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Messages - McMetal

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TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« on: March 2, 2012, 09:01 AM »
Simon Pegg as Dengar? Nerdgasm!

There was a time when you could bet your bottom dollar this would be a sure fire action figure choice for the line.

Now, I honestly doubt we'll ever see this. By the time they find an open slot for another figure this season will be over a year old.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: March 2, 2012, 08:57 AM »
Does anyone know or think Walmart still makes a profit when they let a vintage figure go for $4?

I'm just curious what happens to those clearanced SW toys that NEVER sell. Where do they go?

Another local collector found the Blu-Ray figures here yesterday too and also got the $4 deal.

I don't understand why folks are angry about these sets.

Maybe people are wondering why they pissed away money on this and we're only getting 19 Clone Wars figures this year?

It's the allocation of resources that gets people frustrated I think. I don't know what kind of physical evidence could be produced to "prove" these BP's took tooling dollars away from other, worthier projects, but it's completely logical to assume IMHO.

The Bullpen / Re: The Avengers: The Toys
« on: March 1, 2012, 10:59 PM »
Saw the Loki wave tonight for the first time. Slightly better, but still meh.

How many waves are we going to have to wait for some Skrulls?

I'm a big fan of Mike Nesmith from the classic "Sunset Sam" video they used to air on Night Flight.

I still find it almost too weird to believe that Hendrix actually opened for The Monkees at one point.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Archer on fX
« on: March 1, 2012, 10:55 PM »
"Pushing ropes"


I cannot wait for them to freaking kill Barry.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Television Thread
« on: March 1, 2012, 09:42 AM »
I think I've decided that I just don't enjoy The River. The characters are mostly unlikeable, except for the Doctor and the mechanic and his Lolita-esque daughter. I hate that they felt the need to create yet another TV love triangle, seriously, is anyone NOT sick of this plot device by now?

I think it's funny that ABC keeps trying to market this as some kind of scare-fest. There's been nothing even remotely frightening in that show to this point. It's all so contrived.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: March 1, 2012, 09:37 AM »
Don't know if anyone saw this:


This is the best news that has come out since Darabont got the boot...this arc will finally get the show back on track! The sooner they get away from the Kingdom of Boredom (AKA: The Farm) the better - if I have to listen to any more of these women talk about their feelings I am going to throw up.

AND, best of all - you can't cast the GOVERNOR without MICHONNE!  ;D

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: March 1, 2012, 09:21 AM »
It really is so interesting how things vary from store to store. I found $4 vintage figures at one Walmart last night, but they did not have any Blu-Ray figs. They did have a fresh case of TPM though, so I figured I would buy a few of those on the cheap. Not so fast, my friend.

The TPM figures all had new stickers over their UPC which came up as $8.96 on the price scanner. So I didn't think I was going to have any luck sweet talking those for $4, and I bagged it.

This morning, I stopped at a different Walmart on the way in to work and found a fresh case of the Blu-Ray figures out on the pegs. (This same store had nothing last night) These did not scan at all at the self price-checker, but I was able to confirm the Black Endor Rebel variant came up as 4$. BINGO!

So I grabbed the Endor Rebel and all 5 new Blu-Ray figures and trucked them up to the register, explained how the new ones would not scan so could you please just scan the Endor rebel five times and I'll be on my way?

Well, it wasn't quite that easy - the guy working the register had to huddle with his manager and a stockboy, but eventually came back and said he would give them to me at the $4 price. DAMN RIGHT! He also had to key each one individually under some kind of generic SW listing, which was tedious and time consuming but well worth the wait.

So I scored all the new figures for $4, and will be returning the endor trooper at a later date. Glad I am finally in the crazy savings club...I was really concerned about missing out on this redonkulous deal. = WINNING!

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: February 29, 2012, 08:59 AM »
I always see people refer to this as the "Storm/Psylocke" wave - are those the only 2 figures shipping or something? Is there no one else in that wave worth mentioning?

What wave are Grey Hulk and Ronin in? I saw those guys at TRU this week and had never seen either on the pegs before.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:47 AM »
I want to know what is up with the "these cop zombies don't have bites stuff".

Yeah, good point, I think that may be significant too. Scratches? Seems like a stretch.

We have a few Walmarts doing the $4 Vintage deal here, which is cool, but our problem is that the Deleted Scene figures have not hit here yet. Maryland is the closest sighting so far, I think. How many $4 Boms do I really need?

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: February 27, 2012, 10:56 PM »
Lots more clearance harvesting recently, pretty much buying something every day. Now up to:

2x AV-7 Mobile Cannons
1x Vulture Droid
2x AAT (Geo deco)
3x Cad Bane's Escape BP
1x Hunt for Grievous BP
2x Assault on Geonosis BP
1x Kit Fisto's JSF
1x Naboo Skiff Dlx
1x Pirate Speeder Bike Dlx

That sounds like a lot but considering it was less than $100 total it's not all that bad. Some I am actually opening, some I just plan to flip/trade, but it's a good feeling to be hauling in stuff so far under MSRP.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2012
« on: February 27, 2012, 06:58 PM »
Full slide-show up here now, if anyone is interested:

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:16 AM »
Yeah, solid, if forgettable. It felt pretty satisying until they showed the scenes from next week where Shane is right back to his old tricks. So really, they just wasted a whole hour and accomplished nothing.

Where were Herschel, Glenn, Jimmy, etc?

It was funny to hear Lori and Andrea get after each other, because they were both sort of right and wrong at the same time. I still do not understand why Andrea is even sticking around anymore. She doesn't like any of them, doesn't need them, and finally seems to understand she is not going to win Shane away from Lori. What's keeping her there? Everyone pretty much hates her now, and rightfully so.

The dopey kid storyline has already gone on too long, they should have killed him last episode and been done with it. I worry the longer they keep him alive the more likely it is we are going to see those other low-lifes back again and I really want them to drop that crap and get the hell off the farm again.

What was the significance of the lone walker in the field Shane kept staring at out the window? Obtuse symbolism like this gets lost on me.

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