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Messages - PenDragon

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TRULY beautiful, jedistyle!

I love how the neck came out & the paint job is all-around awesomeness. He looks very, very... real.


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: jawa and tusken raider jedi
« on: June 12, 2006, 11:17 PM »
Ooo! Thanks, Ryan!! I was just gonna ask what happened to this really cool older web-comic about Jawas - which I couldn't remember the name of, but loved reading.

Rock on with your psychic self!

Your clones are very nice! I love the designs, and the crisp, sharp black paint apps. ;D

Than being said, I gotta say that the soft goods don't work well with your clones here. It works for D_N 'cause he's got a rough & dirty style to begin with.

YOUR stuff looks good because of the nice lines and slick-lookin' armor. The frayed cloth here just detracts, and brings discord to your piece, uhm, er, imho. :-\

I'd almost suggest that you keep up the work on your own style, and expand on it in ways that accentuate & add to the crisp-ness of it, but it IS good to try out new things, to see where experimentation takes you & your style. So keep up the good work, Roton7 !

Photonovels and Movies / Re: K.O.E. Chapter 3: The Messenger
« on: June 12, 2006, 08:26 AM »

Awesome storytelling! Way to break steriotypes! Great Characters! Truly superb dialog! BEAUTIFUL into to the IG! I love this story

M - O - R - E.


Quit your job until K.O.E. is a finished PN, movie, and novelization.

 :-\  No? Meh, it was worth a try  ;)   

Wow, Fritzy!

He's pretty dern cool! He stands a bit oddly, but he is, for the most part, the spitting image of Tim Bradstreet's vision (I love that man's work). Nice job on the holster, kick a$$ paint job, and an awesome use of new parts for an old fave!

And yeah, he does look like Jack.... how odd....

ooooo! Great head choice, love the gun-wrap... Too cool D_N!

Ok, took a little longer than I thought it would.... Maybe it's time to put that RadioShack credit card to use and buy my own camera ;)

Thank you so very much! It means quite a bit, coming from the resident expert on fem-figs around here!  ;)
And, ya know, you'd THINK that I'd have my own sight by now.... but oh no, that'd just make FAR too much sense! ;D
As for the Imps & Slaves, I've already got an Imperial of sorts up there. And for the "slave," I'm thinkin' it's time I put those parts you sent me to use - I'll do the best to make her worthy of your comments!

You make me blush.  :-[ But thank you very, very much for the high praise!

It was a struggle for me :P  I'm pretty sure that I've never put so much work into one custom. A lot of new things for me - first time w/ such small pieces of styrene sheet, precise dremeling, etc. Thank you for commenting on how she came together! It means a lot. And I'm glad you like the Leia head, it'll probably stay that way for a long time  :)

Master_Phruby That's exactly what I was trying to say.... I guess I was a little excited & thusly not too awfully clear in speech  ;) And I'll have to look into the Zam head - sounds intriguing...
Also, I happen to have an extra Courtney face you could have if you feel like trading for parts or $. PM if you're interested.

... Can you post a picture of Daala and Isard together?
They're both still unfinished, but who knows when i'll have the camera again... So, absolutely, my young friend ;) 


click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: D_N's Customs- Update Fri. 6/9
« on: June 9, 2006, 08:25 PM »
Hmmmmm, just my opinion here, but I think the Luke head just doesn't seem like the right size, and I'm pretty sure I liked him better w/ the beard. The Han w/ the 5 o'clock shadow looks more like Han to my eyes...  :P But that's just me :)

The rest of the figure looks great - LOVE the combo of stormie parts & the vest!

I also really like what you did with the commando's visor! I keep on diggin' the grey/green & brown motif you have here. It's so wonderfully subtle, and yet striking at the same time. And, like I said before, the brown adds just the right amount (& type) of color to your work!

I still got the pics, CHEWIE, I can see them just fine.
Probably because they're still in your cache.... you lucky bastard  ;)

Can't wait to see these again, cuz I wanted to commment earier, but didn't have enough time to... Oh, and Chewie, you have a PM.

Damn, b a d a s s!  Looks like it could tear through any oposition!
I realy dig the pilot He looks pretty cool on pg one, but he looks right at home in that side view!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Rykrof Enloe Imperial Era
« on: June 5, 2006, 11:05 PM »
OOoooo! Like the Djas body for an Imp outfit! - not what I'd normally think of as an Imp. uniform, but very reminiscent of a McQuarrie concept. Especially with the sideburns! ;)

Awesome! ;D

That's some real nice work there, Gregorbian! a couple of them may have been easy, but the Imperial Field General is my fave, and they all look great. Wonderful stuff; combining your talents and Slave1Jango's (as I origionally knew of him) ROTE theam. too cool. Nice work with the holsters too ;)

Dressed to kill! Bambouzshh Eld looks pretty slick. Great use of clothing, like the others said, and I just love that pic of him holding the gun up! I'd also like to see a recipe very much.

That's cool, Smarty. It looks like the perfect super fast speeder for someone light, lithe, and dangerous! You should make the rider female - a girl who does not use brute force, but can kick some serious a$$ using stealth, speed & a light saber :D

I love the paint job. Very simple, very effective. And the side foils are a great addition! More please  :)

Thanks for the compliments, GM! But, yeah, I couldn't agree with you more on Leia's head  :P - hopefully the eyebrow mods will have the effect I'm looking for. If not, I'm goint to have to dremel out her face (which will make me very sad - it's one of my favorite Leia sculpts) and replace it with something not so... 'Leia-ish.'
I hope you do your version soon! I know anything you cast will come out terrifically!

Thanks CK! That's quite a compliment - I'm honored!

As for the paint, it's from the Testors' Millitary set (for airplanes & camo).  Using this set, the first thing I did was cover every thing from Daala's collar to the end of the pant legs in Testors 'Dk Gull Gray Fl' (flat). I wanted the green ('Camo Green Flat' ) to be uniform, but not too dark. I figured painting this dark oliv'y green on a relatively light gray (despite it's "Dk" name) would get the desired effect. And I was happy with what came out.

After laying down one coat of the 'Camo Green' , I went to town with a dry brush of the green mixed with the gull gray & some of Apple Barrel's 'Apricot' (used for the hair color as well). I wasn't sure how it'd come out, but judging from your responce, I think it gave the olive green just what it needed to have.  8)

;D Thanks again, J. Like I said,
... And as for the paint job, 'I learned it from watching you, CHEWIE, I learned from watching you!!!' ...
I'm wicked glad you like it - thanks for showing me the way!

Thanks Smarty! I'd be far to frightened of wrecking her to add articulation at this point, but If I ever do another (not likely - she was SUCH a pain thin the butt!) I'll see what I can do  :) Oh, and I'll try to get the camera tomorrow and take a pic of both of them standing together - pretty sure the scanner won't let me do what I'd need to. :P

Master_Phruby - You're far too kind! Another awesome compliment :-[ 
I'm not a big fan of the micro bodies - tho' your work is begining to sway me ;) and the baloons would look cool! Maybe someday I'll give it a try & hope it come out as well as yours!

Anika's face is a little too cartoony for me - I honestly can't see me using it for anything yet... but damn, I think you just gave me a great idea - a different agent w/ removable hair, Courtney Krieger! Heck, she even has the right shaped & colored eyebrows... Thanks M_P!!

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