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Messages - Jesse James

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: Clone Trooper #6 - Worth Army Building
« on: April 11, 2005, 01:46 AM »
I figure I'm trying to spread it out over figs so I'm not so inclined to want 100 of the SA Clone coming.

I have YET to get any of the other Clones.  Just this #6 and the guards, but hopefully soon I'll get the others, and then find plenty of the SA Trooper too.  I want a lot of all of them at this point.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: How big is your army?
« on: April 11, 2005, 12:14 AM »
My dream is finding a bunch of people to go in on a case with me but who just want the officers.  I'd take every set of white clones for the case price (it's not too bad, like $6.25 or so per figure), but I don't need umpteen officers.   :-\

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday Broem and Bob!!
« on: April 10, 2005, 11:12 PM »
Happy birthday guys, what a time to have a b-day come and go what with all the new stuff out on the shelves. 

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: How big is your army?
« on: April 10, 2005, 11:00 PM »
I think some army builder cases should surface like this:

"Clone Case" that features Collection 1 Clone, TE Gunner, and Commander....

and a 2nd case that is a mix of Red/Blue guards, and a repaint of the preview Wookie Warrior.  I'd like a black furred one myself.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Holo Yoda?
« on: April 10, 2005, 10:59 PM »
I didn't even get out today for it...  Bummer.

I was just reading through and thought the same thought Jared.  The knee articulation wouldn't hinder the feature at all, especially since pressing the hips (or the point of the articulation) would negate any possibility of knees having a negative effect on the action feature working.

The knees would've only helped him slightly had they been articulated though.  His "short comings" beyond his height are a bit too much to be counter-balanced by the thought of his knees being more poseable.  It would've been nice though.  I'm not so sure my opinion of the headsculpt is as bad as at first, I dunno.  SOmething about it is off but something seems right too...  The skin tone's definitely different though, and I just noticed his head is kinda oblong and weirdly shaped because of the ball/socket joint. 

Oh well, I'm jonesin' for a new Mace figure somewhere down the road that is simply a nicely articulated figure, maybe with Agen Kolar robes, but at this point I'd take a cloth robe if it was made like Ki Adi Mundi's robe is.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: How big is your army?
« on: April 10, 2005, 03:29 AM »
Added a couple clones.

Love that Collection 1 clone even, I'm amazed really.

Now just to add more Wookies and Royal/Senate Guards...  And hopefully then find Clone Commanders, Pilots, and TE Gunners.  :(  Had I stopped at Target on the way tot he toy show today, I'd ahve cleaned up, but unfortunately I didn't and the next guy came through and got them... 

You live and learn.  I was in a hurry to meet my buds though, and then another guy from our group scored them!  Damn.  :(

Bought Mace opening day...  The concept is great, the execution didn't live up though.  Mine's limbs are wobbly over time, which sucks.  His shoulders do protrude awkwardly.  His skin tone is goofy the more I look at it, as is his expression.  I just don't see Sam Jackson there.

His legs have no real articulation (softgoods and bendable knees, regardless of a feature, would've helped), and ultimately I'd agree with the notion he's short as well...  with no neck seemingly.

I would, and this is sad but true, still rank him superior to every Jedi from Saga's initial release.  He's better than Shaak Ti, Luminara, Plo, Sae See, Kit Fisto, etc...  All from Saga.  He's an abysmal failure compared to any Collection 2 Jedi from ROTS though.

I'd love to see a Col. 2 Mace done utilizing mostly just parts from Kolar, or whatever.  Save a buck and reuse some parts Hasbro, that's fine, but just deliver a better ROTS Mace.  Hell deliver a single GOOD Mace.  That would be amazing in and of itself since he's yet to get a truly great figure.

Conventions / Re: Pgh toy show
« on: April 10, 2005, 03:23 AM »
I wound up wiht extras of the Outlander wave for $5 each, a couple E1 battledroids for $3-ish each.  I got an IMp. officer (blonde variant) for $5 as well.

I got two beast/junk thingies for customizing.  One's going to be a neat Stormtrooper mount on a swamp planet with another one (it's actually dino bones of some sort) I'll use for a diorama piece.

Got a G.I. Joe I wanted for $8 just for his one accessory thing.  Very cool piece I plan to use for customs.

Nabbed a couple ROTS figs on the way home but nothing special.

Didn't buy much, just wnet home dead-ass tired and slept most of the evening.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Picture Thread
« on: April 8, 2005, 10:36 PM »
That shot of Coruscant, especially towards the bottom there, looks like the Death Star's surface.

Almost intentional maybe?

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: How big is your army?
« on: April 8, 2005, 07:27 PM »
The Sneak Preview Wookie Warrior?  Or are the 41-44 figures showing up already?

It's just the sneak preview wookie (I think, I haven't picked them up off her yet) Rob...  I never got too many of him and I'm wanting to nab more actually, so that's how he snuck into there.  My area's pretty dry on preview wave figures though.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: April 8, 2005, 07:25 PM »
Yeah I was thinking a headswap may be in order too.  I'm not terribly displeased with the Anakin and Obi, but if anything comes of this I now would like more realistic CW figures...

The paint on those examples is definitely hand-painted (not even very well might i add) so I wouldn't expect the final ones to look that way.  Sadly though, the hand-painted copies often look BETTER than the production samples, so that has me a tad worried that Anakin and Obi are really gonna blow when we see the final figures.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: April 8, 2005, 11:42 AM »
No Clone - Stormie, but judging by the pic of Vader I can only imagine the coolness that could be an E2 & 3 Clone, and then a Stormie. 

That Anakin looks very figure-licious.


BTW, at the same time, it takes balls the size of church bells to EVER re-release that Geonosis Arena Mace.  I mean, whatever guy at Hasbro said "Let's put this guy back into circulation!" must walk like John Wayne with the sack he's lugging around. 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Super Rare Royal Guard Auction....
« on: April 8, 2005, 11:41 AM »
Well with all caps replies, you know she's trying to drive a point home.  Perhaps she's onto something Rob....  you newbie.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum Spam Mail? WTF???
« on: April 8, 2005, 11:17 AM »
Well I just wanted to post in it one last time and gloat because I can.  So bite me.

Oh, and I was unbanned at Scum but I'm taking a break, for a possibly extended period...  I figured it pertinent to update my status though, and "play fair" with that.  I was unbanned a couple days ago but too busy to get on letting anyone know.

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