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Messages - Jesse James

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: I finally
« on: January 7, 2006, 02:41 AM »
Where's that "hi and welcome to last week" picture?  And can we update it to "hi and welcome to about the mid to late 90's"?

Newbies / Re: Greetings from Mattdude
« on: January 6, 2006, 06:47 AM »

I'll try to maintain the honor and integrity that the name demands. :)

Once you know Matt (the Original), you'll see how bloody funny that was.  :D


Hey Hasbro! / Re: A good Boba!
« on: January 6, 2006, 06:42 AM »
VOTC you mean?  Not really, they're gone from retail in most areas.  Made brief appearances at closeout places like Family Dollar (I got a couple commons there) and some place called Tuesday Morning but that's it.

Lando's abound at many TRU's here though...  I hear Yoda and Lando are common elsewhere but I've not heard any other VOTC lingering anywhere else.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: January 6, 2006, 06:39 AM »
Yeah Matt's always had good luck when he had a heavy commute as I recall, I'm sure he can relay any further data, but the JediMAC always did well compared to what I was finding, haha.  And I know Slothus has great luck out that direction...  And Rob just boggles my mind.  I wish I could have found half the army builders he has.

I'm still sorta desperate for VOTC Stormtroopers and it kills me not having more than one Wookiee Heavy Gunner. T hat figure kicks so much ass I want at least 5 but I found one and one only.  And that sucks ass, to put it quite simple.

VOTC Stormies I found, but never in the numbers that I can say I passed on them.  And I got a number through trades too.  I found probably 20 on my own though, maybe slightly less like 15, and most at full price.  That was great to me at the time but I hear some people found dozens and some at as low as $3 each...  I'm just astonished and wish I had had such good fortune.  It's a figure I'd still be buying if I saw it.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: RED ARC Trooper?
« on: January 6, 2006, 06:35 AM »
My god those prices.

Guys, without a doubt put out feelers on the boards here if you need stuff.  I got my Red ARC off one of the forum members.  And remember your local groups are your friends.  If you haven't sought out who you're competing with at the stores, do so, because my local group has found a lot of goodies for me plus they're some of my best friends I'm proud to say at the Pittsburgh and more broadly the PSWCS groups.

But ouch, $30 just hurts me to hear it...  Definitely throw out lists to see if people have what you want in our classifieds/trading area.  I've gotten a LOT of help and done as much as I can to help out...  Red ARC was one I couldn't find either but it IS possible to find just for on the cheap through trading if you can't find it "out there".

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Carkoon Wave
« on: January 6, 2006, 03:54 AM »
I got my first Saga figure tonight.  Good old Lobster Bib Fortuna...

Sculpt, fantastic...  Paintjob's pretty great too, I don't see much complaint there that I've been reading...

I do now see what people meant about the articulation though, and to say it's overly critical is not something I agree with.  To me, Hasbro could have definitely done this figure's arm articulation justice by making the shoulders swivel.  I think, had I designed him, the first fold on the back of each arm would have been slit, as would have the first fold on the front, and the plastic would have been a more flexible PVC.  This would have allowed a shoulder joint under the robe, and for the arms to pose forward and back.  This would have made the figure more passable...  As he stands though, you're basically getting one solid piece of plastic that is sculpted nicely but lacks as a toy which it ultimately is at the end of the day.

I'm not a fan of the gaping jaw sorta "duh" look on his face too...  It's not horrible though and I think pictures make it look worse than it is.  The belt knife bit is great...  Fantastic little detail.

And yeah his neck nads are weird...  Not sure they were so pronounced but whatever.

Great paintjob IMO, even on the head/face.  I see lots of layers, lots of fading/color changes.  That's a lot of work really.

I have to say I'm not really upset, but I do think Hasbro's capable of more creative thinking to make a figure poseable that's limited by such robes.  It's all about expecting more though for your $.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: January 6, 2006, 03:43 AM »
I picked up Bib at WM tonight...  One of 3 Bibs and no other figures on the pegs.  At least I could pick out a reasonably non-horrific face paintjob.

I'm seeing some of the flaws people are up in arms (no pun) about with this figure.  It's far from perfect.  I'd give it a mediocre, and when compared to Meena Tills, Ask Aak, or Mas Ameda from last year this figure is a major letdown really. 

I won't say letdown for me personally but I see some of the points out there...  He's passable by my standards on figures like this, but yeah I can see how it could have easily have been done better for poseability and not lost much in looks.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Animated Figs in TSC?
« on: January 6, 2006, 03:41 AM »
I'm actually not into the animated figures...  For my $ I'm more a fan of realistic figure sculpts than the animated style irregardless of how true to the toon the figures are.  Not to be a downer to those who do like them though of course.  I just am more a fan of the 3.75" line and it having a unified look.

The animated line, kinda like all the other sub-lines at this point, I feel are just a negative impact on the basic/ultra lines that focus on the 3.75" figures.

For my money, realistic sculpts of the CW Toon figures would be graet.  Not the CW line figs, but more along the lines of actually looking as the characters did in the cartoons, but with a realistic sculpt.  That I would be all in favor for.  They'd fit iin as part of the basic line then to me.

The animated figs are cool in a way but just not something I'd want to see more of at this point.  Actually, after the 5 pack that had Ani and Assajj in it, I was really hoping more (and better) figures were on the way.  Those were really lame attempts but had glimmers of hope in them.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:51 PM »
No, as I have warned you, and you are now responsible.

Feedback / Re: JesseVader08's feedback
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:47 PM »
Jesse got me some clothing items that I took FOREVER to pay him for.  I appreciated his help though and he shipped them LONG before I even paid him.  Great guy, very trustworthy.

"Now you cut yourself and get to your room Mr."

Newbies / Re: Hello What is up?
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:20 PM »
I wonder if it was a very green couple of days in England and India?  Or Ohio for that matter.

Hey Rebel Girl, what's round on the ends and hi in the middle?

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:18 PM »
No, just Texas.  :)

I swear that's the land of milk and honey for finding ****.  Everywhere else sucks though, save for perhaps Darth Slothus' area of operation in Cali.

I can attest that Pittsburgh had NOTHING near the quantity Rob was fortunate enough to get. :)  If you're moving to the States, keep on going once you cross the border because we ain't got jack or **** in Pittsburgh and Jack just skipped town.

Newbies / Re: Hello What is up?
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:11 PM »
What, no homework?

Newbies / Re: Hello What is up?
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:08 PM »
India and England?  Holy cow Blimey!

Did you get in the WWE while you were training in India and England?

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