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Messages - Jeff

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The Vintage Collection / 2024 May the 4th Hasbro Livestream
« on: May 2, 2024, 11:30 PM »
Setting up a thread for tomorrow's fanstream...

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2024 Droid Factory TC-14
« on: May 2, 2024, 11:12 PM »
A new TC-14 is not something I needed in my life but I'm sure I'll but one all the same if/when it pops up on ShopDisney (or whatever it's called these days).

Based on all the comments I've seen and read over the last few years, the Death Star and/or the ME Cantina are going to be really interesting choices for potential HasLabs.  Probably way more controversial than anyone is expecting for two OT popular locations.

There are so many personal visions of what a Death Star playset should look like (a giant ball, a throw-back to the Kenner set, a throw-back to the palitoy set, something customizable/stackable) and then the cost expectations that go with it.  A lot of people say "$450-500 max", but the renders and info Jayson had seen for the mega-ball render he had seen and sketched would cost in the $800-1000 range. That's going to be a LOT for some folks.  How much detail does it need to be a HasLab "dream" project?  How far can Hasbro push that "dream project" angle before they price themselves out?  If it costs more than most can handle, that will cause a lot of anger and jealousy from the segment that can't afford it.

And the Cantina.  The cost would probably depend greatly on what it looks like.  Is it the whole thing, like the LEGO version?  Should it just be the main bar section with chairs/stools and bottles and bits that the Instagram collectors would LOVE posing figures in for photos but make the old timers complain "who needs all these bottles and pillows"? (Hi, Dave! :P)  And what about pack-ins?  Again, going back to the JD Twitter polls - you'd get some kind of "no oola, no moolah" type reaction to the Cantina if they finally make it and there are no Tonnika Sisters in the tiers ("No Tonnika, No Thanks"?  "No Sisters, No Sale"?).  What about a new Wuher or Chalmun the Wookiee Cantina owner?  Are they "must haves"?  Are you willing to pay extra if Hasbro goes all out on lights/sounds/electronics? 

I feel like you could do a crazy "dream level" Cantina for $500 with electronics (the droid scanner at the door, the cantina band soundtrack) and go crazy with the pack-ins - 6-8 figures instead of 3-4.  Do the alien weirdos that have ZERO chance at getting into the main retail line these days - Tzizvvt, new Wuher, Chalmun, Baniss Keeg, new Lak Sivrak, etc.  Support it with a new Greedo, Hammerhead, Ponda, Snaggle carded 4-pack at Hasbro Pulse. 

OR, maybe the Cantina doesn't need to be a HasLab?  Maybe Hasbro could go the Hasbro Pulse way with the Cantina like the Jabba's palace set - you'd have to sacrifice the pack-ins down to one (likely Wuher) and then sacrifice all the electronics and sounds to get it down to that $250 range.  Tricky decisions to get right and get the biggest bang for all involved.

(after all this fun speculation and talk, watch it turn out to be a HasLab Bad Batch Shuttle, launched months after the hype of the Series finale when they could have capitalized on that hype if they stuck to the original reveal this week... :P).

Excellent execution, Hasbro!  "Hey collectors, get excited for the next TVC Haslab reveal...  uh, actually, nevermind - we'll tell you later." ::)

I'm guessing Nick is probably right that they changed their mind and wanted some kind of reveal in-person to fans at something like SDCC.  That makes me think that whatever they picked, it is more impressive to see it in person and get a true sense of scope as opposed to just being able to rely on pics/fanstreams.  (Mos Eisley Cantina playset?)

Or I guess it could be as simple as someone dropped the fragile 3D model and they need to print a new one. :P

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Wave 3 (New TVC Wave 35)
« on: April 27, 2024, 11:34 PM »
Got a shipping notice for Huyang from Amazon... should be here later today.  Guess that means I need to decide pretty quick here whether I'm keeping my Amazon pre-orders for Mando, Grogu, and Axe or cancelling them. 

Decided to keep my pre-orders for now.  Got shipping notices on Grogu, Fleet Dude, and Axe from Amazon.  They should start rolling in over the next few days.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Anything
« on: April 26, 2024, 12:54 PM »
1. Roy Kent
2. Ted Lasso
3. Coach Beard
4. Leslie Higgins
5. Trent Crimm

Got my sets yesterday.  Really like the look of the new helmet heads compared to the removable helmet on the VC269 carded Andor version. 

My only criticism is the mix.  I wish it was 2x 501st instead of 2x plain white, but whatever.  I really would have preferred a full 4x pack of 501st but I get they were going for a Clone Wars S7/Ahsoka/501st vibe mix here and that's fine I guess.

VC320 Cal Kestis (Imperial Officer Disguise)
Amazon ->
EE ->

VC321 Mandalorian Judge
Amazon ->
EE ->

EE Case of 8 ->
2x VC318 Kanan Jarrus
2x VC319 Ezra Bridger (Hero of Lothal)
2x VC320 Cal Kestis (Imperial Officer Disguise)
2x VC321 Mandalorian Judge

EE Set of 4 ->
1x VC318 Kanan Jarrus
1x VC319 Ezra Bridger (Hero of Lothal)
1x VC320 Cal Kestis (Imperial Officer Disguise)
1x VC321 Mandalorian Judge

#ad #sponsored #thanksforyoursupport

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: April 23, 2024, 11:03 AM »
All that photo proves is that there will be empty pegs that should have TVC figures on them.

Don't worry, this Fall there will be plenty TVC Mae (Assassin) figures filling up those pegs.  #Reva2.0  :-X

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: April 22, 2024, 07:59 PM »
Crisis averted - Jayson found a new DPCI for TVC at Target.  Seems like it was just a temporary reset thing and TVC will be back at Target in some capacity eventually.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Tough Times at Hasbro
« on: April 22, 2024, 05:50 PM »
Hmmm... McFarlane Toys and Hasbro sign multi-brand licensing agreement.

Putting this in here because this seems to be happening more and more where Hasbro farms it's own IP out to other people for the figures/toys.

Hasbro continues the trend of licensing it's own IP to other toy makers - this time it's Power Rangers to Playmates:

Reading between the lines, it looks like Playmates will be focused on lines/figures aimed at kids and Hasbro may continue to "activate the brand across their direct-to-consumer channel Hasbro Pulse and as part of its presence at major industry events like San Diego Comic Con".

So Playmates doing kid stuff and Hasbro doing Pulse and/or SDCC exclusives for the Lightning Collection (which is the Black Series-esque Power Rangers line).

I'll put these here for now - not sure yet if they fill the open two slots in the Acolyte wave (Mae, Sol, HK87 v2, Dark Trooper) or the Fan Channel wave with Kanan/Ezra.

According to Jayson's info, Imp Officer Cal/Mando Judge are in this wave with Kanan/Ezra so moving these posts over here...

Get a jump on tomorrow's pre-orders with the set of 4 or case of 8 at EE -

EE Case of 8 ->
EE Set of 4 ->

#ad #sponsored #thanksforyoursupport

The announcement for today was Imperial Cal Kestis and the Mandalorian Judge going up for preorder tomorrow.

I'll put these here for now - not sure yet if they fill the open two slots in the Acolyte wave (Mae, Sol, HK87 v2, Dark Trooper) or the Fan Channel wave with Kanan/Ezra.

VC320 Cal Kestis (Imperial Officer Disguise)

VC321 Mandalorian Judge

Yay.  Two more perfectly fine but uninspired figures made out of old figures. 

Pretty much.  I'll buy the Mando judge, but I'm really on the fence whether I need a variant Cal on my shelf.

Also at EE for some reason ->   #sponsoredlink

Looks like the two sets I pre-ordered at EE are processing.  UPS delivery notification says they will be here next week.

LEGO / Re: Recent Acquisitions
« on: April 16, 2024, 05:59 PM »
see if there are any LEGO resell shops in your area. We have one here called Bricks and Minifigs, which I think may be a national chain.

They just opened one of these near me recently with plans for a couple others in the Twin Cities soon.

I have heard too that they will try to lowball you (since they have to make a profit too).  I kinda look at them like a pawn show or trying to sell cards to collector shops.  If something is "worth" $100, they have to get it from you for 30-50% to make a profit selling it for $100.  You won't get the full value, but they take the brunt of the work finding the buyers. 

I guess it goes back Rob's point about whether you value speed and ease of selling them or full value/money.

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