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Messages - PenDragon

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touché!   8)

and whilst thou hast proclaimed that thou art worked but up not in the least, i feel it imperitive to mention that no offence or closed-mindedness was intended.

mayhap i was being too literal-minded... part is, after all, parts...

i blame the complete lack of sleep, 12 hour days @ work, & a recent overdose  of shakespeare   :D

I am not sure how much I would want for any of them to have a Hoth look to them but that's just me.

Maybe the Naboo Wave Yellow guard would be a good base for some of them.  Repainting that figure in gray with some sort of helmet might look cool.  I think that before too long that figure will be very easy to get...

...For the Security Forces I may be in the minority but I definitely think that that should be taken care of by a single person or a small group....

You got some dern good points there... Hoth seems kinda climate-specific, the naboo guy (with a new head) is a great generic base, and the sec-forces should be uniform, or they wouldn't be a good, field-able sec-force...

In fact I have another design in mind for it but it's probably way too late.
If there's no "winner" yet, (and, heck, even if there is) I don't think any of us would mind seeing your take on the subject ;)

I never intended for all the rebels to look the same. That is why I stated that they would not be the organised army that they were during the OT era. I stated that there would be little or no organization, hence no uniforms....

This makes a bit more sense to me - That way we can all participate & feel more like we're each a part of the project.... But that's just my opinion.  :-\

I'd tend to agree, but what if the winner doesn't have the time, or worse yet, the money to do up a squad of these folk?

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Duel of the Sith - The Betrayal (Comic)
« on: October 12, 2006, 11:08 AM »
I dig it! And I think I like the comic style better - gives me a chance to take in the images & story at the same time. Leaves me feeling less disjointed than the widescreen format....

And I like the story so far (as my avatar here attests to). But I'm fairly certain that no one that I know "masks in the glow of his recent victory" ("basks" might work better here)  ;)  :D

Other than that one thing, he story is quite nicely intriguing, and I love the sets, customs & images! Keep up the awesome work Brent! 8)

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: DS Gun completed pics
« on: October 8, 2006, 08:23 AM »

[hard to comment w/ jaw stuck to floor - perhaps later]

Truly cool work, as always!

Very nice use of the bbi head on Diva Shaliquam - it looks great with your mods! And, of course, very nice work on the soft-goods & details (pants & bracelets) :) Only suggestion might be to cut the swirls on the pants out of something else (styrene?) & glue them on instead of using just paint. Not sure how that'd work with the leather tho... But, what I really want to know is: where'd you get the feet from? They look so very cool... 8)

And the (legendary) Trynfor looks sooooooo bad a$$! Awesome use of the CyGuy trench! The details here (like those buckles and the side-strips) really make the character come to life & the resulting over-all feel really makes him look like he could kill someone. And I s'pose the black color scheme doesn't hurt either... ;)

NICE work with the tats!

I Think this is the tribal dude from the Pirates line? Very cool work on it, M_P! But I have to agree that the face from that one looks a little androgynous...


Ok guys, it looks like one of my commitments MIGHT be fading out soon. And the UGP site is next in line :D

I don't want to make any promises I can't keep, so I won't commit to this right now, but i'll keep y'all updated as I find out more.

Also, Chewie made some nice banners over at Yakface. And I'll be working on a few things here & there when I get the chance, but if anyone would like to offer up some help with the ArtWork, or Web Site, that'd be awesome! ;D

This is great! Thanks for setting it up, MP - and thanks everyone for voting here & at YakFace!

BTW, how long do we have the voting open for? And how will we reconcile the the votes here & at Yak?

Perhaps just limiting the voting to the Yak Poll might keep thing cleaner?

...We don't need any battledroids unless the alliance has repaired them for their own use.
Now that, is an interesting idea...

Nice Work  ;D

Congrats, man!


And don't forget teh Glassman! I took these 4 images from the thread & melded them - streched a little here & there ... but, like I said, just thinking out loud.

just thinking out loud... seeing how some of these concepts would work with the Dantooine-esque world y'all are talking about:

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