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Messages - Jesse James

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Power of the Force 2 / Re: Favorite Ship
« on: May 14, 2003, 11:11 PM »
Wow, revisiting the love of the POTF2 ship...

I have 2 that I'd label as "good".  One that I'd label great for what it is actually.

I'm a ship nut by the way, and that's my focus in customizing right now while I perfect my casting technique and ability...  

My 2 choices are the A-Wing and the T-16 Skyhopper...

The A-Wing is great  because for a 1985 sculpt the thing holds it's own against even the TIE Bomber of today...  It's deco is accurate to a film prop (Almost 100% accurate actually) and the pilot pack-in wasn't great, but there's worse.  It's based on the maquette pilot instead of the actual actor's costume from Home One or cockpit shots, so I'm still itchin' for a new and accurate pilot on the card some day.

The best thing of the A-Wing though is that it's actually a TO SCALE ship...  Not only that, it's a to-scale ship made from a vintage mold.  You REALLY don't see that ever these days, so it's a welcome vehicle to me and that's why I welcome the Saga EU deco.

The T-16 I nominate because it's scale is arguably accurate (There's 2 proposed "sizes" from ILM, and the toy fits one of the 2).  It's a new sculpt, fairly simple, VERY accurate to Luke's model he's seen playing with, and other than the cockpit interior I think it's pretty spot-on...  I even like the cockpit interior a lot, just it could be better.

Other vehicles in the POTF2 range disappoint me because of their retread feel and they weren't improved much...  Vader's TIE would get an honorable mention though as a great new vehicle from the POTF2 range.

The Original Trilogy / Re: Death Star Survivors?
« on: May 14, 2003, 01:43 PM »
there were probably even MORE from the Death Star II

Oh yeah, I think a possible majority got off the DSII before it blew...  They were haulin' butt while Luke was still dragging his old man along the floor.

Mama didn't raise no fools in the Empire...  Not after the 1st batch of fools anyway.

Power of the Force 2 / Re: Tatooine Skiff Luke figure...
« on: May 14, 2003, 03:03 AM »
Hey Thomas,

I've heard of variants without the blast mark, can't say I've seen one though.

The Luke is essentially identical to the Tatooine Complete Galaxy Luke...

The right hand is the hand with the blast mark, and it's also a poseable hand.

I forget if the CG Luke had a blast mark or not now though.  That figure may not, but I'm totally forgetting if it does at the moment.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Lucasfilm Animation
« on: May 14, 2003, 01:10 AM »
I'd take a Rogue squadron series of some sort...  TV or even a film.  I just dn't know what kind of appeal it may have across the board...

I'd love to see it personally, so long as the story were good, fit well with the films, had a good feel to the classic trilogy, and actually had that "charm" the original movies had but had the flash only 3-D/digital animation can provide...

Here's to hoping we get some cool things SW and non-SW from the new company.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Want A Republic Tank?
« on: May 14, 2003, 01:02 AM »
I rented CW when it came out and beat it in the same week...  Wasn't my favorite game, but it was good enough to keep me entertained to the end.

I would love the Republic Tank personally, especially if the Jedi fit in it and it were to-scale...  

I'd love to see an AT-XT (I think it's XT anyway) also...  The forerunner to the AT-ST...

That'd be a neat lil toy to have.  To-scale of course again.

I'd buy 2 or 3 of each actually, if they came about like I'd want them to be.

I'm an FPS fanatic, and IMO that (along with a few other game genres) are best played for PC, so obviously I'm ecstatic this is a PC title...

Ewok, I'm not sure about MAC availability, but if they made JO with a MAC port I wouldn't rule this out being made compatible as well.

I cannot download the trailer either Matt, don't feel bad...  QT's given me many an issue in the past as well, and my current QT is outdated I'd say (I just downloaded a blank screen).

I must play this game though...  I'm surprised they're running with a different gaming engine than Jedi Outcast and Academy are using, but that's fine by me as this game isn't going to have the sabre based combat, a nd the completely different engine means we're in for something possibly better than Outcast was...  Maybe not, but hopefully so.

I'm excited for sure, and can't wait!  Plus it was my first news post, whippee. :)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Silver Fett and Clonetrooper coming...
« on: May 13, 2003, 09:30 PM »
While I want a carded set of these for my loose collection's centerpiece, I really have an itch for 2 of the Fett because he's a relatively neat looking figure that I think may be just as neat loose.

Hopefully these won't be much of an issue to get at the Fan Club...  Vader wasn't, not to me anyway.  I just called them up a couple days after the 2nd mention of them being made available and ordered one.  

I'd love to see more impressive exclusives come the Fan Club's way though...  How about "grey" jumpsuited Imperial Officer figures?  All 3 heads if possible...  I'd be pretty ecstatic to see that made available through them...  

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Muscle cars
« on: May 13, 2003, 08:10 PM »
I just picked up a 1992 Thunderbird SC.

Got it cheap, and it needs work, but it's sweet and to quote my father, "That SOB flies..." which he was commenting to his friends about it...  He opened it up bringing it on back while I was at school a day.

Lots of work ahead, as there's some rust underneath near  the ground effects and one patch ont he body on the right rear fender.

Great car though, and I'm finding very few who are keeping up with me.  :D

The Original Trilogy / Re: Death Star Survivors?
« on: May 13, 2003, 08:04 PM »
Next thing ya know, he's gonna say the Easter Bunny's fake...   ::)  

I was thinking about that point that Luke got out of the DSII while it was blowing up as well...  A good point that some individuals who either KNEW of the threat and hauled butt to a nearby hangar, or those already in the hangars may have gotten out...

Col. Veers' got out in a shuttle in the game, and it crashes due to damage incurred during his escape (Not canon, but food for thought and something I personally accept as "my canon" and my basis for the post actually).  The shuttle takes damage, crashes, you protect him.

The cutting of the footage also is of interest...  I'd say things weren't necessarily happening in that exact order, but they very well could have also.  I'm gonna go with the "dramatic effect" thing...  

One bit of evidence that backs up the "distance" theory of the X-Wings/Y-Wing/Falcon from the Death Star is that the Torp is moving at a specific speed when it exits Luke's fighter...  It has to travel DOWN the exhaust port ALL the way to the center of the DS, impact, and then a resulting internal explosion occurs (An explosion that, technically, should be no different than that of the DSII where we saw individuals actually ride the shockwave out).

This leads me to believe that, at the least, the moment the shot is fired and goes IN the exhaust port that it's got a certain ammount of time NECESSARY for it to get to the center and explode then for the full explosion of the DSI to take place...

One thing necessary to come up with that exact evidence would be knowing the approximate speed of the torp (It wasn't going fast  though, as it can be made out in shots), and then the other thing needed would be the distance to the DS's core...

That's a lot of specifics, but just guessing I'd think it left for SOME time for shuttles to load up with whoever was nearby then punch it out of the hangars like Luke did in ROTJ...

The ability or possibility of a warning then would come into play, or the possibility that more reserved officers like Bast had given hangar officers a "heads up" sort of that let them know to keep an eye on the battle possibly, and leave if they saw that the shot had been made...

My head hurts.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: What's up with availability
« on: May 13, 2003, 07:44 PM »
Indeed...  I found that blurb in the insider insulting, both as a consumer of their Star Wars license and as a businessman.

I don't feel the retail industry is 100% innocent either, but Hasbro needs to fess up to their mistakes and make up for them by improving the line to one of the top toy lines in the industry...  Passing the buck by blaming retail COMPLETELY  just looks petty.

The Wookiee Arcade / Wow, NEW Star Wars FPS: Republic Commando
« on: May 13, 2003, 07:07 PM »

Check it out folks!

Republic Commando, a new FPS set to use the Unreal Engine is going to come out sometime in the near future...

A "Dark and realistic" combat experience.  Could the Tom Clancy clone game be a reality?

I sure as hell hope so!  This is easily my most anticipated game at this point!

For X-Box and PC (Glad I got a GC because I always would rather play stuff on PC, and everything for X-Box is on PC, haha).

Things look bright for gaming this year!  For me anyway...  This game sounds cool, and unlike past FPS gaming in the Star Wars universe...  Could be much MUCH more intense.  I'm giddy!

Saga '02-'04 / Re: What's up with availability
« on: May 13, 2003, 01:06 AM »
I think OCB nailed some really REALLY solid points as to the hows and whys of our current distribution woes...  

I've been in business for years.  I've studied the toy industry independantly, and it was the subject of a report I did just this semester.  OCB really pinpointed some good instances where Hasbro isn't a strong company when it comes to this line.  

#1 Case Assortments

Indeed, and this is a point where Hasbro's 100% responsible for their own actions...  They mix these cases based on their own data, but methinks they need some new marketing analysts over there, because whoever predicted that "Let's only pack one Imperial Officer" in a case needs to be put out on the street with no severance pay.

That's one instance of poor business...  There's many more.  

To use another line's problems that are similar, who over at Toy Biz decided "Yeah, we need more King Theodens" in their case assortments?  

What these companies should do is pack these figures who would/should be weaker sales in fewer #'s...  You should then have enough flexibility within your company to REPACK this figure as necessary, but for this strategy to work one must actually have close contact with, and listen to their fan base...

IE: Ask Andy sections have to be read, and read thoroughly, and other sections of various fan forums must get some reading from the company.

Other companies are capable of this type of "flexible" work within the organization, but Hasbro's more of a traditional company, and that may be an area they need to start restructuring to make their product lines more efficient.  They're more a verticle structure, as opposed to horozontal, and I think that hurts them often.

#2 Over Production coupled with Lack of interest


Contrary to what we maybe wish, and what some of us believe, Star Wars isn't the end-all-be-all of the toy industry...  Sad to say folks, but Star Wars just simply isn't the hot seller we wish it to be.  As a matter of fact, while Hasbro tried citing high sales of Star Wars product last year, that's inevitable since it was a movie year...  What they  neglected to show during their sales reports was what the damage was at the end of the year.  

Even before X-Mas, the Star Wars line was in a downward spiral that was dragging the year's books down.  As I recall, reports in the early part of the year cited other Hasbro product...  STRONGER Hasbro product, as being the savior that kept them from having a large loss.  

It's a shame to see it, but Star Wars just isn't a top toy anymore.  Its hayday was back sometime around '97 I believe, and it has spikes, but it's like a sluggish stockmarket on a steady decline, if you prefer that analogy.   :-\

#3 More competition and Price Point

Something I've preached for some time, but what others have argued with me...  Competition DOES exist for Hasbro...

Hasbro's constantly competing for the child's $ everytime that a kid is in a toy aisle, and they just don't have a line that has a broad appeal to kids.

We love it...  Some kids love it...  Sadly, we're not their main focus (As we should be no matter what the year), and what's more sad is that kids have BETTER choices out there in the toy aisle.  

A kid has so many "new" things pulling at his/her increasingly fickle personality, that they are going to go for the best of the best...  A kid's gonna buy the figure that has that fun appeal, and while it took Hasbro a year, they finally grasped it that Action Features don't mean their product suddenly rivals the poseable accessory laden Power Ranger.  

It's the same reason G.I. Joe is getting MORE focus this year than Star Wars...  Hasbro rode that movie wave last year, and didn't exactly capitalize on it as they could've, and yet G.I. Joe had a strong enough year that they're not gonna sink more $ into that strong brand.  

Kids love G.I. Joe...  He's got it all...  Star Wars figures are mini statues with lame features, and few accessories, with even fewer vehicles or playsets.  

I think Hasbro's pricepoint is accurate for the general scale of the product they offer ($4.99 for 1:18/3.75" figures), but what they don't really see is that for around $4.99 you can get a simply more FUN figure in G.I. Joe, or 21st's X-Treme Detail...  

I don't even personally LIKE the new G.I. Joes, but from what I gathered during my research for my paper last semester, the Joe line is one of Hasbro's goldmines, and that's a TRUE line they're going to impress both kids and adults with (Just not me, though the line is impressive from my business standpoint).

So in short, yeah Hasbro has super competition working against them, and Star Wars is NOT immune to that competition...  Sure Hasbro COLLECTORS will buy up new stuff, but what Hasbro wants is to attract "casual" buyers and children...  Neither of which they're EVER capable of doing with the Star Wars line...  

That's a big issue they need to work on.

#4 Lack of Quality

Anyone who knows anything about me knows I agree with this...

I sort of touched on it above.  Hasbro doesn't compete... Their Star Wars line is of the same scale as multiple lines, but yet it's laughably poor in comparison.  The funny thing is that Hasbro shows amazing glimmers of being the dominant toy company...

For instance, their sculpts...  Hasbro has some misses, but they have solid sculptors at their company that rival the work of supposed Industry Leaders like MacFarlane Toys.  Anyone who owns Ephant Mon knows what I'm talking about...

Sculpt is an area that Hasbro went from being weak in to actually being rather dominant.  They are inconsistent in other areas though.

I've yet to see Hasbro do true justice to ANY figure in the department of articulation...  And that's a big problem when you're literally in the toy aisle competing with lines such as Lord of the Rings, X-Treme Detail 1:18, G.I. Joe, etc...  

Like I said though, Hasbro has these little glimpses that they can do SO much better with these figures...  When you see a Commtech Stormtrooper or a Cantina Han, you have to wonder why can't t hey all be AT LEAST that good or a little better?  Other toys are, and other toys are having stronger sales...  

BBi's 1:18 military line is ready to take off in the aisles of major retailers this year supposedly.  We're talking about one HELL of a small company here who did 1:18 stuff on a whim to see if they could compete directly with 21st Century toys...  Guess what, their $4.99 masterpieces flew of the shelves for the most part, and that line's set to expand not only in what they offer but also in the outlets by which they are sold.  

And when it boils down to it, these figures are going to be just one more kid on the block that's of "higher quality" and for a similar price to the Star Wars figures...  I bet they do well, and I know for sure they're taking some of my collecting $ with them already.  Who else's shall they take?  What kid is gonna say "Forget that Anakin figure, I want that Marine like the guy I saw on TV"?

Owning a license to a toy line doesn't mean you have a monopoly on it...  Hasbro can profit off Star Wars, sure...  But for them to make this line something that everyone wants, they need to make changes...

Instead, they issue statements that essentially are saying "It's not our fault, retailers aren't interested" when they really should be honest and say retailers aren't interested because their product doesn't move for a myriad of reasons that they need to work on...

Losing action features was a start, and hopefully not the end either.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Video Games
« on: May 12, 2003, 08:12 PM »
Gamecube's been one of the best investments I ever made...  Well my ex got it for me for X-Mas the year it was released, but that's beside the point.

LOTS of great games, ports of great games from other systems as well, and more exclusives that you WON'T see ported to PC than any other system...

Eternal Darkness, the Resident Evil series, and Rogue Leader have already made the system worth it to me...  The games like Splinter Cell, and other Tom Clancy games have put it above and beyond...  Clone Wars, Bounty Hunter, and Rogue Squadron 3 will likely make it worth its weight in gold to me.  :D

I hgihly recommend getting one, even if it doesn't drop in price.  

Saga '02-'04 / Re: What killed the deluxe line?
« on: May 12, 2003, 07:17 PM »
***Stands and flexes like Spaceghost***

Saga '02-'04 / Re: SAGA Snowtrooper
« on: May 11, 2003, 10:09 PM »
I doubt they revisit it anytime soon...  Maybe though...  Maybe a Yavin guard version or something different.  With army builders it's really up in the air...  But, Hasbro's slow on army builders somewhat too, so I'm not gonna hold my breath for an update anytime soon since he just got one...

Kinda like the bikerscout, and now the Snowtrooper...  I'm wanting updates, but not expecting them soon.

I have a couple of the POTJ one, and one of the black haired guy loose...  One of my POTJ ones is cracked apart in my parts bin, but with Antilles on the way I may wait to see what parts he offers up.  His shirt and helmet would be identical to the RFT's in sculpt...

I have a couple extra black haired RFT's for trading as well, and a couple POTJ on the card I got when I ordered that case...  Just haven't traded them yet.

The Red haired RFT eludes me still though...  As does the dark haired Saga Impy officer.

I'm taking the one loose POTJ officer down from his display, as he was there for display reasons only so with the new head variants there in his place I won't need to waste the space with him there...  He'll act as backup fodder if I ruin one of the pieces on the cracked apart one I have.

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