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Messages - Jesse James

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: Toy Fair 2005 - Feb 19th-23rd
« on: February 24, 2005, 12:48 AM »
Toy Fair tends to not have the best Q&A's come out of it...  Not a lot of "new" stuff generally, even the toys displayed aren't all that new to most people anymore...  A lot of the people working are more or less sales people rather than actually involved in R&D within the license itself...  SDCC's been much more fruitful as far as information over the last couple years.

TF was a bust for a lot of companies as far as really generating interest I thought.  The big news was the Press Kit Vader/Anakin.  Funny how the exclusive always gets the bright lights.

Great figures Justin...

The use of a Robotix figure is good, they're not real common.  I have a small army actually that I put into use, and they have a surprisingly diverse array of them (3 sculpts actually).

The figures make good use of parts without TOO much intricate/complexity like sculpting, which I dig because I suck at sculpting myself...  To me this is innovative customization.

Very good...  Always  look forward to more!

Fan Art / Re: "Cable Original" Oola! Yes, OOLA!!
« on: February 24, 2005, 12:38 AM »
Very nice work Bill...  Didn't one of the Gremlins make shadow puppets on the movie screen?  Maybe that was Gremlins2...  Anyway.

Eh, that's what I was thinking of anyway...

So that rocks...  Her last moments look very cool.  That's one of your better originals Bill, nice.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday Deanpaul!!
« on: February 24, 2005, 12:36 AM »
Hope you had a good one Dean...  Sounds like it anyway.

And to many more!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Any ROTS figures you will pass on?
« on: February 23, 2005, 02:34 AM »
I concur...

To me, ROTS's starting line-up is practically an apology from Hasbro for 90% of the Saga line, haha.  I dig Kit Fisto a ton, think he's vastly superior to his 2 previous sculpts...  Dooku the same, etc... 

Aalya Secura's the real knock-out figure to me though....  Then when I start thinking about Luminara Unduli and Shaak Ti I can't help but put them in the same category...  Then Agen Kolar...

Hell even the Collection 1 figures are VASTLY superior to ANY Collection 1 figure (and most of the C2 figures too) from Saga.  It's really great, sad, and funny all at the same time.

EDIT:  BTW, I'm really hoping for a good SBD and BD...  Something that, oh, say, perhaps...  DOESN'T COLLAPSE UNDER ITS OWN WEIGHT!  Well, my SBD's don't anyways...  Those Saga BD's were a pain in the ass though.

Basic Action Figures - $5.99

Actually I'm likely to buy more Collection 2 than Collection 1...  I'm sure I'll be waiting for sales on many figures though, either way, save perhaps for army builders I want right now.  I've learned that the film years just don't pay off to go nuts buying up stuff...  It's improved, and I really am torn, but I'm gonna be selective with E3 like I was with E2...  It'll make up for me getting the Clone 4-packs from EE that Hasbro reamed me on, and army building the VOTC Stormtrooper at full price when I saw it...   ::)

I am torn though, and part of me wants to bite on getting everything because the figures ARE better this time around.  I'll definitely be getting lots of Clones though, and things I like most.

Deluxe Action Figures - $9.99

Clearance mostly...  Depends when I see them a lot, but the Deluxe line's definitely not aimed at us it seems, so I'm not sad to pass on these till sales and clearances.

Battle Arenas - $19.99

Depends again when I see better figures.  Sales, clearances most likely.  If the playset they attach to (if I'm thinking correctly here) was better, then maybe, but the Mustafar set blows.

12" Figures - $19.99-$49.99

Nope...  Gave up 12" figure collecting long ago, not going back.

Vehicles - Battle Vehicles - $14.99

AT-RT I'll get one at least, but unless the figure's good I dunno how many I'll buy right away.  Buy extras on a sale/clearance though, I think the thing is great overall, even the walking feature.

Vehicles - Assault Vehicles - $19.99

I'll wait for clearances mostly.  May get the Jedi fighters depending on if they're in-scale or not...  Gotta see some specific dimensions before I decide that though.  So far, I'm dejected at the droid socket mostly.

Vehicles - Gunship (Large) - $29.99

At this point, nothing...  The Gunship and ARC are both entirely too underscaled to suit me so I'll put them on the "to-do" list.  Clearance I'd perhaps bite, so we'll see.  At $20 or so I'd be ok with buying one at that then.  Otherwise I was underwhelmed.

Playsets - $29.99

Thing sucks, I'll wait.  Hated the Arena set, and this isn't a far cry from that pile as I see it.  Hasbro really needs to get into a format where the scale/scope of the playset is up to the consumer...  Interlocking, nicely scaled/detailed playsets would be ideal but it seems they'll never happen in our lifetime.

Unleashed - $14.99

Not my cup of tea save for one here and there, usually pertaining to a character-specific theme I collect...  Bossk has so far been the only unleashed I was interested in.

Force Battlers - $9.99

Hell No. 

Galactic Heroes - $4.99

Hell No.

Jedi Force - $7.99

Hell No, and at this point I think Hasbro is dipping into too many pools.

Darth Tater - $7.99

Perhaps...  To be honest though, I don't care to pay homage to Hasbro as the license holder just yet...  It's only in the last year+ that Hasbro's really begun to make Star Wars a competitive toy brand on the shelves.  To me, that doesn't deserve a TON of praise in 10 years of them holding the license.

Keep this pace up, then having their elder toy decked out as Vader seems keener...  At the same time, I dig just how it looks.  And it's not expensive...  may bite.  It'll be on sale though, let's face it. :)

Attacktix - $5.99 to $9.99

See a previous post where I thought Hasbro was "dipping into too many pools".  If I wanna game, I'll do it with miniatures games instead.  Definitely another thing aimed at kids.

Role Play - Various Prices

Sabers as gifts for the kids perhaps...  Perhaps one for myself, I dunno, but these are the kinds of things I buy then have nowhere to put them, haha.

Not something I'm terribly interested in...  Wait for a sale or other incentive probably.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Picture Thread
« on: February 23, 2005, 02:07 AM »
Nice Jared...

The Juggernaughts, as near as I can tell, aren't different
from the conceptual drawings of old...  I'm digging not only
that Lucas saw fit to use an old design which had already
been incorporated into EU, but also that there's a seemingly
HUGE variety of vehicles being used in the war.  A technological
arms race not unlike what we see on Earth in times of great

The AT-RT, the Juggernaught (screw "Turbo Tank"), the 4-legged walker
there on Kashyyyk with the Juggernaughts (A seemingly heavy fire support
walker of sorts...  Similar body to the AT-TE so it could be a variant of the TE
actually...  Not uncommon for Earth military vehicles to see just simple
modifications), the BARC speeders, etc...  Plus Lucas's adoption of the ARC
trooper armor.  Great stuff.

Much more involved creatively than AOTC and
TPM were it seems.  A bit more of his "military"
thoughts that were in the Classic trilogy seem
to be in this last prequal film.

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Toys Thread
« on: February 23, 2005, 01:03 AM »
MSRP is $5.99, but that's just splitting hairs...  I could see that being a reason...  The 3.75" Joe line outclassed Star Wars for many, many years, however I think Star Wars is much superior this year...   for once.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: February 23, 2005, 12:58 AM »
I love a lot of the ideas so far.

I'd actually try incorporating army builders in mostly since it's a way to get 3-packs out there...  Wouldn't want to push on people buying TOO many of the same person over and over.

I'd do a separate Clone evolution 3-pack and include an ARC trooper in it (or Republic Commando even?) with an E2 and E3 Clone...  I'd also do a separate pack then of Stormtroopers showing a Stormie, Snowie, and Scoutie.  A Rebel pack with a Fleet Trooper, Hoth Soldier, and Endor Trooper...

A Gungan, Wookie, Ewok pack would be interesting I think, since people draw parallels to those 3 in the films.

Lots of potentially great sets though.  It'd be more suited to prequal characters I think, than OT characters, only because there's such drastic changes to characters in the prequals due to the extended timeline.  The Luke one though is good too...  From Farmboy to Jedi.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: RotS ARC-170
« on: February 22, 2005, 11:33 PM »
I'd be very surprised if the production version's any different than that.  Screw ports in a vehicle are every bit a part of the sculpt, and whether the Toy Fair one with the attrocious screwholes is a hardcopy or not it still is 99% likely those holes will be there.

The question is how they can be covered up now more than anything...  Hasbro hasn't glued a ship together yet though, that I can think of anyway, so I'd not hold much hope for that.  The mold toolings would have to be completely different for that to happen and those holes not to be there.

Plugs would be nice, but not Hasbro's style I'm thinking.  :-\

As far as my issues with scale, the right side wing cannon extends BEYOND the nose of the ship.  That's just wrong...  This thing's all over the place with scale as much as the POTF2 X-Wing is.  I don't believe there's any reason this should run $80+ in cost, especially considering the sheer # of these Hasbro is going to inevitably sell with it being a general release item and not an exclusive (not to mention potential future repaints/reissues of it).

Like I've always said, if I can get a perfect 1:18 scale P-38 Lightning Interceptor, I should be able to get STar Wars fighters to-scale too...  This one I'm not 100% sure on that motto I have, since the ARC's actual dimensions are a bit of a mystery yet, but it looks like it's smaller than the FX X-Wing at this point, which is just wrong for a 3-seater fighter.

Hell, it's as big as the Jedi Fighters which are smaller than it in the movie...  That looks odd to me. 

To me, Hasbro can do better and I think they'd see a better reaction on vehicles in general if they tried a little harder.  Kids attention spans don't stick long enough to a toyline that the vehicles matter anymore I think...  At least not with Star Wars it seems.  Of course this could be a surprise hit...  The Gunship wasn't though, and that (even underscaled) I thought of as a REALLY nice toy for even the $40 pricetag.  This I have a lot lesser opinion of myself.

We'll see though.  Those screwholes seem so blatantly noticeable that you'd think a sticker sheet may cover them, or plugs...  I dunno.  Stickers would be the most hopeful thing anyone could want right now, like Deanpaul mentioned I believe.

If not, maybe someone will make a printable sheet people could just print up that matches the colors around each screwhole.  It'd appease the people who don't like the way it looks anyway and that's a pretty big step incase Hasbro just leaves it that way.

It's possible Vator...  I can't make a guarantee, but it just depends how many casts that the guys whip up.  I'm not doing them so I can't say for sure.

Bring 'em by though and test it out!  No harm in trying. :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ARC 170 Screwholes
« on: February 22, 2005, 11:22 AM »
My souring of this vehicle's gone beyond the screwholes, but they didn't help by any stretch.

On other toys they're covered, so it's maybe entirely possible they will be here, but somehow I doubt it happens.  They are definitely unacctractive though, and take away greatly from the aesthetics of the ship overall.  Very obtrusive to the looks in this case.

The scale of the ship's truly attrocious though I think...  And with little reason for it to be so in my opinion.  Especially considering how that gun on the right extends beyond the nose of the ship...  This disappointed me probably most out of the vehicles.

Having looked at some of the images from the ICS book coming up though, it appears the Jedi Fighters maybe got trimmed down too, but I'm not sure on those...

I've come not to expect a lot from Hasbro on vehicles but those screw holes really leave a lot to be desired.  I don't think that was exactly necessary, and one can only hope there's plugs for them on the final product.  I'm gonna wager that isn't happening though.   :-\  I'd still be disappointed myself, but it'd be a nice nod to the people who just don't like the holes all over the right side.

Just a quick update...

Pre-Orders are only being accepted till March 19th guys!!! 

Get those orders in because you KNOW you want one of these shirts.   ;D

Revenge of the Sith / Re: The Mustafar Playset...
« on: February 22, 2005, 10:40 AM »
Well I've got my baking soda, vinegar, and red dye ready...  I'll make it fun by god!

Hey everyone,

As you may, or may not have heard, (The Forgotten Force Ultimate Resource Guide for customizers) is attending Celebration III, and without a doubt the staff at FFURG is excited beyond description!

Our troop are even pre-selling shirts you can pick up at Celebration III via our site, and sure to be the in-fashion for customizers for some time to come! :)

But, what I really want to extend a hand to is the non-customizers attending C3 who have maybe just dabbled in the hobby but not really gotten into it, or even complete novices who are just interested in maybe stopping by.  We're welcoming all to our booth, and we think you'll all enjoy some of the demonstrations, discussions, and other plans we have set for the show!

One that may drive people over to the booth is our planned "BYOB", or "Bring Your Own Body" Custom Creations demonstration where you supply the random figure body, and we'll supply you a generic head(cast) to give your collection shelf just that much more diversity!!!

Got a Tarkin figure for cheap?  Want a new Imperial Officer roaming among your Hasbro-made figures?  Then bam!  Instant Imperial Officer for you with our supplied headcast...  Well, you get the idea here anyway. ;)

You can read all the details about our plans for C3 by clicking the link provided...  FFURG at Celebration III Details!!!

FFURG is looking forward to seeing you at the show!  Remember, you don't have to already be in this hobby to enjoy the booth, so we're gonna expect you all!

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