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Messages - Jesse James

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Other boards
« on: May 30, 2003, 02:50 AM »
JF you got banned?

hahahahahahaha :)

Sorry, I had to laugh...  Hey, it's funny you spoke your mind on it in one form or another though...  I personally never dealt with the trader/sale forums over there so I didn't know.  I did hear about the various people complaining about a "No non-SW items" rule though.  And I do think that's a bogus rule...

I could see if it were people selling ONLY non SW stuff, or were regularly offering up various non-SW things with very little SW stuff ever.  It needed monitoring...

Guess RS decided they'd monitor it perminantly by just axing it all together...  Oh well.   :-\

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: New Jedi Academy ScreenShots
« on: May 30, 2003, 02:36 AM »
I'm personally one to only do FPS's on PC...  That's my platform of choice for a few types of games (Strategy, FPS, Flight Sim)...  I do prefer consoles for racing and "arcade shooters" like Rogue Squadron's series though.

To me, the keyboard/mouse gives you and insane ammount of freedom and customizeability over what a console's controller offers for thhis type of game.  the need to have things come up at the touch of one button is great often times, especially in multi-play, so I think PC is the best route to go generally.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Other boards
« on: May 30, 2003, 12:37 AM »
That's funny MisterPL because there were a couple times you'd said something in reply to a bad post, and I pretty much just laughed out loud after reading it.

All I could say then was "Can't improve on perfection" so I walked away...

Some of those topics I just can't get involved in.  Namely the political topics.  There's so many lies, half-truths, stretching of the truth, and blatantly stupid things being said in those that I just ignore them.

Those are the types of threads that were better left untouched...  I'd have been kicked out long ago.

So who got banned from Scum, Josheee?  That's funny...  People who SHOULD be banned don't get it, then some obscure person gets the permanent boot.

I've seen people who've been registered as long as I have, who do nothing but stir up trouble in every post they make, yet they are still allowed to be there.  Go figure.

Like I said, I float by just to read up...  Sometimes post, but even that I've changed somewhat.  I did post in the "Little Known Facts" thread in regards to some misinformation about D-Day...  Only because I find the correct answer to things in our history as being somewhat important.

And of course I'm always up for a good "Explain this..." debate in the classic trilogy forum. :)

The Wookiee Arcade / New Jedi Academy ScreenShots
« on: May 30, 2003, 12:28 AM »

Check it out folks...  Lotsa fun for everyone!

While I'm disappointed to see a game that may not have improvements on blaster/ranged weapons, I still think the game looks sweet.

The screen of the docked ship at a Tatooine-Esque spaceport is VERY nice work.

Take note that the Jedi are wearing "Hoth Rebel" uniforms while on that cold weather planet...  Pretty nice attention to detail.

If I have a variety to choose from sure...

For instance I was at the mall today, and hit TRU looking for the impy 4-pack.  I got it, and there were like 7 there.  I checked all 7 and was narrowing it down one at a time...  I got one with a good AT-ST driver paint job whose helmet's slightly tilted.  Personally I liked the tilted helmet BTW, as it gives him a natural look.

Sometimes you don't have a choice though...  If that's the case I just buy what is available to me.

The Impy Officer I saw enough times (Not the new ones) to have a choice at first...  After I saw them a few times I didn't care what their faces looked like, I just wanted what they had.  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Other boards
« on: May 28, 2003, 06:08 PM »
I float around occassionally to a few different boards, though the only 2 I check regularly are here at (of course) and

I used to float over to often, but now it's about once a week...  GH is alright, but loads entirely too slow for my taste, and the board has little traffic really...  

Scum I read now more than post...  

Sometimes things just BEG me to reply to them though, like someone recently posting "Well Star Wars figures are bought by kids more than G.I. Joe, so that's why SW figures have rubbery weapons".

I like Star Wars too, but let's call a spade a spade and realize that Hasbro's just cheap here...  Joe's been outperforming the SW license for some time now I believe.  It's a shame people just can't admit their favorite toy line maybe isn't dominating the toy industry like they'd like it to though.

Scum's full of posts like that anymore though, and arguments, and fights, and general tedious nuisance junk that really just makes it not worth getting involved sometimes.  Thus my migrating over here was not a difficult decision.

I generally don't post that much on forums at all though anymore...  No time it seems.  Not like I had in the past when I could type out a 3 page relpy to someone being completely foolish in a topic.

Anyway, I also sometimes pop into.......

This is Ground Pounder's 21st Century Toys X-Treme Detail website/forum...  All forms of small (Under 1:6) scale military toys are discussed there though, even Star Wars (Since it has a military theme).  Mostly just XD (and their 32X) though, or A18 (Dragon's line) or BBi's Elite Force 1:18.

Sometimes I run over to also...  This site is dedicated to the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight/Mysteries of the Sith/ Jedi Outcast series of games, and the editing/modding community that goes with them.  You'll find add-on levels and such for your games there...  It's predominantly single-player though, as multi-player has a large separate community and SP is grossly overlooked.

If you want the most out of your game though, check it out because there's some GREAT add-on levels to games that have come out...  I'd say the better add-ons are VERY superior in overall quality to what Lucasarts themselves put out.  And the good ones are like mini-games unto themselves really.  

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Please Clue in the Clueless...
« on: May 28, 2003, 05:56 PM »
Yeah, there's a level of "dumb" to it at first, but when you realize what he's doing it's quite funny...

For instance when Ali's talking to the narcotics guy, who is trying to send his "Say No" message, but Ali keeps bringing up using drugs and how to do it without getting caught...

And I mean he has Newt Gingrich on for god's sake!  He doesn't get low level guests...  But, WTF were their publicist's thinking when "Da Ali G" show asked them to be on?

His round table discussions are great because they're just a 3-ring circus of him basically making fun of the guest's various views.  They don't get it and one even got up and stormed away from the set.

It's definately a funny show once you realize what's going on...  I too was confused at first.  I guess that guy's been around in GB for some time though.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: New Saga 4-packs: Love 'em or hate 'em?
« on: May 28, 2003, 05:46 PM »
My opinion on the sets isn't changing too much, though hearing some negative things about the QUALITY of the Imperial set has sort of put a sour taste in my mouth.   :-\

The Imperial set had the most appeal to me as an army builder, since the AT-ST (Imperial Army Regular) driver is sorely in need of a better sculpt, and that sorta fit the bill.  The R4 astromech is always welcome, and of course stormtroopers can never be turned away.  The Vader's sort of dejecting though, and just like the upcoming Saga Snowtrooper...  WHY THE CANNON!?  I have umpteen of those things already, I'm all repeating blastered out here.

The BH set has the least appeal to me, as has been pointed out by a few others...  The swoop bike is a nice improvement over the SOTE swoop, but it's tough to justify buying 4 figures I already have for the bike...  Like others have said though, if the deco on each figure is greatly improved I could maybe see it, but I'm just not so sure on that...  I mean, nobody in the set can even ride the swoop, can they?  

The Hoth set's title is a tad misleading...  When I hear "Battle of Hoth", I don't expect what's given in the package.  While the Taun Taun w/Guts is a nice addition for sure, the Hoth Luke, Lame Hoth Leia and astromech make it tough to stomach...

Now, had they made a "Major Derlin" variation out of a Luke figure (w/new head), and replaced Leia with a semi retooled Hoth footsoldier (Change the legs somehow and give use the upper body of the Deluxe soldier with Saga Han's arms) then I maybe would've been excited over this set.  The astromech's not bad (But why not use R3-T7's body since it's better?) and the Taun Taun is ok, so I'll likely be more excited about this one than the BH set...

No matter what though, this 4-pack idea...  Just like the Cantina Sets and accessory sets...  isn't being given the best treatment, and Hasbro could've done better with the execution of these.

As always, Hasbro has nice ideas that they bungle in one way or another...  From the army-building 4-packs in white boxes to these.  There's always some lil screw-up that makes them not as cool as they COULD have been.

Too bad...

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Should Hasbro re-release the Eopie?
« on: May 28, 2003, 05:35 PM »
I'd pick up 1 or 2 depending on cost and availability...  They seemed like a plentiful beast on Tatooine so they'd be great for any Tat. diorama I believe.

A packaging change wouldn't bother me at all since I open them, but I could see carded/boxed guys going nuts over that.  

I'd prefer just a basic re-release of it myself, except the packaging change...  No new figures.  Just the original QGJ.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Saga A-wing
« on: May 26, 2003, 06:46 PM »
I'm surprised you didn't care for the A-Wing in any incarnation Dimetrodon...

I've been happy with all of mine actually.

It's to-scale (My biggest complaint of SW vehicles)

It has great detail, even for a modern vehicle (Seat pads in the cockpit, poprivets on the armor plating, etc...)

It has working landing gear that don't collapse under its weight, and the cockpit functions well (with a hidden button).

And both of the modern versions have a figure...  Albeit neither has a great figure, but the new one's figure is not too shabby.

I'm pretty content with that...  I'm not into lights and sounds myself though.  I just want something accurately scaled (It's possible, just look at XD's to-scale WW2 vehicles), and detailed well.  

How'd you break two vintage ones?  Yikes!  There goes a hundred a piece now, haha.    ;D

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Cantina Wave 2 Sets a No Go
« on: May 23, 2003, 03:45 PM »
Is Brian's Toys the only ones selling these right now?

Or is someone else taking pre-orders for possibly cheaper?

I'm pondering plunking the cash down just so I'm sure I get them...

Sucks though, because I was planning on buying at least 2 of each figure for customizing.  This was the best wave for customs that they had coming out...

Way to go Hasbro, you screwed the collecting community once again!  :)  If that's your business plan, you're doing a rock solid job.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Saga A-wing
« on: May 23, 2003, 03:41 PM »
I'd love to have 3 of these for a small flight of the Green Squadron ship.

With how Target is though, I may only wind up with one, if that even.  They're an unreliable store in my area, as far as exclusives go.

The Arvel figure is nice and unique...  He'll go nicely on the shelf with the old Arvel figure.

Either way though, I still want a PROPER Arvel Crynyd released on the card...  With the proper uniform, with proper chest box, and proper helmet...  And the proper race.

Arvel was just a white dude, not the Asian chap Hasbro's mistakenly made...  The first pack-in pilot had poor details on the uniform (got the color right though) and the second pack-in is based off the improperly named/designated Y-Wing pilot from ROTJ that came in the 3-pack.

Ship looks great though...  I wonder what the white box is that the helmet is on though.  That's odd.  Could it be some generic Hangar accessory?  Or just cardboard and part of the packaging?

Vintage Kenner / Re: Double Telescoping Lightsaber Darth Vader
« on: May 23, 2003, 01:16 AM »
I got my DT Luke years ago...  Even then it was pricey for me, so now with more bills and my modern collecting I really can't even consider things like $1400 figures.  Someday I'm sure though.  They'll still be there and be for sale...

To me, it's not just something you can buckle down and say you're gonna get when you have things like car costs weighing over you...  I just got a T-Bird SC, and it was all I could do to get that...  And I actually NEED a car.  :)

Unless Ben & Vader DT can carry me to school in 45 minutes...  Chicks just wouldn't dig that as much though.

Power of the Jedi / Re: Best POTJ Fig?
« on: May 22, 2003, 10:03 PM »
POTJ had some of the hands down most AWESOME figures of the modern line.

None were perfect, and none were of the quality of lines like X-Treme Detail, but Hasbro came DARN close a few times.

My tops would be:

1) Imperial Officer (And his Saga head variants)
2) Bespin Capture Han Solo
3) Bespin Security Guard
4) Sandtrooper (Didn't like him as much at first, but the 4-pack's helped change my opinion)
5) Tessek
6) R2-Q5
7) Bo Shek
8 ) R4-M9
9) Zutton
10) FX-7
11) Teebo
12) Amanaman
13) Mon Cal Crewman
14) K-3PO

Those are just some of my favorites...  I think POTJ blew Saga away in overall GOOD figures and better quality.  Price was higher though...  $5.99 was what I got most of the POTJ for myself, sometimes cheaper.

Some of those figures are in my top 10 all time from Hasbro I really think...

Hasbro's seemingly incapable of making perfection though...  At least they feel it's not worth the effort anyway.  They're SO close on some of those though, like Bespin Capture Han, Bespin Guard, and the Sandtrooper...

You add 4 points of articulation to each of those figures, and you've got something I feel is on-par with an X-D figure in overall perfection...  Even if XD still outdoes them in the articulation department.  

And no, the Fleet Trooper doesn't make my list...  It's still a weak figure. :)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: HOT prices at KB Toys!
« on: May 21, 2003, 03:26 AM »
Hey Metal Jedi!

You wouldn't be the same chap I'm making a purchase from over at would you?

Either way I'm glad ya jumped over here to, but it's even better if you're the great guy helping me get something I've had the toughest time finding!

Welcome to the site no matter what, and hope this becomes your forum of choice.  :)

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