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Messages - Diddly

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday JediMAC!
« on: August 1, 2006, 01:18 PM »
Happy birthday to Colman, and happy belated birthdays to whomever I missed!

The Wookiee Arcade / Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
« on: July 28, 2006, 01:38 AM »
Teaser Trailer

Holy crap... this game looks insane! I've always wanted to play a SW game where you just use Force powers to unleash hell. Looking forward to this one very much...

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Endor Wave
« on: July 27, 2006, 01:24 AM »
IMO threads about every figure are stupid and annoying. Threads about every wave don't clutter the forums as much.

No email conformation, but I guess mine was charged as well (will have to check later). I'm looking forward to it. I'd love to have a second one, but it's too damn expensive.

I never picked up the original Concept trooper due to never seeing it, so I'm happy they're rereleasing him. As for the others, I don't care who they do, as long as they look great and they aren't chase figures.

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Star Wars: Empire At War
« on: July 26, 2006, 12:15 AM »
I downloaded the update a few days ago, and everything remained fine on my end. Did you ever find a solution, Ryan?

he was a Bounty hunter I think, Boba cought him in a noose :D, and then cut off ol Myos head. LOL this is a really good PN. Keep it up

Ok, ok, I see it now. The order of the pictures in that collage confused me... I was looking at it in reverse!

Amazing! Did you use Jell-O for the blood of the Myo character? I loved the backgrounds and the story, especially Chewie going crazy and drawing lots of blood, heh. Looking forward to Part 3 very much.

BTW, one thing I didn't get, what was the purpose of the shot of Djas Phur? Was he supposed to be an Imperial spy or something?

Also, the red astromech seems to be newer than the one that came with the Queen's starship, as it has the sculpted wires (and I think the old one had a different glowy spot on its head).

You are correct, Sir.

(Courtesy some Galactic Hunter dude.)

Well according to THIS pic, it looks like they're just repainting the VOTC/TSC/Early Bird R2-D2. Notice the glued on panel and the removeable third leg that doesn't retract.

Collections / Re: Finally took pictures of my collection...
« on: July 24, 2006, 12:46 AM »
I am both amazed and jealous. :P

That is a GREAT collection. I like how everything is organized by scenes, and how you blend in POTF2 stuff with more recent stuff.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: BARC TROOPER!
« on: July 23, 2006, 10:21 PM »
I'm thinking of it this way:

If it's ROTS accurate (and judging from the pics, it isn't), then good for everyone. If it's just a repainted VTSC Biker, I'll use it as a Camo Scout Trooper and wait for the ROTS accurate one. If it's a POTJ Scout repaint, then it's staying on the shelves.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: RC squad EE& SWS exclusive.
« on: July 22, 2006, 10:34 PM »
Then go buy it, it's already for sale.  You can even get a deal here with some extra stuff ;)

Yay for patience! I couldn't see forking over $35 for that Lucas set, now I can get both for $50. Good for me. (I'm probably the only one who gets to say that here...)

Not at all. $35 for 3 new figures and one ****** repack was way too much money. Now I can get it all together. Although I feel sorry for the people who plucked down the cash to get it back in April...

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Super Battle Droid (Island Camo)
« on: July 22, 2006, 12:00 AM »
Am I the only one who is picking this figure up?

No, I'll be joining you. I'm getting the Clones too, but they need some damn droids to fight.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The "Final 22"
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:57 PM »
My list, which differs from all of yours...

The Good:
Saga-058 R5-A1 Imperial Astromech Droid
Saga-061 Super Battle Droid
Saga-062 Battle Droid 2-Pack
Saga-064 Commander Appo
Saga-065 BARC Trooper
Saga-067 Darth Vader’s Astromech Droid
Saga-070 Kitik Keedkak
Saga-071 Nabrun Leeds and Kabe
Saga-072 Labria
Saga-074 Mace Windu’s Astromech Droid

The Bad:
Saga-054 Chewbacca (Cloud City)
Saga-055 Kit Fisto
Saga-057 Clone Trooper (442nd Siege Battalion)
Saga-059 Clone Trooper (5th Fleet Security)
Saga-060 Clone Trooper Sergeant
Saga-066 Yareal Poof
Saga-068 Padme Amidala
Saga-069 Clone Trooper Engineer

The Ugly:
Saga-053 Darth Maul (Sith Training)
Saga-056 Holographic Commander Cody
Saga-063 Holographic Obi-Wan Kenobi
Saga-073 Aurra Sing

And now to explain myself.

The Good:
Any Astromech repaints are always good, and I'm happy to see some new, unique ones coming. Appo is good because it's basically the SA 501st trooper we should have gotten last year. The Battle Droids may have goofy paintjobs, but I find them decent, and I need Droids for my CIS army, so huzzah. SA BARCs, need I say more? And while you guys may hate the POTF2 Cantina repacks, I never got them the first time around, so I'll be glad to buy them for my ever growing Cantina!

The Bad:
First, Padme and Yareal could end up being good, but they're rehashes, and don't meet the standards here in 2006. Cloud City Chewie and CW Kit Fisto are good figures, but suck by 2006 standards. And while I WILL be buying the Clones, I put them in the bad area because they're off-screen Clones, and I'm growing tired of them pumping out ROTS Clones. Good of them to put out the AOTC Clone Sergant, but we got it in the EE 4 packs. If it were a basic white Clone, it would be better.

The Ugly:
Holographic figures always suck, IMO, so they'll be placed in the ugly. Darth Maul Sith Training was only cool in the original Saga line because he had that AWESOME metal double bladed lightsaber, so ugly. And Aurra Sing from a comic might please her fans, but I'm only familiar with her one second of screen time in TPM, so she gets on the ugly list.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Anything
« on: July 21, 2006, 08:54 PM »
You get extremely pissed off when people don't like the figures you do, you post an insane amount of posts in every thread, none of your posts go past one line. That's all I can think of right now. It annoys me after a while.

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