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Messages - Jesse James

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Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC Star Wars Miniatures
« on: May 30, 2006, 05:19 PM »
I've really gotta army build with the minis here and get off my duff about it...  I bought a while with the RS series then just quit because of cost and disappointment in not being able to get/afford characters like Kyle Katarn that I know I'd want.

Perhaps it's time to start buying lots of commons on ebay or something...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: May 30, 2006, 12:49 AM »
F is for fire that burns down everything...
U is for uranium bombsssssss...
N is for no survivorsssss...
And that's how I spell fun!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday DSJ!
« on: May 30, 2006, 12:47 AM »
Happy birthday Dale, hope you had a good one man...  Our hardest working mod deserves a good day at the office. ;)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: May 28, 2006, 10:00 PM »
I'm smellin' some bull****. :)  This is fun though, remember?

Newbies / Re: Newbie in Ohio
« on: May 28, 2006, 09:59 PM »
Welcome aboard.  I'm glad to see our Ohio brothers coming over and joining in...  Tell your friends to come on board.  OUr "Finds" section is protected so it helps to cut down on the lurkers in that area possibly taking advantage of you guys.

I'm from Pittsburgh, not far from you Columbus guys...  Good to have you aboard.  :)  Doug Schroeder's a good friend of mine from out your way.  I work with him via FFURG but I've known him for a lot longer than my time with that site.

Have fun, and ask if you've got a question or anything...

And of course, welcome aboard

But if I am going to pay $10-$15 for an exclusive and they are going to make exclusives anyway, I'd much rather prefer to have some all new stuff rather than rehashed for the 3rd time EU Crap.

I agree with Scott about the pricing...  I don't personally mind the figure, but considering you're not getting much of anything new there, that is what sucks...  But yeah I don't mind the figure myself.  I figured when we got the Royal Guard in ROTS's line that a Kir Kanos was pretty inevitable to come out in one form or another.

At $10 - $15 though, Hasbro really should be delivering VOTC/VTSC quality NEW figures considering that's what they're charging us price-wise.  Not repaints and rehashes.

So I kind of like the figure but not the price...  How often is that the case in this line though?  That's been pretty much 2006 in a nutshell from the basic figures on to the VTSC really. ;)

The Han Silhouette was kind of funny actually, and I'm certain Pawlus probably had a hand in that...  Cantina Han is sort of the inside joke with collectors.  I recall when it was Tatooine Luke...  Now a new one of him would be a dream to some people.

I would just love a Stormtrooper building pack.

You and me both as long as it's VOTC and priced like the old Stormie army builder packs. :)

To me this 501st's coolest feature are the banners...  They're very earthy little items in that they remind me of the SS banners carried on parade fields during Nazi war rallies...  I like that element of Earth History influencing the design.

True...  But where's that with Star Wars?  That was more what I was getting at though you're right, the Sigma 6 weapons cases are probably some of the more innovative packages to come out in a while.

Be nice if Hasbro put that effort into Star Wars though...  Considering these lines are the same scale, etc...  I'm not sure what they could do though honestly but I'm sure there's something I just can't come up with right now.

These are showing pre-orders now so I can't wait to get a set soon I hope...  I gotta get Wave 2 first I think, but I may cave and get these instead simply because they're much more appealing.  Wave 2 of the AvP's were ok in some ways but the two egg bases really felt like a hosejob for the price if you ask me.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Cutting down VTSC Greedo's vest?
« on: May 27, 2006, 12:47 AM »
I think a simple cut across the bottom with a good pair of scissors would shorten it if you wanted...  The fabric isn't a woven one if I'm not mistaken (I'm no seamstress to know too well but I think I'm right) and it should just hold its shape.  The stitching at the seams is what I'd be concerned about unraveling but it could be ok.

Check out the front page here at for our exclusive shots of the SDCC 501st Stormtrooper loose and carded as well as a packaging mock-up of it.

Looks pretty sweet to me...  I can't wait to get at least one but man the 501st banner makes me wish I could get a handful of them.

I'm hoping it's available to buy (laughing at what I'm about to say) for a reasonable price online as I'd not mind having a handful of them...  NOt a lot, but "front men" to a line of Stormtroopers would be cool.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: May 26, 2006, 08:26 PM »
Could be Chewbacca instead of bigfoot...  Damn squashsnatch or squishsquash or whatever those are.

Be our guest, though hopefully we'll get a scanned shot of it earlier...  I hope.  I didn't get my catalogue today...  EE's slow to send stuff to me actually. 

This isn't a surprise either way to me, but it's a cool exclusive I think...  The price sucks considering it's already a mold they have...  I assume they're using the ROTS sculpt as it's perfect IMO and it'll be a  nice poseable version of the figures.  I just hope they give him some good accessories and don't **** out on those.  For the price we at least deserve vibroblade staffs.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: May 26, 2006, 08:21 PM »
It is quite funky the way they patchworked it together...  It's pretty far along in production though because a complete figure is there it seems, just not complete packaging and a funky coat...  Weird stuff.

Dude, SO damn excited it's in LA.  I am more than willing to sit in traffic rather than having to spend money on a hotel.  I'll be sure to get a FC membership next year to cash in on the 1st day entry.  Can't wait!!!

ANd when you do make sure to put in your vote for...  oh wait.

Anycrap, I'm debating on this, and about to ask my significant other if she'll make the trip...  I'm plugging my ears to avoid them being blown out by her screaming because of where it is...

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