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Messages - Jesse James

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: Ultimate Lucas Collection
« on: May 18, 2006, 02:11 AM »
I'm in a holding pattern to pick my set up...  They're nice figures, if not all obscure and boring, which is just what the FC needs to be catering to...

Those legs sculpt are a bit funny...  And I think generous.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Imperial Shuttle??
« on: May 18, 2006, 02:09 AM »
$60 sounds about right for Hasbro...  Not for anyone else mind you, just Hasbro.  :)  Things move just fine at $40 or $50+ in other toy lines, it's just Star Wars that seems to have been snake-bitten for whatever reason.

The Shuttle's cool but it's mostly air when you think about it...  Big flat wings and a small hull.  Not a lot to it, so I'm never pleased much by Hasbro prices on vehicles...  Unless this is packed with something special I'm pissed off that I want, then I'll happily pass on it myself.  I dread what pack-ins it has though...  The Sand Crawler's droid repaint really pissed me off at the time, and I wound up lucking out on it by finding someone who only wanted the vehicle to get me the droid...  Not so sure I cna pull that off with a shuttle though.   ::)

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Endor Wave
« on: May 18, 2006, 02:04 AM »
Ya know, I'd like a single-piece "dead" character packed in with any army builder as an accessory.  it'd beat the hell out of a stand and mini-holo figure that isn't a mini-holo from the movies...

A lump of Ewok with a little "smoke" bit coming off its body is kind of funny really...  pack that in with the Chirpa figure and that'd be realy cool though I like the Chirpa figure anyway...  The gear looks acceptable to me for him...  The knife w/scabard (looks functional to me actually), the cane/club, and the headdress...  For Chirpa I'm ok with that.

What we need for Ewoks though, more than anything, is a 4-pack of the Teebo figure with multiple styled headdresses.  All 4 woks painted uniquely, and pack-in bows/quivers, spears, clubs, and maybe a sling or something.  I have plenty 'o E-11's to hand out to them too myself though.  That's a mix/match 4-pack of Ewok Warrior Goodness I'd buy in some bulk.  Just swap headdresses and you'd have a number of combinations you could go with on them...  I love Ewok figures though, so the more the merrier to me.

Jerjerrod still sucks...  Though I can honestly say I DON'T want a Tarkin head swap.  I want an all-new Tarkin at some point, and would love if he had his little office chair.  He needs a new figure though, its own sculpt...  He's a tiny guy.

This is a good wave to look forward to though overall.  That Gunner and Ewok make it worth hunting down early IMO.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Soft Goods Finally Acceptable?
« on: May 18, 2006, 01:56 AM »
I'm a big proponent to softgoods features on action figures in this scale.  While I don't think they're ALWAYS the best option, I do think they should be used any time they are helping a figure's poseability.  So Jedi robes, any "cape", etc., skirt pieces, and the like...  These are good.

The trenchcoat that came with Han is amazing to me, and I think it's proof of how softgoods just make the toy better...  Does it look "real"?  No, but a plastic coat's going to hinder articulation, even the best flexible plastic would've unfortunately.  And Han's coat looks GOOD...  not great, not perfect, but good, and for a toy that's what it should strive for I think over looking perfect.

Sculpt/likeness has its set of rules, but when a character's outfit impedes a toy's playability I feel that the sculpt accuracy needs to take a back seat to the toy's quality as just that, a toy.  So the cloth coat is all good to me.

For my money, I like Greedo's vest a lot...  Fabric texture is important in how the cloth comes off aesthetically on the toy I think, so for me I prefer a thin fabric used on coats/cloaks like a Jedi robe, but with a coarse texturing to the fabric...  It matches up well with the costume's looks in the film.  The thinness of the fabric helps it lay flat on the figure, fold with the figure...  It helps the aesthetics, and the weave of the material gives a nice look of a heavier material.

If you want to see the single best softgoods robe for a Jedi, look at the old Lollipop Mace WIndu (Total Control Mace Windu) From Saga 2002-2003.  THAT figure has great fabric for its robe.  If they sewed full Jedi robes with that, they'd be able to sell them in bulk, I guarantee it.

When I do my reviews here at though, I pick those little details apart...  Is the Jedi robe of the quality of an Evolutions Anakin's robes, or is it a VOTC Obi-Wan's robe?  That's important...  Neither is perfect, but one's clearly better than the other.

On Greedo VTSC, I liked his cloth vest.  I thought it was going to be attrocious, but when I opened the figure it gives a feel of a bulky and "hide" vest...  Like it's an animal skin.  It's kind of neat really.  And Greedo's vest in the film has a fuzz look to it sort of...  It's plain and flat, it's brownish-orange...  I thnk Hasbro nailed it.  And with the vest being one singel piece cut and only sewn at the sides, it's really not bulked up by excess fabric at the seams...  It's pretty spiffy I think.  To me Hasbro has a winner on that one. :)

It even covers the holster if you want, or you can have Greedo push it back over the gun for a cool gunslinging look.  To me it's far superior to fabric for those reasons, but does it look better than Commtech Greedo's vest?  It's a better color but the sculpted vest is more contoured and stuff to the figure...  For my money though, the cloth vest makes the better toy...  I'll take the cloth vest then over CTGreedo's plastic vest.

My CT Greedos have all been pushed into my Jabba's Thugs army now, and VTSC Greedo reigns supreme over all the others, hands down.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Terrible Previously Released Figures
« on: May 18, 2006, 01:33 AM »
Saga 2002 + is almost entirely a letdown for me...  That was my lowest point in collecting ever.  Pre-posed figures, lacking articulation, pissy sculpts galore, action features a-plenty.

There's a lot to hate about that era...  If I had to label a worst it would be the screaming Mace that OCB posted.  Utter bull**** figure.

POTF2 I don't believe sucked overall.  It sucks more by comparison to today's standards, but still like was noted there's a lot of winners in there too.  The Cantina 3-pack is POTF2, the Pilots 3-pack is POTF2, etc... 

There's a LOT of letdowns too in that era though, no doubt.  And by today's standards many of those aliens aren't as spiffy as they could be.  Nothing is really as good as it could be from that era really.  I'd take most of it resculpted, but some of it I'd be happy with as it is too...  happy enough anyway.

This year's TSC actually has me let down a good bit though...  I'm not to Saga 2002+ levels yet for my disappointment, but I'm not happy that figures went up in price a good bit, distribution is utter bull**** this year, and quality in 2006 isn't where it was in 2005...  The 2005 figures had a lot to like, especially Collection 2 Jedi and whatnot, and now here we are at 2006 and figures just lack the same level of articulation, and other little cutbacks.  If we were paying $5 or $6 a figure (at most) I'd not feel as strongly, but at $7 and $8 a figure, it'd be nice if we could get past 1983 articulation on the legs there at least ya know?  No huge deal, just something to make these more, I dunno, toys than statues.

I'm at 18, mostly bought overseas simply out of a desire to keep my sanity.

I've seen two at retail...  I've got a couple more coming and hope to pick up some more from out of the country here next month to get me to my minimum.  At that point I'll pick up if I can afford them and find them readily.

In my area VTSC hasn't even shown up at WM yet that I'm aware so I'm hoping a big deluge of them comes at some point.  I'd love to walk in and see peg upon peg of VTSC...  Especially for $9.99.  TRU's only gotten a case here and there, nothing major...  Target is our only steady keeper of these it seems.  WM's so out of the game it's not even funny.

For ****'s sake, if you're too stupid to even know what you're scalping, you shouldn't be allowed to sell it.   

That's a classic quote Jesse...

That just screams, "I'm a big sopping wet ******bag out to not only ruin YOUR day for collecting in this hobby, but I also enjoy making sure I piss all over it for children too...  Thank you for helping me get enough money to buy more porn and a swedish suck machine, I need it since I'm sure I'll die alone".

Scalpers suck man...  Scalpers suck.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 Saga Assault Vehicles Line
« on: May 18, 2006, 01:20 AM »
I'm pretty pleased with these vehicle choices...  I'll pick them mostly all up as well...  The Hailfire's scale isn't exact but it's pretty close actually.  The AAT's the same way but it's much closer actually.  The Jedi Fighter looks fantastic in black though, I can't wait to see the final one...  I like the way the Droid vehicles look battle worn too and as if they've been on the front lines for years.

I wish Hasbro would've put a better foot forward and given us NEW $20 pricepoint vehicles though...  Like in particular I'd have liked to see the Corp. Alliance Droid Tank from the Kashyyyk Landings...  :(  Pack-in a poseable battledroid to ride it and it's a smash hit I think.  I'm surprised we didn't see more of the $15 line though myself...  BARCS, RT's, and Wookiee Copters sold really well this past year.

I think though, Hasbro's seeing that $20 or less = sales...  $30 = some sales, but some stagnation on the shelves...  $40+ = exclusives turf, and risky.

I'm really wishing I'd gotten the two TRU exclusive JSF's for Obi and Ani now. :(  I passed at the time, and now I want them both desperately.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Any TSC Pegwarmers?
« on: May 18, 2006, 01:15 AM »
Update for my area...  Still the same more or less.

-Target's are loaded with Vaders and Derlins...  Sometimes you see something else like Poggle or whatnot, not a lot else though.  I am seeing TONS and TONS now of the Demise of Grievous figure (who'd have thought that  ::) ), and I see lots of the Senate Skirmish set at SOME Targets...  Others, not so much.

-TRU...  Pretty different as they just restocked.  They put out lots of Geonosis and Coruscant Waves, and now the usual suspects of both waves linger...  Lushros, Gummy Ki-Adi, Poggle, C-3PO (I see him a bit more lately oddly enough), and some still had a handful of Hoth remnants like Derling but not much.

I'm also now seeing lots of Gunships at some TRU's...  Kind of like the skirmish battlepack.  Some have only 2 or 3, while one I saw the other day had as many as 10 if not more Gunships.

-Wal-Mart...  Mostly Geonosis remnants though a few have Lushros and Gummi Ki-adi too...  And Vader.  They have Vader in abundance just like Target.

VTSC isn't pegwarming really but I do see Greedo and Han semi-routinely.  Luke and the Scout I never see ever, and I've seen Sand People once or twice but they were gone when I was back where I saw them.

I also hardly see VTSC at all at TRU (only at one I frequent actually) and I've yet to see any sign of VTSC at Wal-Mart here at all.  No pegs for them, and no space at all I can see....  I only see VTSC regularly now at Target.

Conventions / Re: Wizard World Philly 2006
« on: May 18, 2006, 01:08 AM »
I saw some of the S2 Hot Toyz figs at the toy show out here last time it was around...  Good luck on those.  They're worth it.  YOu can usually get a case for under $100 on Ebay too though.  They're worth picking up man, trust me. :)

I happen to have a Saga Landspeeder w/Luke...  I think.

LMK if you're interested in it if you want, just drop me a PM.

Other Collectibles / Re: Star Wars Battleship Game
« on: May 18, 2006, 12:58 AM »
Yeah there's actually an electronic SW Battleship out from Tiger Electronic (I think) or something...  I know this because I have it.  It's not in a fold-up case like that, it's a full buildable board, but all it is, basically, is electronic battleship with SW sounds and ships...

The cool thing at the time (I got my set on clearance) was that you could order more ships and pieces and there was a game that featured calling in back-up and new ships...  It's really interesting.

The game has a single-player feature to play the computer too.  I lose every time to it, and think it's sort of BS but it's still fun.  I've played the kids at the regular game though and it's pretty great.

Feedback / Re: Jim's (pka rebeltrader) feedback
« on: May 18, 2006, 12:50 AM »
Jim and I just completed a trade smooth as can be...  Thanks man, I appreciate it greatly! :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: May 18, 2006, 12:47 AM »
Meh...  I'm not surprised by any of the tirade's randomness.

I actually agree to an extent though that the GameCube's superior to the PS2...  it is in my eyes anyway.  I've appreciated it more than the PS2 I play with the kids.

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Episode III ~ The Video Game
« on: May 18, 2006, 12:44 AM »
Hmmm, I wasn't really impressed myself...

I felt the game was a bit cartoony and kid-oriented.  It didn't aim for realism or immersion into the SW universe at all.  It was really just a hack & slash game for SW ala all the LOTR Trilogy releases in the same genre...  I felt it lacked something because of that.

Graphically it was imrpessive to look at though...  It included some pseudo-cut-scenes from the films too in a loose sense of how they were to be played out in the movie like the Jedi in the fuel tank and stuff.

As far as game play goes though, the whole style of this genre isn't my cup of tea.  I prefer shooters, RPG's, Strategy, or Simulation games...  We're long overdue for good ones of most of those save for Strategy.

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