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Messages - McMetal

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The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: September 8, 2009, 05:21 PM »

To each his own but I have to defend Legacy which is the core SW line that will live long after the animated line. I will be picking up the animated Aayla Secura and the occasional figure for the accessories. I picked Yularen for the Table, Plo Koon for the sabers, Gren Clon for the Gattling gun but ditched the figures. Gha Nuckeet, Cad, Magna Droids, IG droids and that Death Star looking droid. Droids seem to be the easiest crossovers that pass as realistic enough. Hasbro is doing a good job on everything in my opinion. The only aspects they have been sucking Bantha Balls on is the price & product delivery.

BTW - Welcome to JD!

Fair enough, bro. It takes all types! I always feel similarly obligated to defend the CW line that frankly, is propping up the franchise right now, IMHO. I read A LOT of comments from fans in online forums that are critical of the CW stuff. I just don't get the disdain. This line is aimed every bit as much at collectors as kids, I think.

I have been collecting since the very first figures were release in the 70's, so yes, I have a personal fondness for the Kenner line. But I just think the figures were better quality back then. The same way that I feel that animation was much better before computers came along. (Bugs Bunny still KILLS any of this CGI junk) As a toy designer, I'm sure you're well aware of the production process differences today as opposed to 30 years ago. I really do not think increased articulation is a great enhancement though. To me, it offends the eye seeing all those exposed joints. It destroys the visual continuity and realism of the figure. Kenner had the right idea starting out - 5 points is enough.

I fully agree Hasbro is an utter disgrace when it comes to product delivery. I can't even imagine how much simpler and happier my life would be if they would simply announce a release date and I could walk into a store knowing it would be there on that day to purchase. If they can do it with DVD's, they can absolutely do it with toys.

Thanks for the welcome! This is one of the more robust forums I have joined recently - I love that!

Rupert - great to hear I am not alone! Keep flying the CW flag high!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: September 8, 2009, 11:40 AM »
I really wish this line was not animated and done in a realistic style, they are so many great things/characters coming out of the show but I cannot collect cartoons. At least the vehicles are realistic......

Yeah, I feel just as passionately on the opposite end of the spectrum. I ONLY want the animated line. And I would LOVE animated versions of some of the "classic" figures but I realize they are separate mediums with unique content and appeal.

I cannot collect that Legacy swag because the quality of the sculpts, representations, etc is, IMHO, abysmally poor compared to the original Vintage Kenner figures. I think Hasbro does a GREAT job at reproducing the animated likenesses though.

Apparently I am part of a very tiny minority of collectors focusing exclusively on the CW line. I wish there were more of us!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Walmart CW Octuptarra Droid
« on: September 8, 2009, 11:29 AM »
ugh, I want this thing SO badly...ZERO sightings here in VA though. I am hitting up 3 Wal-Marts at lunch with high hopes. This looks every bit as cool as it did at SDCC!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 7, 2009, 09:19 PM »
AWESOME score Rupert! I was lucky just to find the first Wave, now I see Wave 2 are here already. It is raining Clone Wars merch all of a sudden!

I hope these filter out to the right coast in the next week or so...

Vintage Kenner / Re: Latest vintage acquisition
« on: September 6, 2009, 09:42 PM »
Picked up a Desert Sail Skiff Mini-Rig for $5 + shipping today, looks to be in pretty good shape.

Also nabbed a Han Solo w/Trenchcoat, non-camo lapel version, for about $8 total.

Slowly but surely, I'm narrowing the list...

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 6, 2009, 09:38 PM » are exactly right - the Ryloth and Abregado BP'S were both pictured at SDCC with release dates of 9/6/2009.

Of course, the Rishi Moon Outpost Attack BP was supposed to be out even before those 2, and I have still yet to see it anywhere...

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 5, 2009, 09:45 PM »
I picked up the Walmart exclusive CW 2 packs yesterday also...they look great. I can't wait for Wave 2!

Still on the Hunt for Octuparra Droid and Y-Wing...


Extremely impressive, the sheer size and depth of the collection. That is a major financial commitment.

Can I hazard a guess you don't have a wife or kids?  ;D

Major props - I am utterly humbled!

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008/2009 Evolutions Sets
« on: September 2, 2009, 04:10 PM »
Completely agree on the WM employees. I had a long, painful phone call with one of their drones this morning, trying to check stock using the UPC code for the Y-Wing. I had to read it 3 times and she still could never find it.

Why do I get the feeling their stockroom is like that warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, filled with fabulous treasures locked away for all eternity from the eyes of man? (Due to moronic incompetence and sloth)

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Y-Wing Starfighter
« on: September 2, 2009, 01:40 PM »
Man, thanks for the UPC #.

I just got off a painful call with the local Walmart trying to get them to check stock on that #. I had to read it back to them 3 different times and they still couldn't find it.


The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 2, 2009, 12:00 PM »
WOW!!!! Where do you guys live that are finding the CW 2-packs and Y-Wings at Walmart?!?! Tell me some of you are East Coast!

That is awesome, I am starved for new product. I just got back from a TRU run and they got JACK SQUAT. Not even the Imperial V-Wing exclusive which other TRU's have had FOR OVER A WEEK NOW!

Also, if any of you guys could post SKU #, Item #, etc for any of the 2packs or the Y-Wing that would be awesome too. Walmart's website has not been updated in about 3 years apparently. I want to start calling around to see if these are being hidden away in the stockrooms...thanks!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
« on: September 1, 2009, 09:41 PM »
Ahhh, I was able to exchange my damaged box for a new one yesterday...this is officially off the list.

It really DOES seem like an outstanding sculpts are always a plus for me.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Walmart CW Octuptarra Droid
« on: September 1, 2009, 09:38 PM »
Did anyone else hear/read any body else saying this was found?

Yes, one of the posters on Jedi Insider's forums claimed to have picked this up recently at a Walmart in Chicago. I have asked for additional details (pics, sku#, etc) but so far no response.

I think 9/5 was the release data on the display case placard at hopefully these start showing up soon.

I have wanted one of these bad boys since Ani jumped on top of one in the CW movie.

Vintage Kenner / Re: New To Vintage Collecting? Some Tips!
« on: September 1, 2009, 09:31 PM »
Thanks for the info, that is great to know!

I have tried to be pretty selective about the loose figs I am picking up, most are from reputable dealers with 100% feedback and have detailed descriptions and photos. I have definitely noticed a few auctions that seem intentionally vague out there.

Last stupid question - what kind of a grading scale is being used on these things? I see lots of C10 and C9.5 but I have no idea what those points correspond to. Is it some kind of AFA standard?

Vintage Kenner / Re: Latest vintage acquisition
« on: August 31, 2009, 12:08 PM »
I picked up Walrus Man and R2-D2 last night for less than $12 combined. I actually already have both figures but the condition is pretty poor. R2's stickers did not survive well over the years, and Walrus Man had some rather unfortunate burn marks to the face. (Yes, I was a disturbed kid  ;) )

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