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Messages - Jesse James

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Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC SW Miniatures (RPG/CMG/Clix)
« on: May 12, 2005, 04:09 AM »
16.5" high (a hair less) should be the height if the figures are 1/52...  Though their scale seems suspect.  Many are a whole head taller than others.  It's insane with that line at times.

Brent, I too am looking to army build...  I'm trying to build up on the common troops to play under the WEG rules...  I wish they'd whip up a lot more soldiers and just do packs of common troops.   :-\

Newbies / Re: Achuta!
« on: May 12, 2005, 03:48 AM »
Hey JediSearch, welcome aboard....

That's a great link, I've never seen that before.  May come in handy actually from a customizing point of view.  You never know when little resources like that become pretty useful.  You can make your scripts semi-realistic, if you wanted, in dioramas and things.

Anyways, have a good time...  Hope you enjoy the place, and any questions you've got you're welcome to ask.

Modern Classifieds / Re: Anyone want VOTC Bubbles and Cards?
« on: May 12, 2005, 03:36 AM »

I sold a ton over at FFURG's forums to a carded customizer.  You may wanna try that.  His nic there is Mecanno Man.  I dont' think he's on over here.

I agree with Rob...

You wanna blame someone, retail and Hasbro are right there...  Solid cases of Clones would sell.  3-packs of Clones would sell.  Clones sell.  Hasbro doesn't get the figures out there...  That's more the problem.  They shouldn't EVER offer a Clone as an exclusive.  To me, that was a bad move in and of itself.

The "Hoarder" title applies to people with other intents...  They want to trade to help themselves out (I don't necessarilly disagree with this), or the term as I more generally apply it is to people "investing".  Investor maybe is better than hoarder.  The guy who gets all the CLones he can thinking he'll make a buck down the road.  No different than a Scalper...

Army builders...  I know that's at least why SOME of the Clones are gone in my area, I can't fathom it isn't at least part of the reason I can't get a TE Gunner or Commander (Or #41 Clone, or Wookiee Warrior #2) in my area, but I also think scalpers/hoarders(investors) are in the mix there more.  And at least ARmy Builders are my collector buddies just with different styles...  The other guys are just jagoffs that are screwing the hobby over for personal gain.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Best Stormtrooper ????
« on: May 11, 2005, 03:10 AM »
TRU's they still appear in.  That's all I hear at this point though.

I'd like more myself...  Tough to come by for me, but our own Kneel Before Zod (Rob) has quite a hefty army. :)  He found lots.

I found that the biggest floodgate opening of them was when Wal-Mart clearanced the OTC/VOTC and stuff that never saw pegs at that store wound up hitting pegs for $7 or less!  I got 3 Stormies that way actually.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Jedi After Episode 3?
« on: May 11, 2005, 01:19 AM »
Canon is what Canon does and stuff...  I agree.  I'm just speaking hypothetically here, since the Jedi Knight storyline appeals to me... 

The only thing that I see that doesn't jive with Jedi surviving is their apparant lack of effort to help the Alliance...  Besides Ben's name being on some "911 list" for Leia, it seems odd that Jedi in seclusion/hiding wouldn't try fighting somehow...  Then again they seemed to not be terribly interested in galacitc politics, and if they're scattered without communication perhaps some feel it's best to just walk away from the situation and fade into obscurity...  Disillusionment with war, especially after basically losing, would seem a possible reason they'd not really want to fight on.

Conventions / Re: Pgh toy show
« on: May 11, 2005, 01:12 AM »
I truly hate our Toy Show for scalpers though...  It's turned into (well, it's this way every time STar Wars is on a "high" I guess) a scalper's delight...  $15-$20 Ephant Mon's on $3.99 KB cards, every ROTS figure you couldn't find was at the show last go-round...  Pisses me off sometimes.

I think the show is going to be smaller with them breaking it up, but I hope I'm wrong...  I'll be there, but for every Target Clone I see I'll feel like leaving a Cleveland Steamer on their tables.   ::)


Can you elaborate on the toy?  Is it a 3.75" thing or different?  I'm not super familiar with the Matrix films...  I remember their walker-type things that were like the mech suits in Aliens though...

I'd like taking one of those and using it simply for a mech suit in Star Wars...  this looks like it oculd be a good base.

Where'd you pick that up at if I may ask?

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Jedi After Episode 3?
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:22 PM »
I could see Jedi doing things OTHER than warring too...  Checking up on potential military fronts and whatnot...  investigating losses or "situations of interest".  There's a lotta Jedi but they dont' need to all be leading armies of course.

I liked the Rahn story, though little seems known about it.  Sad he gets offed like he does, by who he gets offed by, after surviving so long through even the Emperor's death...  It's like running the marathon think you're in first, only to find out someone was just out of your vision.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: This week in SW Comics.....
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:18 PM »
Nice!  Thanks Brad.

I'm gonna try my luck at one of the last comic houses in Pittsburgh (Phantom of the Attic) since it is on my one semi-routine toy run.  If that fails, it's off to Amazon to buy that and a few others (to make shipping worthy).

I like that bound format myself...  I like things being compiled in one book.  I need that for customs stuff too.  Good Juggernaught and Empire Era TE pictures.

Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC SW Miniatures (RPG/CMG/Clix)
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:13 PM »
For the scale-curious, the AT-AT looks spot-on...  Resources put it at 15m tall, which is inaccurate to even the films, so ignore that...  it's between 20 and 22 m tall in the films, and has many clear shots.

Eyeballing the pictures above (which have minis in them, great!), the AT-AT looks DEAD on in-scale.  It's one of the few things I'm sure I'm going to buckle down and pre-order.

The AT-ST I'm assuming will also then match up to the AT-AT and figures in scale...  Kudos to WOTC putting out some really quality pieces that minis gamers have wanted for YEARS.  Literally decades now.

The problem now is that the Alliance has many ass-whippings coming their way if they don't mount up some armor.  Most minis gamers have been fielding rebel (and Imperial) tanks for years...  Customs, kitbashes, whatever.  Time to bump up those numbers though with AT-AT's ont he move!  :)  Though mini gamers have been using Kenner AT-AT's anyway, but I digress.

That is sweet, thanks for the pics Brent...  I didn't get any good shots of it at the con so your picture more than makes up for it.  You rock man!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: To soft good or not to soft good?
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:07 PM »
There's a customizer out there who goes by the name of Findswoman...  She worked the FFURG booth at C3 for a while showing how to do quality softgoods customs, and she really does a great job.

If I am able to find a custom of hers I'll link it here...  She had some of her stuff on display at the booth during C3.  She really does top-notch work with fabrics on 3.75" figures (I'm pretty sure she works with 12" figures too but she shines with the 3.75" since it's not always an easy task). 

She had a Zuckuss (POTF2 I think) that was in the case...  If you'd seen this thing, you'd have WANTED softgoods on your figure even if you ardently oppose softgoods use.  The figure just looked tattered, worn, and perfect.  It was nicely done. 

I just never get over how Hasbro's Jedi robes ALWAYS suck.  They did that TC Mace right...  I can only imagine a whole robe in that fabric would look fantastic.  I'm one of the few who actually really enjoyed that figure for what it was....  Its robe was the best fabric ever.

A ROTS case-in-point about bad fabric though...  Take a look at Agen Kolar's skirt.  I dunno what they were going with (VOTC Obi's skirt is more the proper fabric, but is missing all the "layers" necessary for accuracy) on Kolar's skirt...  It's got the layers VOTC Obi's doesn't have, but the fabric is incredibly stiff.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: To soft good or not to soft good?
« on: May 10, 2005, 05:30 PM »
I'm loving ROTS because of the softgoods features...  Not exclusively, but they're a huge part anyway.

Case in point, Luminara Unduli and Shaak Ti are both the best "apology" figures from their Saga incarnations that I could fathom, short of ball/socket ankles and elbows (yeah, nothing's perfect).  A look at Luminara's skirt, and it's flawless.  It has texture that looks in-scale, it has ribs in it that look like folds in the fabric in-scale...  She's great, and it allows for one super poseable (mostly) Jedi.  I love that figure, and Shaak too.

Count Dooku, and his upcoming Evolutions version, both are, again, near flawless in my opinion.  Great figures.  

Ki-Adi has a great softgoods robe too, and makes for the best version of his figure so far.  He's fantastic.

I think cloth allowed this too...  It doesn't look bulky or puffy on any of these figures to me, and it fits perfectly.  I'd cite the Royal Guards, but they already have been mentioned.

At times it's good...  At times it's not so good.  I'm ok with certain figures (VOTC Yoda) because alongside him came the OTC Yoda...  You get the best of both really, at about the same time.  I actually like VOTC better I think just because it's the first really poseable Yoda...

I think ROTS has done well for cloth features though.  I think Saesee Tinn is a huge step forward compared to his Clone Wars version...  A little fabric glue though, and CW SaeSae Tinn looks pretty good too.  Sometimes the cloth just isn't great because they can't all be hand-sewn and have special attention paid.

Obi-Wan VOTC though...  That's bad softgoods robes.  You make that in a light/limp fabric like the "Total Control" Mace Windu's cloak though, and you have yourself a really REALLY nice removable cloth Jedi robe.  Sometimes it's more the quality material used than the idea that all soft goods look bad...  

The Prequel Trilogy / Jedi After Episode 3?
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:52 AM »
This is partly hypothetical, and there's partly some roots in EU here as well, but it's a question I've wondered since E3's been rolling around now and we know the inevitables that come of that film.

So my thought is, do any Jedi besides Obi-Wan and Yoda live in hiding on into the years of the Empire?

The films most likely imply nothing of the sort happening, but at least one instance in EU claims at least ONE Jedi lives on through the days of the Empire, likely in hiding, and even past ROTJ.

His name is Qu Rahn...  Just a bald human with a goatee, who is executed by the Dark Jedi Jerec in the Dark Forces storyline (In the game Jedi Knight).  He's a friend, and possibly was being hidden by, Kyle Katarn's father Morgan...  Anyway, the story there, whcih I personally love, has made me wonder what others have thought of Jedi escaping and going into hiding.

it seems that the Jedi are all over the galaxy...  It's likely that SOME are alone, and woudl be able to escape...  That's how I see it anyway.  I'm not sure if other stories exist of Jedi escaping and going into hiding other than Rahn...  Anyone know?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Enjoy The Next Few Days
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:39 AM »
I have 2 fond memories of Star Wars films as a kid...  Seeing The Empire Strikes Back at the Ford City Drive-In (someone with bookoo $$$'s front yard now), and seeing ROTJ at Cinema 3 that still is on the hill here... 

The SE's recaptured that for me, but as an adult I appreciated the night out with my friends that accompanied the films...  I'm so hyped for this film, I can't stand it. 

This year, VIP tickets at the biggest theater in Pittsburgh...  Night out with collecting buddies...  It's as good as it gets for me.  Even my gf's kids are hooked right now, and I'm gonna take her two sons and their buddy Austin to see it soon after it is out...  My first experience at making new SW fans I guess.

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