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Messages - McMetal

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Saga Legends / Re: 2013 Japan Blind-Box Saga Legends Figures
« on: September 4, 2013, 09:22 AM »
I see a lot of pro opinions on this, and nary a con, so allow me to humbly offer an opposing viewpoint.

I think blind boxing/bagging ANY toy is a complete rip-off and companies just use this stupid tactic to stick consumers with a bunch of crap they don't need or want.

Just make a good product and sell it at a good price. I don't see the need to trick someone into buying something they already have. Any sense of excitement or surprise IMO is going to be quickly snuffed out by disappointment over opening your 14th or 15th Anakin in a row when all you wanted was Captain Rex.

The only thing that impresses me about this merchandising gimmick is that any company was ever able to get consumers to buy into this nonsense. I went through this a few years ago with the Kid Robot Adult Swim stuff and it was a nightmare. You just end up having to go to eBay and overpaying to get the one you really want, and it pretty much destroys any possibility of being a carded collector.

Maybe I'm not the target audience for this, and that is fine, and if they want to sell this swag over in Japan it's no skin off my nose. But I get nervous when I see people talking this up in the States becuase it would be a nightmare for collectors over here, I truly believe that. Please let's not give Hasbro any more ideas on ways to screw us over.

Would anyone really want blind boxed groceries? or DVD's? or comics? I don't see how toys are any different.

Other Toy Lines / Re: ReAction Lines
« on: September 3, 2013, 09:43 AM »
Brian from ReAction posted about this in the RS forum over the weekend. (More specifically commenting on the strategic alliance with Funko)

The thing that bothers me is that they are saying now they they will send a free "mystery figure" out to all the people who pre-ordered the Alien figs directly from them. (The ones that went up on BBTS and EE were much cheaper)

But they don't say anything about the people who ordered the Early Bird sets getting the mystery figure too. And if anyone deserves it, it's that segment of collectors, the people that ponied up right away to help support the line. (Yes, I am personally invested in this)

The whole 2-pack prototype thing has left a bad test in a lot of people's mouths, so I hope they do the right thing and show us some love by sending out the mystery figure with all the Early Bird sets too. It's a real PITA trying to be a completist in this line and they haven't even been released yet.

It's an interesting choice of properties slated for next year, to be sure. Escape from New York figures? Only my favorite movie of all time, so bring em on. Aliens and Predator sound cool too.

Dark Crystal I don't really get because there actually was an action figure line for these, albeit stillborn.

The one I simply cannot believe they whiffed on is V. OMG, this is the one every 80's kid wanted! They actually had a line in the works too, just never materialized. I would buy those in a frigging heartbeat.

Other Toy Lines / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: September 2, 2013, 05:46 PM »
Heads-up McMetal! I read that the Rick Grimes figure, along with the rest of Series 4 in some instances, is now hitting Walgreens. Price is around $13-$14. If you happen to find an extra, please keep me in mind!

Hey man, good timing - I found this today! I can def pick up an extra if you'd like. PM me and we can work out the details.

It's a pretty sweet variant, I think mine was about $13.68 total.

The first store I checked had two on the pegs - did not see any of Series 4 but I can hit a bunch more tomorrow and report back.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 2, 2013, 05:43 PM »
Our Walmart Clone Wars figures just dropped to $5, so I am planning to pick up everything I can now. I also found a very random MISB Obi-Wan Starfighter for $10 so that came home with me immediately. Good times.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 31, 2013, 09:57 PM »
I picked up a Training SBD and another Phase II Clone Trooper on clearance at Walmart last night. The SBD was pretty much the most interesting Clone Wars figure left on the pegs anywhere around this area. Everything else is just a sea of Anakins, Maces, and Sno Koons. This one Walmart did have a couple more Phase II clones left, would like them all if the price drops to $5 or less. Great customizing fodder.

It will not be long until there are no more Clone Wars toys left to buy in a store period. That will be a sad day.

I too would love a Z-95 Headhunter. The Lego set was awesome.

I saw the new X-Wing for the first time today at TRU. Big box.

They also had the 31" Vader for $10 more than Walmart, pass.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything eBay! Scams, questions, etc...
« on: August 28, 2013, 12:37 PM »
Too funny. I assume the guy actually resides here in the USA? Scary.

I used to work in a mailorder CD distro, and we got a lot of that schtick. "YOU WILL NOT SLEEP WELL TONIGHT!" was one of my favorites. As if. 

Other Toy Lines / Re: Modern Masters of the Universe
« on: August 27, 2013, 09:44 PM »
I found a couple of Orkos today at my local Big Lots for $10 a pop. That was the only figure they appeared to have...

Other Toy Lines / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:10 PM »
Man, that IS cool, but Walgreen's?!?! Has anyone EVER seen a Walking Dead figure in there? Game Stop or even TRU would have been more logical seems like.

There's a buttload of those stores around here though, so it shouldn't be hard to find at least.

Love the actor, doesn't seem like the right part for him though. Nothing wrong with getting paid though.

Man, this set arrived today from China, of all places. It's freaking awesome. The packaging is so nice in fact I am very tempted to leave this as is and just pick up the single boxed figure to display. The Block is pretty rad, and Boba came out really well too. The only thing I think could have been improved were the wookie scalps. Seems like it was hard to render those in any sort of detail.

It's a beautifully done set, just sucks about the price, hassle, etc of tracking one down.

Oh man, that's brutal. Once the money changes hands, I never let them touch my stuff. (Yes, that's what she said  :P)

I have had at least 1 or 2 figures eat it on those %^&*( conveyor belts too. I hate those things!

These sets?

I'm fairly sure they weren't released in the US... at least I personally never saw them.

That's them! Thanks a lot, Greg! :)

I guess there were only 3 then, and two of them were exactly the same as the previous US versions, aside from the packaging.

I swear I spent at least 30 minutes in the RS photo archive last night trying to dig those up to no avail. Glad you came through!

Hey, I'm looking for some more information on some Clone Wars 2-packs that were released circa 2009, hoping someone can help.

These were all repacks, sold mostly at TRU as I recall, and there were 4 released domestically:

Grievous/Battle Droid
Obi-Wan/Battle Droid
Cody/Battle Droid

However, there was also a planned series that followed this which ended up only being released in Europe. These sets had the distinctive red/white packaging. I'm trying to figure out how many of these sets there were, and which ones were unique. So far I have verified:

Grievous/Battle Droid (repack re-release)
Anakin/R2 (repack re-release)
Cody/Clone Trooper (this was seems to be unique as there was no US release with these 2 combined)

I feel like there is 1 that I am missing. Anyone know?

I never had any interest in these but now that the line has ended, it seemed silly to have this hole in my collection. I bought all of the US 2-packs over the weekend but the Euro versions are going to be a challenge.

I recall Pete and Greg had posted about these at one point, so I am hoping one of you guys might remember or have a link.


(ps - these were totally different from the Walmart 2-packs with Jek, Rys, Yoda, Echo, etc)

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:54 AM »
That's awesome, I never seen Clone Wars stuff for sale at yard sales around here. Nor at Goodwill, Salvation Army or any place like that. I honestly don't know what becomes of the Clone Wars toys in this area that kids outgrow.

Not exactly relevent to this line, but there were some great auctions up for Tartkovsky Clone Wars prototypes last week on eBay. I bought two of them - Dooku and Battle Damaged Anakin. I have a swell little collection of Clone Wars prototypes going now, my favorite thing since the recent line ended.

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