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Messages - Jesse James

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: May 19, 2006, 06:36 AM »
Not with an avatar like mine I don't, obviously.  I'm a walking one really.

1)  Hermi Odle
2)  Endor Rebel Soldier (Super Articulated)
3)  Princess Leia (Endor Poncho, SA)
4)  Sgt. Doallynn
5)  Luke Skywalker (Endor Poncho/Death Star Gear, SA)
6)  Human Male B-Wing Pilot
7)  Human Male A-Wing Pilot
8 ) Rebel Crewman (Brown Uniform w/Brown Hat)
9)  Weequay Skiffmaster
10) Human Jabba Guard That Shoots Luke's Hand (I have no name for him Scott)

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Terrible Previously Released Figures
« on: May 19, 2006, 06:28 AM »
VOTC 3PO in my opinion looked like the best 3PO,would you rather have a buff 3PO than a normal non-buff one?Also the Commtech Stormtrooepr was ok.

Of 3PO sculpts that exist, I think ONLY the POTF2 sculpt is worse than the VOTC (off the top of my head here)...

I prefer the following WAY over the VOTC sculpt:

-Vintage (ironically, it seems better to me in proportions)
-POTD 3-pack 3PO
-Rem. Limbs 3PO
-Tusken Attack 3PO (Flashback)
-Escape Pod 3PO (The sculpt is fantastic...  Paint's so-so, but represents a dirty 3PO well)
-MMC 3PO (my favorite "Classic" 3PO at the moment, though the Ewok Throne one should replace this)

That's a pile I just think are better than VOTC...  I just had my review of VOTC 3PO posted in my Review-A-Thon here last week, so check out the reviews section of our site here at for my in-depth reasoning as to why VOTC 3PO sucks, but the short version is:

-Caved-in Chest
-Skinny scrawny sculpt
-pin-head with completely inaccurate detailing
-goofy, unnatural pose

The paintjob's not bad on him...  Probably the most accurate one so far for a dirty ANH 3PO (not good for 3PO in ESB or ROTJ though).  The pose I see where they were going with it, but it really ultimately fell flat...  Mostly the "walking" legs kill it over the arms.  I'll add to my sculpt dislike the fact that the arm pistons from the bicep to forearm aren't "separate" whereas they are on other figures and that looks better and more realistic.  No C-3PO has that yet though,just R-3PO for some reason if I'm not mistaken.

And of course articulation's a mess on this overpriced figure...  This C-3PO managed to have less articulation than a number of others when joints are easy to do on figures like this, they just require a pin & socket style of joint built into the figure...

Anyway, VOTC C-3PO is one of my all-time worsts I think...  It's up there with Buff Fleet Trooper and Monkey Faced Leia for me.  Just attrocious.  Fortunately 3PO has a lot of versions of himself available to pick from that are better, just none are ever truly great...  Even the Endor 3PO coming up isn't spectacular...  Give him swivels at his biceps and wrist joints, and I'd sing some better praise on him I think.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 5 most wanted repacks
« on: May 19, 2006, 06:13 AM »
DST's in ROTJ were wearing the jumpsuit so it'd be accurate for one film...  Just not ANH.  I'd still buy it, but it'd be really ideal if that kitbash had them use either the pack-in TIE Pilot's legs, or better yet the OTC TIE Pilot resculpts legs...  If it would work anyway.

I know the POTF2 pack-in TIE Pilot's legs fit the Imp Officer sculpt perfectly but they're not as nice as the OTC Pilot's sculpt. 

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Tatooine Wave
« on: May 19, 2006, 06:11 AM »
I'm just buying what I see of Sandtroopers...  :)  Great figure.

I'm a little bummed on Garindan and Arcona for articulation but they're still 2 of the most interesting/anticipated figures this year to me despite lacking poseability (especially after the 2004/2005 Cantina Wave that really kind of set a standards bar a little higher and now, meh).  The Sandtrooper's amazing though, obviously, and so it's high on my list.

I'm really liking this wave...  They're gonna be hitting soon, but I could still use a break for a while.  At least the pegs aren't overflowing anywhere with stuff, well not too bad anyway, so these may show in big numbers.  That'd be alright.

Other Collectibles / Re: Star Wars Battleship Game
« on: May 19, 2006, 06:05 AM »
I'm unable to find the original game's images anywhere...  I was gonna post them for comparison.  I'm guessing it's the exact same game, the physical build of it is just different.  The one I have is vastly different than this fold-up one though for certain.  I don't think I ever saw the fold-up one myself actually...  I got mine at KB on clearance.  it has lights/sounds and evrything, and sounds pretty much just like this other one in every way but the way the game board looks.

Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC Star Wars Miniatures
« on: May 19, 2006, 06:03 AM »
I've been tinkering with this .opt program lately for ship scratch building...  It's a little hard to explain but it rips .opts from games and you can basically get mesh or skinned profles and things of them.  Gives you some good imagery to work with to make new ships...  I know the Republic Drop Ship is somewhere online in .opt format to use... 

I was just looking over plans for a Stormtrooper Transport myself...

I worked with Doug a bit at C3, we had a fun time...  i'm supposed to be heading out to Columbus for the WSMI tour...  Hopefully get to talk to Doug while I'm out there a bit, and maybe run into you.  I'm just a hop skip, and bit of a jump out here in Pittsburgh. :)  Should be a typical dull drive out 70, haha, but worth it for the show I think...  I can get some good photos of props for future projects I figure.

Did you catch the front page stuff on the new minis starship game?  I'd hear a bit on this and reported on it back in February.  This game's sounding interesting, especially if the "relative scale" is really accurate...  It'd make for an impressive looking game with tiny fighters and huge ships like SSD's...  Should be interesting to see the minis though, and how they do it.  I mean I could see really tiny fighters, and then HUGE craft like the SSD's and then a mid-size that encompasses the more common capital ships and such.  Ships have such varying sizes though that it'll be interesting to see how they do it and keep stuff in-scale if that's the plan.

There's huge variances between snubfighters, Corvettes, Frigates, Mon Cal Cruisers/ISD's, SSD's, and the like.  That's a minis game I may pick up from the beginning.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: May 19, 2006, 01:53 AM »
To Dustin's defense I was really disinterested in reading how those guys couldn't get boners, or they could get boners, or whatever they were talking about boners about, and their prescriptions that cause their boners to vary.

Yuppers, this week we are taking an in-depth look-see at the new Vintage Saga Collection: Sand People (Tusken Raider)

Clicky button, Ready Review...

So what makes this guy great?  A number of things really...  But not the price.  If there's one constant flaw in the "Vintage" deluxe line, it's a $10+ pricetag that really kills the joy any collector must feel opening these rockin' figures up... 

That said, you do get the most Star Wars figure you ever have gotten for your money with these.  The Tusken here features the weakest articulation in this 5-figure set this year, and if this is the worst than consider yourself blessed because the Sand Person is fantastically poseable.  The elbow joints are his only real weak spot.

Some loathe softgoods, but I find this figure's to be among the best and my review details why...  It's also nice to see 2 pack-in weapons as opposed to just the pike.  The rifle's a nicely painted weapon too, and I've got my Tusken sniping away with it.

This is a figure Hasbro could repaint and re-release again and again in the line, and I'd be dumb enough to buy it again and again. :)  It's the army builder in the VTSC line that's flying under the radar.  You'll want a couple trust me, and you'll maybe want to replace your previous sculpts with this guy.  It's just a fun figure to play with, so enjoy the review and drop your thoughts here with us too.

Go ahead and post a link, I think we can let it slide (unless I'm told otherwise) this time around.  There's really no other way to get these that I'm aware of...  Unless who sells a number of import things to US folks is able to get these too?

I've never dealt with him, but i know some of our Canucklehead friends have done so to get the RC Astromechs.  He may be a good alternative.

$8 a piece is a buy though, honestly.  I paid $10 each probably, and thought I did well compared to prices I saw elsewhere.

Newbies / Re: A new clone
« on: May 18, 2006, 09:25 PM »
My other collections consist of 1:18 scale World War II and modern military figures.

Hey Spec, how's it going?  I hope well...  Do I happen to know you from another site perhaps? :)

Glad to have you aboard and looking around...  Feel free to join in.  If you're into "what if" kind of discussion in the SW universe too, I'm definitely a fan of applying earth military theories and facts to the SW galaxy and coming up with logical (and illogical at times, but necessary it seems) ideas of how SW WOULD work if it were real...  There's a couple other military buffs here that like to do that.

Anyway, good to have another 21st/BBI guy aboard no matter what...  :)  Check out the forums and if you have any questions or anything just drop one of the staff a note, we're around and active here pretty much all the time.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Soft Goods patterns.
« on: May 18, 2006, 03:41 AM »
This isn't a bad idea actually...  If people wanted to submit any/all patterns they can or want to, that'd be great for fans of cloth gear...  I'm not a seamstress so sewing is a pain for me, and sewing without patterns is even worse.

It'd help a ton to have some good little patterns to do the work, no doubt.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 5 most wanted repacks
« on: May 18, 2006, 02:48 AM »
VOTC Boba's a good one...

I want a new Gam Guard that's more poseable, and same with Pruney...  I'd like a Prune Face with a removable eyepatch and a full eye underneath, that way you could have him double as the other prunies.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 5 most wanted repacks
« on: May 18, 2006, 02:22 AM »
Do kitbashes count as repacks?  I'm gonna list them separately I think...

My repack list:

-VOTC Stormtrooper...  Hands down this is the most needed figure on the pegs in WIDE abundance at a price no higher than any basic figure.  It's a must, and Hasbro's jerking everyone off by not doing it.  Stormtroopers should always be on the pegs, no question.

-SA E3 Clones...  Not just white, but all paintjobs.  The SA sculpt should be put out (with both rifles) in 501st blue, red shocktrooper, Coruscant Grey, and Utapau Orange...  I'd mix in EU Green marking, and Neyo Red marking troopers as well...  And I'd even consider a Kashyyyk Camo'd trooper.  I know some dislike EU, but for me it's easy money for Hasbro and I'd gladly buy them as I like the different clone designs myself.  Mix it up on accessories and paintjobs and you could really have just a line revolving around Clones.

-SA E2 Clones...  White, and all the officers/non-coms.  These too should see the light of day on the pegs.

-VTSC Biker Scouts...  I don't want him repainted for Kashyyyk duty as they wear unique items on their armor.  I'd just like a straight re-release of the VTSC Biker Scout in the basic line.  I don't even mind what I've paid for the ones I have.  I'd love to buy more.

-Any Evolutions or VOTC/VTSC Figure...  Short of C-3PO and Old Obi-Wan, I feel that EVERY VOTC/VTSC and Evolutions figure deserves a re-release in the basic line.  Some maybe need a new headsculpt or some such, but all could see the light of day again IMO and I'd probably buy it all over again.

For kit-bashes though I have some other ideas...

-Imperial Officer...  Re-release the Imp Officer with the TSC AT-AT Driver's legs, and you have him in grey and black.  There's two great figures...  6 if you use all 3 headsculpts for both.

-Teebo w/Wicket Hood...  Repaint him any color you want, and he's a perfect generic Ewok Warrior.  Pack in any accessory and you're off and running with a great army builder.

Kitbashes are different to me than re-releases or repaints...  For repaints though, the Clones just seem logical to me.  Made up designs even work for me, so long as they don't get too funky.  I'd buy shadow troopers though, and other EU designs.  Why not?

These are really widely available in my neck fo the woods, which I'm thankful for since I should be able to get a set next pay as an extra (or two).  I'm glad people want the pods. :)

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