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Messages - Jesse James

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Middle Earth / Re: LOTR Trilogy Figures
« on: December 19, 2004, 08:36 PM »
If it's just the armored troll, with the chain, TRU had those here...  I picked one up when I saw it because they'd had a bunch, then were down to one, so I wanted one...  Far superior to the first troll (much better quality materials).

The Fell's something that rarely showed here, but I did see ONE not too long ago.  that thing was just not common...

On a LOTR note for me, I picked up a prologue elf because A) I never got one for myself, but rather for my brother...  and B) I've now seen him like 3 times repacked, so I figured  I'd get one for me. 

This is also the first figure I've seen, that was sorta new (wasn't there the last time I was there anyway) at any store in a long time other than the few figures I did get my brother for X-Mas.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Dusty Trail Toys new "Wild West" Line
« on: December 19, 2004, 08:33 PM »
I'd like to see ANY pics.  You guys got any scanners? :)

Civil War...  Could you guys imagine?

LA Tiger ZOuaves,
NY Zouaves
Federal Sharpshooters
PA soldiers (I'd dig that)
Maine Troops
NY Irish Brigade Troops
Confdederate regulars
Navy (How cool would some federal seamen look?)

Maybe figures of Grant, Lee, Stuart, Jackson, McLellan, Sherman, Burnside, Pickett...

Hell I'd take a Lincoln and Davis even...  A John Wilkes Booth...  I'd be all over that era like white on rice.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Nemoidian Soldier
« on: December 19, 2004, 08:23 PM »
When I posted that though, I did so more for the image behind the custom, haha (I'd actually not even realized the custom was a Neimodian soldier...  whoops).  The soldier picture behind him's the one from Insider though I think.  They were the reserves being used by the Separatist forces when battledroid lines fell or something, I dunno.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: December 19, 2004, 04:47 AM »

I'm gettin' that squishy feeling in my naughty bits...

And feeling dirty too.  Yow!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: South Park Appreciation Thread
« on: December 19, 2004, 03:46 AM »
Oh my...

I missed this past week's episode but caught it this very early morning (3 a.m., yikes) after helping my girl with her X-Mas shopping.

Great episode...  Christmas Critters.

 I was really perplexed by the whole thing till it cut to Cartman...  I'll leave it at that incase you've not caught it yet, but it's a great episode.  Santa kicking ass in a South Park episode once again.

This more than made up for last weeks sorta "eh" episode.  Very funny, very creative...  Not breaking anyone's balls in the public limelight, but just a funny X-Mas episode.  Great stuff, and very true to the Mr. Hanky intro episode in just being original, weird, and extremely funny. :)

Other Toy Lines / Re: Dusty Trail Toys new "Wild West" Line
« on: December 19, 2004, 03:40 AM »
The only one?  Hah!

I scoff at you Paul!  :)

Actually, I'd dig outlaws as a sub-series...

-Billy the Kid...  Hell, even a series of "Young Guns" that fleshes out the other "regulators".

-My namesake...  Jesse James.  I'd dig a younger version when he was doing a lotta his work, and an older version when he was shot.

-Cole & Frank Younger
-Frank James
-Arkansas Dave Routabah

I'd love some Native American figures too...  Much needed, much appreciated if they're accurate.

If I can get this toy mag they're pictured in, I'll see what I can dig up and post here Paul. 

If it's in the Star Wars scale, has great features like removable hats/headgear and working holsters (ala the old Butch & Sundance and Lone Ranger lines), then I'm all over this line...  Articulation sounds good already.

I just hope it's accurate and realistic...  Even if it isn't using names.

I'd dig it if they delved into Civil War too...  Take the extra step and start cranking out figures from one of the most popular eras in American history.  I think that line would take off like a rocket given the already HUGE market they have going for it.  Toy Soldier fans would eat that alive...  They say 1:6 ventures into the Civil War era are HUGELY successful.

I'm jonesin' for more already.

Hell, I want a Custer figure to make as a Star Wars custom...  Have him surrounded by indigenous, hostile, aliens.  :)

Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC SW Miniatures (RPG/CMG/Clix)
« on: December 18, 2004, 08:37 AM »
What a crock of **** dude.

What's with the name too...  NeoToys sounds familiar, but I don't ebay much so is he a forum member or something somewhere?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday jokabofe!!
« on: December 18, 2004, 07:44 AM »
then early to bed (I hope), so I can get up again tomorrow morning for another long day of work.  :-\

Eh, tis the season huh?  :(  Try to take it easy man, and have fun this holiday...  Don't work too hard!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Tarkin
« on: December 18, 2004, 02:31 AM »
Interesting point Scott...

I can see it, however I see Vader/Tarkin as being buddy/buddy almost...  Tarkin's line of "old friend" to Vader implies some history there that I kinda dig about the two of them.  It implies a powerful presence to Tarkin in my view...  One of the reasons I find the character one of the most intriguing of the entire Star Wars universe.

He's powerful, but not as powerful as a Jedi/Sith...  He's merely powerful through natural ability/intellect.  That's kinda what Zahn threw at us with Thrawn...  A powerful character through intellect, experience, and self-confidence.  Your average "man" who excels...  A Patton, Rommel, Lee, or Alexander, or Caeser of his time...

I always dig that in those characters. 

Tarkin's almost more evil than Vader when you think about it...  At least Vader had an excuse.  Tarkin was just a natural born dick head.  Gotta respect that. :)

Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC SW Miniatures (RPG/CMG/Clix)
« on: December 17, 2004, 06:20 AM »
speaking of desperately seeking stuff...

Are you guys building up armies of extras of these figures?

I know a guy looking for Tusken raiders (any and all) to game with...  I know I'd kind of dig army builders (Any and all) from the series too.

If anybody's got these things to spare, hit me up with a PM.  I'd like to buy in large groups than individuals though.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday jokabofe!!
« on: December 17, 2004, 05:45 AM »
Man, you guys are as old as my oldest brother...  Sheesh.  Guess I gotta get you all geritol for X-Mas huh?

I'd do the hove-a-rounds for you guys this year but I just can't afford it for all.  Maybe a communal one you guys share.  :)

Toy Reviews / RAT Continues: Jon "Dutch" Vander (Gold Leader)
« on: December 17, 2004, 04:21 AM » is proud to present our first ever Review-A-Thon...  It's a way we're going to clean out some old reviews we've got backlogged and get a little something for you, the viewer, to read over theholidays.

Today I'm picking up where the Yavin Wave had left off in my single reviews on the main page...  It's taken some time, but we're cleaing these out, and tonight's figure is the "Dutch" Vander (Gold Leader) Figure from the Yavin Wave.

"Dutch" was one of the figures I truly was surprised to see come out, and I was doubly surprised to see the ammount of detail and attention paid to an otherwise obscure pilot.  WE've gotten a few of those over the years, but for the most part they've been pretty simple, and at this point most of them are pack-ins that really (frankly) suck.

Not old "Dutch" though...  The whiney Y-Winger in the trench complaining that his wingmen needed to "loosen up!" and then he got creamed!

Still, did Hasbro achieve perfection?  No...  Once again the figure suffers from an odd decision to articulate certain parts without articulating others...  Another unbalanced figure articulation-wise then. 

And no waist articulation!?  Come on! 

Nonetheless I'm ranking Dutch the best pilot figure to-date for a number of reasons.  You'll just have to read the review and come share your opinions here with us then, to find out just why I give him this rating!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday jokabofe!!
« on: December 17, 2004, 12:20 AM »
Hey Dave, happy Birthday man...  9 chances out of 10 you're in bed, tired from work, but hope you're trying to have a good one man!

Take it easy, and let the Star Wars goodies flow for you!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: MTV's "Real World" Educational?
« on: December 16, 2004, 11:07 PM »
One can hope...  Ratings!

The boat thing was absurd.  Why even go to a city like that if you're afraid of boats?  Duh! 

You don't go to Pittsburgh if you can't go over a bridge, ya know?

That girl was the whackjob of that show though, so digging for reasons is a futile effort I'm sure.  She was constantly crying, whining, bitching, fighting, and generally was the pot-stirrer for that season. 

Unfortunately the pot-stirrers always are the ones that go home early. :(

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: MTV's "Real World" Educational?
« on: December 16, 2004, 07:10 PM »
I like the conflict mostly...  That's what made Puck's season so great.

That said, I dont' really rate the show high ever, but watchable.  I much more enjoy the Real World/Road Rules challenge show that's on right now...  I love watching the girls argue incessantly, while the guys have dominated the games for the most part, and also kept their collective crap together.

It's very telling about differences in the sexes I think...

My "educational" remark was obviously sarcasm though, towards the series...  That phobia crap just kind of astonished me.

1) the girl with this "phobia" or fear of handicapped/disabled people is nothing more than discrimination.  The irony there is that the girl with the feelings is black...  One would think she'd be more open-minded then. 

You can't FEAR a group of people to me.  She treats them like disabled people scare her on some level, and she (and I quote) "can't deal with them".  If you are that way, you have a problem beyond a Phobia, yet in the show they were all consoling her and trying to be understanding...

I guess my question was, why are the disabled allowed to be feared, but if it were a minority it would've simply been racism?  If it'd been the guy that goes out every week to get laid that's on the show saying "Ya know, I just can't deal with gays, they scare me", then the gay guy (I think 2 of them are gay maybe) would've said to him, "You're a homophobe!", and they'd be right I believe.

Same as if that dude would've said, "Ya know, black people are scary so I can't deal with them...  It's my phobia".  WTF!?  That's racism, not a phobia. 

I guess my post was more a venting thing about the hypocracy of the people who do grace that series...  Racism's a constant argument on that show, and almost a given in every season that SOMEONE's going to fight about that subject at some point...

Yet, someone has a self-described "phobia" of physically or mentally handicapped people, and it's a "fear", or "phobia" to everyone...  Not discrimination against people who are different, just an accepted "fear" of them.

Flabbergasted by the stupidity perhaps?  I believe that's what prompted my topic here more than anything...  Maybe it's because I have a neice who's disabled, or because my own health's not the best in the world...  I'm just disgusted that it was so acceptable of her to be so stupid.

I could've slapped that girl across the face like Terrance & Philip did to Brooke Shields in the South Park movie though.  I so wanted to.

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