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Messages - Ryan

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Kenner Fetts have arrived... en masse (in the Denver area). I originally skipped the preorder on this and was planning on just skipping him altogether. The Fett tax was high for a gimmicky repaint. But then I saw him in person last week and the paint apps looked nice and he looked really good carded. I caved and bought two.

At first last week, one Target near me only had a few that had just come out of the case. But within the last week and a half all the Targets near me are drowning in 6-10 Fetts each. It feels like there may be some clearances in this guy's future... Which would be alright. I feel like he makes a good generic Children of the Watch stand-in and would maybe pick up a few if the price dropped enough (below $10).

If anyone missed this set and still wants it, ShopDisney has them for $29.99 again.

I just bought one to make a Jabba's palace and I'm going to take the small throne and put a deluxe Baba Fett on it.

That's my plan as well. I could not justify the $460.00 for two identical sets that I barely would have room to display anyways. If they do end up making a Jabba's specific version later, I'd potentially consider it, but it would have to include some very special unique pieces in it for me to even remotely consider justifying buying another one of these.

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Jedi Survivor.
« on: May 5, 2023, 03:44 PM »
I definitely play the same way in these kinds of games. It took me well over 500 hours of playing Skyrim before I completed the main quest line.

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Jedi Survivor.
« on: May 5, 2023, 04:45 AM »
I just started my first play through tonight and am still on Coruscant. The visuals, sound, and lore so far have been amazing. The opening level is very reminiscent of what the old 1313 could have been. I am really looking forward to playing this through.

EA is still be my least favorite publisher, but I love what Respawn has been able to do with this series so far. I’m excited to see where this story is headed. Games like this really do make me more annoyed that EA had the exclusive SW rights for so long. I really wish we’d get more high quality AAA story driven games from different studios. I’d love 1-2 per year if the writing quality & gameplay was up to par. For what should be one of the hottest IPs out there, we don’t get nearly enough new SW games.

I’m also definitely in the camp that wouldn’t mind seeing a Cal Kestis crossover in Ahsoka or any of the other live-action shows. I’m glad Hasbro finally gave us a figure of him. I’d love to see them make of the rest of the crew & some of the more obscure characters (non-army builders.)

I really don’t think we could go wrong here, but that top 10 looks great. Not sure how I left Sandtroopers out of my top 10, we really need them updated to the new Stormtrooper sculpt.

Ended up tweaking my list to be sure to include the Hutt Twins. I hope they show up again in future seasons.

The Grand Inquisitor looks pretty true to his appearance in the OWK series.  I'm sure that some 3D printer is already working on a replacement head that's more true to his appearance in REBELS.  I've seen some Black Series versions that look pretty amazing.

The Inquisitor really stands out for me.

The Grand Inquisitor looks bang on to the source material. Really couldn’t ask for more on Hasbro’s part with this guy. I do of course wish LFL would have made his OWK appearance more accurate to the Rebels look, but that’s another matter entirely. I too will be very interested to see what kinds of alternative head sculpts the customizing community comes up with. As is I’m down for two of him for now, and may get a third to swap out heads eventually.

For just simple repaints, I really dig these. This set is such a cool nod to Star Wars & Kenner history. Hopefully we will see some fully packaged images soon. I wonder if the two-pack packaging will be similar to the Zuckuss & 4-LOM CV exclusive set? I’d be down for more figures from this sun-line, whether that is Logray, other Ewoks, or all new tooling on some other Ewoks figures. The packaging style is really neat. I went ahead and preordered two.

The Ewoks & Droids cartoons were before my time, but I’ve been watching them on Disney+ lately. I’m not sure how well they stand the test of time for those of us who don’t have any nostalgia associated with them… but I’ve still found some enjoyment in them. The theme song sure gets stuck in your head, and not ina good way. My wife and I randomly will start singing it to each other.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Deluxe TM Paz Vizsla
« on: May 5, 2023, 03:33 AM »

Still nothing. Maybe they meant Hawaii Time?

My list, in no order of preference.

  • Blurgg -- (The Mandalorian)
  • Boba's Rancor - (TBOBF)
  • Mudhorn -- (The Mandalorian)
  • Bantha -- (ANH / The Mandalorian)
  • Hutt Twins -- (TBOBF)
  • Large Knobby White Ice Spider -- (The Mandalorian)
  • Loth-Wolf & Loth-Cat -- [realistic-style] (Rebels / Ahsoka)
  • Bor Gullet -- Rogue One
  • Ray Harryhausen-style Sand Beast -- (TBOBF)

Did Clone Captain Howzer ever go up for preorder anywhere yet? That’s not a Walmart exclusive, just part of a regular wave, right?


Pretty sure he has not, just like the rest of the wave (Bunker Han, Piett, & ROTJ Vader).

They don't have anything particularly rare, but KidsWarehouse currently has some discounted TVC & Black Series figures, including a few TVC figures at $6.99 & 501st Clones for under $10.

Here's my list, in no particular order of preference. It was hard to get down to 10. Overall I have really liked these sets. I'll happily take a single-carded version of any of these new tools before the army pack if that's what it takes Hasbro to make them.

  • Pyke Syndicate - (TBOBF)
  • Imperial Army Troopers -- (Andor)
  • Rebel Pathfinders -- (Rogue One)
  • Rebel Pilots (Red Squadron) -- (Rogue One)
  • Rebel Commandos (Endor) -- (ROTJ)
  • Rebel Soldiers (Endor) -- (ROTJ)
  • Rebel Pilots (Blue Squadron) - [Mix of 2 X-Wing & 2 U-Wing Pilots] -- (Rogue One)
  • Imperial Hovert Tank Drivers + Crew -- (Rogue One)
  • Imperial Beskar Jet Troopers -- (The Mandalorian Season 3)
  • Imperial Navy Troopers -- (ANH)

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