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Messages - Nicklab

Pages: 1 ... 395 396 397 398 399 [400] 401 402 403 404 405 ... 782
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Iron Man (Movie and Sequels)
« on: October 24, 2012, 01:35 PM »
I watched the trailer last night.  The dialogue from Tony that acknowledged the events of The Avengers was interesting.  It seems like they definitely want to maintain some continuity in the Marvel universe.  As for the other dialogue?  I'm wondering if that was James Badge Dale, who I believe might be playing the Iron Patriot.  And the shots of Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin?  Those were interesting, albeit I was surprised to see him with a pistol.

I'm sure we'll see some more trailers in a couple of months.

Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: October 24, 2012, 01:32 PM »
They must be planning a multipack down the line that's going to feature Bilbo, Gandalf and all of the dwarves.  But I think that Bridge Direct wants to get several other individual figures and multipacks out there before they make that particular offering.

Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:32 AM »
I saw some more of the line at TRU tonight.  And perhaps my initial sighting of the basic carded Bilbo was an anomoly, or I saw a bad batch of figures.  Because the individually carded Bilbo figures from the 3.75" scale line looked much better, and far less glossy than what I had previously seen.

I also saw a 5 pack that features Bilbo, Thorin, Kili, Fili & Dwalin.  That looked okay.  I also saw the deluxe Warg & Orc, as well as some 2-packs.  But I have to say, I'm a little surprised that there are a couple of different price points for the 2-packs.  Prices for 2-packs with Biblo and Gollum were less expensive than the set that features Gandalf and the albino Orc.  It comes across a little odd.  Why not find a middle ground in terms of the price point, and just offer a single line of figure 2-packs?

The Vintage Collection / Re: $5 Vintage Collection @ Five Below
« on: October 20, 2012, 06:32 AM »
Finally seeing TVC figures other than the AOTC wave at 5 Below stores.  I spotted the following today:

___  VC25 - R2-D2 with pop-up lightsaber & drink tray
___  VC26 - Rebel Commando
___  VC38 - Clone Trooper (212th Battalion)

WAVE 6 (2011 WAVE 2)
___  VC44 - Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Landing)
___  VC45 - Clone Trooper
___  VC46 - AT-RT Driver
___  VC47 - General Lando Calrissian
___  VC48 - Weequay (Skiff Master)
___  VC49 - Fi-Ek Sirch (Jedi Knight)

AT-RT Drivers for $5?  Nice!  It's probably one of my favorite Clones in the TVC line.

Interesting to see that a site that I USED TO be affiliated with picked up Jesse's front page posting at JD based on this post I made.  And it's another prime example of someone over at that site not doing his own reporting work.  Hmmmmm.

If we're talking about pairs of themed 2-packs?  I've got a couple of ideas:

-Imperial Snowtrooper & Imperial Snowtrooper Officer
-Hoth Rebel Trooper & Hoth Rebel Officer

-Boba Fett & Han Solo in Carbonite
-2 x Cloud City Wing Guards

-Emporer Palpatine & Darth Vader
-2 x Royal Guards

JD Sports Forum! / Re: MLB 2012
« on: October 19, 2012, 11:17 AM »
I'm not so disappointed that the Yanks didn't advance. Doing that without Mariano Rivera or Derek Jeter just seems unthinkable.

And A-Roid?  What a joke. The guy can't even bat his weight in the post season. He shows no intensity or focus. He deservedly got benched. And then this piece of garbage is more concerned about getting phone numbers from hot chicks in the front row than working with the batting coach about why he can't hit anything. TRADE HIM!

The Vintage Collection / Re: $5 Vintage Collection @ Five Below
« on: October 17, 2012, 10:30 PM »
Are they shipping the corrected stormtroopers, or the ones with the messed up helmet paint?

I neglected to post about the Stormtroopers.  They were there, too.  And the helmet paint actually looked decent.  But I have so many Stormtroopers that I passed.  I just picked up an AT-RT Driver and a Senate Guard.

The Vintage Collection / $5 Vintage Collection @ Five Below
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:44 PM »
Finally seeing TVC figures other than the AOTC wave at 5 Below stores.  I spotted the following today:

___  VC25 - R2-D2 with pop-up lightsaber & drink tray
___  VC26 - Rebel Commando
___  VC38 - Clone Trooper (212th Battalion)

WAVE 6 (2011 WAVE 2)
___  VC44 - Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Landing)
___  VC45 - Clone Trooper
___  VC46 - AT-RT Driver
___  VC47 - General Lando Calrissian
___  VC48 - Weequay (Skiff Master)
___  VC49 - Fi-Ek Sirch (Jedi Knight)

AT-RT Drivers for $5?  Nice!  It's probably one of my favorite Clones in the TVC line.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Five Discussion Thread
« on: October 14, 2012, 06:41 PM »
I watched the episode last night.  Honestly, it was kind of "MEH".  I saw some echoes of the Onderon storyline from KOTOR II, but aside from that I don't know if this really advanced the story of the series all that much.

The Ahsoka / Lux storyline seems to have been advanced.  The only notable thing on that front that was communicated in a halfway interesting fashion were Anakin's comments to Ahsoka about attachment.  An exercise in foreshadowing?  Perhaps.

Feedback / Re: shmashwitdaclub's feedback
« on: October 13, 2012, 05:04 PM »
Just completed a transaction with Justin yesterday.  Great communication, and everything was taken care of in a timely fashion.  Oh, and he does a great packing/shipping job, too.  A very positive experience all the way 'round.   

Thanks again!

The Original Trilogy / Re: Things I never noticed before
« on: October 12, 2012, 08:52 PM »
While watching the opening scene from Jedi, I caught for the first time (never crossed my mind) that the Vader's shuttle comes from a regular Star Destroyer and not Executor.  I wonder why that is?

I would think about it more from a cinematic standpoint:  what's the opening shot of A New Hope?  The Star Destroyer!  That opening shot of ANH that follows the crawl is the Tantive IV and that massive form of the Star Destroyer's hull as it flies over the camera.  That shot blew the minds of many a movie-goer.

George Lucas is very much about these recurring themes in his films.  And I suspect that the opening to Return of the Jedi with the tilt down to the Death Star II and Endor, followed by the Star Destroyer passing overhead is that recurring theme returning, effectively bookending ANH and ROTJ.

I suspect that the Imperial Star Destroyer was used specifically for that cinematic device, and not for any particular plot point.  And to that end, it may have also been an instance where the Star Destroyer model was much more appropriate for that shot than the model for the Executor.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:33 AM »
what pack was this guy from?

plus the seller has it listed wrong.  In the listing above he says you get "5x" but clearly he meant "1" because he has other auctions of the same figure for "5x" and has the correct picture and I am guessing the correct price.

It looks like Clone Trooper Echo, but without the blue hand stamp on his armor.

Added:  12 CW18 Commander Fox to HAVES

Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: October 9, 2012, 07:56 PM »
I saw some of the new figures at TRU this week.  The 6" scale Thorin actually looks decent, and could easily fit in with the previously offered LOTR figures from ToyBiz.

But the 3.75" scale figures?  That's another story entirely.  The characters that are more to scale, like the Elves and Orcs look okay.  Legolas looked fine.  The orc with the Warg looks alright.  And the Goblin looks okay (even if I haven't seen a production still of the character).  But these figures start losing it with the Dwarves.  The Dwarves are kind of marginal in terms of details, deco and sculpt. 

And then there's Bilbo!  OMG!!!  If you can't get the main character in the film series to look right as a figure in the 3.75" scale, you should seriously consider NOT offering a 3.75" scale figure line.  And let's be honest:  that 3.75" scale Bilbo figure looks like a mess!  Hobbits just seem a bit too small to work at this scale.  The paint apps look way too glossy, and I think it's going to hurt the appeal of the figure.  And since Bilbo's the central character, it could hurt the line as a whole.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Who Wants More Ewoks?
« on: October 9, 2012, 07:46 PM »
With Lumat on the way in the web only wave, Hasbro is definitely going to be turning a major corner with the Ewoks.  And it's pretty amazing to look at the number of Ewoks we've gotten over the past 2 years!

Hasbro may want to dial it back a little bit from here on in.  Perhaps 1 carded Ewok per year, and a deluxe type offering:  catapults or gliders.  Or maybe even a set with the new(er) Paploo and the new Speederbike would be cool, too.

They could also consider doing sets with the Rebels on spits and a couple of Ewoks carrying each spit.  And even then, that might be stretching things.

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