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Messages - Lestat

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Modern Trading / H: VSTC Sandperson W: VSTC Biker Scout
« on: March 14, 2006, 02:49 PM »
VSTC- Tusken Raider (sandperson) (MOC minus the UGH send away sticker)
ROTS- Clone Commander
Clone Wars cartoon- Arc Trooper (red- pending)
Internet Exclusive- Wedge Antilles (pending)

ROTS- Blue Saber Palpatine

Non Star Wars (Marvel legends and Misc.)

ML3 Unmasked Wolverine (loose)

ML2 Namor (loose Complete minus Trident)

ML 10 Mr. Sinister (minus Sentinel piece)

S6 box set Green goblin (loose complete)

MS Black Spidey (minus the base)

Trenchcoat Movie Hellboy

Apocalypse Pieces-
Left Arm (no arm tube)
Lower Torso
Right leg (x2)

Loki (from the TB Avengers series) (loose complete)

Skifell From Conan series 1 -7.00 shipped

Mattel Mr. Freeze-7.00 shipped

Matttel Killer Croc -7.00 shipped

SC Mecha Rhino- 7.00 shipped

VSTC Biker Scout (multiple)
Cantina scene figures- Ponda baba, Dr. Evazan and that big cricket guy, the ones that come with the bar stools
Outlander Nightclub figures- All

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: March 14, 2006, 09:49 AM »
Ultimately I think we would all be more satisfied if the waves were more consistent as far as the EU. Obviously a whole EU wave wouldn't sell but, as someone suggested, they could commit to tossing in an EU figure where it fit (much like Scorch, sort of). If instead of making the themes around certain battles but planets of significance they could do 5 Canon and one EU (or whatever) every wave. And they could toss in PT character also. Think about it, Mara Jade, Quigonn and Darth Maul could have all been in a Tatooine wave, Coruscant could have had just about every one from the PT to the EU (we could get all of the solo kids, it would have to be multiple waves). Yavin could have Kyp Durron, Exar Kun, Biggs Darklighter, Crix Madine, Jedi Master Luke, etc. etc. It's a pipe dream I know, but it would be nice.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: VOTC Jedi Luke v1.5 (w/ NEW HAIR)
« on: March 13, 2006, 03:32 PM »
Here's one I did about a year ago. It's a 6 inch version of Jango Fett. I made him as part of a series of figures for custom con I called Star Wars legends.

Epic force Boba Fett head and backpack
ML Punisher body
Armor- scuplted

Mace Windu was also done while I was on my 6 inch Star wars kick of last year but was not done as a part of custom con

Head: Mcfarlane Shaft
Body: ML Punisher
Torso: Epic Force Obi Wan

I actually am in the process of redoing Mace with a cloth tunic. I got sidetracked though so we'll see if I end up finishing him.

Wow I was just looking through your thread and your paint skills are excellent! I saw your Ewok on the fwoosh and was amazed at how well executed he was. Brilliant idea. Your Imperial field officer is a very smart original concept. I like it most because it's an original idea that looks like it could fit right into the SW universe without missing a step. Have you ever done a tutorial on painting? I'd really like to see what your process is.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: VTSC Series 3?
« on: March 12, 2006, 07:57 PM »
I'd like to see:

Bespin Luke
Bespin Han
Bespin Leia
Jedi Luke
Royal Guard
Gamorrean Guard
Grand moff Tarkin

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: VOTC Jedi Luke v1.5 (w/ NEW HAIR)
« on: March 12, 2006, 06:06 PM »
Thanks guys, the nail polish trick worked like a charm. I think I'm calling this one done. I appreciate all of the comments and critiques. :)

Does anyone have one of the two headed Evil dead Ash figures to spare?

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: VOTC Jedi Luke v1.5 (w/ NEW HAIR)
« on: March 11, 2006, 12:56 PM »
<sigh> Any tips on how to fix the fraying? I was considering maybe burning it a bit. Then again you can only tell close up....

Finish this custom, I never will :D

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: VOTC Jedi Luke v1.5 (w/ NEW HAIR)
« on: March 11, 2006, 09:53 AM »
Hey guys, I just posted the moddded pics, please let me know what you think!

Man, I wish I had found this thread sooner! PM sent.

Wow, awesome stuff. How did you attach the head on your slave leia?

I really like that Eon J'Toul custom. He has that grimy war torn look that fits right into the star wars universe. Awesome work!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: VOTC Jedi Luke
« on: March 10, 2006, 01:56 PM »
I actually ended up modifying the hair slightly using the Saga Han in Carbonite and the Sideshow figure as models. After looking at it I did see that it could use a bit more shape and less volume (I feel like I'm in a Vidal Sasson commercial). I'll post pics as soon as the apoxie dries. Thanks for all your comments :)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: VOTC Jedi Luke
« on: March 10, 2006, 10:20 AM »
Ok so what is the consensus on the hair? Is it badly sculpted or is it just too big? :-\ It was based on the way the Saga luke's hair looked, which had that 70's afro/feathered thing going on. I was afraid to take too much license on it because I wanted it to look as close to the movie as possible but after reading the comments I think I'm going to give Luke a trim ;) But then again Hamil didn't have the best hair in that movie anyway...hmmm think on this i will. Thanks for all of your comments and the warm welcome !!

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