struct's Plastic Welder here...  This is strictly for use on ABS plastics (hard, rigid plastics), and while Devcon does some "welding" by actually fusing plastics together (not just "bonding", which super glues tend to only bond and wear out over time), the true plastic welders for model building/ABS plastics will quickly melt the plastic, literally.

Gluing, like almost all techniques, takes some time/work to get the hang...  How long you have to work with the part, etc.  Devcon is one way, Plast-Struct is another... 

I'd say if I had another glue on-hand at all times it's a hot glue gun and sticks.  I use these more as a "placeholder" type glue rather than anything permanent.  This glue won't fuse parts, just bond them for a time, but since gluesticks are cheap as can be it's not a shame to waste it.  Other glues (or "welders") get pricey though so I tend to be more discerning in how I use them.  Cost and all that jazz....

For casting, DD's giving you some great tips so far...  A lot of casting is going to be trial and error as well.  It's the nature of that beast.  I've been doing it for some years now off and on, and it's something that can be a lot of work at times.  Depends what you go into with it.

The FFURG articles are a good start, as they're definitely words from people who have done it.  Ashley ("Delaton" over there) was cranking out casts for people at Celebration 3, and it was neat to watch him work right there at the table at the time.  He's a resin machine!

I would've leaned more to the left one since it had darker shins (in the pic anyway) and the Clones int he film often seemed to have that going on...  I can only imagine from wading in "stuff". 

Both are pretty close to each other though overall.

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Modular Playsets
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:22 AM »
I've made a similar suggestion in the past...  Never seen mention of it.  I've even seen other toy lines do something along this concept, and done well, but Hasbro ignores playsets (especially if it's not tied to a film release) for the most part.  Strange.

I too thing this is the type of thing that CAN make that big Death Star playset a reality...  My concept wasn't so much a collapsable thing, but rather "box-like" environments that are both attachable on the left and right sides universally, but also stackable...  Several sets, fairly generic each, with the right figures (army builders would be ideal) and you could really do something special for a playset...  I could really envision anything from Ewok Villages that are never-ending (if the consumer so desired) to a Death STar stacked as high as the person's living space would allow.

The concept's one I hope Hasbro looks into since I'm not a fan of compacted playsets (I'll be honest, and Dan Flarida would hate me for saying it, but I think that unproduced Death Star he showed at C3 was a pretty bunk thing...  Cool for kids, but didn't tickle my fancy particularly), but the sort of "customizeable" feature here would allow for more realism I think.

Anyway, hope Hasbro takes note, it's a good idea.

As for the comment about a lack of Clone Trooper multi-packs...HELLO.  The Evolutions 3-Pack?  The Deluxe 3-packs that are modeled on the Clone Wars 3-packs?  What are those?  And once again...we're only 6 weeks into the line. GIVE IT TIME.  Do you seriously expect Hasbro to blow their load all at once?  Why don't we at least give Hasbro until Comic Con (otherwise known as the Summer Toy Fair) before passing judgement.

It's this kind of impatience that really makes the collecting community seem like a dog chasing it's tail at times.  Hasbro has the master toy license until 2018.  Let them space it out a little bit in order to keep it interesting and vital for years to come.


Please calm down, nobody's in a panic or tizzy here I think since most people seem to have at least some of what they're looking for...  I think being condescending in your reply isn't a necessity, as if you know this industry inside out and the rest of us are merely outside opinions...  My point about no Clone multi-packs on shelves, as is in the context of what I wrote, was that there's NONE OUT NOW, for neither the build-up period to the film's release, nor for the release of the film itself.  The Evolutions set, the 3-pack...  They're NOT on pegs right now, and I'm not seeing TE Gunners, Commanders, or even the #6 Clone in great quantities either, if at all.

The film is here...  It's now...  Clones are a rarity on the pegs at any store save for TRU (and perhaps KB).  And even at TRU the Clones aren't what I'd call "flowing like wine"...  You're missing the point I was making.  I've been down the collecting path for long enough that I (and the rest of us I'm sure) know patience is what pays off...  You know as much as the rest of us, and I'm sure we all can see the point that Clones aren't on the pegs at the most pivotal moment for pushing a film, which is right now.  That's smart business strategy, and Hasbro is missing it, and case ratios could be at fault...  It's like there being no Vader on the pegs right now, or no main characters...  It's not a good thing.

When a 7 year old says to me that the 3.75" line basically bites because I (myself) can't find a Clone, but his Legos rock because he has a small army going, I'm not really complaining from a personal perspective...  I have amassed a nice collection.  The point is one where Hasbro's maybe got the license till 2018, but these moments of opportunity to "hook" people don't come around every day, and not having some thing so pivotal as the Clone figure available in much of any form, is not a GOOD thing when the film is here now and the rush is on...  When a kid passes on THEIR line for Lego because they don't have the product out (due to bad case ratios or whatever the case may be), then THAT is bad business.

The line has time for the die-hards, that's without a doubt...  2018's a long ways off.  No Clones on the pegs though for the premiere of the film, I can't see how that could be argued as "good business" in any way...  Who is at fault for that?  I think Hasbro can take its share of the blame, along with others.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Screening (Been There & Back)
« on: May 18, 2005, 03:52 AM »
Bob really hooked us up here in Pittsburgh.

We had a screening at what shall remain as an undisclosed location I guess, but which was great.

I'm not going to go into great detail right now, but I left giddy and talking Star Wars with Bobafett14 on the whole ride back...  Which was a fairly long haul.

Now, onto the premiere tonight! 

Thanks Bob, and thanks to your contact for this...  It was fun being one of the first in our area to see it.  I'm loving Star Wars more than ever, and my short opinion on the film is that it's vastly superior to both TPM and AOTC, and I enjoyed AOTC thoroughly.  I personally feel that many of the gripes I've read in reviews are bunk.  They're comments made by people who would've likely bitched about Empire Strikes Back if it was the first time they saw that film as well.  I'll leave it at that then.

Thanks Bob!

I tend to agree with Dr. Padawan that Hasbro's got enough of a hand in this that they could be doing better...  There's no Clone multi-pack on the market, yet it was inevitable Clones would be the hot thing... 

Army builders aside, my gf's kids want Clones and just can't find the damn things...  they've actually focused instead on Legos since they said, and I quote, "I got Clones with this walker thing...  You can't even find a Clone!  Haha!"

Yes, a 7 year old gave me a "Nelson Ha Ha" because he got a Clone with his AT-RT Lego...  God Dammit.  :)

Anyway, I think Hasbro can do better...  I think retail can do better though as well, and they are a step in the process, but Hasbro's got the majority of responsibility here ultimately...  It's their job to make the assortment and sell it...  You'd think retail would be able to looka t their pegs and say, "ya know, we would like more Clones actually". :)

I tend to disagree with the EE Clones being such a GREAT thing though however...  I like them, the concept's as sound as it gets, but the price is prohibitive to the actual intent...  I don't know anyone going ape**** with army building with these really...  And I debate just how well these sold, or EE wouldn't have declined more I think, and the exclusive wouldn't have shown now at other outlets...  I think a lot of information on these is still in the dark, and may remain that way.

For what it's worth though, even in new packaging, by the case from EE, these sold for $6.25-ish/figure shipped...  that's what I'm paying my buddy who bought a few cases for local collectors to divy up...  EE made a profit even at $6.25 each, though admitedly a smaller margin since they were selling by higher volume.  An all -white case would've been an ideal, to ship alongside the white/officer case.

Anyway, these figures don't really cost more than the other to make and sell, and if it's a figure like Clones/Troop Builders then increased sales should more than make up every cost incurred by simple volume of sales.  The construction of a SA Clone isn't anything more spectacular than a Mon Mothma...  There's just a few more parts to snap together.  If one part of production cost more than anything it's "injection molded" pieces (the ball/socket shoulders and whatnot), but that's been a more common feature in the ROTS line than ever...  It's not an expensive process really, nor more time consuming... 

What really can cost on a SA style figure are the fixed costs like mold toolings and such, which are expensive, but which depreciate as more and more of a figure is sold...  For every Clone put out, that cost is a little less, and the margin of profit isn't so narrow.  Costs are incurred to produce more, but the price of a sale always covers the cost of production (+ a retailing MSRP/profit factored in) otherwise none would be made or sold.

The EE Clone set still just irks me that its very purpose (to army build) was dashed by overly expensive packaging, and an unnecessarilly high price per figure if you wanted only white Clones...  I personally can't justify more than the couple sets I got, and only then because of their coming from cases bought by friends.  :-\  I'm a guy with 100's of army builders, and sadly this one it looks like I'll not have too many of.

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