Welp, I'm late, but I'm voting... So tough.
1) New Rebel Fleet Trooper... Yes, he does suck and needs a new figure. What's he gonna have? Well I'm glad I asked because here it comes...
-Removeable helmet with thin rubbery strap (Check out the X-treme Detail paratroopers. It's 100% feasible!!!)
-Functioning holster with PROPERLY scaled blaster.
-Removeable vest with pliable plastic (Not that rigid job the POTJ figure got).
-3 unique 1970's hairstyled head variants. Yup, 70's are back and we're gonna get that old fart that dropped faster than a dress on prom night when the stormies blasted in.
-14 points of articulation including a ball/socket shoulder as well as the swivel-pin joint knee.
-And if I did him, he'd get a couple EU accessories like a bandoleir of grenades and a shoulder sachel.
2) Yavin Rebel Technician... He'd come with multiple articulation points, a removeable tech helmet (Minus the neck piece the soldiers wear), a couple tools, and a removeable headset incase you want him working in the war room.
3) Reissue of the CT Stormie... Give him some wrist articulation, a working holster, and maybe swivel-pin knees... Great figure then.
4) Astromech 3-pack (Yeah, 3 figures I know but the thing's done so my vote isn't important anyway). 3 different decos, 3 different heads... Hell, they could even make variants of this pack and we all know we'd buy them in bulk!
5) Sauron 2-pack... I want em both from the Cantina.
6) Hem Dazon... He needs it folks! First alien in the Cantina we see. I want him!
7) Cantina Snitch... I want the human Garof Lafoe... Goes out, tells sandies about Obi's little incident with the thugs.

Rebel Mid-level officer... Brown tunic, tan hat with a yellow emblem... Multiple articulation points, and a removeable hat of course.

Maybe multiple head variants.
9) Rebel Pilot... 3 head variants with 3 helmet variants. You get Gold Leader, Red Leader, and a non-descript blue emblemed younger pilot with black visor.
10) And finally, drunk jawa 3-pack... I want drunk jawas by god!