Author Topic: Realistic Clone Wars 3D Figures  (Read 55117 times)

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #90 on: March 21, 2008, 03:02 PM »
I'm moving the animated vs. realistic debate over here from the "More Ultimate Battlepacks" thread, just for clarity's sake.

So why'd Hasbro go with realistic styling?  Because the Animated Style of figures flopped... big time.

Or because the Clone Wars cartoon has been off TV for a while and out at DVD for a while, and there's no real "media" to push an animated line for it, plus the original cartoon's styling was VERY radical and different from the basic line with extremely exagerrated features, while the CW3D TV series will, by the very nature of 3D animation, have an aesthetic that translates a little better to "realism" while still having an animated style.

Look at some of the animated figures from the original CW line and compare with a "realistic" counterpart...  Durge would be my best example.  Animated Durge and realistic Durge are DRAMATIC differences.

Now look at 3D animated Durge and the comparison is dramatically diminished.

Hasbro's reaction to doing realistic for collectors in these years after the Clone Wars toon has been off the air is great to me.  It's what I want because it's what fits in with my collection, and the new figures don't fit enough...  What I think Hasbro's doing though, is they're recognizing that the original toon was incredibly popular, probably more than they considered.  Kids loved it...  It got people fired up for the E3 blitz.  The toy line was so-so, but the toon's popularity is undeniable. 

Flash forward to 2008, a new CW toon is on the way, it's been expanded and will be much more a "real" TV show than the original series of shorts were.  Hasbro, likewise, wants to get as many new kids involved in the line as possible, and they want to do that by offering toys of the media they've been told to market, and while collectors largely dislike the animated stylings (Hasbro admits that readily), they're aiming for kids who are more accepting of it...  All the while, hoping the very nature of 3-D animation and it's more "realistic" aesthetic, helps some of the toys fit in with existing collections just enough that a fraction of the old collecting community will "accept" them.

To that end, I think Hasbro has succeeded...  How the line sells to kids is undetermined, but just reading forums I see collectors are a broken group on the animated look.  I don't know if it's 50/50, 60/40 or what, but it's certain there's no concensus among the old guard.

Kids...  It's untested, and if the animated looks fail, I'm sure we'll see them go back to realistic, which I would be happy to see personally because I want the new characters and things in realistic fashion.  I'm also content to save a lot this year though too and wait this out and see how it goes.

Comparing the original animated figures to these though, is comparing apples and oranges...

Two different TV series with two distinctly different styles means right off the bat there's unfair comparisons.  Not to mention the new line's figures are pushing all the features of the basic line with articulation and such, and keeping the figures in-scale with the current line, and a much broader range of characters, etc.  While the old CW line's "animated" figures were largely unarticulated, weren't overly abundant with character selection, and even came out a ways after the Clone Wars toons first were airing even.

Not to mention the original's realistic line didn't do so hot at retail either, but that's a whole other point.
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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #91 on: March 22, 2008, 09:51 AM »
Gennedy Tartovsky's group was very eager to do a Han/Chewie cartoon that pre-dated ANH, timewise.

Is he involved in the new show at all?

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #92 on: March 22, 2008, 10:37 AM »
Which is a shame, because his enthusiasm (and perspective) is what made the show so cool.  This new CW looks great, but Lucas has a heavy hand in it.  His lack of perspective on his own work I think is the root cause of the PT's main issues, but that's another thread.  On the topic at hand, I love the look of the animated figs, and I think Hasbro is right to produce them this way.  I won't be buying any.  They'll probably make 'realistic versions' for us later anyway, especially the clones.

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #93 on: March 22, 2008, 11:30 AM »
They'll probably make 'realistic versions' for us later anyway, especially the clones.

Because we don't have enough of those... ::)
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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #94 on: March 24, 2008, 06:06 PM »
They'll probably make 'realistic versions' for us later anyway, especially the clones.

You're right and there are two ways to look at this, neither of them cast Hasbro in a good light:

1) If they're making the figures to match the visual media, and characters like Captain Rex and Ashoka NEVER appear in the "realistic" media then why would Hasbro make figures that have no "realistic" reference. Afterall, it's this integrity of product that has lead them to make these animation styled figures in the first place.


2) If they make realistic versions of all key Clone Wars Cartoon Series characters at a later date, they have done so purely to milk ever last $ out of die-hard collectors. They know the die-hard collectors will be buying the animated figures. They know die-hard collectors will buy realistic styled versions at a later date.

The net-net is that they shouldn't be making animated style figures PERIOD.

What really has me confused is the answer from a recent Q&A where they said they're going to put out a THIRD line this year that will feature re-releases of realistc styled Clone Wars figures to help bolster the Animated Line. The answer mentioned figures like Obi-Wan, Anakin and Yoda w/Kybuk as examples.

Two problems with this: 1) the animated line ALREADY has those three characters in the first wave and 2) he could have reissued EVERY Clone Wars figure as part of the line IF they had done the line in realistic styling!

Somebody should walk up to Darryl DePriest, smack him hard on the nose with a rolled up newspaper and go "BAD toy line manager!"

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #95 on: March 25, 2008, 01:32 PM »
Pete, with respect, I consider myself a die-hard collector, yet I'm not buying the animated line. If that makes me longer die-hard then so be it. Maybe I'll just be die-hard for realistic style.

Hasbro won't sucker me into buying this line. I did buy the previous animated line because I knew it was a novelty line and would die off after a wave or two. However I'm not so sure with this new animated line. Seeing a few other toy lines going the animated direction make me a bit nervous that Hasbro is thinking of doing this.
They are cranking out some of the last holdouts that we've wanted for some time in an effort to appease we collectors. While they may continue the realistic style into next year, I'm a bit ancy that they will stop production on them after that in order to make all new versions now in animated style. This would draw in a new generation of collectors (todays kids) for certain and may carry over a portion of the collectors market today (mostly adults). Hasbro may be trying to think long term here with this since they've got the license for 10 more years.

Realistically (Pun intended), there are not that many more movie characters to me made other than extreme background characters.

If Hasbro were to go all animated they could rerelease all the heroes, not in animated form and have the line potentially last until the end of the license.

This may make good business sense for Hasbro to do, but undoubtedly it will push a great many current collectors out the door.

Honestly that may be better for all of us in the long run anyway. We collectors are getting older and haven't much more room for this stuff.  Kids will turn into collectors and continue to get this stuff. And Hasbro gets to restart the line in a sense. Also, think about the many thousands of dollars over the next 10 years that we adult collectors will save should we choose not to buy the animated line, were it to go fully in that direction. I'd venutre to say that we'd see that we have a good amount of money for other things and be happier for it. Lastly Hasbro wouldn't have to deal so much with the collecting community in appeasing our needs, answering Q&A, etc. If they restart the line, starting with the Clone Wars figures, it changes everything we know as SW collecting today.

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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #96 on: March 25, 2008, 02:06 PM »
I'm not really complaining that they're doing Animated style because there's going to be more than enough for me to spend my money on this year, but I question this move on their part. 

Yeah, these do look like they jumped right out of the upcoming series, but at the same time, the realistic styling is what fans of Star Wars crave.  And I am pretty sure we are NOT going to even need to think about the line going Animated from here on out.  I think that this will be a run that lasts for a while, but as soon as Hasbro sees how poorly these sell compared to the main line, they'll realize that there isn't a big future for that line. 

Don't get me wrong, they LOOK cool (now if only they could apply this new weathering technique on some realistic style figures too...).  But I really doubt this line is going to be as popular as Hasbro is forecasting.  I almost see these as something an entirely different company is doing.  Not that I have any loyalty to Hasbro, but I am a creature of habit.  I like the movie style and that's where my hobby dollars are going to be spent.  Not on an entirely new line that looks this different.

As for comparing these to the old cartoon animated ones, I agree there are some major differences.  But there's also one striking similarity - they're not in the realistic style; and that in itself overrides any differences in comparing the two, at least in my book.

I plan on getting the Obi Wan for a custom, and maybe the R2-D2.  The more I look at Grievous (which I originally wanted), the less I like it... same goes for all these figures.  Maybe this will be a huge hit instead of what I'm thinking, but I kind of doubt it.  But then again, who knows.  I just know I'm not going to be spending my usual amount of money on these. 
« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 02:09 PM by CHEWIE »

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #97 on: March 25, 2008, 02:26 PM »
Honestly that may be better for all of us in the long run anyway. We collectors are getting older and haven't much more room for this stuff.  Kids will turn into collectors and continue to get this stuff. And Hasbro gets to restart the line in a sense.

That's probably their reasoning behind this and I don't blame them.  Animated toys seem to be all the rage right now for the kiddies, so I think this was pretty smart move of Hasbro.  They'll hook most of the kids they can who aren't already and they'll keep this line healthy for the next 10 years while we continue to wane off.  I know that 07 caused quite a few collectors to rethink they're collecting habits.  They have to know that the majority of the die-hard (even casual) collectors out there are running out of room to some extent.  I really think I've got about every character I've ever wanted out of the OT and I have no freakin idea who most of the characters are here in these JD polls for the PT.  Some dude who had his left arm in one scene for 2 seconds?  Wow.

I'm still on the fence about the animated line myself, but I'll obviously just keep a carded set if I do cave.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #98 on: March 25, 2008, 02:50 PM »
Running out of room?  Heck yeah.  If I was a completist, I'd have to start a second collection room. 

Fortunately though, I don't collect everything that comes out.  I also replace older sculpts with new ones.  There's nothing quite like replacing 150 Commtech Stormies with new ones!


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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #99 on: March 25, 2008, 04:41 PM »
The whole new realistic Saga Legend wave to compliment the cartoon line has reignited my disappointment with Hasbro's decision to go cgi style with this line. Hasbro's rational to compliment that line with figures who will not have sculpts for the launch is like a nail in the eye to logic reasoning. One minute they tell they found through research that realistic style is better/more popular, then they change their minds and go cgi style and now they are ok with with kids having a mismatched line of figures to recreate their favorite adventures??? Say what????

What a waste, I really would have enjoyed this new design in realistic style..... :'(

Running out of room?  Heck yeah.  If I was a completist, I'd have to start a second collection room. 

Fortunately though, I don't collect everything that comes out.  I also replace older sculpts with new ones.  There's nothing quite like replacing 150 Commtech Stormies with new ones!

I use that same strategy too. Old sculpts get hacked for customs, traded or sold to make room for the new stuff. In the very near future I have to put stuff an my in-laws because I am out of space.

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Offline jedi_master_sal

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #100 on: March 25, 2008, 05:52 PM »
All I'm really hoping for out of the Animated characters is that the main ones be done in realistic style at some point (in the NEAR future-as in 2009, or 2010 at the latest). Ahsoka being one of them, Rex another. Just key characters, not third alien from the left.  We've still got plenty of background figs from the movies for Hasbro to draw upon, we don't need Clone Wars background characters. (yet-I'll throw that in for those who might want them)

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Offline Matt_Fury

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #101 on: March 25, 2008, 06:16 PM »
Running out of room?  Heck yeah.  If I was a completist, I'd have to start a second collection room. 

Fortunately though, I don't collect everything that comes out.  I also replace older sculpts with new ones.  There's nothing quite like replacing 150 Commtech Stormies with new ones!

I was doing some set-up in my collection room and have decided the commtech stormtroopers (with the ones I got in the troop builder sets) look just fine on the shelf!

As far as the animated/realistic versions.  I'm sure there are niche collectors who like the animated stuff, it's not really my bag, but I'm sure they'll make ones that will look more realistic to fit with the 500+ other figures.
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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #102 on: March 25, 2008, 06:22 PM »
All I'm really hoping for out of the Animated characters is that the main ones be done in realistic style at some point

Does anyone think this won't happen?   ???

I think of it this way - when is the best time to sell things to kids?  While it's hot/hip/new/fresh/exciting.

That's why we are seeing the animated figures first.  Do the animated style figures first, cash in on the kids (and uber-completeists) with the initial excitement of the movie/cartoon.  If they collect some average collector cash too, it's a bonus. 

Then, once the kids move on to the next thing or get bored, Hasbro goes back and does the realistic style type figures for us.  The uber-completeists & some average collectors take another hit and the other collectors they missed before buy in finally.

If they started with "realistic" style and then went animated, many causal fans would pass on the animated stuff becuase they'd already have the realistic figures that matched what they have now.  By doing the animated stuff first, you get the casual folks to buy some animated first, then try to get them to re-buy characters in realistic style later...

I see people saying "when the animated line fails, then they will make realistic style" like Hasbro needs to learn some lesson from this... how do we know that wasn't their plan all along?   Maybe they sat down and decided "we'll sell as much animated as we can to kids and then sell the realistic style once the animated has run it's course"? Makes sense to me and certainly flows with things they've done in the past to extend the line...  ;)
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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #103 on: March 25, 2008, 07:36 PM »
All I'm really hoping for out of the Animated characters is that the main ones be done in realistic style at some point

Does anyone think this won't happen?   ???

I think of it this way - when is the best time to sell things to kids?  While it's hot/hip/new/fresh/exciting.

That's why we are seeing the animated figures first.  Do the animated style figures first, cash in on the kids (and uber-completeists) with the initial excitement of the movie/cartoon.  If they collect some average collector cash too, it's a bonus. 

Then, once the kids move on to the next thing or get bored, Hasbro goes back and does the realistic style type figures for us.  The uber-completeists & some average collectors take another hit and the other collectors they missed before buy in finally.

If they started with "realistic" style and then went animated, many causal fans would pass on the animated stuff becuase they'd already have the realistic figures that matched what they have now.  By doing the animated stuff first, you get the casual folks to buy some animated first, then try to get them to re-buy characters in realistic style later...

I see people saying "when the animated line fails, then they will make realistic style" like Hasbro needs to learn some lesson from this... how do we know that wasn't their plan all along?   Maybe they sat down and decided "we'll sell as much animated as we can to kids and then sell the realistic style once the animated has run it's course"? Makes sense to me and certainly flows with things they've done in the past to extend the line...  ;)

Oh I fully expected this at first too. However I'm just not so sure now that Hasbro will be so quick to go back to the realistic line. Time will tell of course and I hope you're right Jeff. As I said, I once though this very same thing, I'm just a bit nervous of it not playing out like this now.

But then again, I've already cut my SW budget in half and will do that again for 2009, so really if Hasbro tanks the realistic style, they will just make it that much easier for me to slow down then get out of collecting SW altogether.

Hmm, what's that buzzing in my ear? Is Hasbro listening? Do they see how much money they will loss from the long time collectors?

I'm guessing they are pinning the continuation of the line on the newer collectors and kids, rather than us old-timers. Hell, I'm almost 40 (next year), so maybe it is about time to "pass the torch."
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Animated Style for the Clone Wars 3D Figures?
« Reply #104 on: March 25, 2008, 08:19 PM »
I can already hear people freaking out about realistic versions of figures from the toons about a year from now...  It'll be painful, angry, cries across many a geek forum.  "Why Hasbro...  Why did you make me buy those animated figures like you did!?"

You know it'll happen.
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